Off Path


❁ Belles Fleurs ❁




Age: (17-18)


Appearance: (description and picture)

Personality: (8+ sentences)

Quirks: (minimum of 3, be creative!)

Secrets: (minimum of 3, make sure you don’t repeat secrets from other characters)




Likes: (3+)

Dislikes: (3+)

Fears: (3+)

History: (8+ sentences)

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

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"If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person. It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit."


Marilyn Freemont


"M?r?l?n Frim?nt"

Originating from the movie star, Marilyn Monroe, this independent blonde's parents wanted a name that was glamorous, much like the late Hollywood sweetheart.


Lynn, if you're close to her.

Mary, if you're blood-related/family.


18 years old, going on nineteen on August 3rd.




Marilyn stands at five feet and six inches, meeting just about eye level with everybody. Those piercing blue irises are mesmerizing on their own, often catching the light in such away that people can't help but stare. Framed by thin, blonde eyelashes and soft eyebrows, many girls would give this-season's Prada to have the aesthetic Marilyn gives off. However, it stops there. She has acne and skin marks that cover her body, which are almost always covered up by makeup. Speaking of cosmetics, Marilyn practically drowns in them. Figure-wise, Marilyn Freemont could be considered curvy. With big hips and breasts to match, she takes after her namesake, Marilyn Monroe. However, having a little more meat on the bone, so-to-speak, causes self-image issues for the girl. She's constantly called fat and pudgy, which has a severe impact on her self esteem. Marilyn's attire only enhances this aspect of her, being quite revealing and sometimes even raunchy. When it comes to formal events, the blonde can always find a way to spice up her outfit.


Describing Marilyn Freemont in three words is simply not possible. She is so multifaceted that you can never put a pin down on how she acts. One thing is common with all of her characteristics, though,
sassy attitude. The blonde always puts a hint of cheek in conversations, whether it's a sprinkle or the whole can. She lives and breathes to challenge others whose opinions contradict her own. In other words, she's quite stubborn. Around her friends, the girl can be compassionate and empathetic, a very different quality than that observed of her in general public. When it comes to sensitive topics, she can be gentle even. Romantically, Marilyn is a passionate and loyal lover. She would never cheat, if she had a relationship. However, to get what she wants, Marilyn has no problem being manipulative.


When stressed or
lying, Marilyn speaks out of the corner of her mouth.

Marilyn readily
puts herself in the way of danger without much consideration.

constantly quotes favorite movies and can usually identify the movie that a quote may come from.

She is always at least
ten minutes early to any meeting or appointment.


? In a trip to Las Vegas for her eighteenth birthday, Marilyn got drunk in a bar and met a man, whom she proceeded to marry in a drive-in chapel. Since then, the two haven't spoken.

? Marilyn is not native to her hometown. In fact, the Freemont family has moved 8 times in her lifetime, "starting over" under new addresses for reasons unknown to the her.

? Unlike tumblr-crazy punks, Marilyn is a true satanist. Nobody knows this except for herself and her tight-knit group of friends within her friend group.

? Marilyn is an atelophobe, the fear that one is imperfect all the time. This has lead to her not having
one successful relationship in her lifetime.

? Marilyn is in the closet about her bisexuality.


Marilyn is particularly unskilled in..

- impromptu speaking

-quick thinking

-violent acts

-decision making



Sanguine: The sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking; Marilyn is sociable and charismatic. She tends to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tends to be boisterous. Marilyn is usually quite creative and often daydreams. However, some alone time is crucial for her. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Marilyn generally struggles with following tasks all the way through, and tends to be forgetful and sometimes a "little" sarcastic. Often, when she pursues a new hobby, Marilyn loses interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. Marilyn is very much a people-person. She are talkative and not shy. She generally has an almost shameless nature, certain that what she is doing is right. In other words, Marilyn has no lack of confidence.




? Rebellious acts; adrenaline.

? Taking the whimsical way of things; not having a plan.

? Teasing people.

? Lying for fun.


? Party poopers.

? Guidelines and restrictions.

? Tedious tasks.

? Rainy days.

? Gloomy attitudes.


? Imperfection- atelophobia.

Death- necrophobia.

Ombrophobia- fear of rain.


Growing up in a small, insignificant town in Georgia, Marilyn didn't live the expected lifestyle. Her parents being lawyers, the girl practically raised herself, learning lessons the hard way and growing more and more independent as the years flew by. One day, after a case, her parents returned earlier than usual. Like that, the Freemont family picked up their belongings and began moving around the country. They never stayed too long, not long enough for Marilyn to make any friends, anyways. Up until their latest move, every 5 months the blonde would find herself in a new city, in a new school, with a new home. 4 years ago, however, the cycle stopped, leaving the Freemont girl at high school for the next 4 years of her life. There, she met her friends, best friends, love interests, and built a new life for herself. How long will it last? Nobody knows.

