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Fantasy A Horrid Yet Wonderful World -- Open! --


One Thousand Club


Classes From Powerful to Least Powerful











Demons -- Monsters


Example Races

You don't need to be these races, and you can add or make your own. Just don't make them too terribly powerful.​












Types of Magical Fuel

Life energy is drawn from one's own personal energy reserve. It will drain the user as they use it, but it is replaceable. Life energy can be restored by something as simple as sleep, but one must still be careful while using this energy. If they use too much of it at once, they could end up hurting themselves or in terrible cases, they could die.When someone is low on life energy, they will feel dizzy and weak. If they lose too much, their body will no longer be able to support its self. This causes organs to fail, skin to tear, and eyes to bleed. As a result, this is a very dangerous and risky fuel, but an efficient one.
Death energy is connected to life energy, in the sense that the user is still using it, but in a different way. When a user summons forth death energy, they are stealing life energy from the plants, people, and animals around them. This energy, while it ensures the user's safety, endangers the living things around them. As a result, this form of energy is an unpopular one, for not many people have the capability to harm others.
Corruption is an energy everyone gives off, one that can be absorbed by magic users without hurting the individual to whom it belongs to. Corruption is an energy produced by feelings of hatred, guilt, sorrow, most anything negative. As a result, it is the polar opposite of purity. A user of Corruption energy does run some risks.

If the take in too much corruption, they could end up corrupting their own selves. They can break mentally, turning into a completely different person who is fueled only by negativity.

Purity is the polar opposite of corruption. Instead of energy given off by negative emotion, purity is energy given off by positive emotions. This is another unpopular fuel, because in order to use it, one must drain the happiness from another person. However, it does have its advantages. Purity is an energy stronger than corruption. People can use it to produce complicated and powerful spells, one which can top much of what corruption can do.
When magic users use emotion as fuel, they are literally eating away at their own emotions. This is something some people like, while others despise it. Most commonly, people who have been wronged and hurt adore this fuel, for it eliminates their pain. However, this fuel is a very risky one. If someone allows their emotions to get out of hand, their magic will become unstable. Depending on how they feel ( angry, sad, betrayed ) they'll use a certain type of magic resembling that emotion with no control over themselves or the magic. Basically, they lose consciousness and attack either everything around them, or the source of their emotions. In addition, their eyes will be consumed by the color that goes along with the magic and their emotions.

Unstable Chart

Eye Color -- Feeling -- Magic Connected to Feeling

Deep Blue- Sorrow or deep despair -- Water Magic

Cold Blue- Heavy betrayal -- Ice Magic

Blood Red- An unforgiving hateful feeling -- Lava Magic

Bright red- Anger or rage -- Fire Magic

Gray- A feeling of being forgotten, or a large feeling of loneliness -- Sound Magic

Dark Green- Greed or a heavy wanting -- Illusion Magic

Bright Green- Fearful or frightened -- Earth Magic

Black- An evil or sadistic feeling -- Death Magic

White- Without any emotion -- Void Magic

Minerals are valuable substances such as diamond or quartz. While they are valuable and hard to come across, they provide magicians with amazing energy reserves. It isn't rare to see a mage with a gem in his or her pockets, for often times minerals are used as spare energy just encase the mage may run out of energy. Mineral is a very useful, but expensive, source of magical fuel.
Somewhat like Life Energy, Substance draws energy from the user's body, but in a different way. This is likely the weakest source of energy, but it is a wonderful one for people who love to eat, but hate getting fat. Using substance energy, the user draws from their own stomach. The more they eat, the more energy they can use. This is a pretty safe way of drawing energy, but it can leave quite the hungry magician afterwards.

Please Note

I will be playing as the characters mentions in the story. ( Vasilias, Curse, Irirs, Ilios, Atanka, The Eyes of Scale ext. ) However, my main character will be Curse. As a result, he will be the only one for whom I make a profile. Everyone else will be described during the roleplay.








