Zombie Apocalypse Sign-Ups!


The Lovelorn Princess
The government has conducted an experiment in one of many labs found in the U.S, in Nevada something went very wrong. When the experiment was being preformed, the scientists had created an airborne disease that turned living, breathing humans into mindless, living dead zombies. The small town that was once so lively and well is now run down and nearly completely destroyed from the turmoil of the apocalypse. People are dead, others are undead, but the ones that hold all of the power are the ones who are alive and fighting. These few people basically have the fate of the world on their shoulders. Are you one of them?

Alright you guys, I only have a few rules for you today!

> Please post at least 4-5 sentences minimum. A lot of people get turned away from role plays because the have nothing to work with.

>I also ask you use good grammar and punctuation.

>Please please please be active.


>No you can not "one hit kill" these guys.

>Also, be nice OOC! Leave the drama at the door!

>Have fun ^^









Looks (preferably a picture):



My Character.

Name: Scarlet Kring

Nickname: Scar

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Weapon: An assault rifle (long range) and a bat with nails (melee)

Personality: Scarlet is not one to make friends, she is focused one thing and it's staying alive. She is not planning on getting herself caught up in melodrama or love games, that' not why she's there. Quick to have an opinion on someone, Scarlet will either hate you or be able to stand you; that's your decision. She does have a bit of a short fuse and will snap if pushed too far, don't test her. If she does actually like you, she will become very protective of you and won't let anything happen to you if you're under her watch.

History: The apocalypse started when Scarlet's parents were out of the country for an anniversary get away. She was stuck at home looking after her little, trouble making brother Troy when hell broke loose. Out of no where they were ambushed, they hadn't read about any of this or seen anything on the news earlier so this was a surprise. Unaware of what to do, Scarlet lost her brother to the hoard; even if they did have that typical sibling relationship (love/hate), at the end of the day, they were best buds. But now, Scar was alone- alone to face the nightmare of what the town had become. "It's better to work alone, so when someone dies you're not left feeling responsible".

Looks (preferably a picture):


Other: She wears a gas mask to stay protected from the virus.
This seems interesting.. I guess I'll go ahead and make my character, but I don't have a picture for him unfortunately.

Name: Carter (Last Name Unrevealed)

Nickname: To be decided

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Weapon: Large Machete and a Smith and Wesson 34 Caliber Pistol

Personality: Carter is a cheerful guy, and can do anything to help. He'd also rather join with a group. He is one of the best scavengers in the group to. Although something deep is brewing inside...

History: When the zombie apocalypse started, Carter was applying for a job at his local Wells Fargo. Unfortunately, he was denied the job, and realizing he didn't have enough money for gas, he was forced to walk home. He would just ask one of his friends in the morning what had happened and they would go get his car. But, on his way home, a masked man ran towards him with a briefcase, and threw his toboggan and te briefcase at him. Carter woke up in a police car, being to took to court. At the court house, Carter had been accused of stealing One Million Dollars from the bank. On Day Two of the apocalypse, he was headed to prison on a bus. What would he tell his parents? His girlfriend? His friends? Hell, he couldn't tell them anything. They saw what was on the news, and he was criminal. Carter was then surprised by the prison bus being tipped over by 30 deformed and bloody people, and they ate everyone on the bus. He was the only survivor, and had managed to take the last two weapons from a Gander Mountain, before bandits nearly shot his head off. Now he's looking for a new group. Is there anybody left?

Appearance: (Sorry I have no Picture) Carter is a blond, with a grey baseball cap, and he has a red backpack on at all times, as long as his gun holstered across his side, and his machete strapped across his back. His clothes of choice are a blue hoodie, and blue jeans.

I hope this looks good! Really want to get in a zombie roleplay!
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Here's a sheet. Just throwing it out there. Hope you like.

Name: Nick

Age: 18

Weight: 115 Ibs (130 with equipment on)

Height: 5'11 and growing.

Nickname: Tar - Will be explained in first post.

Gender: He's a he.


