Zone of the Enders: Galactic Academy

Flip Jester Boy

Professional Shitposter

Character Sheet

Just for consistency, all PC's are OF runners unless you state otherwise before you make a character




Appearance: (Description or Pic [Anime Only], height & weight opt.)


Bio (opt.):

Planet of Origin: (Earth or Mars/Moon Colony?)

Other (Likes, Dislikes, etc.)

OF Name:

OF Appearance: (Description or Pic)

OF Weapons:

OF Abilities: (Include Dash & Burst Abilities here)

Question: What was the name of the most powerful Orbital Frame?

Answer: (read the overview or the rules to find the answer)

My charrie

Name: Lobo Stenbuck

Age: 17

Gender: Male


  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 130

Personality: Lobo is a very prideful in his family name, due to his grandfather, Leo Stenbuck, being one of Dingo Egret's best friends and allies, who was also one of the best Runners in his time. He loves taking in attention and diving head first into situations even he couldn't handle alone. He is one of the best Runners in the Academy, scoring the highest in the training simulators, but is pretty much average when it comes academically. He can also easily become competitive if challenged.

Bio: Lobo was born in a UNSF hospital on Earth overseen by Ken Marinaris, one of Leo's good friends and wife of Dingo Egret. Lobo's father, Liger Stenbuck, was a runner for the Space Force military for many years, teaching his son some tricks about being a runner. And though Liger wasn't able to use the Vic Viper, he was proud that Lobo was able to.

Lobo constantly recieved training from his father and the best Space Force officers to become one of the greatest runners in his generation. When he was in school, he often flaunted his name, which earned him popularity and the admiration of many girls. He entered competions often, winning every single one of them. He was soon reccommended to enter the Galactic Academy on scholarship, taking the opportunity to become a real Runner in real life, not just in the simulators.

Planet of Origin: Earth


  • Attention
  • Winning
  • Challenges


  • Being ignored
  • Losing

OF Name: Vic Viper Mk. 2

OF Appearance:

The Vic Viper Mk. 2 is actually an advanced LEV unit, and despite being designed like the original, this one is able to use Sub-weapon programs.

OF Weapons:

[in Mech form]- Energy generators on the ends of both arms which activate when punching to form "knuckles." Pre-installed "Gauntlet" Sub-weapon.

[in Jet form]- Ripple lasers, Beam lasers, 3 Option drones, Missile Launcher, Force field projector on the nose of the Jet.

  • [OF Abilities] The Vic Viper Mk. 2 can turn into a jet form which is faster than Mech form, but it has no close-ranged attacks.
Bum Rush: The Vic Viper rapidly jabs at its target when at close range, finishing off the combo with a forceful punch.

  • [Dashing Abilities]
    Ripple Shot: The Vic Viper fires three consecutive ripple lasers at its target which are slightly faster than the ones in Jet form, but are also slightly weaker.
    While Close to target: The Vic Viper quickly dashes behind its target and knocks them forward with a Gauntlet blast.
  • [burst Abilities]
    Gauntlet Cannon: The Vic Viper charges up, releasing a more powerful version of the Gauntlet sub-weapon which deals significantly more damage than the latter.
    Beam Assault: The Vic Viper charges up, firing subsequent beam lasers which drains sub-weapon energy as its used.
    Drill Charge (Jet Mode): The 3 Options orbit in front of the Vic Viper, spinning and firing off a small laser as the boosters charge up, launching the OF forward along with the "drill" as the energy is released.

Read more about this role play...
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Pilot Name: James Garrett

Age: 18

Sex: Male

James stands five foot ten,and weighs 190 pounds. His athletic build hides well toned muscles,wrapped in dark skin. His face is long,and his hair thick is dark brown in colour,as are his eyes. His clothes consist of a black waistcoat over a white,collared shirt,with black trousers and shoes,as well as several suits,and some more casual attire. Though he very much prefers the waistcoat ensemble. He always has an Augmented Reality Lens (ARL) over his right eye,offering object highlighting,several vision filters,biometric and structural data scanning,and wireless computer interfacing.

