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Multiple Settings Zombie apocalypse with a twist (based on Sweet Home webtoon)


New Member
Hi guys! I'm looking for partners to join me in a zombie apocalypse rp. The zombies are different here though. They're not the dead come back to life, and they're not the stereotypical slow-moving rotting corpses that want to eat brains. The cause of people turning into these zombies is unknown. It could be a virus, a biological mutation, maybe even alien life that take over their host. No one knows. The first signs of these changes are nosebleeds and fainting. The host will start hearing a voice, feeding their desires. Eventually they will change, their deepest desires twisting their bodies into something else. An athlete who desires to be the fastest will turn into a crazy fast monster, while someone who wished he had never let go of a lost love will grow long limbs to never let go. It's different for every person. The time before the host changes is different as well. One person will change within a matter of minutes, while another one can hold on for days. These zombies can't be killed by destroying the brain. They will only recover and come back stronger. The only way to kill them is by burning their bodies. Though they may not be the traditional view of zombies, they are still zombies. Once a person transforms into one of those things, the original person is dead. The virus/mutation/alien/whatever it is takes over the host body and kills it. There is no way to revert the transformation.

So I'm looking for people to join me in this. I'm looking for mxf and mxm, I don't do fxf. I'm open to doubling. I'm active pretty much every day, and due to my insomnia I've got a lot of time to reply. I try to match my partner in length, and I will never go below one decent paragraph. I ask that you give me at least a paragraph to work with as well, and please have decent grammar. I don't expect a reply every day - though I would definitely like that - but please tell me if you're going to be away for more than a week. I will do the same.

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