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Fandom Legends of Orario (Danmachi RP)

Kalin Scarlet

RPNation's Overpowered Heroic Sword Saint
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



Sexual Orientation:


Appearance: (Anime Pictures Only! Can also write a paragraph[5+ sentences] describing your character's appearance.)

Personality: (1 Paragraph[5+ Sentences] Required)

History: (At least 1 paragraph about your character's life leading up to the rp. Required.)




Sexual Orientation:


Appearance: (Anime Pictures Only! Can also write a paragraph[5+ sentences] describing your character's appearance.)

Personality: (1 Paragraph[5+ Sentences] Required)

History: (At least 1 paragraph about your character's life leading up to the rp. Required.)


Health: Health is equal to (Endurance Rank x 5)+5. This number is rounded down to the closest whole.

All characters start with a rank of I in each basic ability, at 100 points, with 300 points to distribute between them. A skill ranks up by one letter rank for every 100 points a skill gains, in order of I, E, D, C, B, A, S, S+, SS, and SSS.

Power: How much damage you deal. Each rank increases base Attack by 1.

Endurance: How much punishment you can take without getting knocked down. Each rank increases base Defense by 1, up to a guaranteed minimum of 1 damage.

(No one can be invulnerable to damage...not this way, at least.)

Agility: A measure of your speed and reflexes. Each rank increases your base Dodge by 1.

Dexterity: A measure of your finesse and skill. Each rank increases your base Hit by 1.

Magic: Your grasp on the use of magic. Each rank increases the effectiveness of spells by 1.

Abilities: Special Characteristics unique to your character based on them or their race. Your character can start with one ability. PM me for details on that.

Skills: Your character does not start with a skill.

Spells: Your character, under normal circumstances, does not start with any spells.

ARMOR: refers to body armor. All basic light armor adds a bonus rank of +1 to defense, and +1 to dodge. All basic heavy armor adds a rank bonus to defense of +2

WEAPON(s): Can carry up to two one handed weapons, one two handed weapon, a ranged weapon and a smaller one handed weapon, or a single handed weapon and shield. All basic one handed weapons add a rank bonus of +1 to attack, two handed weapons boost attack by +2, ranged weapons boost hit and attack by +1, and shields boost defense by +1.

SPECIAL 1: This should be empty, to start.

SPECIAL 2: This should be empty, to start.



God/Goddess of:




Familia Type: (What is the main focus of your Familia?)

Familia Sigil: (Required for any God/Goddess with a Familia)
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Name:Marth Flames \\\ Brad Kaltenbach

Age:5 \\\ 18


Sexual Orientation:Straight-Straight

Race:Marth is a elven neko \\\ Brad a Elf

Appearance: Marth


Personality: Marth is a tiny child with no familia as no one wants well... a child. he can come off tough and worn from being alone but after awhile he watms up to you and is extremely funny and smart. he's decently strong and has been spotted fleetingly on floor 10 but rarely, as he was chased down there those times and showing his true strength there but he tends to seem weak due to his age and size.

Brad is something diffrent. he will brawl, even if it can be avoided and has no familia due to people seeing him as a rouge but on the inside... he's not. brad is very calm and around friends he acts happy ish but when alone, he dark. he has heated his blade at a forge and placed the metal to his chest multiple times.

History: Marth's parents had taken him down to the dungeon one day. it was fun for him as he ran around giggling. but then everything changed when the Ants attacked. *refrence* his father destroyed many of them but got overrun and his mother fled down the tunnel, never seen again. he was saved by Bradley kaltenbach and for years the two have met up to train or chat. his parents familia discarded him because at the time he was a blubbering mess but... he was only three or so. he's resented them and has had to grow up fast, being alone.

Brad has been fighting for years. he had fought a god once and delt the god some nasty scars but was destroyed when the god forgot he couldn't use his powers. Brad has fought on the 60th floor a few times but almost died on his trip up. he is like a parental figure to a little kid named marth who, like him, has no familia. Brad gets into trouble alot by fighting people and in the end, he looks bad.

Health: Health is equal to (Endurance Rank x 5)+(Endurance value/10). This number is rounded down to the closest whole.

All characters start with a rank of I in each basic ability, at 100 points, with 300 points to distribute between them. A skill ranks up by one letter rank for every 100 points a skill gains, in order of I, E, D, C, B, A, S, S+, SS, and SSS.

Power: How much damage you deal. Each rank increases base Attack by 1.

Endurance: How much punishment you can take without getting knocked down. Each rank increases base Defense by 1, up to a guaranteed minimum of 1 damage.

(No one can be invulnerable to damage...not this way, at least.)

Agility: A measure of your speed and reflexes. Each rank increases your base Dodge by 1.

Dexterity: A measure of your finesse and skill. Each rank increases your base Hit by 1.

Magic: Your grasp on the use of magic. Each rank increases the effectiveness of spells by 1.

Abilities: Special Characteristics unique to your character based on them or their race. Your character can start with one ability. PM me for details on that.

Skills: Your character does not start with a skill.

Spells: Your character, under normal circumstances, does not start with any spells.

