New profile posts

Probably going to make a roleplay post in the next couple hours or so, then I'll work on my form for Jane Argent (my Inside Out 2 OC)
Or the other way around, who knows?
(for anyone curious)

1. I don't know if this needs to be said but i am 18+. I can tell you my age and more about me when we talk privately.
2. i am not looking to date anyone on an rp site. We are friends that's it. I am not here to have any relationship beyond that. Friends not lovers.
3. I am very blunt open and honest if that wasn't obvious already. If you are very fragile, I most likely will offend you. I am a blunt Irish person
4. I am a novella - advanced lit rper. I can and will ask that you write 3+ paragraphs to rp with me. I write entire books but 3 paragraphs is the minimum i'd ask of my rper.
5. I can handle all aspects of rping from Sims like slice of life to low combat adventures to dice roll DnD style rps to all out war and plots.
6. I am a world builder so rping/ writing is my greatest passion and enjoyment in life. I custom build all of my characters- planets- factions - custom races- entire universe setting
7. My characters are not me i am not a hive mind. They all differ. What this means is i can do anything from FxF to MxF. I have a few femboys so i guess i can say i do MxM for them but thats the only exception and ive made those femboys to be extremely feminine
8. My setting is inspired by fandoms but i do not do fandom rping. I use my own original characters and races from those fandoms. I also do not do celebrity rping or modern rping. I do rping entirely as fantasy to get away from real life.
9. I work full time. I prefer to talk primarily on Discord. If you do not mind please but sure if you do not feel comfortable with that I am easy going and I can talk here first =)
10. I am not some crazy lunatic. If we arent compatible cool no sweat. Best of luck to you and move along. Move along but if we do talk and rp and become friends, I cant stand ghosting. I hate it.
11. In case I need to say it again. No. Script rpers. My bluntness and seriousness about writing a lot, has enraged every script rper i have ever spoken to. I am not kidding i am not into script rping and i can and have angered script rpers because i wont budge on this. If you are a script rper please just be honest and back off. Its not going to work and id rather not waste each others time.
12. One of my biggest pet peeves is liars. I cannot stand liars. Just be honest and it will save us a lot of trouble. I am professional sales person. Ive been in sales all my life. So I know when someone is lying. So its kind of insulting to me when someone lies to me and they think i'm too stupid too know they are lying. So to not waste each other's time. No lying and we will get along perfectly =)
Bro, people I roleplay with have either been having a hard time, or they just dissapeared off the face of the Earth. Like seriously, are ya'll ok? You make me worry, especially since I've had a lot of bad experiences with people dissapearing. And yes, I know I've done it a lot, mostly because I can remember my passwords or my computer got taken away. But I always come back and write messages on my old profiles to let you know I'm still here
Think I might post RP rules on my profile I don't post stuff here to often so it will be easy to find.
I just want ti avoid RP issues although in the past people have totally ignored them so it might not actually help but probably better then nothing
Or you can post it in your about! Most people look there!
Even if you ignore, I honestly think your cool! I don't even know you but you seem like someone I would wanna be friends with. Anyways! Welcome to the site.
Hello! So lovely to meet you!!
Thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate it <3
Nice to meat you to! May I send you a PM?
Sure thing!
now tell me why our neighbor is deciding to have s3x with his gf with the window open 💀 there's a fence between the houses but be so fr like i don't wanna hear that
Now what kinda Florida man energy - ☠️
Dude's trying to flex since he clearly wants people to know he's getting some action, but little does he know, no one gives a damn ☠️
it was so awkward, i had to leave the room. idk if it lasted long or they closed the window bc i came back barely five minutes later and it was silent again 💀
I feel like people don't fully read RP post because like I'll add parts to let people know things so they'd know if they'd want to RP with me or not before hand and yet they have issues with what I mentioned when we start...