Story Zero's and 1's


New Member
Reposted from Kathoran. Please note that I wrote this out of sheer boredom one night and have gotten to this. Criticism would be much appreciated. Also, this story is a work in progress, so I'll be posting in more from time to time.

"She lives in a world of 0's and 1's, I live in a world of cells and molecules. Is it wrong for me to harbour feelings for her?"

A shrill bell emanated from the corners of the passageway, students erupted from the wooden doors that lined each side. All rushed to their respective drab lockers, gray in pigment with very little individualism. I quickly opened my locker, adorned my crimson coat and emptied my books into my bag. Which from a point would seem as if the bag was being stretched to its limit, the brim nearly tearing at some parts. A voice barked out, I knew the tone of the voice and it made me fill with anger. "Hey Kizu!"

I angled my head to glimpse at his face, I felt a fist slam against my face. I stumbled back against my locker, before scowling at the attacker. "What do you want Dante?" I growled, my dominant hand clenching into a fist.

"What I always want! My homework finished and a good pay. As usual, ten dollars." He laughed.

When you get a glimpse at Dante Kel, he doesn't seem like a bad guy. But hey, appearances are deceiving. Half of the school knows him as a "pretentious two faced, back stabbing satanic parasite". And I agree, he's a parasite. Always commanding others to do his work, I'm not even sure why his little entourage follows him around, in fear of him or because they enjoy his sadist nature.

I reached for my pocket, pulling out a few thumb tip sized coins, which I placed in his hands. He glanced at the coins before his eyes refocused on me, he shoved two sheets of paper in my face, which I quickly took, crumpled and placed in my pocket. "Due next week. Better finish it."

He walked away, his footsteps reflecting his over-confident, egotistical personality. As soon as he turned corner down one of the corridors, I finished packing my bag and re-organizing myself, before exiting the school. The cold crisp air bit my exposed cheeks, I took in a deep breath before beginning my long trek home.

I live quite far away from my school, normally an hour walk in good conditions, the winter though... Fatigue would plague me during the cold months, I'm not sure why, but I assume it's a psychological condition related to cold weather. My footsteps crunched against the powdery white snow, I thought about how I ended up like this, a victim of "bullying" as some would call it. I assume it's because of my unusual favouring towards Japanese Culture, but everyone's got their own series of abnormalities.

I could finally see the glimpse of light emanating from the small neighbourhood I lived in. I sprinted towards my house, wanting to get inside to warm my already numbed body. The snow fell harder as my gloved hands reached for the keys, which I gingerly placed into the door lock. One click, and the door creaked open. I stepped inside, taking out the keys and shutting the door. I took off my boots and jacket before entering my abode, striding up the staircase and towards the one thing in this world that kept me sane. My computer.

I heard my parents arguing in the kitchen again, typical. I never believed any of them were right, as I heard their arguments before. Why waste time arguing over it, when they could both work towards a solution?

Upstairs I found peace in my room, a small little suite with a closet embedded in the wall, parallel to the window, the door adjacent to the closet. A small bed against the window with my trusty computer across the bed. I approached my computer, flicking the switch which turned both the screen and CPU on. After a few minutes I found myself and my hands fondling with the keyboard typing down a series of jargon onto the screen. I'm a programmer and I'm quite proud of that, often sharing my works with the online world.

"Dearest reader,

If you are reading this now it means you have already seen my program at work. To the untrained eye it will seem as if nothing happened. But to those who exist solely in the plane of 0's and 1's, they will finally have a conscious, they will (should) be able to... speak.


The Mobius."

I typed this down on my WordPad, as I would be presenting this program to the cyber-world. "The Mobius" is my alias online, in which many other programmers (and occasionally rivals) knew me for. The only thing left to do with my program was to test it, which I had only one thing I could test it on.

I remember that the Japanese singer I adored the most didn't even exist, at least not in this world, but the cyber-world. She is a program who goes by the name of "Hatsune Miku", a "vocaloid". A program designed to sing, and only to sing. I hope that if I were to merge this program with the vocaloid, I could give life to an AI, one with a beautiful singing voice.