ARMOR: refers to body armor. All basic light armor adds a bonus rank of +1 to defense, and +1 to dodge. All basic heavy armor adds a rank bonus to defense of +2

WEAPON(s): Can carry up to two one handed weapons, one two handed weapon, a ranged weapon and a smaller one handed weapon, or a single handed weapon and shield. All basic one handed weapons add a rank bonus of +1 to attack, two handed weapons boost attack by +2, ranged weapons boost hit and attack by +1, and shields boost defense by +1.

SPECIAL 1: This should be empty, to start.

SPECIAL 2: This should be empty, to start.

Brad uses a axe alot and sometimes a sword. Marth uses a dagger and is going to use a sword when he can afford one.
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Here's my goddess sheet. And there's the adventurer!

Name: Andraste

Gender: Female

Goddess of: War and victory

Abilities: Besides fighting like a champ and drinking you under the table? Well there's the usual godly abilities, giving blessings, reading the abilities of her adventurers, all that kind of stuff.

If you want something more personal then Andraste would say she has a talent for nurturing the inner fire. Yes it sounds silly but don't let her catch you saying that. She can ignite and draw out the warrior spirit that dwells within each heart, pushing even meek cowards ti feats of bravery or lazy slobs to push themselves to new heights. She may be demanding, she may be cruel but if you join her familia then she will forge your body and will into a thing of iron.

Whether there's any weight to her claims you'd have to ask the members of her familia.

Appearance: Andraste is a wiry young woman made up of lean, well toned, muscle. She stands about 5'10" and has the sun kissed complexion of someone who spends a lot of time outside, naturally she's actually quite pale has a splattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. she has a shock of hazel coloured hair which she ties back into a short, spikey, ponytail. A warrior's tail as she prefers to call it, the coolest of all hairstyles. There is a little 'X' shaped scar on her right cheek and various scratches and slashed on the rest of her body. Trophies from past brawls and fights. What would a war goddess be without them?

She tends to wear rough and tumble style practical clothing. Rough brown leather straps and simple beige shirts that fit loosely over her athletic frame as if she was ready to just dive into the dungeon right now. And she would if she was allowed! Stupid rules. Andraste tends to walk with a fighter's swagger, head back, hands in her pockets, boots pounding the street. She walks like she owns the street and for all she acts she might just believe it. A big wolfish smirk is usually spread across her face, you'll know something's wrong when her teeth are no longer bared and she starts to get quiet... and those dark blue eyes of hers lose their sparkle. Other than that, the other thing that people notice about her clearly is that Andraste doesn't know how to hold herself like a "Lady" like those other girly girly goddesses. She never wears a skirt, sprawls out across the armrests of any bench or seat she finds and treats it like a throne, usually while she smokes her favorite pipe. Yeah she smokes a pipe! What of it?!

Personality: As you may have guessed Andraste is something of a firebrand. She's highly competitive and easily sparked to action and anger in kind. The long suffering members of her familia have had to drag their goddess out of more tavern brawls than they've bothered to count. If this is an embarrassment to them Andraste doesn't seem to care. Sometimes, y'know, somebody's just gotta get punched in the face. To her this is just another way Andraste stays true to her domain, she's highly competitive and territorial about what she sees as hers. Every day offers another chance to claim a fresh victory of a new kind, this is the kind of outlook she encourages in her familia and through it she demands the best from those that bare her blessing, just as they should demand it from themselves.

Pride is what define's her. It fuels Andraste's ambitions and stops her from throwing in the towel. It also stops her from accepting help owning up to her own weaknesses, even making her easy to manipulate at times. Members of her familia have found it easier to get things done when they make it seem like it was Andraste's idea and playing to her ego. So why join her familia in the first place? For pride's sake.

Andraste may think a lot of herself but that's because she was so used to being an underdog among the other war gods back in heaven but she proved she could stand with any of them! That is the spirit she aims to instill in those that have her blessing. There's nothing Andraste loves more than a fixer upper, to start low and build your way to the top. The harder you strive for it the sweeter the victory. It's that same feeling that makes her so protective of her familia members... and cute little baby animals that are so small and soft and need her to look after them- BUT SHE WILL NEVER SPEAK OF THOSE FEELINGS! Never, how dare you suggest such a thing, she'll kick your butt!

Familia Type: You've probably guessed by now that Andraste's familia focuses on martial skills and adventuring. There's a place for all fighting styles under her roof, variety is the spice of life after all. She doesn't have anything against magic users but it doesn't get her blood pumping the way a good honest fight does and pure magic users may find her ways to brash and brutish for their tastes. It took her a while but Andraste managed to finally managed to save enough money to buy a fall for the familia. An abandoned warehouse that she dreams of building up into her own arena/tavern.

It's far from fancy but it's got plenty of space for training and she's even managed to set up a wrestling ring in the center for matches along with some long tables for eating and drinking. The upper floor has been converted into a living area for any familia members who need a place to stay. Which is to say, she's stuck some second hand beds in the old office rooms. You watch out though, this place'll be the grandest warrior's hall in the world given time.

Familia Sigil: A Crow with its wings outstretched and clutching a spear between its talons on a field of green. Andraste has hung a banner with her sigil on the wall of the warehouse above her "Throne".

