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Realistic or Modern ⋆.˚🦋༘⋆


ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭* ੈ‧₊❀˖°

꼭 같이 가줄래? 그곳이 어디든.
이토록 우리는 함께일까?

yet another, by triples & uxie

dear butterfly,


찬찬히 너를 두 눈에 담아

cho yuna.


a simple


bbq restaurant

The last cool breezes of spring were finally giving way to summer, and Yuna wondered how many seasons had passed since she'd graduated from high school. It felt like it had happened a lifetime ago — the most tumultuous and yet, the happiest moments of her life, and then eight years had gone by in the blink of an eye. She wondered if the Yuna from back then could recognise her now.

She wondered if she'd be disappointed at how lonely she was.

Then again, it wasn't as if she'd had all that many friends back then either, but she had been much more content then. The work of the small few she dared to hold close, who had coloured her life with their spiritedness and love; in those eight years, she had inadvertently left all of them behind. Perhaps it was shame she was feeling instead of anticipation today, or maybe it was fear that they would not look upon her as kindly as they did before.

And if she were there, she might treat her as nothing more than a friendly stranger. How could she not be afraid? That much had not changed about her, at least.

The trepidation threatened to swallow her whole as she stepped into the restaurant, familiar faces dotting the large crowd gathered around the centre of the room. Against her conscious judgment, she knew she was looking for someone — her wide eyes; her maybe longer-than-before hair, because she'd always talked about growing it out after school. Her search turned up empty, and she fought the way her heart sank in her chest.

"Yuna, you made it!" Her old class representative greeted her with a quick hug, shooting her a wide smile that Yuna returned apprehensively. Kim Gyeri's present look lived up to expectations of the model student, dressed like she'd just hopped off work, her smile always cheery in that professional way. They'd never been the closest, but it was nice that she looked well.

"Thank you for the invite,"
she began, her voice sounding embarrassingly timid to her own ears,
"I hope organising wasn't too difficult."

A pause, as hesitation weighed on her heart.
It seemed disconcerting to ask this, but the question nagged at her.
"Do you know if— Is Yubi..."

Understanding split across Gyeri's features in an instant. "Is Yubi coming? I think so?"

"She is!" Jin-ah's voice chimed in without missing a beat, just as she came to loop her arm around Gyeri's. The two class representatives seemed close as ever, and she felt the slightest sting in her chest. "Nice to see you again, Yuna." Another practised smile.

"But, yeah, she texted me this morning to confirm it."

The sting grew sharper, and her fingers tightened imperceptibly around the strap of her bag. Something about the fact that the other girl had Yubi's contact, but the number saved in her contact had long been disconnected. "You two used to be really close, right? You must be looking forward to seeing her again."

Her gaze darted away, and then back to the pair before her.
she replied softly,
"For sure!"

There was no lie in her words, only a waver of doubt in her voice. She took in a breath, slowly.


밤하늘의 별을 이어 널 그리는걸

hong yubi.




bbq restaurant

Yubi was late; this was nothing new. It was like a curse, in fact. No matter how early she left or well she prepared, something, somehow, would crush her dreams of punctuality. A stomach ache, a misplaced item, an old lady who really needed help. Or, like today, a long, drawn-out debate against Google Maps.

Summer was setting in, her feet still were aching from yesterday's night shift, and she was shuffling back & forth the same two streets once again. Turn left, Google begged. But she was almost certain turning left would just lead her back to where she was five minutes ago.

Or not?

A notification inserted itself into the heated argument, snapping Yubi out of her directional dilemma. The frown creasing her brows immediately eased. Take your time, it read, in the proper way that Lee Jin-ah preferred to text, we're waiting for you!

Her eyes curved in a quiet smile. The wave of anxiety, which had been building since she'd impulsively replied to the invitation, subsided just the slightest.

Yubi was worried; this was also nothing new. She was worried about what to wear, what to say, how to act. Worried that she might have changed too much, worried that she changed too little. That, either way, they — she, a tiny voice quipped — would notice.

Now, she let a soft sigh escape, as she turned left down the alley. This was a good decision, she reminded herself, more genuinely than before, it'll be nice to meet them all again. As if it had been waiting for her to make up her mind, the signboard she'd been searching desperately for appeared in her vision, just across the street, buzzing with the muted sound of laughter.

And as she walked towards it, the first thought came to mind, as it often did: This place looks expensive. The wave swells again.

She blinked at the sudden call, looking away from the decor to the middle row. The class was gathered, a crowd of vaguely familiar figures, already absorbed in their chatter. Her hand tightened around her phone.