Preference for magic fuel:

Weapons: ( Optional )

Magic: ( Optional )

Abilities: ( Optional )




Feel free to personalize the character skeleton however you please! You may add tabs, background, ext. Just make sure all the required information is put in it somewhere.
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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3655ed58_DaireGirl.jpg.7e42d7ac93279f526ae238ade36f6727.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3655ed58_DaireGirl.jpg.7e42d7ac93279f526ae238ade36f6727.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Daire (Pronounce Die-ree)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Changling

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Peasant

Preference for magic fuel: Purity

Weapons: Talons and beak while in Crow form, a dagger while in human

Magic: Very weak ability with Purity magic


Daire is able to shift into an abnormally large crow for short amounts of time, all while retaining her intelligence and tapping into animalistic instincts. As a crow, she has good combat skills and all the animalistic abilities of a crow. In her human form, she can fly and has decent talent with a dagger.


Her ability to shift into a crow is great if she needs to escape, and as a crow she's at her greatest strength physically. Even in her human form, her instincts are slightly sharper than the average human's. Her ability to fly in both forms is also helpful. She knows basic first aid and has average skill with her dagger, but her skill with magic is very weak if she even bothers to try to use it.


Daire's wings are heavy, making her unable to be fast. While in her crow form, she loses energy gradually. When she shifts back, she is usually exhausted and weak. She also has no exceptional strength in her human form.


Being part bird, Daire is quite jumpy. She is always aware and usually anxious, never quite trusting anyone she meets until they prove trustworthy. Despite her over caution, in certain situations she can be quite brave. She is rather blunt and honest, saying exactly what pops into her head. She tends to have a pout or glare on her face as default, but upon speaking she is cheerful. Overall, Daire is childlike and naive; her sincerity and honesty are her best traits.

( Let me know if I should change anything c: )



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c72f8b4799fbec6b6129e10680a5be3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c72f8b4799fbec6b6129e10680a5be3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She wears a cloak to conceal herself

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.5b64834172daae40e480f4bd243d97af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62620" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.5b64834172daae40e480f4bd243d97af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: known by N, truly Nephellia

Age: 20

Gender: female

Race: human

Class: magician

Preference for magic fuel: Emotion, life,

Weapons: anything she can create with her magic, and a femme sized broad sword.

Magic: she manifests her stronger emotions or life energy into diamond like crystalline structures, can turn inorganic surroundings, certain parts of herself into it as well as manipulate it. Not terribly strong yet for a magician.

Abilities: N is best with her magic, having second best speed and stamina, weaker strength and weak mental stability. She is best with acrobatic or improvisational fighting.

Strengths: as stated above, she is best when fighting with speed and agility. Her skills with the sword could be improved but are nothing sloppy. She is also fairly friendly and though secretive, is good with group morale.

Weaknesses: She isn't very physically strong. Her emotional instability which usually helps manifest magic creates susceptibility to becoming unstable or unhealthy through paranoia or sadness. She also risks lack of judgement during certain situations.


N is on the exterior a happy go lucky person, who acts as though she knows a lot less than she does and can do less than she can. Though her cloak and lack of true name come off as untrusting, she makes herself the butt of her jokes. Inside, she has a terrible secret, motive for fighting the cult which is a little different than that commonly told.



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Name: Kaylen

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual

Class: Magician

Preference for magic fuel: Emotional. She also has a number of minerals that she likes to use when she is in an emotional state, away from battle, or can feel herself starting to slip.

Weapons: Small dagger, used more for show since she doesn't have any real skill with weapons.

Magic: differs with emotion, but mostly water magic

Abilities: Kaylen relies heavily on her magical ability and her emotions, she is more comfortable with water Magic when she is calm and under control, using it to heal (if that's allowed, just let me know) and as a weapon. She is also able to communicate to her ancestors through deep prayer and meditation. This usually takes and hour for her to get connected to her dead family members.

Strengths: when in battle she lets her emotions take control and gains an incredible amount of magical power. She holds grudges against her enemies which end up helping her in battle. Most of her ancestors were wiped out because of Atanka and she holds and unforgivable hatred for him and his followers since she is very spiritual and prays to her ancestors often.

Weaknesses: When she is not in battle and looses control it is more of a problem then any help, because she tends to let out her magic on the nearest moving thing. She also tends to stay back during battle becuase of her physical weakness, her only true weapon is her magic. When she is high strung she tends to act without thinking and can make trouble for herself. She also looses control sometimes during a prayer and will go into a fit of deep sorrow or anger, depending on what her ancestors tell her that given day.