Name: Iroh Vantiri

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Runarl (Fox Person)

Appearance: What a beautiful creature Iroh is. With his fiery orange hair and fox ears, tipped with flecks of a beautiful snow white. His eyes are shine like pure gold, even in the gloom of the dungeon's half-light like the jewels they are, further highlighting the his alabaster complexion. What a pure and delicate young man he is, but do not think him weak. For although he may be a modest 5' 8" he moves with a dancers grace and speed and holds himself with much the same dignity.

But ladies, please, don't be intimidated.

Personality: So you might have guessed that Iroh is... kind of vain. And you'd be half right but we'll get to that in a second. He's not an obnoxious kind of guy, he just thinks you have to be proactive about putting yourself out there. Ladies love confidence. Unfortunately this can lead IRoh to over reach himself and actively try to act cooler than he is.

Why would he do this you ask? Because Iroh might... just a little bit... riddled with insecurity. He thinks he's too short and slim to be considered manly. He's not that strong and is all too aware of the reputation foxes have as tricksters with little more to get by on but their looks. He doesn't have that many strengths y'know and he's... he's gotta play to the one's he's got. He finds it hard to open up about this kind of thing to people, he finds it better to lead with a smile and a good sense of humor. It helps that he's a bit of a joker anyway.

History: Born of mixed Runarl parentage (a mother from the east, a father from the west) Iroh grew up on the road, travelling from town to town until his parents decided to settle down. His dad was a merchant, you see, and had finally found a way to open his own store which he could stock with the finer things in life. Iroh's mother was a practical woman and it was her that taught him how to fight in her native eastern style. It was her storied of her time adventuring that got Iroh interested in adventuring as a career.

So off he set for the dungeon. Looking to join a familia and make it big. Fame, riches, girls, the whole shabang. Why else would you become an adventurer?


HEALTH - 510

POWER - I (100)


AGILITY - D (300)


MAGIC - I (100)

Abilities: Fox Sight - Thanks to his Runarl heritage Iroh's golden eyes grant him excellent night sight and the ability to adapt to the dark quickly, helping him find his way through the dungeon even with very little light.

Skills: None

Spells: None


Cheap leather armour and red cloak (Basic light armour +1 rank to Dodge +1 rank to Defense)

Old Katana (Basic one handed weapon +1 rank to attack)

Belt of throwing knives (+1 rank to hit and attack)


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Nico Cambria | AGE 23 | GENDER Male | SEXUAL ORIENTATION N/A | RACE Human


A quite charming man with an androgynous appearance. Has red hair which goes down to his shoulders, it's normally pretty straight, but when it turns humid it gets pretty curly. He had gray eyes, and, his complexion is a bit tan due to going out in the sun a lot. 5'8 in feet, and is fairly muscular from fair amounts of training. Typically wears black clothes under his his light chain mail armor, with his sword on his back.


He's quite an uptight and serious person who can't really take a joke. Though you can't hate him for being serious with everything, you could tell he's upright and honest. He takes care of others really well, and doesn't get bothered by anything a lot, except if it has to do something with his sister. A hardworking and stubborn individual, he won't stop until he finishes the job which makes him some what reliable. He can also be accounted for as strange as his emotions and actions are hard to tell and predict under his expressionless face.


His parents were both adventurers in Orario who had frequently went into the dungeon. However during one of those trips they both lost their lives, leaving him and his little sister left with the care of his parents friends. However once his little sister had died of an illness. He soon left the house, he had only been staying there for his sister after all, with her gone there wasn't a reason to stay, and he felt the need to get away from the place which was full of bad memories. But before he could leave he came across a goddess, who had seemed to have took pity in him, and said that she could fill in the empty part of his soul, as long as he joined her familia. Though it was suspicious, he had ended up believing her.

The goddess then introduced him to Elis, an elven girl who had just arrived to Orario, who would become his little sister.

FAMILIA Scheherazade


Health 755 | Power {I} 150 | Endurance {E} 250 | Agility {I} 100 | Dexterity {I} 150 | Magic {I} 150


Soul Link - An ability where his soul is linked with Elis, his younger sister, in which his status had been split and given to her. Skills and abilities are also shared among them.







Black tank top, and pants.

Lightweight Chainmail. [+1 Defense, +1 Dodge]


2 Handed Broad Sword [+2 Attack]




Elis Cambria | AGE 20, due to elves larger life span she looks 14 in human age. | GENDER Female | SEXUAL ORIENTATION N/A | RACE Elf


Has the beauty found uncommon within elves. She long, white, wavy hair, and cloudy, purple eyes. Like elves her ears are long and pointed. Due to elves larger life span, her body grows slower than a humans, so even though she is 20 years in age, her body is still of a kid, with a small height of 4'10 ft at her age. Often wearing a black and white frilly dress.


She is somewhat shy, she doesn't really show herself or talk to strangers. She's only close to the others within the famalia, and just like her elder brother, she has an unreadable face. Though it's quite obvious of when she wants things, or when she finds something cute. She's quite an eccentric individual with no common sense, and doesn't know how to do basic chores, so she can be somewhat spoiled and oblivious to the world around her. But not wanting to be a burden she tries her best to learn what is needed.


