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  • I apologize to all my rp partners. I have been very busy lately and lack the energy to log on time to time. I would like to change this since a vacation is coming up, but if you want to drop me I won't mind.
    The Sangwoo avatar looks great but I'm honestly going to change it. I feel like people aren't taking me seriously.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Trust me have you seen the other profile pics here? Yours is normal compared to some
    Yeah, it might take more than an avatar change

    >Coming from the dude with a cereal mascot as a profile picture
    Just putting it out there, if I made a Freezing RP would anyone join?
    Freezing RP?
    It's a manga/anime about humanity fighting interdimensional creatures called the Nova. It has a lot of good plot elements but I think the story could be better. My RP would be an alternate universe.
    Réveille-moi. Réveille-moi dedans. Je ne dois pas réveiller. Réveille-moi dedans. SAUVE-MOI!
    I'm so tired ... I'm sorry if my rp post has been lacking lately, I have a lot of things going on.
    If any of you are interested in Misty Chronexia and the first episode he uploaded, am I the only one who keeps rewatching the scene where the guy tries to act badass but all he's doing is preparing for school, it's like 90 percent of the budget went to the last half of the episode.
    Same, I had to watch it where a bunch of people was commentating. I think the animation could be passable if it were a pilot, i hope it was a pilot for his sake, but the dialogue and pacing were awful considering the time and money they spent on this project.
    Yeah, I had to watch reviews of the episode to be able to get through it. Seeing as a normal episode of anime costs 150K, and he is only spending 6K on each episode, it won't look like a good animated show.
    The animation budget can be easily overlooked if one has a good story and good storytelling techniques. I couldn't get past the first 2 minutes. He started with narration. NARRATION. What happened to "Show, don't tell"? I had high hopes, because if you love anime, I would expect you to know what makes a good anime. I guess they don't. In fact, it seems like they never even took a high school English class.
    Omg, so many people are dying at the end of this year. I hated 2010, but 2016 is a pretty good contender for shitty year.
    I have an idea for an rp where people are trained to be assassins who kill high class enemies, and the people are taught at a school setting.
    Sounds cool, I'm interested in joining if it comes up.
    Thanks, and likewise :)  I really like the idea of yours though. Would you be interested in making a 1x1 romance around that premise? :)
    I never done a 1x1 before, where would we start?
    I just started reading Freezing. I'm so done with the third years, but at the same time I want to see them more.
    I'm so tired right now I could sleep for days but I know by the time night comes around I be awake for hours. Curse you insomnia
    When a college fair stops by the video game subtopic but then leaves before you can leave information lol
    I just talked to my friends about mean elementary teachers, the ones that forgot that you are functioning human being and just abused their power.
    I just wasted the entire day just watching videos of a guy trying to kill every NPC on every level of Hitman 2016, and I now have a thirst that cannot be quenched.
    Othat sounds amazing can you post the link to that vid?
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