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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocolypse

Ursula Halliday

please include





Personality traits:




Bio (optional)
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Name: Aya

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance:(I did not draw)

Aya has blonde hair, blue eyes she is a normal height and quite skinny from not having enough food.


Personality traits: Anger issues, secretly kindhearted, doubts herself.

Likes: Botany, Music, outdoors, food.

Dislikes: most people, zombies, insects, mushroom

Weapon(s): Aya carries and small axe and a small knife.


Bio (optional):Aya never knew any of her family other than her uncle who raised her but after the zombies came she never saw him again, she is quite terrifying when you get to know her but at first glance she seems harmless. Aya has basic survival skills and has managed to survive on her own since she was nine.
[QUOTE="Ursula Halliday]Aya wandered through the forest keeping low to the ground careful not to scare anything she could kill and eat, with a backpack over her shoulders and an axe in her right hand she was ready to pounce on the first thing she saw. It had been two days since she had had a proper meal and her stomach was rumbling constantly, and she was prepared to eat anything.
She heard something skitter through the bush to her left so she slowly crept towards it. There it was, a fat little rabbit and her dinner she quickly pounced on it, later cooked it and ate while the sun went down.

Later she fell asleep in a tree so no zombies would bite her while she slept, she hoped she she would have no nightmares tonight so she was fully rested to look for a town to find supplies in tomorrow morning.

[ The post goes in "Main". Just thought you should know ^^ ]
Name: Alice Nightmare Dixon Rose-Kingston

Lab name: 1:12:9:3:5

Experiment No. 01/448

Age: 7 years and 7 mounths

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.png.62c1e9d380eed82f6da8ed00fd8ed886.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.png.62c1e9d380eed82f6da8ed00fd8ed886.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality traits: Is shy but goes psycho and becomes confident when fighting

Likes: Killing and mother figures

Dislikes: People who decriminate her because of her age

Weapon(s): Machine gun and sword <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/crystal_s_di_sword_1_by_silver_moon36-d7g3g1o.jpg.2c01d90d683389f1576099477d93cc89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/crystal_s_di_sword_1_by_silver_moon36-d7g3g1o.jpg.2c01d90d683389f1576099477d93cc89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio (optional): She was kidnaped straight after she was born, for genetic lab experiments and she has always lived in a lab. She is really smart and exeeds the limitations of human physical and mental abilities. (Her sword is an extention of herself, she pulls the sword out of her.). She has never had a friend besides her cat shadow which she met in the lab. The cat can talk because of the mental experiments were done on the cat, her name is shadow because it now follows Alice everywhere. Her cat is white with one blue eye and one red eye.

Extra: She has the IQ of 396 but likes to act like she is a little kid because then people don't judge her so much.



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Name: Iris

Age: 19

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d13ea0d_Femalecharicter.jpg.8b889098b3ae1d652a651492f06f6f44.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d13ea0d_Femalecharicter.jpg.8b889098b3ae1d652a651492f06f6f44.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality traits: Cool headed, does whatever she can to save the people close to her, uses logic when deciding anything, but, has a few triggers that will truly piss her off and go into a murder rage mode.

Likes: hopeful people, comics, books, and anything smart that no one has thought of before

Dislikes: Death of people close to her, running out of ammo, people who are reckless

Weapon(s): Katana, Glock, .22 rifle



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Name: Kiki

Lab name: 11:9:11:9

Experiment No. 447

Age: ?? (she has looked this way since she was made)she was made to look 29))

Gender: Female


Personality traits: She seems nice and inocenct but inside she is cazzy and needs help.

Likes: Alice

Dislikes: People who get between Alice and her

Weapon(s): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9f749901_ScreenShot2016-05-18at9.42.41am.png.c6fa9fd7a7d41813d4c7d948dbbc6d1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9f749901_ScreenShot2016-05-18at9.42.41am.png.c6fa9fd7a7d41813d4c7d948dbbc6d1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (water gun)

Bio (optional: She was made in a lab as an experiment but she went of control and killed everyone off. She then recruted people to help her genetically mutate a child so she felt like she was a mother. She looked after Alice like a loving mother would but when she made the virus, she disapeared from the lab leaving Alice behind.

Extra: She created the zombie virus



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  • Name: Midnight Fall

    Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/gem_sword_by_xxvladki-d60z4zu.jpg.5d7f55b21da8ed83094632563f214c35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/gem_sword_by_xxvladki-d60z4zu.jpg.5d7f55b21da8ed83094632563f214c35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/8fe04c8b2a34e8fc17c02e327a56f17b.jpg.45b6b1d9fede6a002e8318361659dc01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/8fe04c8b2a34e8fc17c02e327a56f17b.jpg.45b6b1d9fede6a002e8318361659dc01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Name:Mitchell Plane



Appearance:(yes I drew that ,took 3 days ->)

Personality traits: great sense of humor, flirtatious(good at flirting),athletic,charismatic, sometimes annoying, obnoxious at times(rarely),and a born leader.