Due to circumstances, she had arrived in Orario by herself. Since it had been an unexpected outcome that she had to be by herself, she wasn't sure how to adapt to the change. Everything was so different to what she was used to, and she couldn't get used to it, and ended up starving herself for a day until she met a goddess who had taken her in. A few days later she was introduced to a boy who was to be her brother. Since then she was taken care of very well and mostly works as a waitress in the familia tavern, as well as sometimes acting as a supporter in the dungeon.

FAMILIA Scheherazade


Health 755 | Power {I} 150 | Endurance {E} 250 | Agility {I} 100 | Dexterity {I} 150 | Magic {I} 150


Soul Link - An ability where his soul is linked with Nico, her older brother, in which his status had been split and given to her. Skills and abilities are also shared among them.







Plate Chested Armor [+2 Defense]


Claymore [+2 Attack]



Name Scheherazade

Gender: Female

Goddess of Songs, Stories and Adventure


Obviously, skipping the usual of godly abilities she takes pride in her voice in which she uses to sing and tells stories, which has an illusive affect on others. With songs she can invoke another's feelings. With her stories, her voice entraps them, and immerses them within the story as if they are actually there. Proficient in many instruments and can dance as well.


She is 5'6 ft tall and is generally toned and tanned. She often puts her long, straight, white hair up in a pony tail, along with an exotic white dress. Her eyes are an emerald green, and she tends to wear quite the amount of jewelry from earrings, necklaces, bracelets,gold arm bangles, and hair accessories.


Quite the energetic individual, she likes to have fun and mess with people. Like many of her familia, she likes to party, drink, perform, and is not afraid to show it. She enjoys the thrill and excitement of adventures and stories as she is quite active, and runs around a lot. She can't keep herself still. A free spirit she does what she wants, and seeks no opinion from others, she never holds back when she has an idea, she'll be stubborn and stick to it until the end. Though she's always off doing whatever pleases her, she deeply cares for her familia. But there is also a serious side within her, in the familia she is known as the wise goddess and is dependable, and will guide them or give them advise with their problems. Though others outside of her familia find it hard to believe.

Familia Type To go on adventures, sing, explore, and party. Rather than the thrill in fighting, her familia focuses on the exhilaration of discovering the unknown, and adventuring, and does not live to fight, but fight in order to surely experience life. Her number one rule in the familia is, to have fun. Among her familia, many can be said to be entertainers whether they are musicians, dancers, or performers. Though others are all welcome if they enjoy stories and adventure as the familia also focuses on exploring the dungeon. They are a merry and loud bunch.

The familia does not have a particular house as Scheherazade believes a person is a wandering soul in which never stays at one place for long. The familia does, however, own a tavern and inn, in which familia members can come to take a rest, and relax anytime, and can be called their home. This can also be seen as a stage in which many familia can perform, sing, and gather information or just tell stories of their adventures.

Familia Sigil A compass with one wing.

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Name: Nicola Merlo

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human



Personality: Often considered the nobler of the siblings, Nicola is a natural optimist with a strong sense of right and wrong. Military life has trained her to answer to higher authority, so she still takes the relationships within familias a bit too seriously. She can be a bit airheaded and indecisive at times, though she can stay calm even in dire situations. While she is no longer associated with any military, she still has a strong will to protect; she is often willing to throw herself headfirst into danger for the sake of others.

Power: E (200)

Endurance: E (200)

Agility: I (100)

Dexterity: E (200)

Magic: I (100)

Abilities: Discipline

Critcal hits deal 175% damage, rounding down.

Fioran Military Uniform


Iron Round Shield


Name: Leon Merlo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human



Personality: Unlike his 'weakling' sister, Leon is ruthless, cruel, and proud to a fault. As long as it means reaching his goal, he doesn't care how much or how long he has to fight. Contrarily, he relishes combat, so long as his enemy can match him. He's quick to anger and even quicker to draw his blade, often running headfirst into situations he knows nothing about. His obsession with becoming the ultimate warrior is evident, as he rarely cares about anything outside of combat. Though he can be crude, his fierce pride gives him something resembling honor; he will never attack someone without a weapon or from behind.

Power: D (300)

Endurance: I (100)

Agility: E (200)

Dexterity: I (100)

Magic: I (100)

Abilities: Ruthless

Increased resilience to stuns or paralysis

Simple Leather Coat

Hand-and-a-Half Sword

History: Nicola and Leon were born into a family with a long military tradition in the country of Fiore. From their drill sergeant of a father, the two began learning of the military history of Fiore from an early age. While Nicola studied dutifully, Leon would often sneak out to practice with a wooden blade. By the time their father began training them in true swordsmanship, he had learned enough on his own to easily thrash his sister. Drunk on pride, Leon continued to train on his own in spite of his father's warnings. Through discipline and training, Nicola was slowly able to learn how to beat her brother's wild, instinctive style. After their father became bedridden from a spear in his stomach, Leon decided he had enough; at the age of 15, he set out on his own with nothing but a blade and the clothes on his back. With no one left to teach her, Nicola spent the rest of her youth studying on her own. She continued to practice what her father had taught her, eventually adding onto it to create her own style.

