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Realistic or Modern Zombies!

Do I have to explain what to do with this?




Appearance (pics and/or written descriptions are good. Pics can be real or anime):

Former profession:





"Air goes in and out. Blood goes round and round. Any variation of this is bad."

"Support EMS, Run with scissors."

Name: Angel Rose Aednat, goes by Phoenix

Age: 26

Gender: Female



Height: 5'6"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Hair: Long, curly red hair, often braided or in a ponytail

Eyes: Green

Other physical features:


*Ears pierced, doesn't wear earrings

Body type: Small-framed and thin, but athletic


*At work: Paramedic uniform



*Off duty: Jeans and t-shirt with sarcastic or funny saying


Former profession:

Paramedic, SAR dog handler

Gear/supplies (I do not require this much detail):

-Backpack for herself, 1 pack for each dog to wear

-Benelli Super Black Eagle II 12 gauge shotgun (includes carrying sling)

*About 100 shells (half in backpack, half in vehicle)

- Horton Legend Ultra Lite Crossbow (includes carrying sling)

*About 20 crossbow bolts (in quiver)

-Fully stocked ambulance with half a tank of gas (taken from overrun refuge camp)

-1 week's worth of food and water for her and the dogs (Found in abandoned buildings, homes, stores, off bodies of dead survivors)

-Misc. items, i.e. knife, lighter, can opener



Deep down, Phoenix is a caring and compassionate person, but trying to survive in an post-apocalyptic wasteland has made her wary and mistrustful. She wants friends and a group to rely on, but the only people she's met tried to eat her. She takes a while to warm up to people, and really open up to them. Despite this, she is willing to do the right thing, and will help those she cares about.Once she trusts somebody, she will do anything for them. She thrives on the adrenaline rush from her high stress job. She is skilled with a crossbow and hand-to-hand combat. Despite everything, she's sincerely happy. Having people to rescue and protect gives her a greater purpose, and a sense of accomplishment.

Likes: Dogs, music, her job, shotguns, her crossbow, Nutella, drawing and painting, horses, playing guitar

Dislikes: The dark, fire, loud noises, sudden movements, cats, coffee


Since she was 9, Phoenix has never had a choice of where she lived until she was 18, because she was in foster care. She had always dreamed of becoming a paramedic. She bounced around in different homes in Atlanta and the surrounding suburbs.

When she was 15, she was placed in a group home. Growing up with other children with similar backgrounds reinforced the belief that she could only depend on herself. Each new place, she looked for her two younger sisters.

After she aged out of foster care, she moved to Alaska. She had planned to move to Alaska ever since a foster family took her there on vacation. Using scholarships, she went to school to be an EMT, while she was living in Alaska. On a ride-along on an ambulance during training, her team found a dog standing in the road. The year-old stray led them to a crashed car, and he had pulled them out of the wreckage to safety. Since his owners couldn't be located, he became a SAR dog. Phoenix quit being an EMT and became a SAR dog handler, and the two were paired up. He was injured in an avalanche two years later, when he was three. He was retired due to his losing a leg and eye, so Phoenix adopted him.

Phoenix moved back to Atlanta and went back to school and became a paramedic, but kept in touch with her friends from Alaska. A patient had a litter of Irish Wolfhound puppies, and so she adopted Angus. She also met her future fiancé, who was a firefighter before he died while rescuing a kitten from a house fire.

After he died, she managed to find one sister, who was in Montana, but not the other. She's been on her own (except for the dogs) since the start of the apocalypse, three years later.

At the start of the apocalypse, she was at a refuge camp, until it was overrun. She escaped, managing to get supplies and an ambulance. She's been constantly on the move, living out of the ambulance. She is heading to Montana to find her sister.


-Left-handed, colorblind, asthmatic (has inhaler), Blood type O-


-6 yr. old Belgian Malinios mix

-65 lbs.

-Retired SAR dog

-Missing back left leg and eye, due to injuries sustained on-duty from avalanche in Alaska

-Certified therapy dog

-Trained with German commands



-3 yr. old purebred Irish wolfhound

-Certified therapy dog

-150 lbs.

