Zombie holiday [ 3 maximum, ask before starting ]


New Member
Cruises, everyone loves them.. or at least the ones that book them seem to enjoy it enough. Either way the companies make money, thousands of people at a time get on with a boat to party, drink a little or too much, have a swim, enjoy some holiday destinations, that sort of thing. This would be a two week "couples cruise" people were given discounts for booking with a partner, it'd start near the end of summer, the last two weeks of it in fact, and from there they'd take a trip of a few good destinations, then go back to England, all was planned out and off they went. A few days in they'd been traveling mostly, the next few nights would be visiting the coast line of Europe, finishing at Venis before heading back home, though it seemed like a bargain cruise.. it was all about to go horrible wrong. This would be a disaster of global proportions, though this vessel would be the start of it, or one of them at least.

Julian awoke to his alarm, early, far too early for most of the harder partying guests. He'd be up before the sun peaked his head over the horizon, washing an orange glow along the boat and over the cool blue ocean, a beautiful sight, one he'd take in every day before his shift as a security guard. He always looked up the direction he was going, thankfully his tiny window looked out towards where the sun rose, that usually helped get him up, the irritating red glow through his eyelids, when he tried to keep them closed and convince himself he has a few hours more to stay in bed, which he did not. After battling with his own brain, arguing that yes, he could stay there for a few more minutes without falling asleep again, his conscience replying with a stern no, he sat himself up. It didn't take him long to get ready, his small room was okay for a passing point between work and sleep. He dressed in the usual attire, black trousers and shoes with a dark blue shirt and black clip on tie, attatching the standard belt with pepper spray and whatnot, rarely used but handy for drunk guests, the ones that thought they owned the boat after paying, living outside their means. He was stuck on morning shifts, having a couple hour breaks before the show that evening, he wasn't a fan of it.. not a fan of theatre anyway but, having seen it so many times it bored him, he could recite the words as well as the actors. "Oh well" he sighed to himself, trimming his beard in the mirror, his hair being pulled back into a pony tail "Just another day." He'd trained for this job for two years, his father worked in the same business, he liked to travel, getting a break on each destination, but it did tire him out, bags were starting to show under his dark blue eyes, which he covered with a thin pair of sunglasses. He'd go to the main restaurant for six hours, where he'd eat then walk around checking on guests, then it'd be an hour off, then another four, another hour then his final couple for the show.

Heading out his room, he stretched out his arms, it was quiet, even for that time. He checked his watch, a little early, maybe fifteen minutes or so but he shrugged it off. He figured the other crew members were just about to head out to start their shifts, unlike them, he had a fair intellect about him. A surprising young man, but not often was it that people spoke to him, maybe it was his job or the tiredness that did it, but his face was always one of seriousness. People never bothered to approach him, just figuring to leave him to his shift, after breakfast that's what happened, he ate then stood up and started to walk. Heading around the place to check there was no one still about, no drunks under the table or trying to steal the wine, that'd happened a few times. After this it'd be the regular security protocol... He'd stand there looking a bit threatening, looking over a couple important breakfasts that were scheduled, though they'd start in an hour, for the time being he'd just tap his foot in anticipation, at least when people arrived he was occupied, looking for trouble. With the empty room and the upper level secure, he leaned against a large white pillar, putting his hands in his pockets with a long irritated sigh.

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