About 5'11 and quickly growing, fair skinned Caucasian male. He has grayish-green eyes and weighs about a hundred and thirteen pounds. He is rather lean individual, but is also wiry with muscle easily strong enough to lift his own weight. His hair is blond and with a few freckles running over the bridge of his noes. His average attire is long black cargo pants with several pockets, and a snug fit urban digital camouflage shirt. Below said shirt is a second layer of clothing, this one with padding to help resist bites. After that is ANOTHER layer of clothing, which is his brown overcoat. He wears a pair of urban digital hunting shoes, and has a large combat knife used for various things (Self defense, skinning animals, etc) on his hip. His face is usually adorned with a respirator and a pair of googles, as keeping the stench of rotten flesh and the debris out of the eyes is always a good idea. On his knees are two knee pads which have come in handy in various occasions. His hands are adorned with gloves with thick metal knuckles meant for really going to town on someone or thing if need be. Upon his neck is a small necklace made from a leather strip. It has a locket attached to the end, with a picture of his family and friends cut and placed into it. Despite that he isn't held back by them, he greatly misses them. But if you want to recruit a teenager with attitude, he's your guy.

All Equipment: CLICK ME

Appearance:CLICK ME

Weapons:(You might have to look some up. None of them are fully automatic.)

FN FAL (Has the words- EPC WN scratched into the side of it), Suppressor, grip, and stand attachments.


Dead-On Annihilator Crowbar (Look it up)

Two G22's (Right is nicknamed with the word Chris scratched into the side of it)

M48 Tomahawk


Of all the children who had to be born, it would have to be Nick. He's you're typical rebellious teenager, except he hates to be pampered. He is the kind of kid you'll see in the trees holding a rifle waiting for a deer to come by. Nick always seemed to be overly serious in nature, rarely taking jokes as a small child. His dad, who was in the military at the time, took him to the shooting range every saturday and continued to do so as long as Nick here can remember, introducing him to his choice weapon of mass destruction, the FN FAL. His father taught him many things he had learned when in training camp (Even though he was only a Pilot, he was a military pilot was taught like a solider). This training only increased once his grandfather introduced him to hunting. He killed his first buck at the age of eight and has been hunting ever since. After that he became quite the outdoorsman, and was hunting and fishing whenever he wasn't doing school work. While out hunting a bear he had been tracking for a while, his foot was caught in a tree branch, resulting in hims falling out of the tree he was in, and landing on a stick the pointed upward. He was impaled, and recovered after a few months of physical rehab, and has a large circular scar on his lower torso. This is not the only scar, he has several that riddle his body from hunting. He did eventually kill that bear though. He began to learn how to fight, nothing Bruce Lee, but he taught how to counter, which came in handy a few times. At the age of thirteen, he discovered parkour, and began to take the new sport incredibly seriously, as he found it very useful when hunting. However, he doesn't do the 'look at me, I'm cool' crap. He focuses on the stuff that is useful, like double stepping up walls, vaults, and falling to get from point A to point B af fast and efficiently as possible. He has been keeping up with his arts since. To be honest, Nick is having way to much fun in this apocalypse, and has been doing a lot to help friends out. He is actually a Floridian, and was simply on a road trip to Philadelphia with his family and girlfriend Jackie when all hell broke loose. But he, his dad, and his girlfriend drove through it all uninfected. His father had recently passed away in a raid, when another man shot him in the lung. He got his girlfriend out to the Atlantic coast and had her grandparents take her out to sea with them so she would be safe. He stayed behind.


He's a rebellious teenage boy, he eats a ton, is very active, and doesnt like to be bossed around. He tends to get angry at anyone who tells him what to do. However, if you get past this, you will find something just short of the 'genius' category in the school systems, as his IQ is off by a meer three points. Nick can also be a very cynical person and is so with good reason. He did recently loose his father to people after all who wanted nothing more than their supplies. One advantage over most others is that he doesn't regret taking a life if he has to or if it's his job, and wont hesitate to pull the trigger. Something few people could manage. He also seems to be unaffected by something known as post traumatic stress disorder, which almost all survivors acquire at one point or another. In reality, acting like he's not affected is Nick's way of being affected. Nick doesnt have too much to say about himself and will usually opt out to remain silent unless speaking is a required skill, in which each word is chosen carefully. He keeps most of his information and thoughts in a small notebook. Overall, Nick here is a very complicated person, and has a lot going through his head at all times. But then again, he is a teenager. If he likes you, good for you. If he doesn't, it wasn't like he was going to save you either way. He's not here to make friends. He's not here to save you. He's here to survive. You're either an asset or a disadvantage. If you're a disadvantage he will leave you for dead. If you're an asset he might go back for your stuff later if you get killed.