-Trained with German commands

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Frances Ava Bruce


"I can't count on one hand how many people I trust."


"Frances Ava Bruce, nice to meet you, old friend."


"Just turned legal last month, now why are you talking to me?"


"I've been a female for some time now. But I question it sometimes."


"Light blue eyes that I can make you fall in to if I wanted, pitch black hair like the void in your soul, pretty pale skin like the snow fall in December.

"Skinny love, but I honestly want to be thicker, 5'6" from the ground, 119 lbs but I could be a bit less."

Former Profession

"Worked at a diner, Ninny's, as a waitress."


"I always keep a lighter with me, a pocket knife my dad gave me, usually would have random shit."


"Going off from what people say, I'm a calm, chill person who doesn't like to think to drastic measures, there is always another way. I'm sharp to notice things, if someone or something is happening, I'm sure to find out about it soon, not much gets by me. I hate animal cruelty, whoever thought it was okay should burn in hell, I'm vegan. Most people say I'm quite stubborn, but I honestly don't see it. I just like sticking to what I mean and I don't see a problem with that. Being aggressive is always a good thing when it comes to fighting off people and.. things."


"I'll keep this short and simple, I've lived with my dad for most of my life because my mum had an affair when I was 7. It continued for 3 years until I told my dad, which I don't regret, that mum came home tipsy, a coat that wasn't her own, and smelling like cologne. There was no conflict at all, she was happy to leave. I never visited her until I was 14 and that's when she tried to fight for custody against my dad, but he had the facts and I had the facts that she wasn't a superior parent, nor lover, for me or my dad.

I was home schooled for most of my time in school, but my dad couldn't pay the tutor as much as he was charging, so he put me in a public school when I was 11.


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Just to let you know, I did see your CS, I'm just waiting to hear back from my group.


Donovan Andre Jackson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Andre.jpg.d8567a02c2bf36d60222304a8080c9bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Andre.jpg.d8567a02c2bf36d60222304a8080c9bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Basic Info
Name: Donovan Andre Jackson

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Nickname/s: Donny, D.J, Andre

Birthday: July 21, 1996

Former Profession: Mechanic, Amateur Engineer

Appearance: Donovan is of African-American ethnicity. He has dark brown colored skin and short black eyes. His eyes are a nondescript brown color. He stands at about 6 foot 3 and weighs around 180 pounds. Due to him regularly working out in his spare time, he has developed an athletic body type.

Attire: At work Donovan would usually wear a white shirt underneath his dark blue jumpsuit. Out of work, his usual clothing of choice would be his dark green jacket, a t-shirt, and dark colored jeans.

Gear/Supplies: -Duffel bag which contains about a weeks worth of food and some basic tools

-9mm Glock Pistol that he stole from a police officer (Half a clip in the gun, 2 more in his bag)

Personality: Donovan possesses a fairly calm and passive personality. He will naturally try to avoid any type of conflict at all costs but he knows that sometimes it cannot be avoided. He will do anything it takes to survive, even if that includes hurting someone else, which in any other case he would rather not do. His time surviving in this apocalyptic world has made him skeptical of most people, causing him to not trust as easily as he used to. (WIP)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Andre.jpg.9a7e805a171d412f5805a24288cb705b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Andre.jpg.9a7e805a171d412f5805a24288cb705b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Andre.jpg
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Unknown. Yet refers to himself as Haz, Hazzie, or Hazmat

"Real names, for real friends."


Late twenties

"I...Uh...I'm twenty eight. I think."



"I'm comfortable."



Nobody knows what his face looks like, due to the lack of revealment of his features (To which he is embarrassed of the subject also), yet his eyes are still very much noticeable, being a deep mossy green, within a ring of brown. He stands at 6'5, his body type wide shouldered, and broad chested. It is remarked he has a strong grip, nobody knowing his true physical strength, thanks to his suits padded armour.

"I'm tall. I get it. Please, the weather doesn't change up here"

Former profession:

Disease Core Military Correspondent and Contributor

"I worked in a lab, with military training. The name makes it sound more important."


-The military issued M40A1 heavy barrel, bolt-action sniper rifle. (Limited ammo)

-Combat knife

-Military issued, weeks rations.

