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Fantasy Zombies, zombies, and more zombies


Suffers from Selective Memory
Two zombie RPs, both fairly original.

1. Reclamation

It was twenty years ago when the dead first came. No one knows how it started, when, or why. Some say it was divine intervention...the wrath of god. Others say it was a super virus. Either way, it brought humanity to it's knees. Cities fell in days, communication fell in weeks, and by the first month the death toll was in the billions and rising steadily, no one knew the state of the world at this point, but it was bad, entire countries getting wiped out...

The military fell quicker than many would have fought...emptying enough rounds into a bodies chest to drop a bull and then watching it get back up caused a lot of soldiers to panic, and before they knew it the dead were on them...It was a massacre on the first night, and it didn't end. It took awhile for us to connect the bites to the infection, and we lost a lot of safe places because of that, but after awhile we started learning, we knew to aim for the head, destroy the brain, we knew the bites were a definite infection, and we adapted, but it was nearly too late...

We managed to band together in groups, erecting defenses, trenches, fences, natural defenses around cliffs, mountains, rivers, you name it. We didn't thrive, but we survived...Now humanity is scattered in groups, protected towns, trying to reclaim the world in places...

2. The Fall of Europe

"It was in Europe when it all started, the dead began to rise... They moved across the lands, slaughtering, feasting, and killing anything that they came across, towns fell quickly. The only safe place's were the castles of the Lords...but those soon fell as well, starved of resources, bites, disease...

The Knights of the land did their best to protect their land, wielding sword or axe, armored from head to toe. But still the dead managed to get them, by either landing a bite in an unprotected location, or by shearly overwhelming them.

Slowly towns fell, kingdoms were laid to ruin, and castles became nothing but homes for the undead. Now, as the land is on the brink of destruction, one last castle remains, the undead droves have yet to reach it. The knights flock their in hopes of defending the last safe haven within Europe.

Now...brave knight...can you withstand the droves of undead, can you protect the last safe haven in Europe....can you do this for me brave knight...?"

Should I write up my Zed RP for this site?

If I got things in order it would probably work best here.
Seems to be pretty well done, I like the second on a lot. I kinda wanna do it but hmmm might be to busy atm
Well I hope you'll be able to join, the second one is my favorite too tbh lol
I like the first one better, but I have never been in a zombie RP where I get to be a knight with a sword and a shield. So, yes, please do the second one, hahaha. I'm joining by the way if you don't mind :]

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