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Futuristic •Our Prison, Tartarus• (Always Open)


Little Changeling

  • The largest war in history ravaged our world some fourty years ago. It spanned twenty years of violence and bloodshed and drastically reduced the world's population. Those surviving were harrowed by their experience and reformed society in order to avoid a repeat of the devastating event. Instead, they have been sending their criminals to a new society, whether petty thievery or mass murder it did not matter. You were sent here, to the largest walled prison the world has ever known. Placed in the middle of an expansive desert of the former middle-east, partially domed walls rose high into the air unclimbable and smooth. Nestled within their automated weapons and crawling Nightwatch, the new society rested.

    The prison known as Tartarus did not turn out as Australia did and never began to reform into a civilized society. Instead, its factions divided themselves into strength and usefulness and subjugation ran supreme. The six factions were divided like ripples by self-enforced walls and checkpoints from the Structure. We all started here, wearing a jumpsuit the color of our crime. We were clean-shaven, groomed, and had nothing in our possession as we made the walk through a long and unlighted tunnel until our movements inside brought a large door open. We emerged into the concrete Structure, kept dustless and pristine. Potted plants produced fragrant fruits and a man and woman always stood there to receive you as the siren to announce your coming faded to nothingness. We were fitted with our first garments, given a flask of the warm water that kept us alive the first days here, and we were brought out into our new home for the first time. It was like a celebration to welcome you, the first day. Drinks and drunken brawls. Some came from the top to scout you, see if you were worth the time of their leaders. You had nothing still, of course, but here you had to earn your way to the top.

    At night, stay indoors. Lock yourself down. Once the sun goes down, no voice, no scream, no plea can be trusted for the night belongs to the Nightwatch. The ones who put us in here created them. horrendous creatures that scarcely resemble humans, they are powerful. They guard the walls and they roam our streets at night. No one knows where they come from, but maybe you are one of the Deathguard. They are us, skilled and trained to kill the Nightwatch. We employ them to protect our important members, pay them to clear Nightwatch from the inner cities, and treat them well so none of our own are taken. We all fear and respect them greatly. Perhaps you have what it takes to become one of them.

    Welcome, prisoner.

    Roleplay Link Here

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Amazing! I guess we can start accepting characters so we have a good foundation when we start. I'm not going to post any lore since it's all going to be part of the storyline and what is found out.
Yes. Above the age of 15 only, though. It's the age this society holds as the standard for understanding good vs evil.
Just a question about the character forms: How in-depth would you like the appearance and personality sections to be? Just asking because the characters already within the roleplay have only a sentence or two.
I'll abridge the personality/appearances for a quick synopsis for the list, but I prefer detailed. I'm working on my own forms too.
Just going to warn you, that may end up a difficult and lonely roleplay. The third ring's Deathguard might be a better position since it will give you that rogue freedom to go wherever as a mercenary and will allow you to socialize with people more often.

  • |•|Tave Jones|•|
    Male • Hetero • Bartender • 1st Ring

    Upon entering the wood and stone tavern, there was only one man who seemed to stand out against all others. His presence dominated the comfortably low ceilings and calm ambience even with his stature. Tav's Tavern was aptly named and the large man behind the bar proved that.

    He was a tall and burly man with shoulders like their own pauldrons and torso like a chestplate. His skin was as dark as the dimly warm light of the tavern and covered with dark tattoos and thin scars from past fights. His face, too, was mutilated with scars. The left side of his lips curved upward into a scarred grimace. Long lines intersected the artificial smile, stretching from his cheek to his chin as clean as a knife wound. Many said his tongue had been cut out by one of the Nightwatch, but even so his dark eyes were warm and unbroken.

    The bartender never spoke a word. He never uttered a sound. His lips remained pressed into a gentle and amiable smile as he listened to the drunken man spin his stories of sorrow and adversity. He was always like that, listening an smiling. If he disliked any of his visitors, he never showed it and always gave a small pastry or loaf of bread to whomever was left over at the tavern's closing.