At 18, Nicola entered into military service. With her name and talent, she was able to quickly garnish respect throughout her squad. Her knowledge of swordsmanship and tactics allowed her to Within two years, she managed to climb her way to the rank of Corporal. Leon, on the other hand, continued to seek true mastery of the sword. He roamed the countryside for 3 years, fighting and stealing from anyone who carried a blade. Unfortunately, his violent ways inevitably ended with him getting thrashed by a Fioran adventurer. The wounded Leon was arrested and sentenced to death, though Nicola was alerted soon after his capture. Before he could be hung, she faked an alert that allowed them to escape. Now fugitives, Leon decided on his next course of action; go to Orario and find greater strength in the Familias there.

Though the two have reunited, there is still a lot of distance between them. Leon still strives to prove he's better than Nicola, even going so far as to refer to his sister as "Corporal" rather than her name. Nicola has tried to reconcile with him, though after spending so long trying from Fiore to Orario she has all but given up hope. Unable to return home, she joined her brother as an adventurer to at the very least keep him on the right track.
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GoldenCharizard4 said:
Name:Marth Flames Brad Kaltenbach


Sexual Orientation:Straight-Straight

Race:Marth is a elven neko Brad a Elf

Appearance: Marth


Personality: Marth is a tiny child with no familia as no one wants well... a child. he can come off tough and worn from being alone but after awhile he watms up to you and is extremely funny and smart. he's decently strong and has been spotted fleetingly on floor 10 but rarely, showing his true strength there but he tends to seem weak due to his age and size.

Brad is something diffrent. he will brawl, even if it can be avoided and has no familia due to people seeing him as a rouge but on the inside... he's not. brad is very calm and around friends he acts happy ish but when alone, he dark. he has heated his blade at a forge and placed the metal to his chest multiple times.

History: Marth's parents had taken him down to the dungeon one day. it was fun for him as he ran around giggling. but then everything changed when the Ants attacked. *refrence* his father destroyed many of them but got overrun and his mother fled down the tunnel, never seen again. he was saved by Bradley kaltenbach and for years the two have met up to train or chat. his parents familia discarded him because at the time he was a blubbering mess but... he was only three or so. he's resented them and has had to grow up fast, being alone.

Brad has been fighting for years. he had fought a god once and delt the god some nasty scars but was destroyed when the god forgot he couldn't use his powers. Brad has fought on the 60th floor a few times but almost died on his trip up. he is like a parental figure to a little kid named marth who, like him, has no familia. Brad gets into trouble alot by fighting people and in the end, he looks bad.

Health: Health is equal to (Endurance Rank x 5)+(Endurance value/10). This number is rounded down to the closest whole.

All characters start with a rank of I in each basic ability, at 100 points, with 300 points to distribute between them. A skill ranks up by one letter rank for every 100 points a skill gains, in order of I, E, D, C, B, A, S, S+, SS, and SSS.

Power: How much damage you deal. Each rank increases base Attack by 1.

Endurance: How much punishment you can take without getting knocked down. Each rank increases base Defense by 1, up to a guaranteed minimum of 1 damage.

(No one can be invulnerable to damage...not this way, at least.)

Agility: A measure of your speed and reflexes. Each rank increases your base Dodge by 1.

Dexterity: A measure of your finesse and skill. Each rank increases your base Hit by 1.

Magic: Your grasp on the use of magic. Each rank increases the effectiveness of spells by 1.

Abilities: Special Characteristics unique to your character based on them or their race. Your character can start with one ability. PM me for details on that.

Skills: Your character does not start with a skill.

Spells: Your character, under normal circumstances, does not start with any spells.

ARMOR: refers to body armor. All basic light armor adds a bonus rank of +1 to defense, and +1 to dodge. All basic heavy armor adds a rank bonus to defense of +2

WEAPON(s): Can carry up to two one handed weapons, one two handed weapon, a ranged weapon and a smaller one handed weapon, or a single handed weapon and shield. All basic one handed weapons add a rank bonus of +1 to attack, two handed weapons boost attack by +2, ranged weapons boost hit and attack by +1, and shields boost defense by +1.

SPECIAL 1: This should be empty, to start.

SPECIAL 2: This should be empty, to start.

Brad uses a axe alot and sometimes a sword. Marth uses a dagger and is going to use a sword when he can afford one.

The reason marth won't get accepted into a familia? He's waaaaay too young to fight in the dungeon. And at floor 10 at his level? He'd probably die in an instant. Take that part out, and maybe...make him older with a young appearance? Also, you should probably split their CS into two separate ones in the same post. Just to make it easier to keep track of. Youll be changing equipment and Stats over time, soo...
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thats why i said fleetingly. he was chased down there xD and i can split the cs's. correct he was to young to join a familia but, how was he to know?
GoldenCharizard4 said:
thats why i said fleetingly. he was chased down there xD and i can split the cs's. correct he was to young to join a familia but, how was he to know?
....the fact that there are no other kids his age in the dungeon? But anyways, besides that, good work so far.
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Name: Kalin Xross

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Wolf Beastkin



Personality: Kalin is a firehearted individual. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he is courageous, respectful, and has the capacity to show a kind caring side that is fiercely protective of his friends. He occasionally displays an animalistic nature that further expresses his more aggressive personality, that also includes a deep seated(though rarely stated) desire for a family.