If there are two things that Tar has going for him, it's the fact that he is a creative genius when it comes to killing zombies, and more importantly, he has incredible accuracy. He doesn't know how he does it, but he just has 'it' in him. While he does miss from time to time, his headshot rate is drastically higher than most other people's. As an experienced hunter, Nick is also good at being relatively silent when he wants to be. Nick also has a sarcastic witty side to his personality that comes up with insults nearly on the spot.
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Name: Jayne Bones

Nickname: Bones (Hates her first name. Always is called Bones.)

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Personality: Bones is what you called a hard-ass. She cant stand little wimpy assholes and likes to move on her own. She likes a challenge and is determined to win anything she is put up too. She is hard headed and a foul mouth. She can also be violent.

History:Bones grew up as a fighter. Her father and her mother was in the marines. she was taught at a young age how to defend her self and how to hunt. She was put out in the woods, 16 miles away from her home and her father told her to make it home alive. He will be watching over her. She made it back with only a few scratches. Bones' parents died in service when she was 18. She was broken. She received her parents dog-tags and never takes them off. Before her father and mother passed, her father taught her how to hunt without making a noise. He bought her a crossbow at the age of 12. Bones moves silently where ever she is. The only sound she makes is her breathing. When it all started Bones had no one. She was on her own from the start. She found a small group but left them because of the fighting that they did. She later found their... Other forms and killed them off.

Other: She is a silent hunter, She has military training.


Wow! Both accepted, wonderful characters! Unfortunately there's going to be a delay on the role play because I'm on vacation with very limited service. Sorry!
This is my first ever posting and I hope I'm doing it right.

Name: Ashley Sears

Nickname: Ash


Gender: Female

Weapon: Compound bow, arrows, large hunting knife, glock 22.

Personality: Reserved, quiet. Prefers not to mingle with larger groups but might work well with another experienced hunter.

Looks: I couldn't attach a picture, sorry, so I'll describe her as best I can. Ash's spiky black hair is constantly being cut short and she has bright green eyes with silver flecks. Her build is sinewy and strong. She wears a sturdy pair of long khakis and knee high brown leather boots. A camo hoodie which she rarely takes off goes over a black T-shirt.

History: Ashley's parents owned a archery and supplies shop so she knew how to operate a bow from an early age. The preference being a compound. Her father taught her to hunt at the age of ten.

When the airborne virus hit the town her parents had the sense to move to the country where they had relatives. Along the way their car broke down. It was night. Out of nowhere a horde of zombies attacked them. Ashley's father was killed and her mother and her narrowly escaped and sought refuge in a nearby forest. Her mother had a bite wound on the side of the stomach which became infected. She died two days later. Ashley was devastated. She made her way back to the car eventually. Starved, exhausted, broken, but still alive. All that was remained of her father was a pool of blood.

Ashley found some food in the car and retrieved her compound bow in the back seat with a quiver of arrows. She strapped on her backpack and took her parents Glock pistol for the cars glove box just in case.

She travelled alone for days, following the road, and met no one. Ashley arrived at her relatives place on the third day to find the house empty. Blood stains covered the wall and the stench was almost unbearable. She had expected as much. So she left and has been traveling since. Avoiding large groups of people and cities. She does not hesitate to kill.

Other: Only traveling companion is a German Shepard X Siberian wolf named Shadow. He helps her hunt and is a superb guard dog.
Name: Jonathan Roman

Nickname: John.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weapons: Hunting knife, .22 rifle, M1911

Personality: Quiet and clever with a short fuse. He only gets along with people that understand him completely.

Looks: Brown hair that was cut short, brown eyes, about 6 feet tall. He's built strong, with steady arms with practice at the range. He wears a black short-sleeved shirt and jeans with black, tattered tennis shoes.