Personality: Kaylen is a very open girl who will tell her allies anything. When faced with her foes however, she becomes a polar opposite. She is very skeptical and jumpy around those she does not trust, and will turn to magic before hearing the whole story. She is also very spiritual and will always pray to her ancestors, asking for help or simple talking to them and learning about the horrors of Atanka. Her hatred for him and his followers is already very high, and she has yet to meet them face to face.

(Let me know if I'm missing anything!)
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Sorry for the late reply! ( I forgot I had to manually chose to watch this thread... ) Regardless, all three of you are accepted!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Curse.jpg.6bd54903d0c9639e1809f143d2bf141e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Curse.jpg.6bd54903d0c9639e1809f143d2bf141e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Curse Pevma











-Preference for Magic Fuel-

Corruption -- Mineral -- Emotion


Normally, on his being Curse carries with him small and light weight weapons. He never had a talent for swordsmanship, and so these weapons are nothing but a backup in case he should run out of magical power. After all, it is important for him to be prepared. A mage of his status certainly needs to be careful. These small weapons would include daggers, knives, ring swords, and the occasional short sword.


Curse is a very talented magician, due mostly to the fantastical genes passed down upon him by his father and mother. Quite clearly, being the son of the royal mage meant that Curse is quite the powerful magician. Curse is capable of drawing energy from two complex commands, both corruption and emotional fuels. In addition, he also carries with him reserves of minerals to make sure that he never wears his magic out in battle. He finds that his talent lies in ice magic. Ever since the betrayal of his father, Curse has excelled with ice magic. It was the first magic he ever summoned forth, and in no time the mage was completing complex spells with this magic. His weakest magics would be illusion, death, and void magic. Meanwhile, he is very capable of using any other magics that relate to emotion. However, he is a very terrible healer. His brother, Ilios, seems to have stolen all the medical genes for himself.


Curse is one of the few people who knows how to awaken, seal, and control the egg of Atanka. These magic spells are taught to every mage of the royal family, including Curse. However, he is quite terrible with these spells for they involve void magic, one of his weak points. In addition, Curse has many other skills aside his magic. Due to being a member of the royal family, he underwent many different types of teaching and training when he was a child, ones to prepare him for battle and political work.


Ice magic is Curse's strongest magical ability, and he is best with strategical fighting. He prefers keeping a bit of a distance from his opponent, but he doesn't enjoy long-ranged battling either. Cruse simple wishes to be far enough away to avoid any physical combat, for he is weak against a sword. In addition, he is a strange and crafty man. Confusing and conflicting his opponents seems to be a talent of his, but he always feels guilty afterwards. He hates hurting people emotionally, much more than he cares about physically fighting.


Curse will have trouble going up against anyone he cares deeply about. As a result, he will sometimes hesitate when faced with The Eyes of Scale. This group is lead by his dear father... While the man did betray him, Curse still hopes for a happy ending. He can't help it. Never could Curse stop adoring a member of his dear family. In addition, he isn't the greatest fighter when forced into close quarters. He's a mage, not a warrior. Lastly, his weakest skills are illusion, death, and void magic.


Often times, Curse is seen to be a very cold, harsh, and greedy man. He stares upon strangers with a fiery glare if they dare approach him. Gifts are something he refuses to accept, and the kindness of others is something he has never cared for. The mage acts cruel, mean, and unwelcoming, but truly this is far from who he really is. Curse in reality, is a very fragile caring man. His emotional stability has been wrecked ever since the day his father betrayed him, and as a result, he is very easily hurt. He just never shows it. Curse keeps all of his emotions packed up inside, and finally lets them run wild when he commences in battle. His emotions get drained away as he uses his magic, managing to just barely keep the injured man from breaking. Towards friends and family, Curse is quite kind and protective. He puts all of his trust into his loved ones, but he still tries to act tough around them... He simply doesn't wish to be seen as weak. He's a royal magician. He is supposed to be strong, and so he fills the role as best as he can. Its the only thing he sees himself as being good for: protecting other people. Curse has been wounded deeply by his father, leaving behind scars of self hatred, confusion, and fear. However, not many people would ever notice all the horrible feelings Curse keeps locked inside... He hides it all very well.



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Name: Bolton Creed

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Class: Peasant

Preference for magic fuel: Corruption

Weapon: Chakram


Magic: Bolton is not very powerful with magic, he seems to lean more to the Chakram, yet he does practice in one small not very confusing class. Illusion, he would get his power from negative energy in the air. He would use this powerful energy to make people see what they are not truly seeing, they will see friends as enemies, and enemies as friends.