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

Jason- Good Friends

David- Friends

PM for inquiries! Will update as the story progresses~

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Jason "Jase" Hughes | 18 | Heterosexual



At 5'11" and approximately 155 lbs, Jason is your average built teen. He likes to keep his brown hair at a decent length and hates when its in his eyes, especially when he's swimming which is all the time. Jason also has light brown eyes which can seem darker or lighter, depending on the lighting. He doesn't particularly have a set clothing style and follows the motto "I wear what I like." Jason can, however, dress the part when it's necessary and is known for being quite handsome when he does.


Jason is a fun and outgoing guy. His friends know him as the comedian with his smart remarks and humorous impersonations. The guy is always found with a genuine smile on his face when he's around the people he cares about. Around others, Jason can come off as rather rude and sarcastic because of all the comments he makes but people close to him know he's joking. Even though Jason is famous for his goofy smile, he can be easily shot down. Especially when Marilyn says something to him. In conclusion, everyone love Jason because he tends to bring out the good in people and make them laugh whenever they feel down. Without his presence, their lives would feel a bit empty.


1. Jason has a weakness for rescuing stray animals.

2. He has the ability to speak in a cartoon-like voice which sounds little or nothing like his real voice.

3. When dining out, always tidies up the table and resets the condiments


1. Jason has had a crush on Marilyn since the start of their friendship.

2. A month after Jason turned 10, he got into a fight with his principal's son but due to his grandfather's power, it was not put in the records.

3. Jason lives in luxury due to his wealthy grandfather and he will be the next head of the Hughes family.








1. sleeping

2. swimming

3. eating

4. good times


1. noises when he's trying to sleep

2. worrying

3. bad times

4. nosy people


1. heights

2. snakes

3. being stranded alone


Jason was the only son to be born into the Hughes household. When he was 3 years old, his parents had to go on a mission trip in Asia and so they left Little Jase with his grandfather. They didn't come home the time they were supposed to and so Henry, Jason's grandfather, sent out a search for the young couple. After two years, the young boy and grandfather were told the couple died in a car accident. Since Jason was so young, however, the news didn't affect him as much as it should have. Henry decided he would care for Jason on his own. Jason and his grandfather did all the things any child would do with both parents. Finally, his grandfather watched the boy walk across the stage and get his diploma before he set off into the world.

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

Marilyn: Good Friend

David: Bro
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Name: David Marcus Anderfield

Nickname: Dave

Age: 19 (birthday 30 May)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: A tall broad bloke with long brown hair and already quite a beard. Always wears clothing like sloppy vests and simple jeans. He has a dragon tattoo on his back. He is a wooping 6 feet 5. His grey pupils sometimes give the impression that he's looking straight through your mind. His muscular build has won many interested eyes over the years.



Dave is a strong willed individual with a love for jokes. He has anger issues which sometimes flare up when people get on his nerves. Is passionate and kind to those who earn his friendship. When he loves somebody he goes the full mile for them and has an unwavering loyalty. He is quite a crazy person who frequently follows his impulses instead of his common sense.

Quirks: (minimum of 3, be creative!)

- Always seems to be chewing on something

- Laughs when he's scared.

- Sings when he uses the toilet or does it in the wild.

Secrets: (minimum of 3, make sure you don’t repeat secrets from other characters)

- Once blew up his uncle's car and claimed it were the kids from across the street.

- Was the one who set fire to the school during last summer's break and was never found out by anyone.

- Has managed to keep his pyromania a secret thus far.

- Stole a computer from school once and sold it.


- Is terrible at map reading

- Can't stomach meat


- Cheerful


- Is great at making fire with the most minimal of resources

- Is a natural at boxing.


- Dogs, especially Golden Retrievers.

- Hiking in nature.

- Metal

- Messing around with machines to improve them.


- Cats

- Cheesy love songs

- Softies


- His grandfather.

- Losing his loved ones

- Being left alone


Dave comes from a relative poor background and had to work quite early to have the money to buy the things he liked. Around the age of 13 his parents divorced after years of drunken arguments and he and his mother moved in with his grandfather. His grandfather was an abusive psychopath who loved creeping the hell out of Dave. Luckily after a year Dave and his mother got their own small appartment. Dave spent most of his time working and hanging out with (girl)friends to avoid his own home as much as possible. Over the years he also started boxing in a gym just for the fun of it but later grew a taste for it as he turned out to be talented. The last four years went generally alright for Dave as he got fitter, got more friends and had more satisfying longer relationships. Sometimes he had to spend extra time in school to catch up on some subjects (or to just avoid being home again). He doesn't have the money to go college after the big road trip so he's not too thrilled about it ending too soon.

