• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

  • Well shiitake mushrooms


  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

  • All according to plan....

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Azurian Dream

Hello To Nowhere
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Reminder Notes:

Well, today has turned its head over for you. For whatever bad luck you have built your entire luck has come to cash in. During the launch of the Digimon Card tournament that you have either taken place in, are watching online, are watching in person, or just listening in on your phone has caused you to black out after what can only be described as a wave of static overtaking you. When your senses attempt to return to you all you can see is an open sky as you feel the air rush all around you.

From high in the sky, you are crash coursing down right plummeting to your death. Below you stands a vast land mass filled with unnatural habitat biomes all mixed against one another. Your panic starts to careen your projection as your phone starts going haywire breaking down and morphing into a new device:

View attachment 1147157View attachment 1147158
(Design by Basesbytally from Deviant Art) (Design by NelaNequin from Deviant Art)

On the screen, your personal information starts to flood the phone's screen before accumulating into an egg-shaped image on the screen. Though more than likely your eyes return quickly to the more prominently concerning ground only seconds away from... you halt mid-air right above a strange shrine at the oceanfront. You levitate for a moment as your phone rings promptly confirming: "Digital Data scan complete Bio-Data collecting now." Without warning your phone jabs you with a needle taking a sample of your blood as the once detailess egg starts taking on a prominent design that somehow you feel matches your personality. Notably around the egg are two empty slots, but before you can gauge that gravity returns as you land flat on the shrine grounds.

A voice chuckles out in the distance as you see a woman fishing casually her clothes made up of materials you have never seen before as she simply greets you with a twisted smile: "Well look at that right on annual time this year's victims.... oh don't worry I'll give you the tour of hell once you are all done falling in." Her words are at first confusing yet as you look up many others are falling from the sky right behind your landing. As the woman laughs again something powerful stirs the waves of the ocean before eclipsing a silhouette bashing out from the depths. A powerful creature made of metal looks at you with menacing eyes something you recognize all too well... a Digimon... a real-life Digimon.

View attachment 1147160

"Welcome to your best and worst nightmare," the woman laughs echoing out into the brand-new world you officially find yourself trapped in.


The general idea is to usher your character who is from a world similar to ours very much aware of the Digimon concept to be thrown straight into it with a scale of very knowledgable down to minor knowledge. Survivability is a battlefield, your digi-partner is your lifeline, and your allies are your tethers to strength. How you act is how they and the world transform.

The world you find yourself in is a continent mixed with other humans who like you were dragged right out of your world and thrown into the wilds of the digital island known only as: Kako No Hanketsu E. Once every year on the dote more humans are snatched to its ocean shrine added to the victims or survivors of its land. Human settlements exist just as much as Digimon settlements the nature of the beast keeps the two both in peaceful and weary times depending on the groups present.

Your options on goals are simple find a way to escape or adjust to your new life. Both have clear and present dangers to them as both humans and Digimon alike are just as likely to be your friend or foe.


Character Application and Digimon Tooling

Sky Fallers(0/10 slots)
At the beginning, everyone who plays as a Sky Faller(Term for new arriving human or human with less than a year of living here) will have one Digimon out the door each starting partner Digimon will be allowed access to three different tree lines of evolution. This also accounts for crest evolution lines or Digi-Egg lines. You won't have access to digivolving to an ultimate or mega, but access to a champion will be earned quickly storyline-wise, and for those wanting Eggs or Crest lines I'll make sure the opportunity to gain the items to do such pop-up.

As you notice I said starting partner during the path of the story if there is an NPC digimon or story villain/Ally not bonded that you feel your character or show your character bonding to you can download them to your two storage spaces as permanent party members these Digimon, however, can not revert in evolution and can go only forward in one evolution tree. If you gain them as a champion you do not have access to their rookie data but any evolution forward you will have access to swap between where you got them to where they can go forward.