Strengths: Bolton is great with close quarters combat, he sees it all as a simple game of twists and turns. He was simply born with a sword in his hand. Bolton sees a powerful interest in illusion magic as well. He has studied it for a few months, learning the minor spells. Even though he has no food, he is great at surviving using only small things.

Weaknesses: Bolton is easily driven to be emotional, causing him to drop everything he is doing and break down.

Bolton is easily defeated in ranged combat, he has never wielded a bow of any type ever in his life. He is easily defeated in tactical magic, such as ice and fire.

Personality: Bolton has a large personality, he is very kind, though his life is in a scramble from being a peasant.

He is surprisingly generous. He easily enjoys new places, such as going into a new building or going into a new town. He helps many other poor people, when he sees someone doing worse than him, he never holds back from helping.

He is rude when he eats though. He thinks he deserves more sense he has been out on the street for so long.
Jorthal said:

Name: Bolton Creed

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Class: Peasant

Preference for magic fuel: Corruption

Weapon: Chakram


Magic: Bolton is not very powerful with magic, he seems to lean more to the Chakram, yet he does practice in one small not very confusing class. Illusion, he would get his power from negative energy in the air. He would use this powerful energy to make people see what they are not truly seeing, they will see friends as enemies, and enemies as friends.

Strengths: Bolton is great with close quarters combat, he sees it all as a simple game of twists and turns. He was simply born with a sword in his hand. Bolton sees a powerful interest in illusion magic as well. He has studied it for a few months, learning the minor spells. Even though he has no food, he is great at surviving using only small things.

Weaknesses: Bolton is easily driven to be emotional, causing him to drop everything he is doing and break down.

Bolton is easily defeated in ranged combat, he has never wielded a bow of any type ever in his life. He is easily defeated in tactical magic, such as ice and fire.

Personality: Bolton has a large personality, he is very kind, though his life is in a scramble from being a peasant.

He is surprisingly generous. He easily enjoys new places, such as going into a new building or going into a new town. He helps many other poor people, when he sees someone doing worse than him, he never holds back from helping.

He is rude when he eats though. He thinks he deserves more sense he has been out on the street for so long.



Name: Merek

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Class: Nobility

Preference: Spiritual

Weapons: Black sword, Black knife with ruby in hilt

Magic: Relatively powerful magic user, but unmatched swordsman. Infamous for his affiliation with a dangerous assassin association, he is a scourge on the lands, taking only high-risk, high-paying jobs. His magical abilities are used only to heighten and compliment his fighting abilities, making him an even more dangerous enemy.

Abilities: Is able to steal the blood from the bodies of certain enemies, those who are not strong in magic, and able to manipulate it, using it as weapons. Also able to manipulate the very shadows around him, making him able to teleport, change his substantial state, and deflect varieties of attacks.

Strengths: Unmatched fighting abilities, dabbles in magic

Weaknesses: Magic is disrupted by internal emotional turmoil

Personality: Calm, collected, suave
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Rand said:

Name: Merek

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Class: Nobility

Preference: Spiritual

Weapons: Blue Crystal Sword

Magic: Immensely powerful magic user. Before using spiritual energy, he used emotion as a fuel for magic. He found emotion to be an unreliable fuel, so he discarded it, creating a new source of energy that he sees as near limitless. The only problem is he is forced to meditate hours on end in order to control the flow of energy within. Any emotional turmoil within would result in spell defections.

Abilities: Is able to steal the blood from the bodies of certain enemies, those who are not strong in magic, and able to manipulate it, using it as weapons. Also able to make a shield composed of a myriad of colors, that is able to deflect all powerful types of physical and magical assaults, but not any weaker types of spells. Mostly works with disruption of the natural flows of the universe.

Strengths: Magic abilities matched by only a select few

Weaknesses: Magic is disrupted by internal emotional turmoil

Personality: Usually seems to be emotionless, sometimes flares up in anger

Name: Edgar

Age: Unknown

Gender: male

Race: Demon

Sexuality: none

Class: criminal

Preference for magic fuel:

Weapons: ( Optional ) Claws.

Magic: ( Optional ) Life energy.

Abilities: ( Optional ) Regeneration, able to create vines to attack his enemies.

