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Realistic or Modern — 𝑾𝑶𝑳𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑵𝑬𝑪𝑹𝑨𝑭𝑻 𝐴𝐶𝐴𝐷𝐸𝑀𝑌 ( 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 )

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[div class="tabContents tabContents01"]
[div class=tag]name
Evangeline Phoebe Matsouka

[div class=tag]nickname

[div class=tag]age
Though she's been around for 108 years, she is eternally 17 years old.

[div class=tag]gender

[div class=tag]sexuality
Bicurious, she hasn't given relationships much thought.
[div class=tag]date of birth
She was born in March 1912 and died November 1929.
[div class=tag]place of birth
Verona, Italy
[div class=tag]ethnicity
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[div class=tag]height
5' 9"

[div class=tag]build
Eva was dead and buried far longer than she's ever been alive and walking. That's seen clearly in the thinness of her figure, the lack of any fat or muscle to round out sharply defined edges. She's an empty husk supported by bone and little else, spindly and sick. Though it looks as though she'd snap in two at the slightest touch, her species' durability provides her more strength than what's initially perceived.

[div class=tag]hair
Her hair is brown and frizzy, a pain to comb through and therefore left alone. It hangs about her shoulders like a mane, tangled curls full of split ends.

[div class=tag]eyes
They are a dull blue color, slightly clouded and darkly shadowed.
[div class=tag]skin
It's unbelievably pale and cold. She hasn't seen the sun since before she died.
[div class=tag]distinguishing features
She has deeply sunken eyes and a startlingly thin build.
[div class=tag]wardrobe
She wears her school uniform, not by choice but because she's no real urge to change clothes even if she had the choice. She doesn't have to think about adopting a style or pleasing anyone, being superficial or fake by putting on some kind of costume. It's plain and simple and given to her. She doesn't want to wear anything else.
[div class=tag]looks like
Ona Morgan
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[div class=tag]personality
Eva is aloof and private. She's never known small talk and would rather limit conversation to the bear minimum. If she can answer someone with a word, she will. She studies people as if trying to understand some profound mystery, absolutely entertained by their smallest behaviors. If they don't provide her any amusement, she might try to incite some kind of reaction through sudden and bizarre action. If they don't react in a way she deems interesting, she'll abandon them entirely.
She is indifferent to a lot around the school, never involving herself for too long in any one thing. If she does wind up staying, it's mostly out of sheer boredom. In all actuality, she'd rather take a backseat and respond to things in her own time without any pressure. She's observant and careful and seldom ever involved.
She has violent outbursts that can be very destructive. Though they're mostly triggered by something, it more often than not goes unnoticed due to the absence of any real indicators. She'll start physical fights she knows she can't win without provocation. She wants a distraction and mostly does so by challenging someone she's sure will fight back. Knock her down and bloody her teeth and she'll probably smile. She wants bruises she can press on and feel days after, something to focus on that is purely physical rather than emotional.

[div class=tag]+ traits
observant, clever, patient, curious

[div class=tag]- traits
apathetic, distracted, unpredictable, dismissive

[div class=tag]alignment
a bit undetermined. chaotic neutral if necessary.
[div class=tag]likes
the dark, being outside in the dead of night, cool breezes, soft music, warmth of any kind
[div class=tag]dislikes
the quiet, staying still for long periods, being told what to do, a physical sense of pressure(i.e. layered clothes, blankets), water
[div class=tag]fears
Eva is claustrophobic. She will not be put in a corner or restrained. She's constantly on her toes and pacing, moving about somehow.
[div class=tag]ailments
Eva suffers from sever bouts of fatigue mostly due to being starved. She's adapting to a new diet, putting on weight and regaining her strength after years of being underground. If left to her own vices, she'd sleep endlessly. She also has some trouble seeing clearly. It's something she can work around given her keen sense of smell, but her sight is worsened further by bright or flashing lights. PTSD and moments of sever anxiety are also conditions she is currently learning to take hold of and understand.
[div class=tag]coursework
She studies what she can but mostly has trouble sitting still and committing to any coursework. Her schedule is tentative and always changing. More often then not, she's skipping class.
[div class=tag]dormitory
Eva resides in the Artume dormitory.
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species information.
[div class=tag]species explanation
She is a creature with many names and no proper explanation. There is a lore and a belief but nothing absolutely concrete. In Italy she is referred to as vrykolakas, an undead creature which feasts itself on the flesh of men. They are not turned by others of their kind but by the life they led prior to their death or by the circumstances of their death. Eva, herself, was turned because she was not buried in consecrated ground. When these creature are reborn, they come back to haunt and prey upon the living. There is a belief that they wander the streets at night knocking on doors. If there is no reply, they leave the house alone. If someone answers, the vrykolakas attacks them.

