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Fandom Zoids: new century AU in character

"Wait a moment... Are you a member of the imperial royal family!?"

'That couldn't be right? Right? I mean She does have a pretty blunt and forceful speech and she gets the whole Ice queen nickname, but how does someone from the royal family become a Zoids warrior, I mean it does fit with what just happened, but but.'

Steam could almost be seen from Edward as his head tried to comprehend what is happening right now. Though more he thinks about it, the puzzle pieces starts to fit together.
" I am the next in line for the throne of the Guylos Empire" Xan said comign right out with it as she saw no real gain in keeping it from the one person who was seeing the most evidence of such a situation. it cousl also be sen she had dropped her normal cold monotone and started showing more emotion as if she had been using her icy demeanor as a persona to hide her identity .

" I wanted to try leading my own group of hand chosen people to victory" she said explaining part of why she started this and that no person on the team was not valued " Thus i started this team, besides I like zoids " she said with a chuckle.
"I don't have anythings like that for my zoid so I'll just ride with you" Rex said before hopping into Sora's zoid with her before they headed off to town. Once they made it to town Rex hopped out of the zoid. "I'll see what I can get from the local ladies." Rex said smirking as he headed off to a group of to what seemed to bar. Rex entered to bar and saw that there wasn't that many people there currently, it was the morning/early after noon so that made sense. For the time being Rex order a drink waited for the right person to talk to.
Lil Shirou Lil Shirou
Edward's Jaw dropped and didn't know how to respond to the situation, so he just stood there frozen for a few moments not knowing how to respond and just pointing weakly at the suddenly revealed princess. To be honest she was literally the last person he'd expected to see in the Zoid fighting ring, not just a member of the Royal family, but the crown princess!

"So... I guess the Ice queen nickname should be Ice princess?"

Edward Snapped out of his shocked daze and gave a awkward grin and rubbed the back of his head, hoping he doesn't face the imperial firing squad for his rudeness.
" I enjoy ice queen a little more" She said some warmth in her tone as she had the guy that had been piloting the zoid head on out before the others came as she now knew that the guards were outside hidden away she knew he would be picked up in a few minutes and therefore be safe.

" Anyways i would rather like to keep this secret as long as possible as well me doing this could cause several issue, first of which is special treatment" She said well aware of the idea if people knew she was slightly guarded she could be kidnapped or the nation might take this as some kid of war signal.
"Ah yes, your highness ... Ah! I mean yes Ice queen!"

Edward stiffened up as he said that. So apparently he hasn't completely gotten over the shock that he had literally stayed under the same roof as royalty. Only mostly. So he just embarrassed himself, again. Edward took a deep breath. And gave an awkward moment of silence as he snapped himself fully out of his daze.

"Let me try that again. Your secret is safe with me, Xan."

Edward said this time with a more natural stance, as he was talking with a friend.
" good" she said drawing close a smile on her face" Because if you don't a firing squad is in your future" She said in an almost whisper before pulling away " just kidding" Seh said with another laugh actually glad to not have to be overly cold or distant for once .

" Joking aside" She said turning to face the new zoid " Why don't you take him for a spin get used to how he runs" she said knowing that for a zoid pilot the connection between your zoid and pilot even when they couldn't react was paramount, the old military saying that this is my gun there are many like it but this one is mine was truly strong with zoids.
"Right, looking forward to working with you Saix."

Again, the Zoid gave no response. Which caused an another awkward silence which he finally remembered that Zoids like Blizzard and Li was special.

"I see what you mean about getting use to him."

Edward deadpanned as he climbed in to the cockpit. He instinctively braced himself due to getting use to Li's greeting roars, but this Zoid was not Li. The cockpit was reminiscent of a liger and tiger's cockpit, due to all of them being feline in nature, but it was much narrower and had a bit more speed dampeners and was more enlongated and it lacked the extra pieces of the Liger Zero like the targeting scope, most likely due to the gun on top being fixed and lacking the CAS system. Edward gave a thumbs up as his seal of approval.
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" actually you do but it has to be be installed prior to being used. Thousands abound thousands were installed during the war between war between the Helic Republic and the Guylos Empire. Turning them into sleeper zoids that only activate when a certain protocol is acted on." Sora tries to explain to Rex as she pilots to the nearby city.
When they arrived Rex quickly exit going his own way. He leaving Sora on her own to walk the town and look for local shops and zoid mechanics. She hopped out of Shadows cockpit droped to the ground. It appear as though she drped from and unknown invisible zoid. She notice some people watching and following her through out town but she just went about her business. She adventuouly been told a local junk dealer may have the information she wants about Edward's Liger Zero for price.
Karcen Karcen ChazGhost ChazGhost angelbim10 angelbim10 Shiyonichi Shiyonichi
Luna slips her goggles on looking around as the two travel, "Alright Blizzard time to hunt us some thieves." He growls as if agreeing before taking off, looking around. Luna checks the scanners for any signs of life where she was, before looking up and around as well
ChazGhost ChazGhost Karcen Karcen Lil Shirou Lil Shirou Shiyonichi Shiyonichi
In a cave northwest of the Hovercargo, a leader of a certain group of bandits was having a headache.

