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  • "As the sun started to rise, its rays glistened on the surface of the sea, creating an image more likely in a painting than in reality. The howling winds had ebbed away to a mere gentle breeze which ushered a small handful of clouds lazily across the wide open sky. The only sound now was the cry of a Great Shearwater which echoed across the desolation as it wheeled high overhead.

    What a pretty place to die."
    "As he looked out into the vast emptiness of space, it was the mirror image of his soul; A dark, cold, and unending vacuum of loneliness. The rising sun would never again bring an end to the darkness of his night, its very existence lost in the infinite sea of unknown stars."
    Well - after another bought of viral related misery and the longest fever of my life, I have returned! 🤒
    Welcome back! I hope you're feeling better!
    Thank you! Getting there. 😊
    Soooo... if influenza wasn't enough, I now have a severe middle ear infection. Looks like I won't be flying on Monday!
    Praise be to the volcano gods! My flights to Budapest have not been cancelled! :D #Ryanair #BusOfTheSky
    Please excuse me while I curl up in the corner and weep into my bowl of mashed potato for my swollen jaw...
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