[div class=tag]species rules
  • Though they are mostly vampiric in nature, vrykolakas also carry similar characteristics to werewolves and zombies. This is one of the reasons they are harder to define than most creatures.
  • They eat human flesh rather than drinking just the blood of their victim. They favor human livers.
  • They have enhanced strength and senses. Though, this is weakened significantly if they do not feed often enough.
  • They have aversions to sunlight and silver. They burn if exposed to sunlight and can be killed by silver poisoning. They can also be killed by cremation, beheading, or exorcism.

[div class=tag]extra
Though she is still stronger than your average human, Eva is weaker than most vrykolakas due to the fact that she was buried and unable to feed.
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Eva does not know a time before her death. Those memories blur together like watercolor, becoming something totally abstract and foreign. She does not wish to know it, to unpack everything so that she can put it on full display. She'd rather it be a mystery. She'd rather not know what it meant to her, what she lost and can no longer properly feel for. It's a shadow which looms over her, which shows itself in small pieces, a shattered bit of glass which cuts her to the core every time she dares disturb it. It's family and being married, deceit and murder. There are reasons she woke up wrapped in sheets and buried by dirt, reasons she's fine being ignorant to.

When she did awake, she could not breathe, and though she did not need to she still felt the desire, the habit to pull in a long and desperate breath. There was a tremendous weight on her body, forcing her down. Unable to move, she'd panic and try wailing into the cloth around her face and the soil over her head. It made no sound. Her cries went unheard and she was left where she was buried. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, months to years. She still did not move and she forgot how to call for help.

She was a newborn and weak. Hunger consumed her and she had nothing to satiate it with. She became something entirely inhuman, thoughtless and void. In time, it was not her who freed herself but the land which had kept her prisoner. Rainwater and construction, the erosion of dirt as it fell away. Even as her body was pulled free, she did not move. They brought her to a morgue and she still lay dead. It wasn't till she lay alone in the dark that she moved, small at first till she could handle the task of sitting straight. When she did she cried and she wailed to no one but those cold corpses which occupied the space around her.