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

- (Inquire through PM or OOC, willing to have a relationship at the start of the RP)

- Jason : Bro

- Marilyn : Friends

- Oliver: Enemy

- Izzy: Good friends, potential love interest
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cd00a9c96bfb07288c1879059ef993.gif.6177e20d6965f1499f071890450bd840.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cd00a9c96bfb07288c1879059ef993.gif.6177e20d6965f1499f071890450bd840.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Lora, El, Ellie, Lore, or people call her Hadlee.

Age: (17-18)





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_nlmx2xh25M1tu1ojio1_500.png.db0845219b20ad71dfacf7d2deccc9c3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_nlmx2xh25M1tu1ojio1_500.png.db0845219b20ad71dfacf7d2deccc9c3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Elora is 5'4 and 120 lbs. She has green eyes and ombre hair, dark brown to light brown.

She almost always wears long sleeves and she has scars on her thighs and hips.

(Ugh. Pretty gruesome.. I wanted to try something different. ) Her body have slight curves and she wishes that she could be curvier but her breast are medium sized.

Her style:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/e7351ae00c9cb594ac0ea9e037a723c3.jpg.efa58b6f5ab18c7f68adf8ab840611ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/e7351ae00c9cb594ac0ea9e037a723c3.jpg.efa58b6f5ab18c7f68adf8ab840611ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/106b43f653fd11829361b83fa98f93b2.jpg.e4f2ec2c8c9e5c8fd57bb49f3bebe1c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/106b43f653fd11829361b83fa98f93b2.jpg.e4f2ec2c8c9e5c8fd57bb49f3bebe1c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_nodc9khGAs1uuyi68o1_400.jpg.75688845f7278c559c83486044811f7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_nodc9khGAs1uuyi68o1_400.jpg.75688845f7278c559c83486044811f7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elora is super rebellious, always getting into trouble. When she finds someone to loves to attached to them and doesn't let them go. Even though she's clingy to the people she loves, she doesn't like a commitment. She finds one person, clings to them and when the relationship gets way to clingy she bolts and makes a run for it. She only looking for a one night stand, basically. She isn't a big people person but it just depends on if she likes you or not. Shes likes to be alone. Elora is very blunt, speaking her mind. Shes also impulsive doing thing with out thinking most of the time


When she's thinking really hard she pulls her bangs to the other side of her natural part. (Like in the picture.. Her hair naturally lays the other way. )

When's she's nervous she pulls at her choker and ears.

She always moving, she can't ever keep still.

She becomes attached to, rocks, trees, anything inanimate, stuffed animals etc

She hates doing the same thing. Repeating something.


Elora secretly tried to kill her self and she used to self harm

She's a replacement child.. Her other sibling died a year before she was born.

Even though she says she heterosexual, she's in the closet.She likes both boys and girls

Her friend overdosed and she gave her the pills do it, with out knowing she was gonna overdose.


She isn't quick on her feet.

She can't stop moving

She can't talk to people about her feelings.


A mix between Sanguine and Melancholic






The Arts




straight hair


mixing the truth





being rejected


Being rejected

Tornadoes (Lilapsophobia )

The dark (Nyctophobia)

falling in love


Elora was born on September 21st. Her mother is Lily Adams,she kept her maiden name. Her father is Victor hadlee. Victor and lily tried for a baby when they were 20-21. They got one but she died when she was about 7 in a car accident. so a year later they had Elora. She was the replacement. She always felt that she wasn't good enough because she was a replacement. Her parents were good people but they degraded her a lot, putting her down calling her names even when they were joking she still got offended and she still does. She can't really, " Take a joke" As some would say. Her mother and father were both really blunt and impulsive that's were she gets her's from. Shes always hated school she would always get judged and called a emo and sometime robot because she doesn't show her emotions boldly. She pretended like she didn't care but at home it hit her and she self harmed (Ugh.) eventually the pain got to much and she tried suicide. That didn't work. After that her parents told her that she was going to have a baby brother or sister running around. Everything went smoothly until her father came home one night drunk and hit her mother and her. A month after that her parents got divorced and she had to live with her mom, her father moved out.

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

Izzy: Old friends.




