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just some nova hot takes. I have many. some inspired strong feelings from folks during my spotlight in the newsletter
What's this place about?

How I'd personally phrase is it, is that it's a collection of all sorts of varied RP's with (mostly) fantasy themes (steampunk, high fantasy, traditional, etc.) and various RP styles (slice of life, adventure, action, etc.) that's made coherent by an overarching system of rules and progression through earning points with a character.
How I'd personally phrase is it, is that it's a collection of all sorts of varied RP's with (mostly) fantasy themes (steampunk, high fantasy, traditional, etc.) and various RP styles (slice of life, adventure, action, etc.) that's made coherent by an overarching system of rules and progression through earning points with a character.
Sounds complicated but thank uu
Sounds complicated but thank uu

It can be a bit of first, but there's a lot of folk willing to help out and once you get the basics down (which isn't too tough), you should be able to RP and keep RP'ing with ease. The discord is a lot more active than the OOC though, if you want to chat with more folk.
What a sales pitch. I probably woulda went for medieval fantasy setting with shared rules and lore.
The world of IH has basic lore, like names of countries and capitals, certain aesthetics for the way each country is stylized, but it largely plays like a West Marches style campaign. The world is largely unexplored and is very much a blank canvas for the aspiring narrator to flesh out as they see fit within certain bounds. The world manifests as people run RPs in various locations. In this way, towns spring up here and there. Dragons and great beasts are fought out in the countryside. Ruins are discovered and explored in locations deemed forgotten by the in-character passage of time. If you can dream it, IH has a plenty of space for it.
Had some more interest in an animate skill to make objects move and do stuff. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
It would likely be 28 to 42pts and have some limitations on it yo reduce some of the shenanigans. Can't make people's clothes come alive and eat them probably. Or make a building wiggle away somehow.
Had some more interest in an animate skill to make objects move and do stuff. Anyone have any thoughts on it?

Sounds like it could work with the idea to have new companions, perhaps? Make the object a companion with the free-to-choose point amounts?
companion and minion are fine for perma animated things. for temporary animation, was thinking of a skill that literally did it. "suddenly, all the tombstones in the graveyard rose up and started running down the street" or something like that

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