She hid there in the dark feeling her way around till her hands met cold, stiff flesh and for the first time in a long time she made herself feel full. Day came, the mortician returned and they found each other. It was no easy feat for either of them but, eventually, the mortician helped her upstairs and into a chair aside a table. Her brochure for Wollstonecraft lay atop of it.
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align-items: center; justify-content: space-between;"] [div class=imgHome][/div] [div class=textHome] I DON'T THINK I COULD STAND TO BE
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]DOSSIER.[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/11/d4/7111d4a928fe8fd1ef84a8b73dd95e09.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3c/e3/3c/3ce33c241ede6d71ec89a8a5ab939c7e.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7d/43/f5/7d43f5c466c0f89ec60287ae858eac9d.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]name[/div] Francis Edward Flowers
[div class=tag]nickname[/div] Flowers, to most. People are either charmed by or make fun of his last name. Ed to close family.
[div class=tag]age[/div] Eighteen forever.
[div class=tag]gender[/div] Cis male.
[div class=tag]sexuality[/div] Gay.
[div class=tag]date of birth[/div] September 30th, 2002.
[div class=tag]zodiac[/div] Libra.
[div class=tag]place of birth[/div] Charleston, West Virginia, USA.
[div class=tag]race/ethnicity[/div] Caucasian, with French and Irish descent.
[div class=tag]theme song[/div] Francis Forever - Mitski. [/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]VISAGE.[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/c0/bc/b3c0bc6a037d2a488225e31b2806dc94.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/4c/7d/e74c7d8b36c4bc572a28e3258caceb2e.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9d/70/6f/9d706f6d4e9371d4e8e46a9594eef8fe.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]hair[/div] Strawberry blond, fluffy, a bit wavy if he lets it grow out.
[div class=tag]eyes[/div] Blue-green.
[div class=tag]skin[/div] Pale as a ghost, lots of freckles all over his face, arms, legs. Gets sunburnt quite easily.
[div class=tag]body build[/div] Very tall, all long limbs and awkward lankiness. Barely has any muscle to him.
[div class=tag]height[/div] 6'4".
[div class=tag]weight[/div] 143 lbs, when he was alive.
[div class=tag]distinguishing features[/div] Francis' height really makes him stick out. And also, there's an 3-inch long scar on the hairline above his forehead.
[div class=tag]wardrobe[/div] Fashion isn't much his forte, so he just tries to make sure whatever he wears is comfy and looks presentable. A fan of sweaters, jackets, and flannels. Take a peek.
[div class=tag]face claim[/div] River Phoenix.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]PERSONA.[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/89/db/28/89db2810ed976df31ce8a19af7c338fe.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6b/0d/27/6b0d27c37febe08b451929010b0fd1c1.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d4/02/e1/d402e1dbec541db181b4133bd462d4fe.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]personality[/div] Since childhood, Francis has always been a tightly wound up ball of anxiety. He’s hypervigilant, worrying himself about anything and everything. How he looks, how he acts, what people think of him, what people say about him. Because of this, Francis has a very skillfully made facade. He's is an innate people-pleaser — polite as can be, friendly, approachable, helpful to whoever asks. Making someone happy has always been his kneejerk reaction when it comes to socializing, due to his isolated and abusive upbringing. As he’s gotten older, he’s slowly but surely shaking off the habit. When someone gets past his defenses, it’s easy to see that Francis is really just trying his damn best. He's a gentle giant, despite his intimidating stature, and really does enjoy having friends around once he warms up to them. Once he moved in with his aunt, however, he did become a bit spoiled. His experiences swung wildly from having no connections, no friends or material objects of his own, to living with rich aunts who spoiled him with lush living. Francis's coping mechanisms as a whole are kind of skewed. Nowadays, most consider him a 'soft boy,' which is a label he doesn't exactly like, but he supposes it could be worse.
[div class=tag]positive traits[/div] Good listener, empathetic, makes friends easily, focused on his studies, doesn't like too much drama.
[div class=tag]negative traits[/div] Can be two-faced, is bad with confrontation and conflict, has a bad handle on his emotions, paranoid.
[div class=tag]likes[/div] Sweet desserts, thick sweaters, cryptids, ghost hunting shows, people watching, waking up early, being productive, olives, love songs, his pet cats Goose and Chicken.
[div class=tag]dislikes[/div] Bad-tasting alcohol, humid weather, being touched without permission, the beach, wasting time, dogs, the sound of people eating.
[div class=tag]fears[/div] Being alone, his grandfather, car crashes.
[div class=tag]ailments[/div] Professionally diagnosed with CPTSD and generalized anxiety disorder.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]SPECIES.[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c3/8d/29/c38d29e27f6497b53dc62d5153eafd8c.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c7/90/9a/c7909a7034fab3e8ce7ba59f1ec18f4d.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/84/31/48/8431484b351705ff76c32b7aa5ab4b54.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]species[/div] Francis is a spirit. He's dead, but his soul is unable to rest due to a curse placed on his family's bloodline, dooming him to walk the Earth in a state of entropy. Some would consider him a malevolent spirit, though he hasn't been around nearly as long as some others, and he doesn't always wish harm upon others. He has before, and sometimes still does, but his state of being and "spirit form" is constantly in flux depending on his emotional state.
[div class=tag]rules of species[/div]
[div class=tag]extra[/div]
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coded by shady.
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"sometimes i give myself the creeps."
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[div class=tag]name.
jessa-mae cruz
[div class=tag]nicknames.
her friends call her jess / jessie
[div class=tag]age.[/div] 18 in human years; 88 in berbalang years
[div class=tag]gender.[/div] female; she/her/hers pronouns
[div class=tag]sexuality.[/div] homosexual
[div class=tag]d.o.b.[/div] december 2nd
[div class=tag]zodiac.[/div] sagittarius
[div class=tag]p.o.b.[/div] a cave somewhere in palawan island, philippines
[div class=tag]race/ethnicity.[/div] berbalang; filipino [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"]