Strengths: Physical strength, speed, stealth, regeneration, immune to poisons.

Weaknesses: Fire.

Personality: Easily annoyed, enjoys killing, moderate intelligence.
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Barbas said:
Name: Edgar

Age: Unknown

Gender: male

Race: Demon

Sexuality: none

Class: criminal

Preference for magic fuel:

Weapons: ( Optional ) Claws.

Magic: ( Optional ) none

Abilities: ( Optional ) Regeneration, able to create vines to attack his enemies.

Strengths: Physical strength, speed, stealth, regeneration, immune to poisons.

Weaknesses: Fire.

Personality: Easily annoyed, enjoys killing, moderate intelligence.
Regeneration and controlling vines are considered to be magic, even if they are natural to a species. As a result, he does need magic fuel. If you want it to be a natural fuel, I would suggest using life energy. Once you fill in the magic fuel, you're accepted.

Name: Ithilrandir

Age: 31 (or Elven equivalent)

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Criminal

Preference for Magic Fuel:

Ithilrandir is what one many would refer to as an opportunist if they have already exhausted the more accurate words of "scum" and "bastard" and "fuckwit." Whatever source of energy he can get his hands on, he uses. His first two choices are either his own life energy or mineral, which comes from a Ruby he hides on his person. In a pinch he won't hesitate to suck the life out of nearby flora or his own allies. If he's just eaten, he'll probably go for substance as well. Ithilrandir is also unfamiliar with the concept of a fair fight, and will go so far as to yank energy from the mineral sources of other mages as well.


Aside from his fists and his magic, Ithilrandir carries a utility dagger. If he ever uses it for combat, times are dark indeed.


Necromancy is Ithilrandir's calling in life. The dead are his to raise and command at will. Ithilrandir has it in his arsenal of spells to create and control a wide variety of undead. Necromancer that he is, he can also rebuke or command undead that are under their own command or the command of someone else. Aside from this, Ithilrandir knows a few simple offensive and defensive spells.


No one grows up saying "oh, I want to be a Necromancer and become a disgraced outcast from society." Ithilrandir pursued a wide range of jobs before ending up as he is now. At one point he was a woodsman. After that he was a bard (albeit a lousy one), then after that he was a mortician. Then an acolyte at a local mage's college. He can cut down a tree, play the lute, prepare corpses for burial, and knows how to read and write. Aside from his literacy, most of those skills have atrophied without practice.


Magic courses through Ithilrandir' veins. It's one of the things that make him an Elf. He's also possessed of a natural agility and a lithe frame. Being an outlaw for so long tends to have that effect on you.


Quite simply, Ithilrandir can't take a punch. He is the fragile sort of wizard, and a good hit to his face or gut will either knock him out cold or keep him dazed for quite some time. Ithilrandir also relies heavily on his magic for all things combative. He can't swing a sword all too well and performs poorly unarmed. If he runs out of magic, he will most likely attempt to run and hide.


Ithilrandir is a sardonic fellow when spoken too, but otherwise tries to keep a low profile. He is slow to anger, and most would describe him as cool and even tempered. Ithilrandir is not a violent or sadistic sort of person, though the fact that he lived among outlaw and bandit clans for so long would naturally lead people to think otherwise. In short, Ithilrandir merely goes with the flow of all things. If he was destined for life among thieves and cutthroats, wielding unholy magic all the way, then he decidedly will- and with little complaint.

Fortunately, he might be destined for greater, slightly more noble things.
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Aspen Irma











Preference for Magic Fuel

Life // Death


A rather large sword that can absorb magic from the user, Aspen, and strike the opponent with the magic infused blade. Depending on whether she uses life or death, the orb near the shaft will glow white or black.


Aspen's magic depends much on the setting of where she is casting the magic, mostly relying on Life Fueled Magic but will use Death Magic if means necessary. One of her talents with magic is being able to draw magic energy from both herself and the living at the same time, creating a much stronger, powerful, concentrated attack.


Aspen was blessed and cursed(get it?) with the ability to use her death and life magic together to form another type of magic. This type of magic steals the life of the user, placing all their life force into a glowing crystal that can used to add on to another's life but the person using the crystal must still be living or dead for only a few minutes. The crystal can add Aspen's few years that she would be living to the person. The user of the crystal will be healed and also given some of Aspen's memories, often meeting her in their dreams as well.