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no slide
no slide no slide
The Basics
N A M E :

Callie Grace Saunders

N I C K N A M E S :

Cal or C

G E N D E R :


B I R T H D A Y :

April the twenty-eigth

A G E :


H E I G H T :


E Y E S :


H A I R :

Wavey, black and red

S E X U A L I T Y :

All About Me
P E R S O N A L I T Y :

If anyone is to be found spontanously breaking into song and dance, it's Callie. She gets caught up in the excitement of the moment, and wants everyone else to feel that way too. Born an entertainer, Callie loves the spotlight, but all the world's a stage. She loves putting on a show for her friends, chat with a unique and earthy wit, soak up attention and make every outing feel a bit like a party. Utterly social, Callie enjoys the simplest things, and there's no greater joy for her than just having fun with a good group of friends.

It's not just talk either - Callie has a strong aesthetic sense. From grooming and outfits to a well-appointed home, she has an eye for fashion. Knowing what's attractive the moment she sees it, she isn't afraid to change her surroundings to reflect her personal style. She is naturally curious, exploring new designs and styles with ease.

Though it may not always seem it, Callie knows that it's not all about her - she is observant, and very sensitive to other people's emotions. She is often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, she is more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. Callie usually loves a little drama and passion, but not so much when she is the focus of the criticism it can bring.

The biggest challenge Callie faces is that she is often so focused on immediate pleasures that she neglects the duties and responsibilites that make those luxuries possible. Complex analysis, repetitive tasks, and matching statistics to real consequences are not so easy activies that she can handle. She'd rather rely on luck or opportunity, or simple ask for help from her extensive circle of friends. It is important for her to challenge herself to keep track of long-term things like her retirement plans or sugar intake - there won't always be someone else around who can help to keep an eye on those things.

Callie recognizes value and quality, which on its own is a fine trait. In combination with her tendency to be a poor planner though, this can cause her to live beyond her means, and credit cards are especially dangerous. More focused on leaping at opportunities than in planning out long-term goals, she may find that her inattentiveness has made activities unaffordable.

Callie is welcome wherever there's a need for laughter, playfulness, and a volunteer to try something new and fun - and there's no greater joy for her than to bring everyone else along for the ride. She can chat for hours, sometimes about anything but the topic they meant to talk about, and share her loved ones' emotions through good times and bad. If she can just remember to keep her ducks in a row, she'll always be ready to dive into all the new and exciting things the world has to offer.
Strenths and Weaknesses
S T R E N G T H S :


Callie isn't known for holding back. Wanting to experience everything there is to experience, she doesn't mind stepping out her comfort zone when no one else is willing.


Callie loves to experiment with new styles, and constantly finds new ways to stuck out in the crowd.

Aesthetics and Snowmanship

Not stopping at mere outfits, Callie injects artistic creativity into her words and actions, too. Everyday is a performance, and Callie loves to put on a show.


To Callie, the world is meant to be felt and experienced. Truth is stranger than fiction, and Callie prefers to see and do than to wax philosophical about "what-ifs".


With all this focus on the here and now, on doing and acting, it makes sense that Callie is natural when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes.

Excellent People Skills

More so than things, Callie loves to pay attention to people. She is talkative, witty, and almost never runs out of things to discuss. Happiness and satistfaction stem from the time she spends with the people she enjoys being with.

W E A K N E S S E S :


Callie is strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism – she can feel like she's been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. This is probably her greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light.


Callie sometimes ignores and avoids conflict entirely. She tends to say and do what's needed to get out of such situations, then move on to something more fun.

Easily Bored

Without constant excitement, Callie finds ways to create it themselves. Risky behaviour, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things Callie gets into a little too often.

Poor Long-Term Planners

In fact, Callie rarely makes detailed plans for the future. To her, things come as they come, and she rarely bothers with taking the time to lay out steps and consequences, with the belief that she could change at any moment - even with things that
can be planned.


Anything that requires long-term dedication and focus is a particular challenge for Callie. In academics, dense, unchanging subjects like Classic Literature are much more difficult than more dynamic, relatable subjects like psychology. The trick for Callie is to find day-to-day joy in broader goals, and to tough it out with those tedious things that must be done.

