New profile posts

Played MGR:R again, I effing love Monsoon’s speech

“Free will is a myth, religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul.”
"When I die, I want to be scattered throughout Disneyland. I also don't want to be cremated."
It's a scavenger hunt
Replace the real set of bones in Pirates or become one of the Endoskeleton’s?
i just want a peaceful life as a corporate drone why do i keep getting hired into charities
(because im willing to get paid peanuts just so i dont leave the house that's why)
Playing Persona 4 Golden with my brothers and our mom has been awesome so far.

First, she wanted me to tell you that she hates Margaret, and wants Elizabeth back. Then yesterday, she found herself singing, "Everyday's great at your Junes" jingle. Apparently, she used the melody to sing a song about onions since her boyfriend asked her to. If only he knew the melody was from the game. 🤣

My youngest brother is loving it so far too! We normally play twice a week for 2-3 hours but after our first play session, he said he could play for hours. I'm glad they're enjoying it so far!
And now, my mom wants a Teddie plush. I won't lie, I want one too.

Long time no See!

It's me Mirai!
Been joining a couple of Rps Lately and working on a Original story on Royal Roads.
Sounds like fun! I am unfamiliar with Royal Roads. What is that?
Royal roads is a Website where you can write various original fics on there, They just had a writathon that ended not too long ago
Jujutsu Kaisen Manga 259 Spoilers


This account was created 2 days ago. Please someone take Gege's pen away
Hello everyone.

It's been quite some time since I've been active on the site, and even when I was, it's dropped significantly since the past few months compared to before. There have been reasons for this, but the short of it is this: I could really use some help.

This is not something I ever wanted to say, nor did I expect things to get to the point where I have to ask for help, especially as I am someone who does not like to ask for it, but I really could use help.
Below, I will have a link to a GoFundMe that was setup by my mother, as she and I are both in the same predicament. She's a wonderful person and mother, and I don't want things to end feeling like I let her down and failed her.

Even if you cannot directly support, just taking the time to spread the message and the GoFundMe link would be a massive help. Thank you to any and all who read this, and I wish you a good day/night.