She had found what she was looking for — but her eyes grew more restless, flickering from one face to another.

"Yubi, here!"
Gyeri's voice, drew her fluttering attention. First, to the very center where a group of girls stood, then to Gyeri and Jin-ah huddled together, waving her over. Then, past them, to her.

Her, the clearest face in the crowd. The tall figure that made her look short in every class picture, the name most featured in her memories of her high school years. The one in the polaroid, taken mid-laugh, that she'd kept in her wallet for the longest time. That she still kept.

"Oh my god."
Yubi's eyes lit up, her gaze finally settled, as a sheepish smile broke into something much brighter. A sharp gasp, followed by an excited squeal, like she was the same sunny kid she was at 18.

"Ya, Cho Yuna!"
Crossing the distance between them without a second thought, Yubi reached out all too naturally to pull the girl into a hug. Her reservations about the reunion seemed to melt away, replaced by the gladness of seeing someone you missed, as she held onto the embrace a touch too long.

It was only when she noticed how stiff Yuna had become that she came a little to her senses. Why didn't you text me? Her own question reminded her how she already knew the answer. A lost phone, a lost phone number — and the sense of distance that made it feel impossible to recover.

Yubi stepped back, taking in the familiar features, beautiful as ever but frozen in surprise. Her mood cooled, though her hands lingered on Yuna's shoulders. Still, her tone kept its cheerful lilt.
"It's been way too long."

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찬찬히 너를 두 눈에 담아

cho yuna.


a simple


bbq restaurant

"Cho Yuna!"

The familiar voice made her freeze, a breath hitched in her throat. She willed herself to turn, to glance over her shoulder and see a face she'd so sorely missed.

Look now. Look at her. Don't you want to see her?

It was as her shoulder began to angle itself towards the door that Yuna found herself swept into a tight hug before she could even get a good look at the other girl's face. Her arms flailed uselessly, stuck indecisively between returning the hug and staying stubbornly by her side. Her hands hovered over Yubi's back before they finally, finally pressed gently against the cotton of her shirt. The warmth of the embrace was an unfamiliar feeling, and Yuna could feel an ache beginning to form in her chest — she could not tell whether it was guilt, yearning, or something else entirely.

And suddenly, Yubi had released her. She'd taken a step back, and Yuna found her eyes immediately darting across her old friend's face, gaze tracing over each feature with careful precision. The beaming smile, the familiar curve of her eyes that made them so nice to look at when she laughed.

Quickly, methodically, diligently; like it might be the last chance she would have to see her former best friend's face again.

"It's been way too long."

A hand reached up to cover Yubi's own that sat gently on her shoulder. Two fingers closed loosely around her wrist, an all-too-familiar hold.

She felt like crying a little.

she answered softly,
"It has been."
A smile had found its way onto her lips, genuine and, perhaps, baring a little too much of the emotions that swirled in her chest.

"How have you been doing? You..."
She paused, the question sitting apprehensively on her tongue. Where did you go? She didn't know if she mattered enough anymore to ask it. Maybe if she'd tried harder to ask around, to find her, she'd have been worthy of saying it aloud.

Instead, her voice came out quiet, somewhat ashamed.
"I didn't know how to contact you."

"Yuna, Yubi! Come sit!"

She turned to where Jin-ah had already taken a seat, gesturing wildly for them to follow, and then her gaze returned apprehensively to her friend. Did she ask if they could sit together? Or was she allowed to assume that was what her old friend wanted? Her fingers were still wrapped around Yubi's wrist, and she supposed she could be selfish, once more. Tugging her along gently, she pulled Yubi to the set of chairs opposite Jin-ah and Gyeri, offering another smile as they sat.

she began, swallowing down her nervousness. Her mind searched for a topic that wouldn't come off as simple small talk for someone she'd held as close as a sister once, something worthy of a reunion after 8 years; she could find none of the right words.
"What have you been up to? Did you just come back to Seoul?"

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밤하늘의 별을 이어 널 그리는걸

hong yubi.




bbq restaurant

Reality settled in along with the ensuing silence as they took their seats, with little but the sound of meat grilling to fill the space between them. Had Yubi been in a more introspective frame of mind, she might have thought of how sad it was to sit beside someone you once told everything and have nothing real to say.

But in the moment — fortunately, or otherwise — the most pressing issue was how not to make Yuna feel as awkward as she was beginning to.

she tried to start, but the dryness of her throat turned the word into a hoarse whisper that went unheard. She swallowed, in the process inhaling a generous whiff of barbecue smoke.
"What have you been up to?"
Yuna got the jump on making conversation amidst Yubi's mute struggle,
"Did you just come back to Seoul?"

