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Realistic or Modern Zombies O_o ((Post characters here)) [Always Open!]

Name: Ryan Walker

Nicknames: Spike

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of birth: Toronto

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)

Forms a connection with people quickly
Trusts easy

Angers easy
Hard to deal with loss

Skills and/or qualifications:
Handgun Marksmanship
Medical training

Previous occupation:
City of Toronto EMS paramedic

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
Switchblade Knife

Inventory: (again be reasonable)
Water bottle
Gronola Bar
Wrist watch
Travel medical bag

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
Ryan was born in Toronto, Canada to a police officer father and an EMS mother. He mainly lived with his friend across the street or his grandparents as his were busy during the day and occasionally at night. He grew up knowing he was most likely ending up in a job in Law Enforcement or Medical services. When he turned 20 he was officially decided he was becoming a paramedic, following in his mom's footsteps. And after a few years, he became apart of the Toronto EMS as a paramedic. He lost a friend of his to a call with a series of bombs in multiple buildings, and one bomb went off before it could be defused. He remembered that day vividly, one of the busiest and most tragic days of his life.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Coming back from vacation in Michigan
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psiconov psiconov
Lol It's honestly nothing to sneeze at. Compared to the other stuff I've seen, it's not that great.

Although I was trying to add things in such as font and backgrounds, buttttt the bbcode system was slowly breaking itself apart so I had to stop somewhere. To be honest, this was more or less a test project.

But thank you again for the compliment!
psiconov psiconov
Lol It's honestly nothing to sneeze at. Compared to the other stuff I've seen, it's not that great.

Although I was trying to add things in such as font and backgrounds, buttttt the bbcode system was slowly breaking itself apart so I had to stop somewhere. To be honest, this was more or less a test project.

But thank you again for the compliment!
shhh, its gorgeous, and I like it
Name: Ryan Walker

Nicknames: Spike

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of birth: Toronto

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)
View attachment 287716

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)


Angers easy

Skills and/or qualifications:
Handgun Marksmanship
Bomb Defusal

Previous occupation:
Toronto Police Emergency Response Team

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
Swiss Army Knife
G17 Handgun, 1 mag/1 spare

Inventory: (again be reasonable)
Water bottle
Gronola Bar
Waist Holster
Wrist watch

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
Ryan was born in Toronto, Canada to a police officer father and an EMS mother. He mainly lived with his friend across the street or his grandparents as his were busy during the day and occasionally at night. He grew up knowing he was most likely ending up in a job in Law Enforcement or Medical services. When he turned 20 he was officially an officer of the Toronto Metropolitan Police. And after a few years, he became apart of the Toronto ERT as a bomb technician when the time arose. He lost a friend of his to a call with a series of bombs in multiple buildings, and one bomb went off before it could be defused.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Coming back from vacation in Michigan
Sorry to be a pain but I don't want any one in the forces or police. I have too many ex forces/police as it is. Do you mind changing it to like paramedic or something? Sorry!
Name: Ryan Walker

Nicknames: Spike

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of birth: Toronto

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)
View attachment 287716

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)

Forms a connection with people quickly
Trusts easy

Angers easy
Hard to deal with loss

Skills and/or qualifications:
Handgun Marksmanship
Medical training

Previous occupation:
City of Toronto EMS paramedic

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
Switchblade Knife

Inventory: (again be reasonable)
Water bottle
Gronola Bar
Wrist watch
Travel medical bag

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
Ryan was born in Toronto, Canada to a police officer father and an EMS mother. He mainly lived with his friend across the street or his grandparents as his were busy during the day and occasionally at night. He grew up knowing he was most likely ending up in a job in Law Enforcement or Medical services. When he turned 20 he was officially decided he was becoming a paramedic, following in his mom's footsteps. And after a few years, he became apart of the Toronto EMS as a paramedic. He lost a friend of his to a call with a series of bombs in multiple buildings, and one bomb went off before it could be defused. He remembered that day vividly, one of the busiest and most tragic days of his life.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Coming back from vacation in Michigan
Accepted! Go ahead and meet us at the trainstation :)
Name: Raelynn Antoinette Desmond

Nicknames: Rae

Age: Freshly 18 ( woo #Adult)

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of birth: I'm not sure exactly, nobody ever told me.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: I'm terrible at describing myself, so let's get it over with. I like to think i'm Kind, my Mother always taught me to be at least. MY Father, well my Father is kind of an a**hole, so he taught me not to drink. I was an only daughter with three brothers and they loved, emphasis on loved, to pick on me, Thank God i went to an a girls school. Actually my Father insisted i go to a Catholic school, which never made sense. We aren't even Catholic. Told you i'm Terrible at describing myself.

Skills and/or qualifications:
- I can cook, really well i might add
- I'm incredibly good with Numbers
- I can be pretty skilled with a knife if the situation fits.
- and...... Oh, I killed my Father, so there's that.

