Tribes: The Triad

Prizzy Kriyze

Multiple Stab Wounds


The overview is a less detailed version of the lore section.

This roleplay is going to be set in a modern/primitive setting, where the technology, clothing and such are all on a modern level, but the world is populated by nomads and the only villages are small and in the middle of nowhere (To get a picture of what the humans act like and how the villages look, imagine James Cameron's Avatar, but with humans instead of blue aliens and with human manners and customs. They are, however, strong and agile like them and live in trees and small tents.)

In the land of Terra there are special people with eye colors that don't appear in regular humans. These humans are part of one of the 7 large tribes, and they each have the power to control fire of their color (Which, on second thought, is very similar to the powers displayed in the anime "The K Project"). Tribesmen are humans who have inherited the magical power passed down all the way from the original human, Ryven the Colored. The majority of people, however, are powerless ones. Powerless humans are not allowed to be tribesmen. The colors are as following:








12,000 years after the birth of the seven legendaries, the original carriers of each of 7 powers and direct descendants of Ryven the Colored, humanity still lives in tents, treehouses and caves. The most established of communities have but a few large stone buildings at max. The creatures of the wild that the Demi-Goddess Ryven created at the dawn of time where not quite as forgiving to humans as they were to their creator, and as such they regularly attack human settlements. They are a constant threat to humanity, and the biggest spanner in the works for their evolution and population.

It so happens that in the current day, three of these tribes have found each other intolerable. A war has been going on between the Crimson, Ebony and Violet tribes for several years, and this is where you come in. You're a tribesman of one of these tribes, fighting for survival, peace, or maybe just yourself.

However, in recent days the wise elders of the tribes have started to pick on something. Strange shapes move in the night and animals have been getting more vicious, almost as if there's spurring the on or scaring them out of the wilderness.

(I suggest reading the Lore section as well, as I always suck at explaining things)


Leader -

Second-in-Command -

Champion -

Champion -


Leader -

Second-in-Command -

Champion -

Champion -


Leader -

Second-in-Command -

Champion -

Champion -​
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