[div class=tag]hair.
jessa-mae's hair is a smooth, shoulder-length bob that's parted in the middle and she normally doesn't style it in any way other than that. she has dyed her hair every color of the rainbow at least once throughout her life. it is currently teal, but that may change soon
[div class=tag]eyes.
her eyes are a deep brown and almost appear to be black under most lighting. because of her berbalang heritage, her pupils are not round; they are narrow slits like those of a feline. it's very hard to notice due to her eye color
[div class=tag]skin.[/div] with a tanned complexion, soft skin, and freckles dusted across her button nose, jessa-mae appears to be very human. but that's not the truth. when she transforms, her skin turns leathery and tight across her bones, her nails become talon-like, and all of her teeth sharpen. although she can partially transform by only sprouting her wings, it cannot be done for long. she is very self-conscious about how she truly looks, so she avoids being seen in this form
[div class=tag]height.[/div] 5'0" / 152 cm
[div class=tag]weight.[/div] 110 lbs / 49 kg
[div class=tag]build.[/div] petite but shapely
[div class=tag]dist. features.[/div] her full lips, colored hair, and the miscellaneous tattoos on various spots on her body are her most distinguishing features. when her wings are sprouted from her shoulder blades, they appear black in color and are similar to a bat's. they reach 10 ft (304 cm) in full span
[div class=tag]wardrobe.[/div] jessa-mae is a fan of 90s grunge fashion. most of her thrifted wardrobe is comprised of baggy jeans, shorts, pullover sweaters and graphic tees that tend to be a size too big for her. it's rare to see her wearing something more fitting to her physique. she has cut two vertical slits on the back of every top she owns. take a look here
[div class=tag]face claim.[/div] beabadoobee / bea kristi [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"]

[div class=tag]personality.
Those who know Jessa-Mae will describe her as a sweetheart who would readily give the shirt off her back for the people she cares about and even strangers at that. She seems like the type of person who wouldn't harm a fly. She's soft-spoken, friendly, and perceived as timid (but she's actually just reserved). Jessa-Mae will put the needs of others before herself, and so often that she sacrifices too much to make others happy. While she is quick to assume the worst, she still tries her best to mend a situation that's falling apart. Her honesty is quite endearing.

All this is true, but one detail would surprise a lot of people: she has gory tendencies. She's not easy to anger, but she's very capable of bloodshed and violence—particularly when a person has wronged her loved ones. Her penchant for morbidity tend to come out in subtler ways, such as her fascination with horror and all things macabre. Jessa-Mae's temper isn't explosive; it's calculated and quiet. The extent of her grudges run deep, and that is a hard thing to shake off. She quickly gets attached to people though, so more often than not, someone would find her yearning to be their friend than an enemy.

Her gentle personality is not a guise to trick people, but rather it is a melded part of a whole. This brings about a sense of insecurity since she doubts her confidence and overanalyzes her own mistakes. While she has somewhat come to terms with a side of her that could be deemed bizarre or unpleasant, Jessa-Mae still has moments when she thinks she's something inexcusably horrid. Her berbalang form is the root of her uncertainty. She just wants to be accepted, more than anything.
[div class=tag]alignment.
lawful neutral
[div class=tag]virtues.[/div] loyal, empathetic, well-mannered, generous, patient, studious
[div class=tag]vices.[/div] resentful, clingy, insecure, sacrifices too much, pessimistic, self-critical
[div class=tag]likes.[/div] rock music, flowers, knitting, anything horror, the dark, DIY crafts, foggy weather, playing her guitar
[div class=tag]dislikes.[/div] waking up early, lime juice, the cold, hummus, cleaning blood, wearing heels, candy, her true form
[div class=tag]habits.[/div] keeps journals full of song ideas / lyrics, always wears bracelets, still counts on her fingers, bounces her leg when she's nervous, flying in the middle of the night
[div class=tag]fears.[/div] being unloved for what she really is, abandonment / feeling left out, being trapped in tight spaces
[div class=tag]ailments.[/div] nicotine addiction [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents04"]