History: John was raised mainly by his father, mostly because his parents divorced when he was young. His father owned a firing range, so he has experience with various guns. He sticks to himself because he doesn't know how to talk to others, so he had very few friends through his childhood. Sometimes, his father would let him stay from school to shoot on the range. He had heard reports of an outbreak on the radio of his car, but he didn't believe them. He was riding home from the arcade, which was strangely empty. He got home to his father's shop and went inside, but it was silent. He looked around, and his father was nowhere to be found. But he did see a blood trail leading outside. He quickly grabbed a pistol and walked outside, where he saw the body of his father. He turned right before his eyes, and John shot the corpse in the head multiple times. He was horrified. He ran back in, grabbed a rifle, knife, and some ammo, and he ran away into the countryside, knowing it would be the least populated area, therefore the least amount of undead would be there.

Other: He's gone slightly insane with seeing his father turn. Sometimes, he talks to voices in his head, and sometimes those voices tell him what to do.

(This'll be my first roleplay on the site, but I do have some roleplay experience, and by the bios you've written for your characters, I think you guys will be awesome to roleplay with. I hope you accept me.)
(( If I am not aloud to have two charcters I will gladly change it. ))

Name: Ray Delrose

Nickname: Robin Hood/ Ray-Ray for people who are close

Age: 18

Gender: Female


- SOG Tactical Tomohawk (mele)

- twin 9mm berreta's (hand gun)

- Glass Breaker Baton Cap (blunt weapon)

Personality: Ray is a upbeat type of person, even during this whol zombie take over she is still upbeat and rebeliouse. She doesnt like to be a downer in situations she will always try to think positive side just to keep the mood light. She is very goofy and is a joker but she wouldnt go over bouard or anything. Ray is as loyal as it gets, she would never leave a friend behind but of course that sometimes gets in the way of her objective of staying alive.

Looks: (( Sorry I can not put a picture at the moment. ))

Ray is 5'6 not to tall not to short. Her weight is average, not fat or really really skinny, her hair used to be pitch black but she decided that she didnt like it so she dyed it white, speaking of her hair she has a side bang that goes to right and covers the corner of her right eye and her hair length goes down to her shoulders. She has snake bites bellow her bottom lip and her eye color is a river blue. She wears a white T-shirt with the words rebel in skinny black words aloug with some faint stains of blood, she wears black shorts with black combat boots that have spiked on the front she also carries around a large invader zim back pack that she carries, amo, some weapons and food.

History: Growing up Ray was always a prankster especially when it came to her older brother. People aleays refered to the as the the opposite twins, probably because they were twins but they were very different in personlaity traits and he was older then her thats why Ray had decided to dye her hair white so they wouldnt be referred to the opposite twins anymore. Ray found out that the world was coming to an end when she was at the park with one of her friends when a little kid approached them and started to bite on her friend arm, Ray tried to pry its hand off of her but its grip was tight so she had to kick it's head and run off with her friend but then she tried to eat Ray so she left her and immedietly called her brother who had told her to go home and that she will meet her their then thats when they found out that this was happening everywhere.

Other: Farther was in the army at the time of the zombie out break and their mother was dead before all this even started so she lives with her brother. She wants to go to florida so they could go to kings dominion and she desperatley searches for twix bar.

Name: Jay Delrose

Nickname: Mocking Jay/ just Jay to good friends


Gender: Male



-ACOG 45

Personality: Jay is the opposite of Ray, he could have his funny moments but not so much, he is respectful towards things unlike Ray who breaks anything breakable in stores stating that it is good to releive stress every once in a while but he knows his sister, she just wanted to break crap. Jay is the smart one of the two and likes to plan things out if he has the time unlike Ray who just jumps into action most times. Jay is loyal and will avenge a friend if they were close.

Looks: Jay has pitch black hair and river blue eyes he is about 6'3 so he is a little on the tall side, he is strong, well of course its a zombie invasion. Jay doesnt have any peircing's like Ray but he does have a tatto of a black dragon trailing from his back up to the back of his neck, its not that big though. Jay wears a black T-shirt with a metal cross necklace and a dog tag with dark jeans and some sneakers. He has a black back pack that carries weapons and amo.