In combat,he wears an armoured jumpsuit,with a three inch thick chestpiece,with armour of similar thickness on his arms and the front of his legs,leaving the joints exposed. His helmet's armoured plating is half the thickness,with some padding,and features a Hyper Reality Visor (HRV),with the same functions as his ARL. The armour has a built-in combat knife scabbard on the collar and a built-in pistol holster on the left hip. Although the armour is quite heavy,it's perfectly capable of keeping James alive,should he be caught in combat without his OF.

Personality: James doesn't have many friends. He is a very closed person,often called paranoid. While psychological evaluations reveal that he's not violent in his paranoia,he's still very antisocial. He has been observed working poorly with teams,preferring a direct approach. In combat sims,he has displayed a reckless disregard for his own safety.

Background: James Garrett's background information is CLASSIFIED. (I don't know enough about the setting to write one.)

Planet of Origin: Earth,spent the past five years on Luna

Interests: Physics,engineering,privacy,observation,fact

Dislikes: Invaded privacy,idiots,inflated egos

OF Designation: Danger Close


The shield on the left arm is actually a massive tower shield. The sword is has a plasma cutting edge. There is a large,unfriendly-looking turret mounted behind the head. It has a full swivel range,and is automated. The entire OF is mirrored,rendering lasers almost completely ineffective. The mirrored nature of the plating also means that it's almost impossible to spot with the naked eye out in space,and numerous intelligence devices,such as light beam radar,and even conventional radar,do not even detect it.


This large sword is the Danger Close's primary weapon. The edges are made of plasma contained in a magnetic field,and the sword possesses considerable mass,further magnifying the cutting potential. The sword is mirrored.

Aegis: A huge tower shield,providing frontal coverage. Quite heavy,and the edges are beveled,meaning it is also a decent striking weapon in it's own right. The shield is also mirrored.

L-AMS: A laser anti-missile system. Ultraviolet laser emitters dot the Danger Close,rapidly locking onto incoming missile guidance systems,and prematurely detonating the warhead via a swift laser burst. Ignores unguided munitions,such as rockets,however.

Drakgoon: This weapon is a large flak cannon,mounted to the turret behind the head. It fires a collection of bomblets,similar to a shotgun,which detonate on impact or in close proximity to a target. The weapon is completely automated,needing zero input from the pilot.

BURST System - Excalibur: The Danger Close's systems divert much of the OF's energy to the Galatine and an on-board,small-scale Subspace Drive. The Drive is a modified Zero-Shift system,enabling the Danger Close to slash at distant targets,or simply charge in in a heartbeat. The energy redirected to the Galatine goes into the plasma coils,increasing the energy by several orders of magnitude. For safety reasons,there is only enough energy for one compression,meaning it's a one way trip if the pilot takes the Danger Close through Subspace,instead of just the Galatine. Unfortunately,the charge time is considerable,at five seconds.

DASH System - Death or Glory: This particular maneuver has earned James the nickname of "Blitzkrieg James",James overrides the safety measures of his dashing jets,catapulting him forward at incredible speeds for an extended duration,capable of crossing a hundred kilometers in a matter of minutes. James pushes the machine to it's limit,using the shield as cover for his advance. The Galatine is pointed forward,like a lance around the side of the shield,and the Drakgoon is poking out over the top of the shield,firing at any hostile that gets close. The target is run through with the Galatine,slammed with the shield,with the full weight of the Danger Close behind it,being fired at by the Drakgoon all the while. The victim often doesn't survive.

Secondary System - Shield Burst: A clever little trick on James' part. He ordered his OF's energy shielding system to be modified so it can release the shield's energy explosively,creating a radial blast of energy. The physical damage it does is minimal at best,but it has the added effect of creating an EMP,scrambling the electronics of anything caught in the blast. It is relatively small,however.

