White Masquerade's Blue Oni
Servant HP: 4
Master HP: 2
Battle System:
We will be using a very simple dice system for the rp with little modifiers here and there. Any action done to another rper without the other rper’s knowledge/consent must be rolled for success. All dice rolls, including in battles, will be done by GM to ensure fairness. For the most part, one dice will be rolled per rper(exceptions may be made in certain circumstances). During battles, the rp that rolls the highest number succeeds in action.
Equal numbers means that both actions squared off and no damage was taken(dice roll 5 vs dice roll 5). A difference of 1-2 means the lower number takes 0.5 damage(dice roll 3 vs dice roll 5). A difference of 3 or greater is a critical (dice roll 6 vs Dice roll 1) blow and the lower number rper takes 1 damage. It takes 4 critical blows or 8 normal blows to kill a servant and 2 critical blows or 4 normal blows to kill a Master. This assumes, of course, that the rp was done with the intent to kill. Playful slaps or whatnot will not count for damage. During battle each servant is limited to only 3 noble phantasms.
Servant Modifiers--Servants of a particular class will get the following boosts to their dice rolls.
Saber: +2 attack, +1 magic
Archer: +2 marksman, +1 hunter
Lancer: +2 attack, +1 defense
Berserker: +3 attack, -1 defense
Caster: +2 magic, +1 hunter
Rider: +1 attack, +1 defense, +1 magic
Assassin: +2 hunter, +1 attack
Adjustable Parameters:
Attack: Attack boosts count towards rps involving physical melee combat,which includes: swords, lances, fists, daggers, etc. That means if your rp details a char with +attack boost doing melee combat, that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. This does not apply if they are not rping melee combat.
Magic: Magic boosts count towards rps involving any form of magic. This includes noble phantasms. That means if your rp details a char with +magic boost performing magic, that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. This does not apply if they are not rping magical actions.
Marksman: The Marksman boosts count towards any rp involving projectile attacks. That means if your rp details a char with +marksman boost performing a projectile attack , that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. This does not apply if they are not rping projectile attacks.
Hunter: Hunter boosts count towards rps involving sneaking/spying/scouting/staying hidden. That means if your rp details a char with +hunter boost trying to sneak/spy/scout, that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. .
Defense: Defense counts towards rps where Servant is protecting Master. Bonuses in this stat increase the ability to protect Master. If defense becomes negative, the Servant harmed his/her master instead of protect.
Master Vs Servant: Masters get a -2 on all dice rolls when facing a Servant. That along with their small HP makes them very vulnerable when facing a Servant. Thus a Servant must protect their Master if he/she wishes to remain in the war.
Escape: Sometimes it may be wise to attempt to escape a battle, especially if it's clear that you are outmatched or if your HP is too low. All escape rolls are equal whether a Master or a Servant. The only exception to this rule is the Rider Class whose noble phantasm(their mount) gives them an automatic +2.
Surprise Attack: A successful surprise attack will give the attack +1 on offensive rolls.
Noble Phantasm: A special move/skill/weapon relating to the Servant's legend. Can only be used 3 times in battle to prevent people from spamming powerful attacks.
Roleplay: While no minimum length is required in the role plays, literacy is a must. All dice rolls are done by me. If I can't understand what your character is doing, I won't be able to roll the appropriate dices. Therefore detail is a must. If you can't describe you're clever action/awesome plan to me, I won't roll the dice for it.
Resting/In-Battle Heals: If at anytime you rp your character resting/sleeping you get an automatic heal: +1hp for Servant and +0.5hp for Master. This cannot be done in battle. In battle healing usage is limited to 3 times per battle.
Weakness: Every Servant has a legend and supposedly a weakness...something that killed them in their life, etc. If you capitalize on that in your rp you can obtain a +2 for offensive rolls against that Servant.
Magic Resistance: In my rp, it is the ability resist the magic of mages. The higher the rank of the Servant's magic resistence, the less effective a mage's magic is. This does not count towards magic cast by Servants like caster which are beyond the level of mages.
Rank Ex--> -3 from mage magic rolls.
Rank A-->-2.5 from mage magic rolls.
Rank B-->-2 from mage magic rolls
Rank C-->-1.5 from mage magic rolls
Rank D-->-1 from mage magic rolls
Rank E-->-0.5 from mage magic rolls.