Destined(These will be primarily run by me, and co gms however if you can make a strong case I'll allow you one)
The term destined is given to humans who have survived the island for more than a year most either belong to human settlements, a faction of sorts, or are powerful drifters that most done mess with. These folks most likely have access up to ultimate evolutions(and in the case of key NPCs/villains) Megas. The longer they have survived the more sway, and effect their presence holds in the biodome continent.



As the story goes along these groups of humans, Digimon, or both will make their presence to the cast known. They will range from various methods of survival, and degrees of morality to being cautious whom to trust.

At best, your characters included the human population is around 121. Future information will make this number horrifying. Human "settlements" (and I do air quote that Doctor Evil style) only have at best around 10-15 humans and are filled with helpful Digimon. There are technically five settlements at this time and they are spread pretty far from each other and only two get along. The biggest settlement has 21 people.



Natural Evolution
So after we get past the initial landing and first quest which is meant to give a you scale of what your characters have entered evolution into champions will be immediately opened to Sky Fallers in a range of emotional cases, scenario fight or flight cases, or however you want to go about triggering it even if on accident. Ultimate, and Mega evolutions will be handed out on story sequence and how your character handles the challenge at hand if I see someone pushing their character well into the scenario I will message you "It's time to take it up a notch access to Ultimate/Mega gained" for you to put into your post from your phone Digivice XD. Also, you can ask to use the GMing/COgming party for specific scenarios to get you there as well, and we will work with ya on that.

Minor Amendum: I will allow one unnatural occurrence of evolution/non-cannon per evolution line that is it though.

Digi Eggs/Armor Evolution
Are one digi-evolution/ evolution lines as in they only have one entry in an evolution tree. However, these are champion-level digimon that can give the hell up to Ultimate level Digimon. After everyone has gained at least one natural champion evolution these eggs will be obtainable once Ultimates level enemies start entering the fray. All you gotta do to put down for one is have it mentioned in your character sheet form there I will create scenarios for you to gain one. To the one person I know who will bring it up yes the Golden Egg of Miracles is up for grabs, unlike the rest though it will not be available until the first mega evolution in the main cast. Multiple people can have the same egg that is all.

Crest Evolution
So these I am going to treat in a certain way basically if a player chooses a crest line like Aguemon-Wargreymon or Palamon-Rosemon the evolution will be treated as normal. Yet upon gaining a Crest matching the line you will have access to warp evolution sending your mon straight to their mega like a cheat code for a fight(I'll explain this further down.)

Bio Merge Evolution
So I will consider a specialty upgrade scenario basically what it means is if you merge with a rookie to kick-start them to their mega they will gain access to their variant forms like Gallantmon Crimson, or Wargreymon Antibody mode. Burst modes, Variants, Shining, Antibody, and Mega Mode change all fall under this category of recruitment These won't be available till Mega's are unlocked and we are nearing endgame villains, but I thought it was fair to let people know that Variants are accessible via the Bio Merge mentality.

MInor Amendum: ONE BIOMERGE PER HUMAN. As in you can only Bio-Merge with one of your potentially three Digimon.

DNA Evolution
Someone somewhere is reading this and going OH SNAP. I will allow DNA evolution as long as the evolution doesn't bypass the current evolution ceiling of the cast, and that two full-body Digimon are being used to create it. DNA will not be a permanent body though as after the fight is over the DNA will revert to the two original Digimon. Players can fuse their Digimon or fuse with another player's Digimon.

I will allow but only as your first Partner these are not out in the wild to gain.


Expectations of Combat Flow

The only special rule to point out here is you can only Digivolve/Degenerate once per post. Technically My rule on combat flow is four actions I think we can all pretty well trust this to normal combat rules so unless it's clear I need to hammer a sequence of rules I will trust the cast for now to behave lol.

Though remember the four Attributes of Digimon that give advantages and disadvantages

Data, Vaccine, Virus, Free

Data Beats Vaccine

Vaccine Beats Virus

Virus Beats Data

And Free doesn't have time for anyone's business XD



For now, I think we can use normal rules unless future events prove differently

No Godmodding/Power playing

Be respectful to fellow rpers

At least two paragraphs per post, At least once a week if you're waiting on someone or giving advance notice of absence being the exception.