Password: Jehuty
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Ophelia Keats



Quiet and cold, Ophelia always attempts to be number one, whatever the case may be. Though things typically won't come naturally to the girl, her determination knows no bounds, leading her to be one of the top performers both academically and in combat. Naturally craving solitude, Ophelia only takes charge or uses sociability to climb ranks, often running into fits of rage whenever things may not go her way.

As the daughter of a a simple Metatron miner, Ophelia dreamed of the opportunity to attend Galactic Academy in the hopes of making her family's way of living much more comfortable. She entered the school much like the other students, attending various VRTS battles and often winning through her constant motivation to achieve. Though she originally faired worse than even the greatest simpletons, she'd put away countless time and whatever small funds she could find in order to improve and become the Runner that she is today.

Planet of Origin: Earth, however, she has spent most of her conscious years living on Jupiter's moon- Europa.

Likes: Overcoming obstacles, knowledge, and sweets.

Dislikes: Arrogance, stupidity, and indolence.

OF Name: Bishamon

OF Appearance:

All Abilities:

Sword Dance: Bishamon, using the two large weapons attached to it's back can use either one or both at a time. For a special attack, it is also able to attach the weapons directly to it's hands, giving them spinning capabilities.

Banshee: Capable of creating a hyper-sonic sound that-if intended- could shut down the main navigational systems of other weapons, rendering them practically blind.

Bullet Drill: This attack allows Bishamon to shoot bullet-shaped drill missiles. The bullets are powerful enough to temporarily down another machine for a few seconds.

Blast-Fire: Using a large missile-like weapon attached at the left knee, the mecha can instantly shoot large and powerful attacks which work best objects that take up bigger surface areas.

Stone: An extreme protective measure, Bishamon is able to concentrate all necessary energies into both health restoration whilst immobile and mostly impenetrable.

Talon: The long nails attached at the hands when required can reach great lengths, able to claw through an opposing machine.

Overall: Though Bishamon is a tough LEV by all means, it mostly deals with fast blows and hard hits as it is usually best at taking down enemies quickly and efficiently. Many weaknesses of this weapon include poor protection and a low endurance.

Question: What was the name of the most powerful Orbital Frame?

Answer: Jehuty

If I've done anything that doesn't add up to the story, feel free to comment/disagree!
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Name: Etoile Rowe

Age: 18

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Gia_600_1109636.jpg.2f163e96131e0c8382958ef353a90797.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14990" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Gia_600_1109636.jpg.2f163e96131e0c8382958ef353a90797.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Etoile has always been a well manner, obedient person towards her superior officers. She has been piloting her OF for a few years and has quickly obtained experience on the field. Etoile is the type of person to not question her order and doesn't allow her curiosity to wander. No there's no time for such trivial matters. Because of her no questions attitude, her superiors know she will do whatever it takes to complete her mission. Towards her fellow Runners, Etoile is impassive and quiet. She would prefer not to converse with her peers deeming them as unnecessary distractions.

Bio: During her childhood she was diagnosed with a certain illness. Luckily for her parents and the rest of the organization sake it wasn't contagious. No, it was genetic defect in her nerves. There would be times that would have shaky fingers. On worse days she would be unable to move or feel from her limbs, an illusion of paralyzation. So her childhood, hospitals, needles, and various experiments were her daily routine. Her father was desperate for them to fix her "defect" as he held expectations for her to be an OF Runner as well. They succeeded however for Etoile to pilot her OF she needs to be physically hooked into it.

Planet of Origin: Mars



-Quiet, Reading, Practicing her marksmanship, Tea


-Ramblings, Sickness, Doctors, Needles

OF Name: Vispidae

OF Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Mecha_Concept_by_rubendevela.jpg.00d1747a1f51ca9a91dd27bb2e29172d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14991" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Mecha_Concept_by_rubendevela.jpg.00d1747a1f51ca9a91dd27bb2e29172d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

OF Weapons:

- Jagged Twin Blades

OF Abilities:


- Chalcid Stinger: A rapid fire laser beam that can shoot four beams at a time.

