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  • adhd urge to always comment on my own posts
    because every thought has some additional context to it
    can we keep the hype around stranger things going for the next few days while i zoom through these 4 seasons rq
    I HATE WHEN I GET INTO SOMETHING JUST AS THE HYPE STARTS DYING, so now i have to stop watching hannibal so i can watch stranger things instead
    I can relate in a way. Just have a tendency to get into things a few years after the hype died 😅
    dude, same 💀 i mean, the fact that i’m just getting into hannibal is a testament to that. i’m grateful for the hype surrounding stranger things right now — i’ve been meaning to watch it for months now, and if i end up wanting to roleplay it, i shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a partner!
    not at anyone in particular, but isn’t it a bit strange that some people will go on and on about how roleplay is a coping mechanism, a form of escapism even, and then get upset at people who write characters with darker traits, or plots surrounding dark themes? my brother in christ, that is the coping part!
    If they mention escapism, maybe that's how they cope? (i.e. avoiding the dark for a while instead of immersing in it) Coping, like therapy, looks different for each individual. Mind you, I don't think they should get upset either way.
    yeah, that's literally what the post says
    it HURTS me to realise that the symbolism and heavy research i put into my writing might not always be received or analysed the same way by the receiver, but i also can’t over-explain it because not only does it ruin the flow, but i also don’t want to ruin the chance for them to build their own interpretation, arguably one of the most appealing aspects of collaboration with other writers </3
    what do you mean you didn’t catch the meaning of red carnations in this scene? what do you MEAN you don’t understand the significance of it being a new moon? i’m hyperventilating, my eyes are twitching rn /lh

    but fr, i’m def not saying it like “ohhh my writing is so superior that my plebian readers simply cannot grasp the blah blah blah” 😭 nor am i saying that i want my writing to only be interpreted one way, the way i meant it as i was writing. i just think it’s so goofy that i spend forever researching shit like “what phase was the moon in during october 18th of 1993” or smth, when it’s one of those details that’s so minuscule that i probably wouldn’t have noticed it if i hadn’t written it myself
    having really fun ideas for plots that would do best in a group setting vs my intense distaste for group roleplays
    Very relatable :closedeyescryingfrown:
    group roleplays are interesting in theory, but having to actually keep up with and regularly respond to replies from multiple people, find out where to insert your characters without forcing interactions, and keep people from running amuck and going too far off base with the concept.. ? it’s a hassle, never. again. 😐
    apparently we share similar experiences with groups. never again :dead:
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