Kalin and his sister were inseparable for as long as anyone who knew them could remember. The two had lost their parents at a young age, forcing the two beastkin to watch each others backs. At the time, Kalin was a cheerful youth, who looked up to his big sister with total admiration and respect.

Upon their arrival in Orario, His older sister quickly found them a place within one of the many Familia, taking on the dungeon, and fighting almost every day for her and her brother's new home. Kalin, still a bit young for the dungeons himself, spent his time practicing for the day when he'd become an adventurer as well, and back his sister up. It was also during this time that Kalin started taking to music to express his feelings in a new way....(tbc)

Familia: Schezerade Familia

Health: 10

Power: I [100]

Endurance: I [100]

Agility: D [300]

Dexterity: E [200]

Magic: I [100]

Abilities: Hunter[Deals extra damage to monsters he has defeated before.]

Skills: Your character does not start with a skill.

Spells: Your character, under normal circumstances, does not start with any spells.

ARMOR: Light Armor [+ 1 Speed, +1 Defense]

WEAPON(s): Dual shortswords [+2 Attack]


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Yunn said:
Nico Cambria | AGE 23 | GENDER Male | SEXUAL ORIENTATION N/A | RACE Human


A quite charming man with an androgynous appearance. Has red hair which goes down to his shoulders, it's normally pretty straight, but when it turns humid it gets pretty curly. He had gray eyes, and, his complexion is a bit tan due to going out in the sun a lot. 5'8 in feet, and is fairly muscular from fair amounts of training. Typically wears black clothes under his his light chain mail armor, with his sword on his back.


He's quite an uptight and serious person who can't really take a joke. Though you can't hate him for being serious with everything, you could tell he's upright and honest. He takes care of others really well, and doesn't get bothered by anything a lot, except if it has to do something with his sister. A hardworking and stubborn individual, he won't stop until he finishes the job which makes him some what reliable. He can also be accounted for as strange as his emotions and actions are hard to tell and predict under his expressionless face.


His parents were both adventurers in Orario who had frequently went into the dungeon. However during one of those trips they both lost their lives, leaving him and his little sister left with the care of his parents friends. However once his little sister had died of an illness. He soon left the house, he had only been staying there for his sister after all, with her gone there wasn't a reason to stay, and he felt the need to get away from the place which was full of bad memories. But before he could leave he came across a goddess, who had seemed to have took pity in him, and said that she could fill in the empty part of his soul, as long as he joined her familia. Though it was suspicious, he had ended up believing her.

The goddess then introduced him to Elis, an elven girl who had just arrived to Orario, who would become his little sister.

FAMILIA Scheherazade


Health 765 | Power {I} 150 | Endurance {E} 250 | Agility {I} 100 | Dexterity {I} 150 | Magic {I} 150


Soul Link - An ability where his soul is linked with Elis, his younger sister, in which his status had been split and given to her. Skills and abilities are also shared among them.







Black tank top, and pants.

Lightweight Chainmail. [+1 Defense, +1 Dodge]


2 Handed Broad Sword [+2 Attack]




Elis Cambria | AGE 20, due to elves larger life span she looks 14 in human age. | GENDER Female | SEXUAL ORIENTATION N/A | RACE Elf


Has the beauty found uncommon within elves. She long, white, wavy hair, and cloudy, purple eyes. Like elves her ears are long and pointed. Due to elves larger life span, her body grows slower than a humans, so even though she is 20 years in age, her body is still of a kid, with a small height of 4'10 ft at her age. Often wearing a black and white frilly dress.


She is somewhat shy, she doesn't really show herself or talk to strangers. She's only close to the others within the famalia, and just like her elder brother, she has an unreadable face. Though it's quite obvious of when she wants things, or when she finds something cute. She's quite an eccentric individual with no common sense, and doesn't know how to do basic chores, so she can be somewhat spoiled and oblivious to the world around her. But not wanting to be a burden she tries her best to learn what is needed.


Due to circumstances, she had arrived in Orario by herself. Since it had been an unexpected outcome that she had to be by herself, she wasn't sure how to adapt to the change. Everything was so different to what she was used to, and she couldn't get used to it, and ended up starving herself for a day until she met a goddess who had taken her in. A few days later she was introduced to a boy who was to be her brother. Since then she was taken care of very well and mostly works as a waitress in the familia tavern, as well as sometimes acting as a supporter in the dungeon.

FAMILIA Scheherazade


Health 765 | Power {I} 150 | Endurance {E} 250 | Agility {I} 100 | Dexterity {I} 150 | Magic {I} 150


Soul Link - An ability where his soul is linked with Nico, her older brother, in which his status had been split and given to her. Skills and abilities are also shared among them.







Plate Chested Armor [+2 Defense]


Claymore [+2 Attack]



Name Scheherazade

Gender: Female

Goddess of Songs, Stories and Adventure


Obviously, skipping the usual of godly abilities she takes pride in her voice in which she uses to sing and tells stories, which has an illusive affect on others. With songs she can invoke another's feelings. With her stories, her voice entraps them, and immerses them within the story as if they are actually there. Proficient in many instruments and can dance as well.