-Canteen of water

"Only the essentials"


A well known, knowledgeable man with a streak of eccentricity. He is kind, yet lacks emotion, or you just can't see it beneath his mask. Haz, is an interesting character, although keeps to himself most of the time. But even as a solitary man, he finds spending time with people does him good, keeping whatever sanity he has left within him. Hazzie is known to be curious and strange, yet a very helpful and good humoured soul willing to give aid for in need of it. Although his anger is quick to rise, and if he dislikes someone he will make it painfully obvious. His knowledge of biochemistry, and the separate subjects individually comes in handy. This means with his biological intelligence, he has good medical knowledge and capabilities.

"I'm a man of my word. Trust me."


Brought up in a nice little family, he has had all the love and care one would need. As an intelligent young man with a fascination for biochemistry, he would study late into the night, researching the diseases that had made our world a home of breeding grounds. He was illusioned with the idea of working on his own disease, to infect others, a domino effect in this conclusion. The study paid off in the end, being accepted into a top university worth the time. His career continued on from there, with acceptance into the Disease Core. Along with military training, he began his descent into the world of biological warfare, unsolved disease and vaccine.

Yet when this disease came... It wasn't like the others. They couldn't control it. He finally found use for his training, shipped out to africa to observe the start of this terror, then watching as it spread to his country. Watched as it burnt everything he had worked for. Caught in that fire.

Given the Disease Core Policing suit, he never really stepped out of it.

It was the fear mostly. The fear of what he'd be seen as.

A burnt, broken man.

"It's not interesting. Long story."


"I was happy.

They took it away from me.

I was finally- Happy."

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-Name: Aaron Smythe

-Age: 19

-Gender: Male

-Personality: A sarcastic character, he was always the more easy going of his friends. A majority of his ideas are always logical, but presented carelessly and end up with them going mute. Going through a slight moment of depression after being unable to prevent the deaths of his family and countless others, he currently resides alone in whatever shelter he can fortify.

-Appearance: Aaron's skin is of a lighter complexion, the dark contrast of his brown hair giving his facial features a brighter appearance. Pupils are a light blue, and a scar runs from behind his right ear to the bottom of his left shoulder blade. His hair maintains a slightly spiked appearance, with or without hair products. Of his clothing, dark blue jeans are a standard with him and he is always seen in a pair when out in public. Of his upper attire, the usual is a tighter v-neck shirt, giving his leaner figure a boost in the appearance of muscle tone

-Bio: A metalworker and upcoming engineer, he had just begun working in an auto shop to learn the basics of the trade. He had planned to raise enough funds to go to a trade school, and thought nothing of the spreading news of a virus across the world. Finally realizing his mistake when he came to a small group of the undead ravaging through his home, he ran away to see that a majority of the area was overrun. Avoiding as much conflict as he could, he shut himself up in the safest place he could and ventures out cautiously.

-Weapons: (currently)

1) A crowbar he picked up from a quick trip the auto shop, which he uses most often for its lightweight and easy control.

2) A machete lying around near the forest across the riverbank; which he collected and used less often for combat, more often to cut things down for materials.
Kestrel said:
Do I have to explain what to do with this?
Name: Miara (Mia) Conners

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance (pics and/or written descriptions are good. Pics can be real or anime):


Former profession: Musician

Gear/supplies: Throwing knives, machete in a back-holster, nursing textbook, two .45 pistols in hip-holsters, extra bullets, pocket knife, first aid kit with extra medical supplies from drugstore, backpack, canned food, chips, water and soda

Personality: Positive, Protective, Creative, Smart, Resourceful

Bio: A rising multi-genre star in the music industry with some medical classes under her belt and some conspiracy theories in mind, Mia was perfectly prepared for what came that day. Her parents and younger half-siblings on the other hand, were not. By the time she realized the inevitable, her parents and brother were already turned. Her younger sister was fine for a while; but during the scramble just after the breakout, she got shot by a trigger-happy man. When Mia killed the man, she had a flashback to when she was five and first shot a gun and killed the man who murdered her father in front of her. Since then she had taken classes and earned her gun license as well as plenty of fighting classes. It was only a second before she snapped back to the present. She put a flower beside the body of her last family member and carried on by herself.