"Oh, actually-"
The cough she'd been holding in escaped in a rebellious fit, cutting her off. She reached for the first drink she saw, only to be met with the stinging, bittersweet taste of soju. A soft blush grew on pale cheeks.
"I've, uhm, I've been back for a couple months!"

She took a slower second sip, licking her lips as they returned to a sheepish smile.
"Just been busy, you know, settling down."
Settling down was an overstatement, of course. Yubi thought back to the questionable motel her luggage still remained half-packed in. Another sip; her first cup down.

"What about you?"
She turned the focus away from herself, eyes running across Yuna again — the expensive clothes, the put-together look. The grace that she sat with. Yubi's guts did a weird twist. She couldn't tell if it was reminder of their distance or just the alcohol before having any food.

It's the latter, Yubi. She grabbed her pair of chopsticks, dragging her attention onto the grill. Picking up a sizzling slice of beef, she placed it gently onto Yuna's bowl, before going in once more for her own. With a renewed animation, she continued,
"What are you up to? You-"

A tap on her shoulder made her turn towards Gyeri, alerting her to just how completely she'd been facing Yuna. She accepted the refill of soju with a cheery thanks and not much thought, before turning back to finish her remark,
"You look so good!"


찬찬히 너를 두 눈에 담아

cho yuna.


a simple


bbq restaurant

Yuna didn't know if she was overthinking the brevity of Yubi's words. Perhaps she was too caught up in past memories, where she had been so accustomed to her rambles that she'd half expected her to launch into a spiel about what she'd been up to. Yubi had always had so much to say, and Yuna had always been so content — that was their dynamic. But perhaps her talkative nature had faded over the years. If only she had grown more talkative in the meantime.

"What about you?"
She murmured a soft word of thanks as she was gifted a piece of meat, her eyes still following Yubi's hands as they deftly snatched up one for herself.
"What are you up to? You—"

Her smile faltered as Yubi's attention was pulled to her right, and it was with mild dejectedness that Yuna reached for her own set of chopsticks to begin eating her food. When the other girl turned back, her posture straightened again.

"You look so good!"

The smile returned to her features, though it didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Nothing much,"
Since you left, she decided against adding,
"I teach at a ballet studio every once in a while. Otherwise, it's been quite monotonous."

Her eyes passed over Yubi's face, noting the beginnings of a flush spreading across her cheeks. She didn't know she was allergic to alcohol — she supposed she'd never been given the chance to find out. Her gaze shifted away towards the teeny platter of sauces, nudging it towards Yubi with her knuckle as she continued,
"Nothing as exciting as what you've been up to, probably."

There was the slightest bit of resentment that weaselled its way into her words, and her expression fell at the realisation, even if marginally. Must she be so petty? She was sure Yubi had had her reasons, though that did not ease the hurt that she had not been told of them in the least.

Once more, she considered asking; once more, she bit back her questions.

"You grew out your hair,"
she noted, hasty to move on,
"It really suits you."
A laugh, somewhat empty-sounding to her own ears.
"It must be longer than mine now."

"Really? I should cut it soon."

Her eyes flickered wide.
"Why? It's pretty."
Where the bob she had sported in high school had certainly had its charm, her current waves gave her an air of maturity — another reminder of the passage of time, but Yuna didn't particularly mind this one. She was reminded of all the times she'd braided her best friend's short locks back then, and how many new styles she could try on longer locks.

"Long enough for me to..."
Her voice trailed off as Yubi's attention was stolen away once more, and Yuna swallowed the thought.

A wistful sentiment, no doubt better left unsaid.

Plastering on another smile, she allowed herself to be pulled into a conversation to her left.


The bustle at the table had just about died down as more of their classmates took their leave, and Yuna found herself sneaking concerned glances at Yubi as she slowly finished the last of the soju in her glass. She hadn't been keeping track of how many shots Yubi had downed, but she was certain she had graduated from getting her glass refilled to asking for a bottle at one point. Her face was akin to a tomato by now, and she could hear the slur creeping into her speech every other word or so.

"Nice catching up with you, Yuna!" Her eyes flicked back to her friend, pushing herself to her feet to give her a half-hug in farewell. That was the last of her end of the table.

When she turned back to Yubi, the other girl was reaching for yet another bottle — Jin-ah's half-finished one, because the owner had long-since passed out, snoring peacefully in the opposite seat.

She reached out, a hand coming to rest on Yubi's shoulder while the other grabbed at the bottle,
"I think you've had enough."