-Allgile Wings: Increases her Mech's speed, can only use this mode for short periods.


- Merciless Parasite: Vispidae charges its thrusters, to be able to embedded its "arms' into the enemies armor. Once this is achieved the Vispidae has a few moments to inject a concoction of chemicals that would paralyze the enemies' mecha.

Answer: Jehuty



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Renshii Akahero





Appearance: (Description or Pic [Anime Only], height & weight opt.)



Renshii is quiet and assertive when needed.

He doesn't enjoy people and would rather keep

them out of his path. He's quite the marksman in

Sniper Rifles and Pistols/Handguns.

When Renshii goes out on missions with a team, he

tends to take charge and speak commands telling people

what to do and how to do it. He acts very well inexecuting the plan and plans things to best of knowledge

also giving different scenarios if something goes wrong and

what he could do to fix this problem. He always has a

contingency plan for every situation if not three plans.

Bio (opt.):

Renshii born in the land of not doing this. Didn't care then boom o-o A bio was not done.

Planet of Origin: (Earth or Mars/Moon Colony?)

Saturn's moon Calypso

Other (Likes, Dislikes, etc.)


-Shooting things for fun

-Learning the mechanical features of his OF

-Learning ways of improving things he does.


-Dealing with people who are annoying

-Being in large crowds.

-Doing things that are unnecessary

OF Name:

Sentary. (Sin-Tar-Ee)

OF Appearance: (Description or Pic)


OF Weapons:

-Grapling hook.

The grappling hook itself is in the OF's hand. When using it, the hand shoots out and grabs the object trying to grapple using the strong cable attached to the forearm of the OF to the wrist/hand.

-Plasma bomb

In the right hand, a small plasma bomb can be shot and explodes on contact. The plasma bomb releases from the blue area in the palm and can be shot up to 300ft. (range of a football field) The size of the plasma bomb is about three times the size of a regular basketball.

-Plasma blade

In the right forearm is a slot where a sword of solid plasma or energy. The blade can cut through the armor of other OFs'

OF Abilities: (Include Dash & Burst Abilities here)

Dash Ability-

Using thruster jets in a pack on it's back. Sentary can launch itself 300 ft in any direction.

Charge time- 20 Minutes (2 posts.)

Burst Ability- Slash

Slash gives Sentary the ability to overcharge his sword and give it a stronger cutting power/edge. This burst ability will give Sentary the ability to hack through another OF within a matter of moments.

Charge Time- 30 Minutes (3 posts)


Shield base-

Renshii rigged his OF's energy and level source to create a stronger shield on the OF. Rather then the shield protecting him from all angles, the shield is in one general direction. Protecting only the rear, or front.

Question: What was the name of the most powerful Orbital Frame? Who are you?

Answer: Jehuty I am Kiro >D Most feared person in the world bwuahahaha!
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"Sven Hark, at your service."


"Seventeen as of this year. "


" If it looks like a male, sounds like a male, it must be a male, right? "


"6'4....Sheesh, let a kid dream will ya? Fine, I'm sitting at 5'5, and last I checked I'm 143 pounds, as for the rest, well I'm sitting right here. "


"Look, I know I come off as a punk kid disconnected from the real world, but don't count me out. I'm smarter than I look, one of the top ten academics at the academy, actually. Granted, I'm not the greatest runner hands on, there's plenty farther ahead than I am, but I'm far from the worst, and at least I'm working on it. As for teams and solo? I handle well in either, but if I get put into a team, you can guarantee I'm going to be pushing for everyone to do their best, and to stay alive.

Simulations and test runs may not be hard, but you don't know what we're going to be heading for and I'm not accepting someone's injury when it could have been prevented. Solo I think I do okay, I need to work on stealth a bit more, but what can I say? I'd rather be taken a written or helping someone else."


"Look, man, I'm a kid, you want to know what I did? I went to school, I learned things, I played hookie with friends, I envied runners when I was little, training to be one now, normal kid stuff. Otherwise known as Nonya."