    As mysterious as his reasons for charity were, Tav was not a pushover. Brawls were settled outside or no service would be offered. Any attack against him seemed futile and the bear of a man never let anyone order him around. He was respectable as well as kind.

    No one knew this more than the Talent Scouts and Leaders of the other rings. With his skill and strength, he could have easily breezed by to the Sixth Ring's guard, but within his tavern he stayed.

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Thank you for the response! Also - where should I put my character form once I am finished with it? In this thread, or has one not been created yet? Sorry for the questions, just don't want to get anything wrong.
The other one hasn't been created yet. I've been really busy with getting into college and moving so I'm kind of slacking. Don't worry about mistakes, though. I'm not much of a hardass or perfectionist. ;} Just post them here for now and after I get home tonight I'll make the thread.​
No worries! Take your time. Currently working on the character form, should be up by evening/a couple hours.
I don't mind, Tesla. Either way. Another warning, though: she is a hardass and won't be taking any nonsense.
Name: Tyler West
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: th (2).jpeg
Ring #: 3
Position: Seraph's apprentice
Personality: Tyler is one to follow orders, and he is very protective... Just ask the guy who killed his friend... Oh wait... He is dead now. Tyler has been known to be weak sometimes, crying himself to sleep when he is alone. After all his best friend was dead, the guy who killed him was dead, and now he was in prison. What he didn't think about however (until later) was that this place was freedom, it was the only place with no laws!
Marius Schmidt
Male - Bi (closeted) - Ring 3 - Talent Scout

Marius is not the most intimidating man to chance upon in Tartarus. Standing at 5'11, Schmidt's build is comparative to that of a runner: he's slender (if somewhat scrawny), possesses an agile way of movement, and has hands that move incessantly as he speaks. His brows are narrow and rest above hazel eyes, usually half-lidded and relaxed. Tousled black hair of a medium length is put to the comb regularly. A pale scar contrasting his dark olive skin runs from his cheekbone up to his left eyelid. If one looks closely, Schmidt's left eye is slightly red at the bottom from nerve damage. The accent with which he speaks is a lilting German, and due to picking up English through the amateurish methods of listen-and-learn he can be sometimes be disjointed in his speech.

Small, more numerous pale scars are visible on his hands and lower portion of his arms. The scars themselves are comparable with a small 'nick' from a blade - likely accidents from manufacturing weaponry, or from close-quarters combat.

Marius is a young adult, appearing to be in his mid-20s. He was sent to Tartarus's gates wearing a yellow jumpsuit.

To relate Marius's accent or speaking mannerisms with a lack of education would be a grave mistake. A master of charisma, Marius takes every conversation as a challenge to uncover new information - he can weasel out secrets with relative ease, and appeal to even the higher-class criminals with the right type of bribery. Despite his talent with wit, however, Marius is not the type to take lead in a situation - he works best in the shadows, or within a group of more ambitious folk, using his trademark cloak-and-dagger methods to get by. Despite his efficiency with these types of borderline-mafia techniques, Marius seems content to stay in his comfortable position as a Talent Scout within Ring 3. The reasons to this are unknown.

Even though Schmidt can be at times downright manipulative, he's generally respectful towards strangers or Tartarus 'newbies', taking most under his wing in an attempt to woo them over to Ring 3. He's quick to snatch prospective workers for Ring 3's production with promises of safety and security. Marius has a genuine soft spot for these types of people - those with minor crimes under their belt and loads of potential - that he will usually refrain from putting them in dangerous positions unless absolutely necessary. It is around the more honest folk that Marius can let his guard down and speak with them without having to worry he'll upset some dangerous mass-murderer further up the Rings and end up with a shiv in his spine.

Marius himself, however, has a couple problems that he cannot shake - the primary one being that he has an unhealthy addiction to alcohol and other recreational drugs. He'll frequently head over to both Ring 1 and Ring 2 under the guise of 'recruiting', then wallow in the numerous taverns and drug houses for an hour or two on his free time. It's something he doesn't like to talk about often, but will admit to if confronted.
I can already tell I'm going to love Marius.

I'll update the list when I get home, but you both are accepted~

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