[div class=tag]explanation.
indigenous to the philippines, berbalangs are a variety of ghoul who dig up graves and feast on human corpses while using a technique similar to astral projection. with their bat-like wings, they are capable of flying, and are feared as hideous creatures of the night that can disguise themselves amongst humans. one should be careful when they spot one in their true form; their strength is deceptive and their astral bodies carry visual displacement
[div class=tag]rules of species.
despite having distant heritage to ghouls, berbalangs are not undead. they still need to eat and sleep to sustain themselves but live much longer than humans. although they're believed to be a nocturnal species, it's not entirely true; berbalangs have an affinity for darkness simply because it's easier to scavenge during the nighttime. when it comes to astral projection, they must confine themselves to a safe, quiet area and go into a meditative state in order to achieve it. some berbalangs are more adept at this ability than others and can travel longer distances before returning to their corporeal bodies. overall, they're very durable, but heal almost as slowly as mundanes
[div class=tag]extra.[/div] scavenging by the astral projection method is merely a matter of preference. jessa-mae is not very good at it although she'd like to be better. she can see in the dark and her flying speed can go up to 70 mph / 112 kph. she's trying to cut back on her human flesh diet by replacing it with animal meat, but it doesn't satisfy her as much. sometimes those primal urges can't be resisted though, so she has a "cheat day" every so often

[div class=tag]background.[/div] wip
[div class=tag]relationships.[/div] wip
[div class=tag]the brochure.[/div] wip [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents05"]

[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] https://www.rpnation.com/threads/𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘆-⧾-𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻′𝘀-𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗽𝘆-𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀.454487/post-9951524[/div] [/div]
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[div class=title]HAIR.
brown tufts of hair combed and gelled out of his face
[div class=title]EYES.
icy blue, almost grey eyes
[div class=title]SKIN.
almost sickly pale complexion; he’s quite cold to the touch and doesn’t retain heat
[div class=title]HEIGHT.[/div] 6’
[div class=title]WEIGHT.[/div] 150lbs
[div class=title]DISTINGUISHING FEATURES.[/div] his rather large fangs ; his confident demeanor ; always smells faintly of blood
[div class=title]WARDROBE.[/div] like most vampires, zane wears dark and brooding colors that help to keep attention off of him and retains the sun heat if he chooses to go outside, but his style is a bit more on the casual side
[div class=title]FACE CLAIM.[/div] álvaro rico

[div class=block][/div]
[div class=title]EXPLANATION.[/DIV] zane is a type of vampire, called the draugr; believed to be bodies of death, draugr are said to be savage nightwalkers who possess superhuman strength, the ability to alter their size at will, and being able to escape from their mound as a wisp of smoke. they often smell of death and corruption when fully transformed, and have pitch black or pale white skin.
[div class=title]RULE OF SPECIES.[/DIV] due to being in the limbo of dead and alive, draugr’s are immortal and able to live for long periods of time. however, failure to consume the blood of a human will result in weakened powers and can equate to death. additionally, they are also vulnerable to fire.
[div class=title]EXTRA.[/DIV] zane isn't affected by sunlight, however he much rather prefers the light provided from the moon. [/div][/div][/DIV][/DIV][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentB" style="display: none;"]
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[div class=title]PERSONALITY.
a master of manipulation and sweet talk, zane has taken years to cultivate his craft of charming any and everyone who walks his way. for all his years being alive, he’s played the part of a sweet yet naive boy who wanted to make it to hollywood and a callous son who simply wanted to waste away his life, along with many other facades to entertain himself. immortality has made him grow bored with the mundane ways humans choose to live, so he thinks of everything as a game. he’s rarely ever serious, or taking things seriously, making him come off as immature.