Aspen's touch, hearing, and sensitivity have all been heightened due to her lack of sight. With all these senses heightened quite a bit, she is able to move faster than the average, become more agile, and also predict most of another's movements due to the sound of their muscles contracting and the way their feet move against the ground. She's also able to make out who is coming towards her by the way the person's walks, but only vaguely. Works well with both long range and close range but not so much hand to hand. Illusions also do not work on her, it's not like she'll be able to see anything anyhow.


Aspen is blind, therefor one of the main components to fighting is obvious not accessible to her. If someone were to do a range attack on her from the air or even from a distance, her reflexes wouldn't be fast enough to dodge no matter how fast she is. Sound is how she's able to fight, if that were to be disrupted by louder or excessive sounds, that she wouldn't be able to fight let alone walk without running into something straight away.


Having been born blind, Aspen has never seen a color nor another face nor her own reflection. Due to this "disability", she's learned to listen more to the people around her and judge them based on their words and not their appearance. To her, being blind was never really a disability, it was just a harsh blessing. She's able to act kinder towards others and be able to smile happily. Nothing about her life was terrible, the other children felt pity on Aspen therefor never bullied her. She learned how to walk normally with sounds and echoes by the time a normal child learned how to walk. After learning a little magic, people would often tell her that being blind in combat will get her killed but that never bothered her as much, if she dies than she dies. A very go wherever life takes her type of girl, not afraid to die but won't die without living first.


Witch of the Abyss


Name: Elois Campanella; Witch of the Abyss

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Witch

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Criminal

Preference for magic fuel:

- Corruption - Death Energy - Emotion -


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3728bd5d_LaMueerte.jpg.e375122ffc415a52b88089fa4e5161ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3728bd5d_LaMueerte.jpg.e375122ffc415a52b88089fa4e5161ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elois is reliant on magic, and as such she has done her best to perfect the magic she has been gifted to the extremes. Her strongest magic lies with Death & Corruption while seriously lacking in Emotion as she is capable of using only two types of said magic being Void and Death Magic. Despite her youthful appearance, she is quite adept in the use of Death magic feeling no remorse to those she may inexplicably harm. However, due to the lack of practitioners willing to learn the ways of Death Magic it is quite a limited in the amount of currently known spells that can be cast while using it. However, there is also an abundance of life essence that can be absorbed due to the lack of magicians making the few spells more stable and stronger than that of other magic types.


Unlike many magicians in this world of today, Elois was not born with her magic ability intact. She later received it during her lifetime as a human before becoming the witch that she is now. With this being said, she has the uncanny ability to see the souls of both the living and the dead which normally is undetectable to the naked eye. Normally the soul usually depicts the character of the person and is able to converse with her when she sees it depending on what she needs to know. However, some souls are capable of ignoring her call when asked, so this power is not very cooperative at points. Along with that she is capable of conjuring a number of undead being as well as a demon or two with the use of her staff. She also has one other ability, but she has yet to use it so refuses to talk about it.


Death magic is where Elois skill lies, as she is capable of conjuring multiple spells consecutively without breaking a sweat. She has incredible stamina for her age and can go for days without eating and still maintain her condition. Also one of her strengths is that she is skilled at keeping her emotions in check and thinking logically even during the toughest of situation. Thanks to this quirk of her, she can manipulate a raging opponents movements and attacks to her favor leaving her the victors of her duels.


Elois has a hard time dealing with people up close and outside her range of magic. Refining her skill solely in the magical arts, she has completely neglected to better herself in the way of physical hand to hand combat or sword play. This is perhaps her weakest part of her is the fact she cannot defend against close ranges attacks. She has worked on ways to get around this handicap, but it still is extremely difficult to block and counter attacks that get within 3 meters of her location.


If we were to describe her personality in one word it would be an actor. Life is full of little white lies and mask that hide the wearers true intentions, Elois just happen to be a master at portraying her character. Her personality is solely dependent on her needs and want at the moment. Her current mask is that of a clumsy yet cutesy imbecile who could be considered to have the worst hand to eye coordination humanly possible. However, in actuality she is a rather manipulative and sly character willing to do anything to reach her end goal. Good at concealing her emotion she is rather insincere to those who serve no purpose and often categorize people by there usefulness. If you're useful than more likely than not she'll interact with you, and if you weren't then there was no point in wasting her time. She thinks logically and is extremely intelligent to the point where if she tried hard enough she could even become a royal strategist if it weren't for her current status.