The 'Extra' Group
L I K E S :

▸ Music

▸ Paying attention to people

▸ Being original

▸ Standing out

D I S L I K E S :

▸ Being a failure

▸ Vulnerable to criticism

▸ Being bored

▸ Silence

F E A R S :

▸ Fear of being left out and not liked

▸ Fear of crying babies

▸ The dark

▸ Shadows

T A L E N T S :

▸ Dancing

I N E P T I T I E S :

▸ Being quiet at bad times

Q U I R K S :

▸ Loves to touch strangers' hair

▸ Tugs on the end of her sleeves when nervous

▸ Paints her fingernails a different color every week

S E C R E T S :

▸ When Callie was young at around the age of six, she witnessed a death and did nothing about it. She didn't tell nor call the police. Up till now, she doesn't fully remember the accident but often has nightmares about it which she doesn't really understand.

▸ Callie runs a well known blog annomously; using her real name 'Liliana' as her identity. She usually uses it to give advice to people, talk about her life problems & situations or just talk to people in general.

▸ At the age of sixteen, Callie changed her name from Liliana to Callie only because she didn't

like the fact that it sounded as though it was an old lady name.

My Past
B I O G R A P H Y :


R E L A T I O N S H I P S :

Love/hate Relationship

Oliver James Landon



Alejandro Novak

@Dark Elfling

T H E M E S O N G :

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"We're all gonna die soon, anyways. So why not live life to the fullest?"


"Fuck it, just call me Ollie."


Oliver James London is said to be a hipster girl's "wet dream." His blue, hooded eyes, chiseled jawline and quirky smile are three of his best features. Standing at 5'9, Oliver isn't the tallest guy around but he isn't short either. He's not the type of guy who focuses on his appearance too much because in his eyes, girls will fawn over him nonetheless. One of the only things that he is insecure about is his slightly broad nose although no one else really comments on it. Oliver has tattoos all over his body, mainly on his arms and hands. He is pretty proud of them, considering he grew up in a strict household. He has a lean physique that he isn't afraid to show off. Blake's wardrobe consists of band muscle tees or long sleeved shirts, leather jackets, and black distressed jeans.













Oliver is a nice guy.. or at least he tries to be... sometimes... kind of? okay, maybe never. He doesn't really like to be as devious as he is but it usually just happens that way as if he can't help himself. He's the type of guy who doesn't really care, at all, abut hurting anyone's feelings. Except his friends, that is. Well, some of them at least. He's only truly concerned about himself and going after what he wants. Looking for someone to have a good time when you're down? Oliver's your guy. He can make a party out of any situation he's in, which is why he is a generally happy guy. He is the epitome of "The Ladies Man," being able to get every girl he's ever gone after. He specifically likes to go after girls that claim they are "out of his league" and then after he gets them, he brags to everyone about it. In Oliver's eyes, no girl is "off limits." However, that is not the only side of the dark haired boy. When he's around his one year old daughter, Emma, his whole persona changes. He adores her more than anything in the entire world.



? Grinds his teeth when he's pissed off

? Avoids eye contact when nervous

? Brushes his teeth in the shower

? Whistles while he eats


? Has a book of all the girls he slept with and the experience

? Had drunken sex with his step sister

? Has a
daughter named Emma, 1.


? Explaining things

? Getting up early

? Being on time


? Choleric


? Playing instruments (guitar, piano, and ukulele)


? Listening to and playing music

? Dark haired girls

? One night stands

? Thunderstorms


? Attention-seekers

? Clingy people

? Rejection

? Insects


? Losing his daughter and mothers

? Falling in love

? His future

? Deep sea


Oliver James London was born to Ellie London, his mother. Ironically, he was born on New Years Day at 11:59pm. When he was younger, he assumed everyone celebrated because it was his birthday regardless of everyone telling him otherwise. Till this day, he still refuses to believe that everyone celebrates because of the day and not his birthday. When his father learned of her pregnancy, he left her. Oliver's mother was very distraught until she met Cassandra Blake, a woman who she fell in love with. Growing up, Oliver thought nothing of his mother's relationship with a woman although his classmates seemed to think it was a big deal. He referred to Cassandra as his second parent, considering his father never returned after he left. Cassandra had a daughter named Ashley, who was 2 years old than him, that he also quickly connected with. During his early childhood years, Oliver was the most kind-hearted boy you could ever come by.

Things changed after he fell for a girl named Kansas who shattered his heart when he was 17. After months of dating, he and Kansas began having unprotected sex. This, of course, led to the 17 year old girl to become pregnant. Not even considering abortion or adoption to be an option, Oliver was ready to take on the challenge of being a father. He even wanted to marry Kansas which his mothers thought was absurd considering he hadn't even graduated high school yet. Two months before Kansas gave birth to their beautiful daughter, Emma, she broke up with him and told him that she didn't feel the way she used to feel about him. Hearing her say those words caused something in Oliver to change. He immediately started sleeping with other girls (including his step sister after a drunken night), smoking, and drinking. After Emma was born, he slightly cut back on his bad habits but they didn't go away. Although his bad habits remain, one of the only things that bought joy to his life with his daughter and every time he is able to see her, are the best days of his life. Although, he hasn't told anyone about her. Not even his closest friends. For some reason, he doesn't want anyone to know.