Mitchell likes: working together, strong,rude,and witty personalities, guns/blunt weapons, and cooking

Mitchell dislikes:zombies,people who try too hard,knives, and people who give up too easily

weapons/items: semi auto 50 cal Barrett Sniper Rifle, steel bat with several nails punctured in it,2 semi auto M9 pistol, wrench, lighter, backpack(20 mags for 50 cal holding 15 shots in each, 20 extended mags for M9 holding 20 in each, 15 rations, spare clothes, medkit, and a gas mask).

Bio:Mitchell lived a rough but good life he was raised by his father(a highly trained general in the army) and mother(a doctor) you may think they lived in a mansion of sorts but... No, he lived in one of the biggest ghetto known to man in New Orleans. Why did he live there? His parents actually where payed 20 times more than living in a mansion anyway there was a thug in the area named jack so his father taught him to fight like how he taught his black-ops Mercs,HARD AS A ROCK. After his training he was doing normal kid things until he met Jack that bully constantly harassed the kid until Mitchell decided Enough he graded jack by the collar and threw him head first into a wall knocking him unconscious. Then he grabbed a crowbar from a nearby alley way and beats the living soul out of the kid breaking his spine to his skull he leaves him to die as he destroys the crowbar and waits till the news popped on for a missing kid.

5 years later

Mitchell was now 15 and a professional mercenary traveling the country taking out who every he was paid to take out and was very successful. Until one day his own father hired him to take out the man sleeping with Mitchell's own MOM. yet little did he know his mother was with the man as he breached his house to kill him she constantly threw things at him until he shot her and the man. He quickly disposed of the man's and his mom's bodies bringing back nothing but his mothers ring and the mans hand. His father freaked out and went homicidal constantly killing anything in his way until Mitchell had to put him down then after that he met a comedian and started to do stand up comedy and did the same for 13 years

10 years later

Mitchell got a job offering as a black-ops mercenary tracing back on his record of killing 115 people all over the world did it for 5 years until the outbreak and he broke off from the black-ops during an "ambush" created by himself stealing the military jeep and bailing to the center of the U.S. Colorado creating a safety shelter using the barbed wire, fence, and the barricades in the trunk of the car including the guns and stuff.

6 months later...

Havoc broke out he had to escape and Colorado was no safe place he took the jeep and bailed now he has no idea about the area he's in. All he knows is that he needs to survive and that he is near some survivors

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    Known as the Checkerboard Syndicate, it was a rather well-known branch from a growing mafia group (criminal organization) with underground garrisons scattered in a few cities. The Checkerboard Syndicate contained a variety of methods to "divide and conquer" in comparison to other competing organizations. It was broken into 4 divisons, all maintained by a few head members.

    "CHESSMASTERS" were what these head members were called. They didn't hold a specific role, but rather had a proficiency or general experience in each. Their weren't a lot, and they typically served to be the order-givers and strategizers. Other times, it was where most hitmans and assassins were present. People admitted as a Chessmaster usually graduate from one of the other 3 divisions.

    "KINGS" focused more on influence and typically creative connections with a variety of people. It was primarily through these secretive social networks where bribes took place, black market auctions, and anything involving a large amount of people and associating oneself. It also focused on covering up any noticed crimes, known as "framing". Able to use the concept of blackmailing to push blame onto someone else, fabricated friendships was what they were best at.

    "KNIGHTS" had the least amount of people, next to Chessmasters. They focused on spying and gaining intel, ironical to their title. Next to gaining information on a variety of people, a few typically dabbled along the medical field, serving to be some of the few important doctors of the syndicate. While it started off as purely intel, it also became the branch involving the Red Market, where illegal surgeries and organ trade took place.

    "ROOKS" were the most popular group. They, don't particularly have a role, other than to be thugs, goons, and crudely follow orders. It was a rather large and carefree group of people, considered delinquents by the general public. While serving under the Checkerboard Syndicate, Rooks carried their own social system. There were regularly scheduled matches, tournaments, and games among the Rooks. They held there own rankings, where winning matches grants you "Thoroughfare Credits", allowing you to save them to rise in rankings, or spend them on things within the Rooks such as illegal weapons.

    And these, right here, are a group of lead-roles who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, playing Chinese Checkers with each other on Friday nights.

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