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Name: Adrian Shrapshort

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Warrior

Preference for magic fuel: Valuing self-dependance, Adrian has a preferance for life energy as well as minerals as sources of fuel. He is a gluttonous eater, so he will sometimes choose substance.

Weapons: The son of a swordsman and a mage, Adrian's primary weapon is his two handed enchanted longsword. He also carries 3 "smokestones", as he calls them, a gift from his mother. However, they are custom-made and can only be used once. A ruby pendant, covered by his clothing, also rests on Adrian's chest.

Magic: Adrian is limited to three magical spells of which he has learned to use. Adrian has learned to quickly dash a few meters at a time almost quicker then the eye can see, but cannot teleport. He has also learned a spell in which he can form a magical barrier to protect him and his allies. Adrian can also enter into a martial trance, but prolonged usage causes horrid and permanent damage to his mental and physical self. He can only use one of these spells at a time. Ot

Abilities: Other then the ability to read and write, Adrian is not gifted with any special talents other then his swordsmanship.

Strengths: Adrian is an extremely tough warrior, gifted in swordsmanship. Otherwise, he is completely human.

Weaknesses: Adrian's high regard towards morals and values has led him to many ill situations in the past. As a melee warrior, he must also reach his target in order to inflict a substantial amount of damage. In addition, due to his training focused mostly on swordsmanship, Adrian's expierence with magic is limited to only those that his mother has taught him, and his fuel capacity is lower then that of most mages.

Personality: Raised as a selfless and noble warrior, Adrian believes in the goodwill of all things. He is optimistic and adventurous, but will never sacrifice another one's life to save himself. That said, he is also very talkative, and does not mind making friends. In fact, he will often be the first to greet others, even when he is meditating. Adrian strives to become the best that he could possibly be, and puts passion into all things he does.​
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^ Arun in Beast form

Name: Miakuna La Bo Kuna Maru (Maru for short)

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Former Merchant (Although, in her home land she was a Shaman) now peasant.

Preference for magic fuel: Life Energy

Weapons: Her staff can deliver a nasty gash , especially when she prefers to preserve her energy

Abilities: Can Summon beasts from her tattoo's lining her arms and legs, Although, To summon more powerful beasts, she requires blood self sacrifice. She prefers to keep her lizard, Arun close to her side at all times, and he can transform into a larger, terrfiying beast to assist in battle.. With a large blood sacrafice, she can transform temporarily into a large, Bear like beast hybrid. However, if she dares to use such, she risks her life.

Strengths: Her strengths consist of Animals and nature, and healing. In her native land, she was a powerful Shaman to the Chief.

Weaknesses: Fire, is a nasty weakness of hers. along with Dark magic.

Personality: Maru is Quiet, and Blunt. Though she rarely makes small talk, she is known to be the keeper of secrets. She travels the country, do to her merchant nature, selling small wares and a few, illegal substances. however, as of late, she has given up the merchant lifestyle for a bit of peace. She has a thick accent.
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KittenSpankTank said:




^ Arun in Beast form

Name: Miakuna La Bo Kuna Maru (Maru for short)

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Former Merchant (Although, in her home land she was a Shaman) now peasant.

Preference for magic fuel: Life Energy

Weapons: Her staff can deliver a nasty gash , especially when she prefers to preserve her energy

Abilities: Can Summon beasts from her tattoo's lining her arms and legs, Although, To summon more powerful beasts, she requires blood self sacrifice. She prefers to keep her lizard, Arun close to her side at all times, and he can transform into a larger, terrfiying beast to assist in battle.. With a large blood sacrafice, she can transform temporarily into a large, Bear like beast hybrid. However, if she dares to use such, she risks her life.

Strengths: Her strengths consist of Animals and nature, and healing. In her native land, she was a powerful Shaman to the Chief.

Weaknesses: Fire, is a nasty weakness of hers. along with Dark magic.

Personality: Maru is Quiet, and Blunt. Though she rarely makes small talk, she is known to be the keeper of secrets. She travels the country, do to her merchant nature, selling small wares. however, as of late, she has given up the merchant lifestyle for a bit of peace. She has a thick accent.


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