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2015: A new world with new borders!

Berlin Embassy:

We plead that you make peace with Fractania, they could be an asset due to their mixed relations with the WF.

Also please understand that when we invited China in our Coalition it was in no means to anger you, but an honest mistake of history.
To: Fractania

From: Prussia

While I don't actually remember a wat between us, we accept your peace offer


From: Prueße

Yes. Many herbs proved invaluable during our defence from Britain and France

Berlin Embassy:

Do you have an active Fanctania embassy in Berlin, maybe we could discuss the future there.

Austin Embassy

We do not have a Fractanian Embassy, however, We believe all Coalition members should open Embassies, and shall offer one​


To: Fractania

From: Prussia

We used the herbs for pain killers, mainly. Some where used for diseased troops behind the lines. Would you like to open Embassies together?
Zelorm said:

Austin Embassy

We do not have a Fractanian Embassy, however, We believe all Coalition members should open Embassies, and shall offer one​


To: Fractania

From: Prussia

We used the herbs for pain killers, mainly. Some where used for diseased troops behind the lines. Would you like to open Embassies together?


Prueße, Frantania

From: Texas Confederacy

I believe we should all close our current embassy and open a larger Allied Coalition at our capitals? A branch will installed for each member of course, but it will allow faster diplomacy and larger meetings
Hunnyhelp said:


Prueße, Frantania

From: Texas Confederacy

I believe we should all close our current embassy and open a larger Allied Coalition at our capitals? A branch will installed for each member of course, but it will allow faster diplomacy and larger meetings
Excellent idea

Texas Confederacy, Fractania

From: Prussia

I agree, as we could react more swiftly to enemies, and could plan trade more effectively


Prueße, Frantania

From: Texas Confederacy

Shall we make the capital of the alliance Berlin?

Texas Confederacy, Fractania

From: Prussia

I believe this would be a great idea, especially since Prussia is pretty much a giant bunker now

Fox News:

Today marks a historic day as diplomats from; Texas, Fractania and Prussia have met at the new Allied Coalition Embassy Center. Featuring separate halls for all members and many vacant ones, it is truly the architecture of the modern era. Some even rumor that after the controversial "Texas War" that it will be the location of the new United Empires. Member states come together to enact their first law, what the symbols and flag of their new alliance will be.

Coalition Embassy

I will change the white to blue (honestly I want to do that but was just lazy) however, while I will only edit the english insignia, I believe all member nations should keep their native tounge​
Zelorm said:

Coalition Embassy

I will change the white to blue (honestly I want to do that but was just lazy) however, while I will only edit the english insignia, I believe all member nations should keep their native tounge​
Agreed, maybe the three words be one in each language?


I believe this is simpler. Also, I changed the text from black to white, as it became difficult to read against the blue backround​

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