"Bloody Zoid shut the hell up!"

The leader yelled at the the white Liger who was currently anchored down and trying it's best to get free, flailing around and snarling like, well a caged animal. Due to the noise most of the crew the leader included had gotten little sleep. Of course they tried to shut it down, but that almost lead to one of the men nearly having his head ripped off his shoulders and no one wanted to go near the thing after that.

"What a troublesome Zoid, why the hell did the higher up want the thing! Zoids should just be tools and nothing more!"

The leader took a military green canteen and chugged down the contents. He slammed the canteen down his face turning red from the drink. As if to mock him the Zoid roared, this time the loudest roar it could muster and it echoed off the walls of the cavern they where hiding in and traveled to the outside world. Upon hearing it most of the men jumped and they went quiet, hoping no one else heard that.

"Calm down all of you out here no one should be around."

The leader said to his men and turned his canteen upside down and shook it down to make sure that all he had drank all his contents.

"See you stupid Zoid no one is going to help you and no one is coming after you."

The leader mocked the struggling Zoid. Though he clearly shouldn't have tempted fate.

angelbim10 angelbim10
Suddenly the group and the liger zoid hear a responding most fierce brace roar coming from Luna's zoid. Luna grins knowing Blizzard has found them, "Great job boy now lets go save that zoid!" She connects communications back at the base while charging over to them to go get Li "XAN, EDWARD I FOUND THE ZOID!"
Edward nearly had a heart attack when the coms of the Lightning Saix came buzzed to life and delivered the good news, with a voice shaking in relief, excitement, and anger Edward responded back.

"Luna where are you right now!?"

The group nearly had a heart attack when they heard the response from the Blizzard. The leader pointed to a couple of goons and told them to go check out the commotion.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Karcen Karcen
The goons came back with a report of a white tiger creating a commotion a good distance away, apparently roaring in response to the Zoid, as if to mock him Li roared back to the Zoid.

"All hands on deck! Send the Sinkers!"


6 white Sinkers with an unknown emblem on their side launched from the cave, heading towards Blizzard.

Back in the cargo. Edward opened the coms to send a message to Rex and Sora.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Luna found the thieves, convenient I know. I'm sending over the Zabat, so please head over to the coordinates I'm about to give you!"

With that Edward activated the Zabat's autopilot and sent the Zoid over to town, hopefully they get here on time. Edward clenched his fist it was time for some pay back, he turned to Xan.

"You ready to go Ice queen?"

Lil Shirou Lil Shirou ChazGhost ChazGhost angelbim10 angelbim10 Karcen Karcen
" In time " Xan said her tone returning the her normal cold persona " We must wait for the others, Luna went out on her own and clearly could not remain stealthy, if i had to guess it would be her zoid acting up" Xan explained.

Xan was not always nice and Luna had made a huge mistake if she was going to learn from it she had to be hurt. Thus she would be left alone until the others returned, luna should have simply done recon and reported the caves. Xan went to the coms and contacted Luna

" You are on your own retreat if you can " she said before cutting the connection Luna would be left alone perhaps now her zoid would learn if he was stupid Luna got hurt for it.

angelbim10 angelbim10
Luna immediately stops her zoid, she replies back "Yes ma'am" she soon heads back out back to the hanger. The fight hasn't really affected her yet so she had time, and she replies "Before you say anything, Blizzard heard the zoid okay? Its not his fault this time.......he was just trying to be helpful" She soon ends the communications on her end and goes to lose them so they wouldn't find the base

Karcen Karcen Lil Shirou Lil Shirou Shiyonichi Shiyonichi ChazGhost ChazGhost
Sora got some information from the junk dealer she talked to for exchange for all her junk parts that her team collected over there battles. It was one of the main reason she made Xan stay after battles they had. Her belief was why buy new parts when you can salvage parts for free. She manage to talk the dealer into giving the information first. What he said to Sora was that this group collected rare zoids to make them fight illegal matches until they are destroyed and there were rumors that they were experimenting on the damage zoid cores. As she left she notice that a group in black jackets and sun glasses were still following her and possibly Rex.