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

? Alejandro Novak: Friend, but argues with one another often

? David Marcus Anderfield: Enemy

? Callie Grace Saunders: Love/Hate

Interested? PM me, or we can discuss in OOC.
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"My imagination can picture no fairer happiness than to continue living for art" - Clara Schumann

Name: Alejandro Novak

Nickname: Alex or Romeo to some

Age: 18

Sexuality: Gay

Appearance: At 5'8" and 140 pounds, Alex has a fair amount of lean muscle on him, not enough that he looks like he'd be strong but enough that a punch from him would hurt quite a bit. He also has dark green eyes and platinum blonde hair. He can usually be found wearing the latest fashion, chosen carefully from his almost infinitely large closet.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/wp_ss_20150525_0001.png.1fc6f162cfa7f03a38c35a51a71f93c9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/wp_ss_20150525_0001.png.1fc6f162cfa7f03a38c35a51a71f93c9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alex is the very picture of a drama queen. He loathes to admit it but he is indeed the very picture of a gay stereotype. Being the moody artist that he is, he often becomes moody and starts pouting, inflicting is bad mood onto everyone around him. However, when he's not in one of his moods, Alex is very sociable, almost to a fault. He tends to lack any social courtesy and frequently ignores people's personal space. No matter what happens, Alex is always a grand source of entertainment.


-Using cute nicknames for everyone, even strangers

-Ignoring reality to draw something if inspiration has suddenly struck

-Automatically considering everyone his best friend even if they're not


-Alex was the cause of the fire that killed his parents, accidental of course but the guilt still eats him alive.

-He used to be in an abusive relationship with a boy named Anthony but Alex moved away and generally pretends it never happened.

-He's very self conscious but doesn't show it, covering it up with a false arrogance

Ineptities: Anything requiring athletic skill

Temperament: Change frequently between intolerably cheerful and dramatically moody

Talent: Drawing and painting



+Sweet foods




-Healthy food

-People around him being sad





-Vampires. He's convinced they're real, despite his friends jeers.

-Any animal that's not a reptile.


Alex was born into an upper class family, with his father a stockbroker on wall street. A typical story, he started rebelling against them for attention and during that rebellion, he found his passion for art. His father was furious, always seeing art as a waste of time and gave Alex an ultimatum. Abandon art or be kicked out of the house and his trust fund sealed off. Without hesitation, Alex chose art and went to live with his uncle who understood his passion. He wasn't rich by any means, but they lived comfortably and in peace...until his parents died.

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

Inquire at pm



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Name: Skylynn Ricker

Nickname: Sky

Age: 18

Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance: Sky has shoulder length blonde hair, though it's long enough for her to put it in a pony tail or messy bun. She tans easily, so you almost always see her with tan flesh, never having been pale in her life. Not even during winter. You will normally see her wearing short shorts and crop tops. Her eyes are a bluish green, but they tend to change to a grey color when it rains. She stands at 5'2 and weighs about 115 pounds. When she's in her bathing suit she shows off her little bit of muscle, including her abs.

Personality: Skylynn tends to be the peace keeper of the group. Within a crisis she keeps her emotions to herself and puts other people's needs before her own. When she's upset she grows quiet and distant. When she does something and gets reprimanded for it she normally gets closed off and won't talk for a little while. Even though she may want to be alone when this happens, she still secretly wants people to check on her. When people need her they can count on her, even when she needs someone for herself. Even though it may seem like she is fine, deep down she has a lot of emotional baggage. She won't talk about her problems unless forced to either.

Quirks: She bites her lower lip when she's nervous about something.

She absolutely hates the sound of other people chewing their food.

Secrets: When Sky was 15 (Freshman in high school) her step father raped her for the first time and has been doing so continually throughout all of high school.

Because of one of the rapes it resulted in her getting pregnant and when her step dad found out he called her a slut and beat her so bad she lost the baby.

She writes a lot about a a wide majority of things.

Ineptities: Drawing, singing, and softball.

Temperament: Mostly calm unless something pisses her off in which she doesn't really get angry, she just gets hurt.

Talent: Soccer

Likes: Playing soccer, writing short stories, children, and thinking about her future.

Dislikes: Talking about her past, talking about her home life, spiders, her step dad, and bees.