밤하늘의 별을 이어 널 그리는걸

hong yubi.




bbq restaurant

The bottle was removed so smoothly from her hands that Yubi had to take a sentence to digest what had happened. A sentence? A second. She took a second. Or maybe three. The world seemed to be spinning a little faster than usual tonight. Maybe that was why she'd been drinking like she was running out of time.

"I think you've had enough,"
Yuna's gentle voice, a lullaby in Yubi's ears.

she agreed with a slow blink, though her hands blindly wandered the table yet again for a cup. A drunken giggle.
"Yuna's always right."
She turned to face her friend — what a beautiful word that was, to be using it again with the girl in front of her! — eyes curving and nose scrunching in a carefree smile.

"Our Yuna's sooooooo pretty,"
she announced, as she leaned into Yuna's shoulder, before nearly falling onto her altogether,
"and sooooooo smart."

Yuna chuckled, in that kind, amused tone that an adult takes with a blabbering child. Yubi didn't mind; if anything, it only inspired her to keep blabbering on, in search of another quiet laugh. Her friend, unfortunately, turned away before she could, perhaps to check on the figure across them that was sprawled out on the other side of the table.

"I'm going to call a cab, okay?"
Yuna's voice returned a few moments later.
"It's getting late, we should go home."

Yubi shook her head, though she found amidst her next blink that her eyelids were growing ever heavier. A betrayal by her body, she thought, but she wasn't going to let that stop her.
"I don't wanna go home,"
she whined, throwing her arms around Yuna in a clumsy sideways hug.
"Let's stay a little longer. A littleee bit."

She sniffed, nuzzling her head into Yuna's shoulder, frowning as the curtains of sleep threatened to draw on her.
"I don't want to leave, yet,"
a softer protest, fading almost into an unintelligible mumble,
"I missed you so much, Yuna."

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찬찬히 너를 두 눈에 담아

cho yuna.


a simple


bbq restaurant

There was something so very endearing about Yubi's drunken state, and even as a stumbling, overly-affectionate mess, Yuna found herself managing only tender smiles and gentle words. Taking care of her felt as natural as anything else in the world, and though she flinched at the weight on her shoulder and the brush of hair against her neck, she made no effort to move her away. On the contrary, even, Yuna's arm moved around to return the sideways hug, a hand resting lightly on her sleeve and poised to catch her if she suddenly lurched away.

"I missed you so much, Yuna."

She paused, then, her finger hovering over her screen as her gaze shifted to Yubi. From above, she could see the flutter of her eyelashes as she fought a losing battle against sleep, and her heart clenched.

"Me too,"
she responded, her voice barely a whisper.

Her eyes returned to the screen, though she hesitated again as the blank address bar popped up, another gap in Yubi's history she had yet to find out. Was she still staying at her old home? She'd never thought about visiting over the years, because the extent of her search for the other girl had ended with a brokenhearted conversation with an old classmate.

She still had so many questions.

"Hey, Yubi,"
Her other hand tapped gently against the girl's cheek,
"What do I put in for your address?"

Yubi mumbled a string of words she could only just make out, her head lulling forward dangerously as what sounded like a snore slipped from her lips. Yuna's hand moved quickly to catch her, nudging her back onto the safety of her shoulder.

The address that flickered back to her on the screen didn't look quite right to her, but Yubi wasn't in a state to check it, either. After a moment's hesitation, she tapped 'request' — she'd figure it out from there.

Her friend was still slumbering peacefully by her side when the taxi pulled to a stop outside the sketchiest place she had ever laid eyes on, in a part of the city she was certain she'd never set foot within. Nestled in a far-too-dark alleyway with an ambience blessed by the distant singing and shouts of drunkards a street away, with a door that didn't seem to close very well and a front counter absent of a receptionist.

Staying in a motel aside, why hadn't she picked something half-decent instead of this?

she began in a quiet, cautious whisper,
"Are you sure this is the right place?"

Her best friend's head flopped upward, drowsy eyes seemingly examining her surroundings for the first time since they'd walked in. A quiet moment, before a gleeful grin split across her face; awake, but no more sober.

"Yeeeesss! Come to my rooooom..."
Her firt pumped into the air weakly before floundering back to her side, and she began to amble forward with all the grace of a newborn chick.
"And we can go for a round twoooo! I got the good stuff..."


She jumped as a shout echoed from several floors above them, followed by the slam of a door so loud it felt like it had shaken the entire building. An utterly unfazed Yubi, meanwhile, continued to stumble towards the lifts like she hadn't heard a thing.

My god, this would not do.

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