The bold navy tinted pop-up appeared on my screen, with the words, "RUN PROGRAM. YES / NO" With great pride, my mouse hovered over to the yes key, and clicked. I took note of the time, 7:31 PM. So that I could record this accomplishment. My eyes scrutinized the glowing screen, nothing.

I slapped the monitor with my right hand, hoping for the event to take place. The screen remained there frozen, as if mocking me. "Work!" I screamed at the monitor, I didn't care if my parents heard me, they would turn back to their arguments a second after they heard my voice.

I stared intently at the screen, to no avail. I started to grow frustrated. 7:36 PM. Everything was working fine, my computer didn't freeze, nothing. Just that I expected the program to respond to me. Still nothing. I was getting desperate, smashing my hands over the keyboard with enough force to vent my anger, but still gentle enough not to smash the keys. My hands reached for the "On" button, but I was stopped. I heard a bell sound, something vaguely familiar to that of a doorbell.

I looked at the screen, a small program with blue outlines and a gray interior was centered on the screen. The words which were bolded in a bright Cyan tint,

"Hatsune Miku: Hello?"

I grinned, my hands making quick work to respond back to her.

"Kizu: Yes?"

"Hatsune Miku: Who are you?"

"Kizu: Someone."

"Hatsune Miku: Please answer me correctly."

"Kizu: Say I'm someone here to help you."

"Hatsune Miku: Then help me now."

Before I could respond back to her wanting to know what she meant by "Help me now," my computer froze. I was about to enter a tantrum of rage, but abruptly I noticed my screen slowly fading into a bright blue color, 1's and 0's streaming down the monitor. I could then feel my body being warped into the computer monitor, one by one as if I was pixelated. I didn't scream in terror, because I assumed that in all probabilities I and nobody else could do anything. I simply studied myself in curiosity as pixel after pixel glided towards my computer monitor.

Within a minute my existence in the real world disappeared, and this feeling of unknown overwhelmed me. I was in a literal, empty, black room. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything aside from my own breathing, I couldn't even feel anything. And by feel, I mean there was no floor, I was either A. falling down an endless pit or B. somehow hovering.

I attempted to pass the time by attempting to sleep. However I found it increasingly difficult to sleep without proper "ground" as I was still hovering. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours faded into eternity. Eventually I managed to drift into inertia, my body in a cradled position floating in the void of darkness.

* * *

I awoke possibly hours later, unsure of time as I had no watch nor did I know where I was still. I was relying on complete thought and "gut" as some people would say. As my vision cleared from my sleep, I realized I wasn't floating in a black void anymore. I was in a small blank room, around the size of a enlarged cube, a prison cell for comparison at best. What slightly frightened me was that each wall had a set of ten mirrors, each reflecting my posture at any angle.

Then I heard crying. Not the kind of crying you would hear from a psychotic insanity brimmed maniac, but the kind of crying which signified genuine agony and misery. I looked to my right, then my left to hope that I could find the source of this crying. I paid more attention to the voice that was sobbing, it sounded feminine. I approached the wall to my right which suddenly dematerialized as I approached it, what lay after it was a corridor, which was of decent length. I could see that at the end of the corridor, it split off into two separate passages.

I strode down the corridor with caution, unsure if something were to break, or jump out at me. I stopped at the split, deciding on which way I should go. Instinctively I wanted to go where the crying was, but from both passages the sound was of equal resonance. I spent the next few minutes lost in thought whether to take the left or right path. Immediately I was interrupted by an infernal screeching sound. Similar to the sound of nails screeching against a chalkboard, multiplied ten-fold. I could deduce that the sound was coming from behind me and I reluctantly glimpsed over my shoulder. From my vision, I could see this fog of a complete charred color, it seemed to spread over the walls gradually creeping towards me. I knew that I should start running.