often looking for the next thrill in his life, zane operates solely on self-interest — he can’t afford the cost of caring for others, or getting attached to them, knowing he’ll outlive them one day. therefore, trusting every word he says isn’t in your best interest. he can be very finicky and rash; most of his actions depend on how he feels at the moment, so expect plans with him to be canceled on a short notice.
  • [div class=title]ALIGNMENT.
  • chaotic neutral
  • [div class=title]POSITIVE.
  • spontaneous, observant, witty, playful & adaptable
  • [div class=title]NEUTRAL.[/div] secretive & honest
  • [div class=title]NEGATIVE.[/div] unreliable, impulsive, manipulative & selfish
  • [div class=title]LIKES.[/div] learning new instruments, vanilla scents, aromatherapy, gardening, red wine, writing letters, dark chocolate
  • [div class=title]DISLIKES.[/div] airports, people touching his belongings, needles, messy rooms, overly sweet candy, silence, being left alone for too long, too much attention
  • [div class=title]FEARS.[/div] death
  • [div class=title]AILMENTS.[/div] none
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coming soon.
  • [div class=title]BROCHURE.
  • coming soon.
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[div class=side_one][div class=textinformation] nickname(s)[/div] [div class=textinformation_two]mimi[/div] [div class=divider_two][/div]
[div class=textinformation] age[/div] [div class=textinformation_two]~19[/div] [div class=divider_two][/div]
[div class=textinformation] gender[/div] [div class=textinformation_two]female[/div] [div class=divider_two][/div]
[div class=textinformation] sexuality[/div] [div class=textinformation_two]bisexual[/div] [div class=divider_two][/div]
[div class=textinformation] birthday:[/div] [div class=textinformation_two]June 21, a gemini[/div] [div class=divider_two][/div] [/div] [div class=side_two]
[div class=box][div class=box_info]appearance
[div class=box_text] Ethnicity/Race: Japanese Ailments: Umi is almost completely deaf. Speaks JSL and just enough ASL to communicate. Uses a lot of hand gestures. Hair: Black with a subtle wave, just about reaches her shoulders. A bit tangled from neglect. Eyes: Thin, black as the depths of the sea. Usually a bit puffy underneath. Height/Weight: 5'2 / 119 lbs Distinguishing Features: The dark freckles under her eyes indicative of her heritage; that or the constant miserable expression on her face. Body Mods: Wrist tattoo & double pierced ears Attire: Plain, minimal outfits that take little effort to coordinate. Peeky peek Faceclaim: Serena Motola
[div class=box][div class=box_info]personality[/div]
[div class=box_text] Personality Umi is a bit of an oddball. She’s reclusive and can rarely be seen with friends, but it’s clear from observing her that she’s not a loner because she’s shy. It seems she avoids meeting new people; inside, she has no desire to make friends and sees having them as a burden, another responsibility to take care of that she doesn’t have the capacity for. She’s not evil; she can feel for others, but their presence is incredibly exhausting. To her, the possible cons of drama and fallout outweigh any joy she could get from connection. She has a bit of a hard time relating to people despite empathizing with them deeply; whether it’s her disability or her just her head, she finds it impossible to act the way they act, feel the way they feel in every situation. She doesn’t exactly wish to relate to them either. She doesn’t care what others think of her, and it shows in her actions. Despite how she may appear on the outside, always drifting off during class and falling asleep in the nearby cafe, she’s not nearly as ditzy as she seems. She’s rather intelligent and is very self aware; she knows how she thinks and always what she needs; she embraces every part of herself and doesn’t try to deny its existence. She’s not afraid of admitting her faults. That doesn’t mean she’s in control of her emotions, however. Umi always seems to be in a different mood than you left her in. Her mood changes often and dramatically, despite her best efforts to control herself. She’s constantly overthinking, which leads her to constantly changing her opinions and decisions. She can seem two-faced or indecisive being in a constant state of making up her mind. She’s always gaining interests then losing them as a side effect; she gets bored with them easily. One thing that seems to be a constant in her moods is her pessimism; she’s always expecting the worst. She’s a bit of a drama queen, and the way she copes with things can be seen as overreacting. She really has little patience and is easily overwhelmed by multiple things going wrong. She has poor work ethic and is pretty undisciplined, even when she tries as hard as she can. What Umi is fighting against at every moment, the symptom of her depression that has the biggest negative impact on her is her utter apathy towards life. Deep down, she doesn’t care what happens to her, because it won’t matter in the long run. If she felt no duty towards her family and her education, all she would be motivated to do is self-sabotage. Despite this constant apathy weighing her down, she tries her hardest to work against it and succeed in life anyway. It still manifests itself, making her impulsive and at times lazy, but she refuses to let it take over her life. ❀ Strengths: empathetic, fairly harmless and would never hurt someone on purpose, intelligent, self aware, trying to improve herself ❀ Weaknesses: apathetic, dramatic, moody, awkward, pessimist, anxious, bad worker ❀ Likes: winter, vanilla cake, naps, mushrooms, pho, getting lost at ikea, ‘bad’ weather, art in general, especially amateur/raw art, forests, clowns, showers ❀ Dislikes: people who hurt the environment, hot drinks, talking politics, herself, running, valentines day ❀ Fears: life without her family, getting very sick very fast, presenting something in public, staying the way she is forever