History: Growing up with his crazy little sister Jay has learned how to tolerate crazy and unreasonable situations. Jay was forced to take care of Ray while their farther served in the military, even though she is a pain in the ass he thinks that was the smartest idea because Ray would probably destory the house while she threw a big party. Jay first found out that the world was ending when Ray had called him whilehe was driving stating that her friend had turned into a zombie from left for dea, now of course he didnt believe it until he saw people eating other people the next two days now he tries to keep Ray and himself alive through all of this hell.

Other: Drives a black F-150. Thinks Ray's quest for twixs is stupid but he thinks rhe kings dominion thing would be fun.

(( Sorry if there are any errors in spelling and others, currently on tablet and its not the best and currently lazy... *shrug* ))

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[QUOTE="Neon Nyan]



-ACOG 45

-M249 ( his baby. )

You do realize that you're carrying around thirty pounds of gun right? Not even counting the ammo. I highly doubt that someone would realistically carry that much for the fact that it would slow you down a ton.

An M249 is a BIG gun. It carries a ton of ammo, it's a fully automatic gun. You know why it's not useful enough to be worth the energy using? Because based on the popular representation of zombies, they only die when shot in the head. Assault weapons are not precision weapons. They will his close by the exact area, but not exactly where you want to hit. I know this because I own a few assault rifles and have fired a few large machine guns at my local firing range. Rifles and semi automatic guns are your best bet because you shoot where you want to hit. You can literally tear a zombie in half with bullets. But if you dont hit the head it's nothing but a hinderance.

I'm not going to tell you how to make your sheet, but I'm just offering some advice.
I'll join

Name. Shaylyyn Michelle Jones

Nickname. Shay Or Lyyn or Mich or lee

Age 18

Gender Female


1. A steal base ball bat<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.ea20db4333eac526cdac2e472f9da45e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.ea20db4333eac526cdac2e472f9da45e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

2.Cross bow<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.a7dc68da741e0bfb4f03b50d7f42dc85.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.a7dc68da741e0bfb4f03b50d7f42dc85.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

3 two machetes<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/imgres.jpg.5ea94b26d4f6f5f57c97a434f52db4ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/imgres.jpg.5ea94b26d4f6f5f57c97a434f52db4ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality. Shay Is a fun girl who likes to have fun she is very up beat and She loves to have a good laugh. She is Respectful but don't get on her bad side. She is a natural born fighter. She can be mean when she wants and she is that girl to have a good time but when it's time to get serious she gets really seriously Shay is very artistic and she draws to write out her feelings. She loves to dance so she is swift on her feet. Shay can be kinda that one "who doesn't talk into you get to know her girl" But once you get to know her she is very lovable and friendly, can can be really flirty

History. Shay Despite her personality didn't come from a good home,At the age of 3 her mom died of cancer. Her Dad died of the air forces .She was a foster kid Coming for 13 different homes. At the age of 14 she went to the to the James family, They gave her everything she wanted, a new phone a puppy new clothes everything she wanted. But her father was a little bit too friendly.She would be sacred to do anything, get dressed take a shower, go to bed. she hated living there. Her Foster mom knew about her dad and what he was doing to her. She got fed up with all of it and ran away with her stuff they got her. shew as on the run she would steal to eat or to drink. she one day got found by a lady who toke her in.Her husband died so she was a widow and her daughter went off to live with her boy friend in LA. She treated shaylyyn like one of her own. Till one day she turned into a zombie and tried to eat her. She grabbed her dog and other things and now she tries to she keep her self safe and her dog.

Looks. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.e0502c10806b3010f78057c8b50c36ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.e0502c10806b3010f78057c8b50c36ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other. Her Dog. Muffins Sandy colored 2nd attachment <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.b2cb9fb439e2171571b2f2f982cad95a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.b2cb9fb439e2171571b2f2f982cad95a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

her appearal<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/y.jpg.7fcd8763a674250703f1e91dae90d5fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/y.jpg.7fcd8763a674250703f1e91dae90d5fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I hope you guys like her!



