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Even if you ignore, I honestly think your cool! I don't even know you but you seem like someone I would wanna be friends with. Anyways! Welcome to the site.
Hello! So lovely to meet you!!
Thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate it <3
Nice to meat you to! May I send you a PM?
Sure thing!
now tell me why our neighbor is deciding to have s3x with his gf with the window open 💀 there's a fence between the houses but be so fr like i don't wanna hear that
Now what kinda Florida man energy - ☠️
Dude's trying to flex since he clearly wants people to know he's getting some action, but little does he know, no one gives a damn ☠️
it was so awkward, i had to leave the room. idk if it lasted long or they closed the window bc i came back barely five minutes later and it was silent again 💀
I feel like people don't fully read RP post because like I'll add parts to let people know things so they'd know if they'd want to RP with me or not before hand and yet they have issues with what I mentioned when we start...
My name is John, I'm 19 and I'm looking for people who like making Superhero RPGs, anime, romance and others if you want to suggest
On todays episode of unhealthy habits, I brush my teeth every time I eat something. Doesn't matter what it is, dinner, breakfast, even a small snack. I have to brush my teeth, just cant stand the feeling of gunk in there. I'm a big snacker as well, I eat ALOT. So I'm over here, just brushing my teeth 5-10 times a day. My parents sometimes limit what I eat at certain times, or take my toothbrush away because it was getting pretty severe. (My gums were just, damaged) It still hasn't gotten better, but I'm trying my hardest to get used to the feeling. Ijust dislike it to my core. Is this like an eating disorder, or my autism?
It sounds like a sensory thing more than anything! I wish you luck in overcoming that - you can damage or destroy the enamel of your teeth, which doesn't grow back. Maybe you could try carrying around some toothpicks and swishing with water after you eat?
Thanks for the advice!!