She is 5'6 ft tall and is generally toned and tanned. She often puts her long, straight, white hair up in a pony tail, along with an exotic white dress. Her eyes are an emerald green, and she tends to wear quite the amount of jewelry from earrings, necklaces, bracelets,gold arm bangles, and hair accessories.


Quite the energetic individual, she likes to have fun and mess with people. Like many of her familia, she likes to party, drink, perform, and is not afraid to show it. She enjoys the thrill and excitement of adventures and stories as she is quite active, and runs around a lot. She can't keep herself still. A free spirit she does what she wants, and seeks no opinion from others, she never holds back when she has an idea, she'll be stubborn and stick to it until the end. Though she's always off doing whatever pleases her, she deeply cares for her familia. But there is also a serious side within her, in the familia she is known as the wise goddess and is dependable, and will guide them or give them advise with their problems. Though others outside of her familia find it hard to believe.

Familia Type To go on adventures, sing, explore, and party. Rather than the thrill in fighting, her familia focuses on the exhilaration of discovering the unknown, and adventuring, and does not live to fight, but fight in order to surely experience life. Her number one rule in the familia is, to have fun. Among her familia, many can be said to be entertainers whether they are musicians, dancers, or performers. Though others are all welcome if they enjoy stories and adventure as the familia also focuses on exploring the dungeon. They are a merry and loud bunch.

The familia does not have a particular house as Scheherazade believes a person is a wandering soul in which never stays at one place for long. The familia does, however, own a tavern and inn, in which familia members can come to take a rest, and relax anytime, and can be called their home. This can also be seen as a stage in which many familia can perform, sing, and gather information or just tell stories of their adventures.

Familia Sigil A compass with one wing.


Your HP is a bit off. You find your number for HP by multiplying the rank of Endurance(The letters, in order are I(1), E(2), etc...)by 5, and adding it to a value of five. Sorry if I confused you there. Well, technically I just decided to change it today, so you didn't actually mess up that bad. Bedsides your HP, you're all good. I'm honored to join your familia, by the way.
Voltsung said:
Name: Nicola Merlo
Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human



Personality: Often considered the nobler of the siblings, Nicola is a natural optimist with a strong sense of right and wrong. Military life has trained her to answer to higher authority, so she still takes the relationships within familias a bit too seriously. She can be a bit airheaded and indecisive at times, though she can stay calm even in dire situations. While she is no longer associated with any military, she still has a strong will to protect; she is often willing to throw herself headfirst into danger for the sake of others.

Power: E (200)

Endurance: E (200)

Agility: I (100)

Dexterity: E (200)

Magic: I (100)

Abilities: Discipline

Critcal hits deal 175% damage, rounding down.

Fioran Military Uniform


Iron Round Shield


Name: Leon Merlo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human



Personality: Unlike his 'weakling' sister, Leon is ruthless, cruel, and proud to a fault. As long as it means reaching his goal, he doesn't care how much or how long he has to fight. Contrarily, he relishes combat, so long as his enemy can match him. He's quick to anger and even quicker to draw his blade, often running headfirst into situations he knows nothing about. His obsession with becoming the ultimate warrior is evident, as he rarely cares about anything outside of combat. Though he can be crude, his fierce pride gives him something resembling honor; he will never attack someone without a weapon or from behind.

Power: D (300)

Endurance: I (100)

Agility: E (200)

Dexterity: I (100)

Magic: I (100)

Abilities: Ruthless

Increased resilience to stuns or paralysis

Simple Leather Coat

Hand-and-a-Half Sword

History: Nicola and Leon were born into a family with a long military tradition in the country of Fiore. From their drill sergeant of a father, the two began learning of the military history of Fiore from an early age. While Nicola studied dutifully, Leon would often sneak out to practice with a wooden blade. By the time their father began training them in true swordsmanship, he had learned enough on his own to easily thrash his sister. Drunk on pride, Leon continued to train on his own in spite of his father's warnings. Through discipline and training, Nicola was slowly able to learn how to beat her brother's wild, instinctive style. After their father became bedridden from a spear in his stomach, Leon decided he had enough; at the age of 15, he set out on his own with nothing but a blade and the clothes on his back. With no one left to teach her, Nicola spent the rest of her youth studying on her own. She continued to practice what her father had taught her, eventually adding onto it to create her own style.

At 18, Nicola entered into military service. With her name and talent, she was able to quickly garnish respect throughout her squad. Her knowledge of swordsmanship and tactics allowed her to Within two years, she managed to climb her way to the rank of Corporal. Leon, on the other hand, continued to seek true mastery of the sword. He roamed the countryside for 3 years, fighting and stealing from anyone who carried a blade. Unfortunately, his violent ways inevitably ended with him getting thrashed by a Fioran adventurer. The wounded Leon was arrested and sentenced to death, though Nicola was alerted soon after his capture. Before he could be hung, she faked an alert that allowed them to escape. Now fugitives, Leon decided on his next course of action; go to Orario and find greater strength in the Familias there.

Though the two have reunited, there is still a lot of distance between them. Leon still strives to prove he's better than Nicola, even going so far as to refer to his sister as "Corporal" rather than her name. Nicola has tried to reconcile with him, though after spending so long trying from Fiore to Orario she has all but given up hope. Unable to return home, she joined her brother as an adventurer to at the very least keep him on the right track.