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Name: John Clark

Nickname: Sergeant

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Weapon: Recurve bow, Operation New Dawn folding Knife 5.5 inches

Personality: Calm Cool and Collected. A Idealist with high morals who doesn't live in the grey. Everything is black and white. Right and wrong. Will Survive at all cost to see this pandemic ended and society rebuilt.

Look: 5'9, 165 LBS, Cut. Wears basic Issue Multicam, a small mountain assault ruck, lots of military tattooing, military faded brown hair, Bright blue eyes, Ranger tab on his left shoulder and 1st ranger battalion 75th Reg on both shoulders.

History: With two tours to Iraq and one to Afghanistan killing people was his job. It was more out of a sense of duty and the goal of spreading basic human rights to those that didn't have any but whatever. Airborne, Air Assault, Combat Driver, Ranger, and sniper qualified the military is all he has known since he was 18. Now SSG Clark sits in the top floor hotel room of a 16 story hotel in Utah as his Helicopter burns some 5 clicks away. With a basic pack for six days, no coms, no mission, and no orders he is left alone. Looking out of the balcony the world is a lot quieter now. Survival.... that is the objective now. 

WanderingTyrant said:
You do realize that you're carrying around thirty pounds of gun right? Not even counting the ammo. I highly doubt that someone would realistically carry that much for the fact that it would slow you down a ton.
An M249 is a BIG gun. It carries a ton of ammo, it's a fully automatic gun. You know why it's not useful enough to be worth the energy using? Because based on the popular representation of zombies, they only die when shot in the head. Assault weapons are not precision weapons. They will his close by the exact area, but not exactly where you want to hit. I know this because I own a few assault rifles and have fired a few large machine guns at my local firing range. Rifles and semi automatic guns are your best bet because you shoot where you want to hit. You can literally tear a zombie in half with bullets. But if you dont hit the head it's nothing but a hinderance.

I'm not going to tell you how to make your sheet, but I'm just offering some advice.
With ammo (which can be mag feed 30 rounds or nut sack 100 rounds) 7 mags basic load is 20 lbs, basic M249 load is 600 rounds.... keep that in mind. Also due to rate of fire you need a spare barrel. However since it's the same caliber as the AR 15 it can take mags from that weapon as well, and can use the same cleaning kit. Weight is a issue as well as sound and accuracy. However. In the event of a mass attack of zombies it would cut off legs arms, etc and would allow a group to flee. All weapons have a upside and a down side. Keep in mind though. A great way to loss friends is to draw fire while their next to you. (infantry humor).(active duty military... keeping it real)
I'm thinking on Sunday or Monday I'm so, so sorry for the delay guys, I just have an extremely limited amount of reception... :/

Name: Harper Langely

Nickname: none

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Weapon: She has both a simple shot gun, machete, and some daggers she keeps on her.

Personality: She could be considered that typical "cool" character. She was always tough, even before the outbreak. She sticks up for what she believes in. She wants to survive -- it's her main goal, but she also wants to make sure that as many people as possible will survive also. Despite her tough appearance and personality, if you get to know her you will see she has an extremely sweet soft side.

History: She grew up with her dad in a small town that she lived in since she was a baby. She had a fairly normal childhood. She was bullied in school when she was younger for being a "nerd" or "geek", so she began to dress in darker clothes and learned to not care what others think, and that's how she became the punk she is today. She never had many friends, but the ones she did have were close. After high school, she moved to a bigger city about 45 minutes away from her hometown. She roomed with her girlfriend of 5 1/2 years and they had planned to eventually get married one day. However when the outbreak happened, her girlfriend was murdered right before her eyes, leaving Harper to barely escape death. It was found out later that everyone she ever cared about was murdered as well, including her father. Harper was left completely alone to survive in the apocalyptic world.

Looks (preferably a picture):

Hey, I just wanted to know if these zombies are on the faster side or more old-school. I just wanted to know so I don't mess up my post with a zombie running at me, when there supposed to be slow.
I Want them to be slow. Like Ya' know the walking dead Zombies? But it's not mt RP.

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