Other: Bi-sexual
Mia (Continued (What I forgot))

She has a tattoo of a white dragon with green eyes breathing snow flakes on a green background in the middle of her back.
DragonFangs said:
Mia (Continued (What I forgot))
She has a tattoo of a white dragon with green eyes breathing snow flakes on a green background in the middle of her back.
Can you read through the rules?
XxLuluxX said:


Unknown. Yet refers to himself as Haz, Hazzie, or Hazmat

"Real names, for real friends."


Late twenties

"I...Uh...I'm twenty eight. I think."



"I'm comfortable."



Nobody knows what his face looks like, due to the lack of revealment of his features (To which he is embarrassed of the subject also), yet his eyes are still very much noticeable, being a deep mossy green, within a ring of brown. He stands at 6'5, his body type wide shouldered, and broad chested. It is remarked he has a strong grip, nobody knowing his true physical strength, thanks to his suits padded armour.

"I'm tall. I get it. Please, the weather doesn't change up here"

Former profession:

Disease Core Military Correspondent and Contributor

"I worked in a lab, with military training. The name makes it sound more important."


-The military issued M40A1 heavy barrel, bolt-action sniper rifle. (Limited ammo)

-Combat knife

-Military issued, weeks rations.

-Canteen of water

"Only the essentials"


A well known, knowledgeable man with a streak of eccentricity. He is kind, yet lacks emotion, or you just can't see it beneath his mask. Haz, is an interesting character, although keeps to himself most of the time. But even as a solitary man, he finds spending time with people does him good, keeping whatever sanity he has left within him. Hazzie is known to be curious and strange, yet a very helpful and good humoured soul willing to give aid for in need of it. Although his anger is quick to rise, and if he dislikes someone he will make it painfully obvious. His knowledge of biochemistry, and the separate subjects individually comes in handy. This means with his biological intelligence, he has good medical knowledge and capabilities.

"I'm a man of my word. Trust me."


Brought up in a nice little family, he has had all the love and care one would need. As an intelligent young man with a fascination for biochemistry, he would study late into the night, researching the diseases that had made our world a home of breeding grounds. He was illusioned with the idea of working on his own disease, to infect others, a domino effect in this conclusion. The study paid off in the end, being accepted into a top university worth the time. His career continued on from there, with acceptance into the Disease Core. Along with military training, he began his descent into the world of biological warfare, unsolved disease and vaccine.

Yet when this disease came... It wasn't like the others. They couldn't control it. He finally found use for his training, shipped out to africa to observe the start of this terror, then watching as it spread to his country. Watched as it burnt everything he had worked for. Caught in that fire.

Given the Disease Core Policing suit, he never really stepped out of it.

It was the fear mostly. The fear of what he'd be seen as.

A burnt, broken man.

"It's not interesting. Long story."


"I was happy.

They took it away from me.

I was finally- Happy."

Can you read through the rules?
Um if your implying to the fact that the post is broken up, I don't know how to edit my post....Other than that, I'm sorry to say fail to see what your implying.....
DragonFangs said:
Um if your implying to the fact that the post is broken up, I don't know how to edit my post....Other than that, I'm sorry to say fail to see what your implying.....
I don't mind that it's broken up, but in the Overview tab I have a list of rules that I'd like everyone to go over. Sorry, that wasn't clear.
Head to "Overview" section, should be four tabs you could click right above where all these posts started. See the post with the rules? Look on the bottom right, should be a green "check" mark, or some other sign. Click it, and replacing it should be lettering that says "Undo Rating". If you see that, that means you've rated it right.

That's how I see it on mobile, not sure if you'll see it differently on a computer screen but hope that helps you find it.