Fears: Her step dad, spiders, and thinking nobody will believe her if she ever tells somebody about what's happening to her at home.

History: As a little girl Skylynn's life was what you could call perfect. She had a loving family, a great home, and she loved school. When she turned 13 her whole life changed. Her father got into a car accident that left him dead and her and her mother grieving for his loss. When she turned 14 her mother had started dating this guy. Within months they were engaged and getting married. As she was going into High School her moms husband started coming into her room late at night every day of the week except for weekends and raped her. One day, when she was sixteen, she found out she was pregnant. She had been so upset by the fact that she didn't know what to do. She told her step dad and her mom and he freaked out. He started throwing things and he eventually started throwing punches at her. At some point he started hitting her in the stomach which caused her to have a miscarriage.

After that day he continued to rape her, only they became twice as brutal. He would leave bruises, everywhere not just where she could hide it easily, and she would have to cover them up with make up. She kept everything from her friends, so they didn't look at her like she was a victim. To keep herself from thinking about anything she allowed her friends to come to her when they had a problem, so she could help them fix theirs even though she couldn't fix her own problems.

Relationships/friendships/enemies: PM me!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.b1d61abb5b6204b8a1fa13ad71ebad1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.b1d61abb5b6204b8a1fa13ad71ebad1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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“I’m not shy… it’s just, speaking up is hard sometimes, you know?”


Seventeen, as of October 12th

Sexuality: Pansexual (open to her friends about it, not her family)

Appearance: Izzy stands a bit below average at only 5’3”. She has very dark brown hair and eyes to match. She is near-sighted, and almost always wears her glasses instead of contacts. She has thick, dark lashes and her skin tans very easily (she’s never suffered from a sunburn). She dresses rather modestly, and in muted tones typically. She’d like to be more adventurous with her outfit choices, but her lack of confidence in herself usually holds her back. She rarely smiles with her teeth, but when she does, her smile is dazzling and you can see her dimples.

Personality: Curious by nature, Izzy is cheeky and clever. An avid reader with a thirst for knowledge, she is quite an imaginative and intelligent soul. As a person with deep levels of understanding and acceptance, Izzy is a wonderful person to look to for support and advice. However in her own life, she can be rather indecisive and unsure of herself at times.Although modest and often underestimated, Izzy will always attempt to help the group in whatever way she can. If she can manage to overcome her barrier of slight shyness when overwhelmed, Izzy finds connecting with other people and forming close bonds to be an easy task. She is quite kind and forgiving, and can fare to get along with just about anyone. Izzy is usually very agreeable or neutral in disputes, typically not holding very strong opinions (or simply choosing not to voice them). In most cases, she would prefer to remain polite rather than prove herself right. Surprisingly, Izzy can actually be more of a risk-taker than you might guess. Due to her agreeable nature, she is prone to trying new things when encouraged by others. Although she usually doubts herself, she puts a lot of trust into her friends, and will usually follow through with whatever they suggest (within reason). She’s also quite caring in relationships (although she’s never had anything serious) and craves to be intimate with others and to be fully accepted for who she is. She can get emotional easily, and is a very sensitive person, often crying even when she’s happy.


(1) Messes with her hair too much when she’s nervous

(2) Has trouble maintaining eye-contact

(3) Hums a little when listening to music

(4) Blushes easily

(5) Speaks softly


(1) Has severe anxiety, and occasionally gets panic or anxiety attacks

(2) Used to have a huge crush on Elora when they were closer friends, but never pursued anything because she assumed she was straight

(3) Envies Marilyn and Callie, and desperately wishes to have the same kind of boldness and confidence that they have

Ineptities: Struggles with speaking up or asserting her opinion

Temperament: Mostly phlegmatic, but occasionally a bit melancholic (she can be rather harsh on herself sometimes)

Talent: Izzy’s most profound talents are her abilities to learn and understand things quickly. This not only includes subject matter in school or things she reads, but she’s also very good at evaluating a situation or learning how people behave. During her high school career she also learned how to play the flute and clarinet fairly well while in the school band. She also has a natural talent for finding good angles to take photographs.


