lore heavy

  1. Tortitude

    Fantasy Who am I? What am i?

    Yet another roleplay thread, but this one is for my girl Lark. Seeking a male character as I always prefer at least a sprinkle of romance with a grand adventure story. This world is expansive, magical, and dangerous. About me - 27f that writes in 3rd person past tense. I match replies but...
  2. DarKnight36

    Fantasy Embers of Telani

    The mayor of Ravalai, Bronson, sat in his home, reading over the letter that had just been delivered. The lines in his face had been pulled even deeper by what he read, and no comfort was gained by the knowledge that the situation was almost certainly out of his hands. He set the letter down and...
  3. Rowan Doll

    Multiple Settings Disappearances

    Plot So, in this modern age, fantasy and technology intertwin. And [your character] is in collage with [my 1st character] as roommates, but soon disappearances start to happen more and more often. [my 1st character]'s brother (my 2nd character) has been 'working' strange hours, and [my 1st...
  4. Perpetual Zen

    Fantasy 🍷A Certain Kind of Hunger🍷 Lore

    Inspiration for what brings the family back. An inherited property. A possible idea for townsfolk too, wary of this old family name coming with a curse on it's breathe. Toronto 1907 close proximity to timeline for visual inspiration Just a short while later a look at what Ottawa looks like...
  5. DarKnight36

    Fantasy Embers on the Wind

    Retriance panted from the exertion as he forced his aching arms and back to continue moving. Rhythmic, dull pounding reverberated throughout the room, the only light the crackling fire stuffed into the furnace before him. Sparks spat from the metal in front of him as his hammer continued its...
  6. DarKnight36

    Fantasy Embers on the Wind Lore Thread

    Interest Thread Character Thread Main Thread! Most of Ember's lore will probably be housed on our Discord, but I'll be putting here some basic highlights! More to come regarding the continent of Telani, the countries who reside there and more! The Pantheon There are eleven gods & goddesses...
  7. DarKnight36

    Fantasy Embers on the Wind Character Thread

    Interest Thread Lore Thread Main Thread! Basic Character Profile Name: Pronouns: Age: Race: Magical Affinity: Trade: Skills: Equipment: Appearance: Personality: Biography: Other: Please take the time to flip through the tabs below! Races The following is a list and a brief summary of each...
  8. DarKnight36

    Fantasy Embers on the Wind

    Fire is a fickle thing. Those caught in a dark, stormy night, as black and cold as winter, can find comfort in a warm, gleaming fire. But that comfort can turn to fear when lightning strikes, bringing a fire that eats all in its path. In both cases, what is left after? Embers. A millennia ago...