1. What Ace said.

2. I don't really think so, but I have some questions. How much nursing stuff does she know? Is she certified in anything? What do you mean 'earned her gun license'? In most places, it's not required to buy a gun. If you're referring to having to apply for a license to own a gun, like in big cities with strict gun control like Chicago and New York, it's next to impossible to get a gun. Most likely, she'd be turned down. To legally buy a handgun, you have to be 21. Same with a concealed carry permit. Seeing as she's 18, she can only legally buy a long gun, like a rifle or shotgun.
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2.) (Continued....) CPR and First Aid. I was thinking LVN nurse (through the vocational school that takes like less than a year), but that would just be a side thing to her main occupation so I wasn't sure...
XxLuluxX said:
Yes, Indeed I have. But if there are any issues, it would be nice to know.
One of the rules is to rate it so that we know people read it. After you've rated it, feel free to post a character.
Name: Dr.Cashino King

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Appearance (pics and/or written descriptions are good. Pics can be real or anime):


Cash is a pretty is skinny dude who stands at a 1.91 m, he wears a Hawaiian shirt with Brown khaki pants and flip flops,

Former profession: Journalist/Author

Gear/supplies: “The Fly Swatter” A silenced 30.caliber sniper rifle. A briefcases containing twenty packs of cigarettes, a single bottle of rum, twelve grams of weed, two saltshakers filled with cocaine, two jars of opium, and a pill bottle filled with LSD.

A LeMat Revolver

Personality: ”If you where to ask anyone else but me they would say Cash is a Drunk, Arrogant, Insane Son of a bitch an they would be right and wrong. because I am not just something you can just label and file away in your government cabinets ” A snippet from a old radio interview. Cash has many faults and he has no shame about it, he does little to hide these faults which include, heavy drug use, mild paranoia, foul mouth and his Conservative/Liberal views. Also has deep seated hatred/fear of bats

Bio: Cash doesn’t speak about his past. (Because he doesn’t care to much about it) however he did go to medical school (Dropped out in his first year) and later on became a fairly successful author who was known for his heavy drug-use before the infection.

just before the outbreak he was on his way to meet his daughter for the first time. but during the early stages of the outbreak his car was stolen while he was in Vegas. he so traveled around the country with a different group who were killed at some point so he traveled briefly with various groups before he finding his car outside of a mall in Ottawa

Other: -quite knowledgeable on just about everything but it can be best describe as a patchwork quilt for example he might know who built the Eiffel tower and how long it took to do so but he won't know when or why it was built

-Has tried almost every drug known to man

-Has written two novels listed down below

“The Drug’s Hound” A book about him wakening up in a Vegas hotel room with a pug (who had several pounds of cocaine and weed duct taped to him)

“Lucy’s Highway” His First Novel and its about his time with a criminal biker gang Called “The Children of Lucifer”
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Hadley Mae-Dixons



"I should be 19 in a week or so, if I have counted correctly."



"I look like a girl, I act like a girl, I must be a girl."


Dirty blonde hair that falls just short of her bum, bright, blue eyes.

About 115lbs, 5'2.

"I get it, I'm short and skinny. I know that. But my eyes are up here. Not down there."




Former profession

College student.

"I was studying forensic anthropology when this all went down. So I can't say that all of this gore is anything new to me."


-A small handgun, wouldn't be sure on the model, she doesn't use it very often.

-a backpack that is stocked with various different things including bullets, a small first aid kit, water, chains, and tape.

-Another backpack stocked full with food.

-a small atheme (dagger used for Wiccan or other religious uses) with skull carvings that tucks into the girls boot.

-A Katana with a clean blade, black, gripped handle, and a sheath that hangs off the girls back.


Hadley isn't your average know it all bitch, she is smart and kind. Hadley came from a broken home, so she understands how people, with the same problems, think and why they react to stimuli the way they do. With that being said, she has a small temper that can get the best of her at times. She finds ways to cope with this as much as she can.

"Just don't touch my friggen goldfish crackers and nobody gets hurt."


As mentioned earlier, Hadley lived in a broken home. By broken, she means her mother and sister are dead. (So are her brother and father, but this is post apocalypse) They died in a car crash that she survived. This created a nasty scar that runs from her collarbone, down her arm, to her wrist. A scar on her forehead, and a scar that runs along her abdomen. Hadley is diabetic, she struggles to find her insulin and is afraid that she will go into a diabetic coma. She, in no way, is immortal. And she knows how... Fragile... The human race.


Body mods

-Navel and ear piercings


-Several scars




(PM me.)

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