+Books (She loves reading stories about romance and exciting adventures)

+Writing (She always keeps a moleskin journal with her, venting through it helps her alleviate a lot of stress)

+Photography (She even brought her camera along on the trip. She’s normally not too keen on being in pictures, but she loves capturing moments of her friends or the scenery)

+Music (Enjoys a wide variety of genres and has an incredible amount of music stored on her phone)

+Feeling free and uninhibited

+The color blue


-Bigoted people

-Seeing her friends upset

-Not understanding something or being made to feel that she’s stupid

-Feeling trapped, alone, or stressed out


Monophobia- Fear of being alone and left to her thoughts (especially late at night)

Mottephobia- Fear of moths (an odd irrational fear she’s always had)

Agoraphobia- Fear of social situations (mostly because she worries she might have a panic or anxiety attack in public or she might say something stupid, she actually really wants to be comfortable in social settings, it’s just a bit stressful)

History: The youngest of four, Izzy grew up in a crowded household with a single mother. Her father passed away when she was very young, and she has no memories of him beyond the stories her siblings have told her. She grew up Catholic and speaking mostly Spanish in the house, but as she aged she began to doubt her religion and now identifies as irreligious. She still respects it, of course, it just doesn’t touch her in the way it does her mother. Izzy is a first-generation Mexican immigrant, and her mother is still not quite fluent in English. When she was younger, Izzy got teased often for not being able to speak English as well as the other kids, and although she still has a lot of insecurity in her speech, she’s overcompensated for it by working to achieve perfect grades despite her early disadvantage. She worked very hard throughout high school, studying excessively and often cancelling plans with friends, but her success paid off. Although Izzy wasn’t accepted to her first-choice university (an elite, private, out-of-state school), she will be attending a more local college on a full-ride scholarship for academic excellence. Izzy was honestly very surprised that she was even invited on the road trip, as she’d lost touch with a lot of her good friends during her senior year (she was much more focused on preparing for college and exams), but she is nonetheless excited to escape her town and go on an adventure comparable to that of the books she reads, and reconnect with the people she used to spend all of her time with.

Relationships, Friendships, Enemies:

Elora- Close, old friend

David- Good friend, potential love interest

Zhang- Friend

Interested? PM me or we can discuss in OOC
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Zhang Lixing

"My heart is made of sunshine and rainbows"


Name: Zhang Lixing

Nickname: Lay, Rei, Li-Li, Xing-Xing

Age: 17 and three-quarters, 18 on December 6th

Appearance: Lay is a boy of average height and a well-rounded frame, standing at 5'9" and weighing 75 kilograms. He has a rather slender build, but also has some developed muscles. His short hair is dyed a light reddish-brown or sometimes dark brown and has black eyes. Defining features of his face include his dimples and his happy-go-lucky smile. Lay likes to dress simple and clean, nothing that can make him come across as extravagant.

Personality: Saying that Lay is nice wouldn't do him justice. He is always sincere, soft-spoken, respectful and considerate to anyone he meets, be it stranger or friend or even enemy. He believes that there isn't a soul in the world who doesn't deserve kindness. He is also a very childish person. Lay comes across as accidentally funny, making people laugh because of his laughably and adorably awkward antics. It seems impossible for him to lie, he'll always spill out anything about him when asked, but only when asked.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


-Tends to forget the most important of things, like his name

-Prone to mispronouncing or misusing words in English

-When happy, he likes to quote stuff from anime

-When really focused, he will bite on his shirt collar

-When excited, he sometimes mixes in Chinese words in his sentences

-When bored, he will fidget around with anything he can get his hands on


-He and his grandmother are technically illegal immigrants

-He is the bastard son of a Taiwanese politician

-He has been used as a sexual plaything by his sister



-The color orange

-Girls' Generation

-Korean dramas









-Spicy food

-Cliche telenovelas

Fears: Being lost, heights and polar bears

History: Born in Shanghai to middle-class parents who died shortly after he was born, Lay grew up with only his grandmother and his older sister, Zhoumi. Growing up, he found an inept aptitude for music and effortlessly took up playing the guitar. He performed in the streets and earned some money. Not much, but it was worth appreciating. Some time after he graduated from middle school, his sister managed to earn a scholarship to study in the States and she brought Lay and her grandmother with her.

America was tough to adjust to at first, people often mocked him for his low understanding of English and relative gullibility, but he stood firm and with the aid of his English-fluent sister, he made his stay an enjoyable one. Then his sister began to act strangely around him. She began clinging to him like...what was the term she used once before? A boyfriend? Lay was understandably more than a bit confused, but went with the flow since this was his sister and he'd do anything for her. Over time, her acts grew bolder and bolder and all right you get the point, she was molesting him, even though he didn't realize this. Still, he heeded her orders to keep this a secret from others.

Ineptities: Egregiously gullible and has a hard time understanding complex orders

Temperament: Melancholic

Talent: Dancing and making music

Relationships: Friends with Alejandro Novak (@Dark Elfling) and Izzy Ramos (@October)


"I don't date ugly girls. Because ugly girls don't exist."

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