Sora return to the meeting spot to wait for Rex. Shadow had already arrived with a message from Edward about Luna finding where they are holding liger zero. " I maybe late there are people following me and possibly Rex in town. Tell Xan to prepare shadows sniper unit."

Karcen Karcen angelbim10 angelbim10 ChazGhost ChazGhost Shiyonichi Shiyonichi
"Oh, I like where this is going." Edward passed the message on to Xan about the sniper unit. "By the way they had some Helcats, so you may want to bring up your sensors. Now if you'll excuse me I've got sentry duty." Edwards tone turned close to that of Xan's usual Ice mask.

Illegal battles and treatment of Zoids like that, it was outrageous. Edward put his hand over his eyepatch, an old reminder of the time he was forced in to an illegal Zoid battle then clenched his fist around one of the handles in a silent rage. To distract himself from such thoughts, Edward pulled out a telescope and looked around for Luna and their little trouble maker from the cockpit of the Lightning Saix, which was circling around the Hover Cargo looking for any enemies that may pop out from the woods. Xan pretty much had him sit tight, but he owed them one, so he decided to do sentry duty and provide support fire if they need it. Of course, it was all clear this time like the last couple of times he checked. After the 5th rotation, he finally sneezed from the cold and messaged Luna for an update.

"Luna, how are you holding up?"
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Soon after entering the bar and after one or two drinks he began talking up a few women who entered the bar. After a while he got some information on some "tough guys" who come here regularly. They also mentioned that they bragged about zoids they caught, including a very hard to handle one they caught recently. After saying his goodbyes Rex headed to meeting point with Sora. When he got back he started noticing people in black jackets following him. "Sora, good to see you. Find out anything good?" Rex asked quietly before hearing the message. "Well... This is going to be bad if they follow her..." Rex added.
Lil Shirou Lil Shirou
"I an just arriving..... now" blizzard roars speaking of they're arrival. She gets out of the zoid, "Sorry again Xan and I shook them lose, they just ate dust" she sighs feeling a bit bad though "How is everyone else?" She asks
" The others will be here" Xan said her voice as cold as normal with only one other person knowing this was an act, though this was likely good because Xan was angry not at luna but at blizzard for putting both of them at risk. they were both valuable and she did not like risking anything of value to her. she didn't mind spending money that could be replaced and re earned but people could never be replaces.

" We must teach Blizzard control, zeal is all well and good but sometimes having the drop on others means there is less risk for all involved" Xan explained in her mind if the enemy had a hostage and knew you were coming they had just found a shield, while waiting a little bit might just save the hostage such a traumatic experience. " i also got Edward a zoid to use for a time" she said
Just as Xan said that, Edward finished his fifth rotation to make sure that no one had followed Luna home, The Lightning Saix walked into to the Hangerbay and slowly leaned down and layer on it's stomach and the head of the cheetah like Zoid opened up allowing Edward to safely climb out of the cockpit and walked to the others. Taking a stretch and taking a guess that Xan was chew out them out, he said to Luna and blizzard.

"What she means is we're glad you're okay."
Sora ever increasingly uncomfortable as more and more people were coming towards her and Rex. " just hop into shadow. I am suppose to take you to your zoid. Apparently they found Edward's zoid."
Just as Sora finished saying the group that been following her and Rex made their approach. Hey you two stop right there or we will shoot.

Sora runs towards shadow fox and jumps into the cockpit. " Looks like we over stayed our welcome Rex. Time for us to go!!!" Shadow then makes yepping sound, as if to confirm this.

Karcen Karcen angelbim10 angelbim10 ChazGhost ChazGhost Shiyonichi Shiyonichi
"We already found. Well I guess we..." Rex said a group men started shouting at them. "I agree. Lets get while the getting is good my dear mechanic" Rex said quickly running to and climb into Shadow Fox. "Hurry before they get something bigger then hand guns!" Rex said as the men running to Shadow Fox.
Lil Shirou Lil Shirou Karcen Karcen angelbim10 angelbim10 Shiyonichi Shiyonichi

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