Master HP: 2
Battle System:
We will be using a very simple dice system for the rp with little modifiers here and there. Any action done to another rper without the other rper’s knowledge/consent must be rolled for success. All dice rolls, including in battles, will be done by GM to ensure fairness. For the most part, one dice will be rolled per rper(exceptions may be made in certain circumstances). During battles, the rp that rolls the highest number succeeds in action.
Equal numbers means that both actions squared off and no damage was taken(dice roll 5 vs dice roll 5). A difference of 1-2 means the lower number takes 0.5 damage(dice roll 3 vs dice roll 5). A difference of 3 or greater is a critical (dice roll 6 vs Dice roll 1) blow and the lower number rper takes 1 damage. It takes 4 critical blows or 8 normal blows to kill a servant and 2 critical blows or 4 normal blows to kill a Master. This assumes, of course, that the rp was done with the intent to kill. Playful slaps or whatnot will not count for damage. During battle each servant is limited to only 3 noble phantasms.
Servant Modifiers--Servants of a particular class will get the following boosts to their dice rolls.
Saber: +2 attack, +1 magic
Archer: +2 marksman, +1 hunter
Lancer: +2 attack, +1 defense
Berserker: +3 attack, -1 defense
Caster: +2 magic, +1 hunter
Rider: +1 attack, +1 defense, +1 magic
Assassin: +2 hunter, +1 attack
Adjustable Parameters:
Attack: Attack boosts count towards rps involving physical melee combat,which includes: swords, lances, fists, daggers, etc. That means if your rp details a char with +attack boost doing melee combat, that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. This does not apply if they are not rping melee combat.
Magic: Magic boosts count towards rps involving any form of magic. This includes noble phantasms. That means if your rp details a char with +magic boost performing magic, that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. This does not apply if they are not rping magical actions.
Marksman: The Marksman boosts count towards any rp involving projectile attacks. That means if your rp details a char with +marksman boost performing a projectile attack , that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. This does not apply if they are not rping projectile attacks.
Hunter: Hunter boosts count towards rps involving sneaking/spying/scouting/staying hidden. That means if your rp details a char with +hunter boost trying to sneak/spy/scout, that char will get bonuses to his/her roll. .
Defense: Defense counts towards rps where Servant is protecting Master. Bonuses in this stat increase the ability to protect Master. If defense becomes negative, the Servant harmed his/her master instead of protect.
Master Vs Servant: Masters get a -2 on all dice rolls when facing a Servant. That along with their small HP makes them very vulnerable when facing a Servant. Thus a Servant must protect their Master if he/she wishes to remain in the war.
Escape: Sometimes it may be wise to attempt to escape a battle, especially if it's clear that you are outmatched or if your HP is too low. All escape rolls are equal whether a Master or a Servant. The only exception to this rule is the Rider Class whose noble phantasm(their mount) gives them an automatic +2.
Surprise Attack: A successful surprise attack will give the attack +1 on offensive rolls.
Noble Phantasm: A special move/skill/weapon relating to the Servant's legend. Can only be used 3 times in battle to prevent people from spamming powerful attacks.
Roleplay: While no minimum length is required in the role plays, literacy is a must. All dice rolls are done by me. If I can't understand what your character is doing, I won't be able to roll the appropriate dices. Therefore detail is a must. If you can't describe you're clever action/awesome plan to me, I won't roll the dice for it.
Resting/In-Battle Heals: If at anytime you rp your character resting/sleeping you get an automatic heal: +1hp for Servant and +0.5hp for Master. This cannot be done in battle. In battle healing usage is limited to 3 times per battle.
Weakness: Every Servant has a legend and supposedly a weakness...something that killed them in their life, etc. If you capitalize on that in your rp you can obtain a +2 for offensive rolls against that Servant.
Magic Resistance: In my rp, it is the ability resist the magic of mages. The higher the rank of the Servant's magic resistence, the less effective a mage's magic is. This does not count towards magic cast by Servants like caster which are beyond the level of mages.
Rank Ex--> -3 from mage magic rolls.
Rank A-->-2.5 from mage magic rolls.
Rank B-->-2 from mage magic rolls
Rank C-->-1.5 from mage magic rolls
Rank D-->-1 from mage magic rolls
Rank E-->-0.5 from mage magic rolls.
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