Previous occupation:
Student? I've never really had a paying job. Father always said food and shelter was payment enough.
Current weapons and ammunition: Pepperspray, 1 butcher knife, 1 handgun ( stolen), ! pair of Brass Knuckles

Inventory: 2 small suitcases stuffed to the brim with clothes along with her guitar ( and case). Miscellaneous hair products from scissors, to hair dye, and of course her makeup.

Background: When i was 13 I decided to kill my Father. I didn't know when or how I would do it, all I new is that I would. I know how it sounds, but trust me, it's not like that. He was an Abusive Drunk, and also the city's Sheriff. Well first let's back up a bit. When I was younger my older brothers picked on me, but then again whose older brothers didn't right? My Father was a different story. The bruises weren't so bad, i mean, the bad stuff didn't start untill I hit Puberty. I'd rather not get into that right now... I'd like to focus on my Mother, she was kind and sweet, the sweetest soul on earth. So Sweet, she could give a grown man cavities for days. After she passed, the pain got worse, I miss her so much, she was my safe haven. ( I don't like giving too much away just yet, more will be revealed)

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: My Mother told me, right before she passed that she had always wanted a daughter, but Father could never give her one. That would make anyone question those words, but it made me 'really' think. I did some digging one day while pretending to be at school and found out that i'm not really a Desmond, but that I have absolutely no idea where to look for my real family, so this train is the first place to look.​
Accepted! Go ahead and meet us at the train station. And i don't know if you do or don't but can you write in 3rd person for your rp posts? Thanks! :)

Dan Therostine

Danny, Dean, Thero.

Thirty two.


Place of birth:
England (He has a strong British accent.)

Male, Interested in Female.

He's a nice person, only if you're nice to him though. If not, he'll be an asshole to you. His weakness is that he has a short fuse and will generally be grumpy or angry with someone if they set it off. He swears a lot and smokes most of the time. He'll do mostly anything for a cigarette or lighter gas. He's strong, uses mostly melee weapons and will make like difficult for you if you've done something bad to him.

Skills and/or qualifications:
Close combat
Good with weapons (Melee)
Alright with bullet weapons.

Previous occupation:
He used to be a self defence teacher, teaching people how to defend themselves from knife attacks, how to detain people and close combat techniques.

Current weapons and ammunition:
Glock 17 – 9mm (17 rds)
Top quality 34" lightweight aluminium baseball bat

At the moment he has few items.

Glock 17
Licence for the Glock

(He has a Viper Special OPS pack at his workplace.)

Dan was born and raised in a loving family. He only knew his father, because his mother was lost in child birth. His childbirth. Dan blamed himself for the whole ordeal and went through life hating himself, cutting, going through depression and generally hating himself. Dan's family never blamed him for the death of his mother, even his older brother was nice about it, but he felt guilty no matter how many times they told him not to. At the age of eighteen, Dan moved out into a rundown apartment complex in a bad neighbour hood. Once he got through all of the robberies and fights in his neighbourhood, he moved to Canada at the age of 25, got a job and didn't want to settle down. Dan first took martial arts class to help him with his true dream of teaching self defence to others, because of his complex house back in London where he would have to defend himself from different people. Dan finished his course at 29, and taught self defence for others so that they would know what to do in attack situations.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
He's going to get things set up for his next class.​

Dan Therostine

Danny, Dean, Thero.

Thirty two.


Place of birth:
England (He has a strong British accent.)

Male, Interested in Female.

He's a nice person, only if you're nice to him though. If not, he'll be an asshole to you. His weakness is that he has a short fuse and will generally be grumpy or angry with someone if they set it off. He swears a lot and smokes most of the time. He'll do mostly anything for a cigarette or lighter gas. He's strong, uses mostly melee weapons and will make like difficult for you if you've done something bad to him.

Skills and/or qualifications:
Close combat
Good with weapons (Melee)
Alright with bullet weapons.

Previous occupation:
He used to be a self defence teacher, teaching people how to defend themselves from knife attacks, how to detain people and close combat techniques.

Current weapons and ammunition:
Glock 17 – 9mm (17 rds)
Top quality 34" lightweight aluminium baseball bat

At the moment he has few items.

Glock 17
Licence for the Glock

(He has a Viper Special OPS pack at his workplace.)

Dan was born and raised in a loving family. He only knew his father, because his mother was lost in child birth. His childbirth. Dan blamed himself for the whole ordeal and went through life hating himself, cutting, going through depression and generally hating himself. Dan's family never blamed him for the death of his mother, even his older brother was nice about it, but he felt guilty no matter how many times they told him not to. At the age of eighteen, Dan moved out into a rundown apartment complex in a bad neighbour hood. Once he got through all of the robberies and fights in his neighbourhood, he moved to Canada at the age of 25, got a job and didn't want to settle down. Dan first took martial arts class to help him with his true dream of teaching self defence to others, because of his complex house back in London where he would have to defend himself from different people. Dan finished his course at 29, and taught self defence for others so that they would know what to do in attack situations.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
He's going to get things set up for his next class.​
Accepted! However the apocalypse is just beginning so he wouldn't have the baseball bat

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