Planet of Origin?

"Mars man, all the way. I've been sitting out on Deimos the last couple years...what a drag that was."


" I like books, I like learning, I like people. Sweets are pretty nifty too, those lemon things? Heaven for the taste buds. But between you and me, I really hate dead air, silence man, it's deadly. "


OF Name?

"I'd like you to meet Jack, that's what I call him at least, technically speaking though, he's a well it doesn't matter, he's Jack. "

OF Weapons?

"Well, there's a built in decoy, and those guard like things on the arms? Yeah, those hide two wakizashi for close range, there's an energy gen in the legs too, so when the leg is brought up high, like it's kneeing someone in the gut, you get a rather point knee joint. Jack's a pretty close range only OF, but I like him just the way he is."

OF Abilities?

"Let's see...we've got something I like to call Lights Out, for a short period of time, maybe 30 seconds at best, Jack's rigged to scrambled his signal, so he pings across sensors just about anywhere but where he is. Only flaw with that is we don't pick where the signal gets pinged in that time.

Then we have Wakinana, basically the ability of Jack to be able to wield the wakizashi as more than just props.

Fall of Silence is a method Jack has of shutting off a lot of systems running outside of it's ability to move and my ability to breath to mute a lot of the noises it makes. The more you shut down, the quieter it gets, but the more dangerous it gets in return, because there's no exact guarantee you'll be running full steam when you need to if you get caught under silence.

Roll has got to be my favorite, but man does it leave you dizzy. Jack curls hands holding the blades outwards like a rotational spit through a roast, and with the help of a few energy pulses he goes barreling forward like a ball at high speeds. It's a one direction thing though, there is no turning corners like that, and stopping is far from on a dime.

I think that's all I've got so far on my baby, so yeah."

What was the name of the most powerful Orbital Frame?

"Oh, I know this's uh, Jetumy, no, umm, kidding ya. It's a Jehuty. "
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Name: Heatray Firered

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/index.jpg.83383e5823615a73f38e148e6a0e13b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/index.jpg.83383e5823615a73f38e148e6a0e13b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mellow and kind hearted. Puts his friends first and himself last. Has only 1 fear.

Planet of Origin: Earth

Other: Dislikes annoying enemies. Likes a challenge. Kind of a dork. Can rage if hes pushed too far.

OF Name: Soulfire

OF Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ahbiasaaja-6.jpg.d693d396156c2d027af9c4c88ced3ec7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ahbiasaaja-6.jpg.d693d396156c2d027af9c4c88ced3ec7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

OF Weapons: Arm shield, Hand blaster, and chest laser. Can convert laser into EMP blast if needed.

OF Abilities: Dash, Burst, limited flight, limited camo, and limited shield booster.

Question: What was the name of the most powerful Orbital Frame? Jehuty



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@Heatray Firered: could you please be more descriptive with your abilities? Dash and Burst are both modules automatically installed into the OF, so they're not necessarily custom abilities. Otherwise, everything else is good. Just fix the abilities and you're accepted!

@Little Sister: If you want to. I'll probably just start now anyway.
Name: Jade Rhea

Age: 17

Gender: Famale

Appearance: Height: 5'6" ~ Weight: 110lbs


Personality: Jade has always stuck out among the serious nature soldiers with her optimistic and fairly bubbly demeanor. She usually has a grin or smirk of some kind but knows how to act serious to keep from getting in trouble, though most of the time it comes off as board. She is an avid fan LEV and OF and will sometimes get over excited and tries to learn everything she can about any Mech she comes across. Though she is knowledgeable she doesn't offer advice unless asked. She is sometimes forgetful and, oblivious and a bit of an air head when it comes to day to day life. Forgetting to eat or sleep while spending hours with her OF or learning all she can about the newer models being developed. This often has her coming off as antisocial or ditzy. However when Jade is piloting she is hyper focused and a bit arrogant. She is easily enraged if her OF is damaged and will do all that she can to keep it from happening.