[div class=box][div class=box_info]species info[/div]
[div class=box_text] Species: Umi is a selkie, specifically a harbor seal selkie. These are beings that usually live as seals, dwelling in the sea and on sandy shores, but can remove their fur pelt like a coat to disguise themselves as human. Typically found near the arctic, selkies can withstand freezing cold water temperatures that would usually kill a human. In their human form, they are nigh immune to hypothermia. Species Rules: Without their pelt, a selkie cannot swim. They can survive on land until the end of their natural lives, but it's not much of a life worth living. Extra: Seals in Hokkaido have been hunted for generations, for their pelt and for consumption. It's not as common today but they're still sold in wet markets in rural areas.
[div class=box][div class=box_info]other[/div]
[div class=box_text] History: Umi grew up in a small clan of selkies, residing in a small cove beneath a shipyard. It was the one place on the island where poachers weren’t allowed to fish, meaning her clan was relatively safe from them. However, that doesn’t mean they were protected from other elements of humanity. Human garbage and discarded fishing gear littered their home; they couldn’t get too close to the ships without being injured by the engines, and worst of all, the constant blaring of the ship horns nearly deafened the clan. Umi, one of the only children born to the clan, went deaf at a young age; her ears were simply too sensitive. Her mother was devastated upon bringing her to the surface and realizing she didn’t respond to her own name. It was when Umi was 5 years old that the clan decided that she and the two other children born to the clan would assume the disguise of humans and try to get an education on land, to free themselves from the near stoneage conditions they lived in. The kids were able to live in a tiny basement in the city, working for the people living above, occasionally returning to their home beneath the shipyard and sharing what they learned with the clan. The kids decided from a young age that they wanted to learn enough to be able to move their people somewhere else, where they wouldn’t be in constant danger. This would be their objective from that point on. The kids largely kept to themselves in school, and were known for being rather antisocial and reserved. She received her brochure in her senior year of high school. It started off as an average day; she woke up in the basement, and her friends were nowhere to be found. She assumed that they had gotten a head start on going to school, so she proceeded with her day as usual. However, upon going to school, the kids were still missing. She searched every possible place they could be after school; she eventually found them, and her worst fears had been realized. Somehow, their identities were discovered. On a ship above the cove, they were there, strung up by their feet, dead. Umi was horrified, as well as clueless as to what to do next. That was when the brochure appeared on shore. It was a horrible, traumatizing experience, but Umi found motivation in her grief. She had to go to the school. She had to find something better for the clan before they underwent the same thing. Umi majors in Undersea Geology and Environment; however, she lost motivation after a drunk night out resulted in the loss of her pelt. Until she finds it again, she can’t return to the sea. This threw her into a deep depression; she lost a large amount of weight from being too unmotivated to eat (she used to be quite chubby) and in terms of personality, she’s unrecognizable from the friendly, hardworking girl she used to be. Who knows what she would do if someone were to find it and return in to her? When they received the Brochure: Upon finding the bodies of her fellow selkies, the only few that could help the rest of her family escape. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Relationships: wip
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ninotchka. WIP.
— ninotchka. last name non-applicable.
— nino, baba yaga.
— 285 mentally; though physically she appears eternally as a baby-faced eighteen year old.
— feminine non-binary.
— demiromantic, asexual.
date of birth:
— september 20th, 1735.
— virgo.
place of birth:
— within the embrace of a tree hollow deep inside the forests of russia.
— russian.


— towheaded. hair so light blonde, it appears white at first and second look. cut by her own hands into a messy long bob with choppy baby bangs.
— light blue.
— unnaturally pale, slightly translucent, baby soft.
— 5'1.
— 99 lbs.
distinguishing features:
— dirt beneath her nails. nearly sickly in appearance.
— here.
face claim:
— aurora aksnes.


— wip.
— chaotic good.
positive traits (4+):
— wip.
negative traits (4+):
— wip.
likes (4+):
— wip.
dislikes (4+):
— wip.
— wip.
— wip.


— technically a vila (slavic fae who appear as eternally youthful females; regarded as very beautiful and enchanting). due to the strangeness of her nature, however, this particular vila has become twisted in the eyes who have beheld her and thus gone down in russian folklore as the repulsive "baba yaga".
rules of species:
— wip.
— wip.


— wip.
— wip.
when did they receive their brochure?:
— wip.
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