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Role: [Your character's role in the RP]

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R o l e s


The Idol's position is currently at a high point at the moment since he has debuted 2 years + (Optional to the person who took this role). His personality conflicts with the Potato who is intelligent, calm, and proper.
The Potato, on the other hand, is majoring to become a music teacher (Or somewhere in the knowledge of music). The two-year scholarship sponsored by Toel Entertainment has been so difficult since nobody can handle the Idol's personality and attitude.


The bickering models are pretty much the opposite of each other although they may act like they are friendly towards to each other on camera. Everyone in the entertainment knows how much they bicker and sees this as a normal routine. Knowing each other's information (the two RPTer) is an essential for this roleplay since the two will be switching roles back and forth.


The Fan decided to audition to become an actor & singer and surprisingly passed. She's a huge fan of the rookie actor after seeing photos and commercials of him. The rookie actor isn't famous yet, but he's getting ready to be a big hit in the next drama he'll want to star in.
The Rookie actor's personality isn't so great though. He's quite the opposite term of a "gentleman" and "proper."


The Actress is a strong-willed woman who seeks revenge against her ex-boyfriend from a rival company. She hasn't debuted yet, but sponsors have helped her land a job on a drama as the main character! [The type of script or plot can be made up by the roleplayer who is acting the drama]
The Manager, on the other hand, has to lay on this babysitting job because his father (Le CEO of the company) forced him to work on his fear of women. The CEO found the actress to be an "interesting" person.
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Park Taewoo / Twenty Five / Male / The Manager

Patience is good, quite smart. But he hates the sight of needles and doesn't understand a girl's emotion. He's more of an introvert and likes to observe people (as well as live in his own bubble). Likes to drink Soju and Sake.

Half-Korean/Half Japanese

Aunt had harassed him when he was a toddler and was scarred for life because of that. Lives in fear of woman after his parents' divorce since his dad always takes in different women in the house and doesn't trust him. Is stuck with this babysitting gig by his father so that he can overcome the fear but hates the idea of this. With no choice though because his dad closed down all of his credit/debit cards, he begins his job as the manager for the actress.

[Momentarily brief]

Has a fear of touching women as well as needles.
Often uses a tissue to touch women as if they were some sort of devil.
Allergic to peanuts.

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