Bio: Jade was the daughter two loving parents, one of which was a mechanic for the UNSF, who often worked to develop and maintain OFs and LEVs. Her first picture books were catalogs and schismatics of older molded Mechs. She grew up around the machines learning how each one was built and cared for. Although Jade was an avid reader she wasn't the best academically scoring average at best. However when it came to anything technology related, especially Mechs, she excelled far beyond expectations. She would often try to share her enthusiasm with her peers but ended up being teased for being obsessed and a know-it-all. This caused her to with draw socially connecting with only a few people who shared her passion. She dreamed of owning her own and from the age of 5 would ask for one of her own. Her parents would often humor her by getting her small scale models until one year they surprised her with a full sized and fully functional OF of her very own.

Planet of Origin: Earth


  • Working on Mechs
  • Reading about Mechs
  • Spicy foods
  • Flying


  • Overly Arrogant Pilots
  • Having her OF damaged
  • Lectures
  • Being underestimated


  • Piloting Style: Speed and Stealth
  • Is extremely oblivious when it comes to anything romantic usually passing it off as they are just being nice. If she realizes shes being flirted with Jade becomes extremely flustered and will make a hasty retreat.

OF Name: OFL007 - A.K.A: Lightning

OF Appearance:


OF Weapons:

  • Hidden blades - Extremely sharp blades which can be retracted into the arms. They can be given an extra charge for added strength and cutting power.
  • Whips: Long thick whips which extend from the under side of the for arms. both are tipped with sharp diamonds of metal and can be used as grappling hooks. These whips can also have a strong current sent through them in short pulses.
  • Lazer Caonnon: Chest mounted Lazer guns which offer some long range attack however they are not very strong.

OF Abilities:

  • Enhanced Booster system: Boosters on back and legs allow for a faster base speed as well as a more stability.
  • Smokescreen: plumes of smoke released from the front and back used to blind opponents. Smoke is infused with small bots which cause a short period of sensor and radar interference.
  • Dash System:

    Lightning Strike: All energy not involved with vital systems are channels to the Boosters engage a higher level of boost which enhances both speed and maneuverability making the OF extremely had to target and track. Only weapon that can be engaged and/or charged are hidden blades. This system can easily break sound barriers

[*]Burst System:

  • Lightning Fall: The thick corded whips split off into a cat-o-nintails all carrying an extremely high voltage which can be maintained for a short period of time.
  • Thunder strike: Dozens of missiles located mostly along the back and legs are fired all at once resulting in a hail of thunderous explosions

Question: What was the name of the most powerful Orbital Frame?

Answer: Jehuty

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Name:serenity sapphire



Appearance: (Description or Pic [Anime Only], height & weight opt.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5b2153c1884cc07f04c84e2b9f296921.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5b2153c1884cc07f04c84e2b9f296921.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Her eyes when angry are red with black slits but more than half the time are gold , height is 5'6 and she has a chain around her neck

Personality: doesn't speak much and no one knows much about her at all, she loves to sing and is very help ful and nice she doesn't get angry easily and can tolerate anyone, she can't get intimidated and hates people making fun of her kind and hates playboys some people find her scary others find her mysterious but really she is like the rest but worries to much that she choose to hide her face,she loves to run and fight and loves the outdoors

Bio (opt.): can it show later on..

Planet of Origin: (Earth or Mars/Moon Colony?) Mars

Other (Likes, Dislikes, etc.)

Likes: fire, music, friends, nice people, chocolate

Dislikes: flirts,mean people, people who don't respect her

OF Name: the arbitor (from halo...I'm new to these)

OF Appearance: (Description or Pic)View attachment 50260

OF Weapons:dual swords, electric chain,lasers from eyes(optional)

OF Abilities: (Include Dash & Burst Abilities here) burst

Question: What was the name of the most powerful Orbital Frame?

Answer: (read the overview or the rules to find the answer)




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