You just need to add your health, and you'll be set.
Your HP is a bit off. You find your number for HP by multiplying the rank of Endurance(The letters, in order are I(1), E(2), etc...)by 5, and adding it to a value of five. Sorry if I confused you there. Well, technically I just decided to change it today, so you didn't actually mess up that bad. Bedsides your HP, you're all set to go.

SpiralErrant said:
Name: Iroh Vantiri

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Runarl (Fox Person)

Appearance: What a beautiful creature Iroh is. With his fiery orange hair and fox ears, tipped with flecks of a beautiful snow white. His eyes are shine like pure gold, even in the gloom of the dungeon's half-light like the jewels they are, further highlighting the his alabaster complexion. What a pure and delicate young man he is, but do not think him weak. For although he may be a modest 5' 8" he moves with a dancers grace and speed and holds himself with much the same dignity.

But ladies, please, don't be intimidated.

Personality: So you might have guessed that Iroh is... kind of vain. And you'd be half right but we'll get to that in a second. He's not an obnoxious kind of guy, he just thinks you have to be proactive about putting yourself out there. Ladies love confidence. Unfortunately this can lead IRoh to over reach himself and actively try to act cooler than he is.

Why would he do this you ask? Because Iroh might... just a little bit... riddled with insecurity. He thinks he's too short and slim to be considered manly. He's not that strong and is all too aware of the reputation foxes have as tricksters with little more to get by on but their looks. He doesn't have that many strengths y'know and he's... he's gotta play to the one's he's got. He finds it hard to open up about this kind of thing to people, he finds it better to lead with a smile and a good sense of humor. It helps that he's a bit of a joker anyway.

History: Born of mixed Runarl parentage (a mother from the east, a father from the west) Iroh grew up on the road, travelling from town to town until his parents decided to settle down. His dad was a merchant, you see, and had finally found a way to open his own store which he could stock with the finer things in life. Iroh's mother was a practical woman and it was her that taught him how to fight in her native eastern style. It was her storied of her time adventuring that got Iroh interested in adventuring as a career.

So off he set for the dungeon. Looking to join a familia and make it big. Fame, riches, girls, the whole shabang. Why else would you become an adventurer?


HEALTH - 510

POWER - I (100)


AGILITY - D (300)


MAGIC - I (100)

Abilities: Fox Sight - Thanks to his Runarl heritage Iroh's golden eyes grant him excellent night sight and the ability to adapt to the dark quickly, helping him find his way through the dungeon even with very little light.

Skills: None

Spells: None


Cheap leather armour and red cloak (Basic light armour +1 rank to Dodge +1 rank to Defense)

Old Katana (Basic one handed weapon +1 rank to attack)

Belt of throwing knives (+1 rank to hit and attack)


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Name: Damon Heral

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Appearance: Damon has dark brown skin. He has short, white shaggy dreadlocks that are usually unkempt and go down to just above his collar. He has dark brown almost black eyes and is 5'7" in height. He has an athletic build with a bit of muscle. He is fairly handsome and has a rounded shape face with a short, barely visible, thin scar along the right side of his chin. He wears a black cloak with red trimmings and black boots. He has grey, light armour under his cloak and black pants with a white strip on the side. He has a dark red belt and has white leather fighting gloves.

Personality: Damon is very laid back and has never been much of a hard worker. He is often called lazy. Though he tries, he has a short attention span. He tends to only find motivation when he is fighting or on an adventure. The thrill of exploration and fighting is what drove him to want to become and adventurer. Even though Damon is very lazy, his best trait is his loyalty and he is extremely protective of those close to him, when it comes down to it, and he will put his life on the line for them. Damon can sometimes seem to others a little quiet, due to him often being aloof. He is usually caught daydreaming or deep in thought. In high stress situations, Damon has trouble following orders and can easily get overconfident and cocky.


Damon grew up on the streets of Orario and doesn't remember his parents. They were adventurers that died in the dungeon, but Damon does not even remember having a family. He was practically raised by a small community of street dwellers but after the age of 7 or 8, he began living on his own, stealing and begging to survive. His childhood of poverty made him look up up to the adventurers he'd seen in taverns or coming from the Dungeons. Damon has lived most of his youth alone and poor, but he had a dream. His dream was to become rich and famous enough to never have to beg for anything from anyone ever again, stealing was a hobby he enjoyed. So he decided to become an adventurer and join a familia. However, his reputation as a street rat and thief has made it hard for anyone to accept him into their familia. Despite his reputation and his laziness, if Damon found a familia that would accept him, he would be loyal for the rest of his life.

Familia: None Yet, still searching.

Health: 10

Power: F

Endurance: I

Agility: E

Dexterity: H

Magic: G

Abilities: None

Skills: None


  • Sol's Flame : A special fire type magic that allows him to summon a bright white flame around his hands and feet that increases his speed and reactions, and burns only monsters.

ARMOR: Light Armor [+ 1 Dodge, +1 Defense]

WEAPON(s): Double Bladed Bo-Staff [+2 Attack]



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