Try to include everyone in scenarios made

Anime/Manga face claims only. All characters must be 17 and up in age.

If you have a side arc or plot idea for your character or in general please PM me


Closing Interest Statement:

If I see enough interested bodies I will get a Character Sheet up in about a week with an official start to follow it once we get enough characters up and running. Please ask any questions that come to mind.

I do have a main plot already formulated, and some lead villains. I am always up to players who want to play additional bad guys or goodie-good NPC's.

P.S.: As an added comment no fake Digimon.

P.S.S: wikimon.net (If you need a refresher on evolutions or all existing Digimon)


Well than this is were we will talk shop officially so any further questions, chatting, and such can commence.

I will start going officially over the sheets when I get a chance today.

Anthem Anthem That Weird girl That Weird girl Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu dreadnought dreadnought ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Pumpkid Pumpkid Twist Twist Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Aight some Character Sheet Check notes currently:

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Ariiasq Raa)

I see you're still in WIP status so I won't snatch your soul yet XD.

Raa's Note is noted though hehehehehehe...

I do love the error code font you found.

Only note I got is please place: (Data Type), next to Pteranomon's name

So far it's looking really good I can't wait to see it finished.


Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu (Hikaru Kazanata)

Hello x3

So the only thing that caught my attention was you're using Dark Evolution so I am assuming this is under the works of negative emotion overwhelming Hackmon from Hikaru meaning you plan for them to go wild, or potentially turn on the cast in a bad scenario? If not my bad I am only asking since you legit labeled it as a dark evolution lol. Yet if so just DM the plot cakes you had in mind for such happening.

Other than that it's solid. So once I hear back on that we should be able to have em officially accepted.

I do love what you got here, and am excited to see how Hikaru handles the stress.


Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth Valentine)

So for Impmons Burst Blast Beelzemon Evolution, I'll treat it as a Bio-Merge evolution if that's okay with you since I do not want to give him a kid squirt gun to trigger it like in the cannon and act like that's a sane decision XD.

Other than that everything is solid if the mention above is good with you I can Officially add Ruth to the list of main characters.

I am also excited to see how Ruth adjusts to the digital world especially since its clear she at this rate is going to be surrounded by Virus type teammates XD.


Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Just give me a heads up when to start looking at your sheet.
Aight some Character Sheet Check notes currently:

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Ariiasq Raa)

I see you're still in WIP status so I won't snatch your soul yet XD.

Raa's Note is noted though hehehehehehe...

I do love the error code font you found.

Only note I got is please place: (Data Type), next to Pteranomon's name

So far it's looking really good I can't wait to see it finished.


Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu (Hikaru Kazanata)

Hello x3

So the only thing that caught my attention was you're using Dark Evolution so I am assuming this is under the works of negative emotion overwhelming Hackmon from Hikaru meaning you plan for them to go wild, or potentially turn on the cast in a bad scenario? If not my bad I am only asking since you legit labeled it as a dark evolution lol. Yet if so just DM the plot cakes you had in mind for such happening.

Other than that it's solid. So once I hear back on that we should be able to have em officially accepted.

I do love what you got here, and am excited to see how Hikaru handles the stress.


Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth Valentine)

So for Impmons Burst Blast Beelzemon Evolution, I'll treat it as a Bio-Merge evolution if that's okay with you since I do not want to give him a kid squirt gun to trigger it like in the cannon and act like that's a sane decision XD.

Other than that everything is solid if the mention above is good with you I can Officially add Ruth to the list of main characters.

I am also excited to see how Ruth adjusts to the digital world especially since its clear she at this rate is going to be surrounded by Virus type teammates XD.


Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Just give me a heads up when to start looking at your sheet.
DMed you
Aight some Character Sheet Check notes currently:

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Ariiasq Raa)

I see you're still in WIP status so I won't snatch your soul yet XD.

Raa's Note is noted though hehehehehehe...

I do love the error code font you found.

Only note I got is please place: (Data Type), next to Pteranomon's name

So far it's looking really good I can't wait to see it finished.


Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu (Hikaru Kazanata)

Hello x3

So the only thing that caught my attention was you're using Dark Evolution so I am assuming this is under the works of negative emotion overwhelming Hackmon from Hikaru meaning you plan for them to go wild, or potentially turn on the cast in a bad scenario? If not my bad I am only asking since you legit labeled it as a dark evolution lol. Yet if so just DM the plot cakes you had in mind for such happening.

Other than that it's solid. So once I hear back on that we should be able to have em officially accepted.

I do love what you got here, and am excited to see how Hikaru handles the stress.


Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth Valentine)

So for Impmons Burst Blast Beelzemon Evolution, I'll treat it as a Bio-Merge evolution if that's okay with you since I do not want to give him a kid squirt gun to trigger it like in the cannon and act like that's a sane decision XD.

Other than that everything is solid if the mention above is good with you I can Officially add Ruth to the list of main characters.

I am also excited to see how Ruth adjusts to the digital world especially since its clear she at this rate is going to be surrounded by Virus type teammates XD.


Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Just give me a heads up when to start looking at your sheet.
I'm ok with that. It's been a while since I've seen Tamers. So will Ruth Bio-merge with Beelzebumon? What do you mean?

Thanks! I'm excited to play her. Idk why I made her superstitious but it just made sense since to me as it reminded me of Joe. I can't wait for her character development.

Counter DM sent

I'm ok with that. It's been a while since I've seen Tamers. So will Ruth Bio-merge with Beelzebumon? What do you mean?

Thanks! I'm excited to play her. Idk why I made her superstitious but it just made sense since to me as it reminded me of Joe. I can't wait for her character development.

Yes she will Bio Merge with Beelzebumon.


Hikaru Kazanata & Ruth Valentine are both officially accepted
Aight some Character Sheet Check notes currently:

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Ariiasq Raa)

I see you're still in WIP status so I won't snatch your soul yet XD.

Raa's Note is noted though hehehehehehe...

I do love the error code font you found.

Only note I got is please place: (Data Type), next to Pteranomon's name

So far it's looking really good I can't wait to see it finished.


Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu (Hikaru Kazanata)

Hello x3

So the only thing that caught my attention was you're using Dark Evolution so I am assuming this is under the works of negative emotion overwhelming Hackmon from Hikaru meaning you plan for them to go wild, or potentially turn on the cast in a bad scenario? If not my bad I am only asking since you legit labeled it as a dark evolution lol. Yet if so just DM the plot cakes you had in mind for such happening.

Other than that it's solid. So once I hear back on that we should be able to have em officially accepted.

I do love what you got here, and am excited to see how Hikaru handles the stress.


Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth Valentine)

So for Impmons Burst Blast Beelzemon Evolution, I'll treat it as a Bio-Merge evolution if that's okay with you since I do not want to give him a kid squirt gun to trigger it like in the cannon and act like that's a sane decision XD.

Other than that everything is solid if the mention above is good with you I can Officially add Ruth to the list of main characters.

I am also excited to see how Ruth adjusts to the digital world especially since its clear she at this rate is going to be surrounded by Virus type teammates XD.


Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Just give me a heads up when to start looking at your sheet.
By datatype you mean data, vaccine, virus, etc, correct?

Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Just give me a heads up when to start looking at your sheet.
It's ready, plus I sent a dm
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Right. One more quick reference image to draw and I am not using the anime style on this one I have discovered that style is PAIN

Usually my lines are very thin so that was. Interesting. And a pain, lol. I'm still not really happy with it but I'm already kinda lagging behind so it is what it is xD

Usually my lines are very thin so that was. Interesting. And a pain, lol. I'm still not really happy with it but I'm already kinda lagging behind so it is what it is xD
It's fine imo. You can always work on it after? Plus, for artists, an artwork never seems satisfying so I understand 😞
Alright last art for today I dunno how he got like that but there he is

edit: Sheet is no longer a WIP
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Character sheet posted. I've got all the necessary information down but I might try and revisit it so I can flesh it out more.

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