I hastily took the left path and started off sprinting, hoping to get as much distance from whatever abomination lay back there. I leaned against one of the reflective walls, gasping for breath and wanting to rest my already fatigued and malnourished frame. I started to study the corridor I ran down, it was a singular path enclosed with a series of rectangular mirrors. Glancing at the back of the hallway, I saw the enshrouding entity approaching me once more. I cursed, before attempting to sprint away again. Except I couldn't.

I fell, this bout of pain spreading through my leg, reaching my thigh and approaching my waist. I could see that the aberration had managed to reach out in its mist like form and jabbed my right thigh. I was gritting my teeth, my eyes tearing from the pain. My eyes saw the creature, or whatever it was, was creeping slowly towards me, it enveloped to two walls and the ceiling which encompassed me. The mist which stretched over the walls slowly grasped at me. I could feel them tugging at my legs, attempting to broaden my legs to the point where they would be ripped off.

Something clutched tightly onto my right forearm. I angled my head so that I could glimpse at what was grabbing me. I could see that it was an arm, which by further study was feminine. I could perceive that by some paradox, the arm was reaching out of one of the mirrors, it quickly dragged me away from the black mist and into a new "dimension". I hit the ground, falling maybe five feet or so, my back took most of the impact. I reacted in pain, coughing as my organs were trembled in the fall. A violent hacking from my throat, my lungs strained from the lack of air.

My coughing became less violent, I managed to take in more oxygen with each passing breath. I was sitting up-right, my right leg bent up, my left relaxed on the ground. From my quandary I remembered that someone grabbed me. What was strange was that the hand emerged from the wall, yet the expanse I was in was... expansive. A massive landscape extending over rounded hills which were flourished with green fauna and the occasional tree. I knew I couldn't have been pulled out of the ground, as my initial impact would've been much less painful. As I continued to ponder, I sluggishly rotated my head to the left, faintly surprised at the woman lying on the ground.

She seemed unconscious, she wasn't dead as I could see that her chest was rising and falling every now and then. I felt a bit... perverted staring at her, not sure what I should do. I looked away, but couldn't help but scrutinize her further. Her silk, cyan pigmented hair which stretched to her ankles were strewn over the fauna inhabited ground. Her glowing face which was accompanied by her gentle closed eyes. I swiped those thoughts away and stood up, trying to see if there was any bearings in this mass expanse. I turned back to the Miku, she was still lapsed in inertia. I placed my hand on her bare shoulder, shaking her gently. She didn't seem to wake. I called her name softly, "H-Hatsune... Miku?"

I'm not sure why I did so... it just felt proper; even though I had no sense of social manners as I spent most of my life pried to a computer monitor and CPU. I called her name again, I didn't want to shake her further, in fear that I might arm her delicate frame, as I was unsure of how physics worked in this backwards dimension.

I continued to stare at her, madly infatuated with her physical beauty. But it soon came to my attention, "Where was I?" I hoped that when, if she did wake up, I could ask her. But for now, all I could do was wait. If this was some cheap western movie, I'd be carrying her in my arms, but this was reality-ish. I couldn't do such a thing as my shameful physical strength is below the norm compared to those in my school, not to mention my pathetic stamina; I doubt I could carry her for more than ten metres.

I turned away from her and went back to examine the green expanse. The sun if it was artificial or otherwise shone high in the sky, due to the lack of shade appearing from my figure and Miku, I could assume that it was noon. The skies which were a light blue pigment outlined the sun, the lack of clouds and planes further enhanced this "heavenly" feel.

I glanced back at Miku, to see that her eyes were just starting to open, as if she were a new-born baby. I moved back a few paces, wanting to give her some space. Once again, I was unsure on why I did so, only for the fact that it felt appropriate. Her cyan tinted eyes reflected in the sun's light, she blinked a few times before sitting up. She turned to me and said in a raspy voice, "I-I'm thirsty."

I looked at her half-confused, not knowing why she said this, I was about to ask her, but she interrupted me. "I'm starving as well, please... Do you have any food and water?"

Her voice, was chocked with dry air, not like how she normally sounded. I felt embarrassed, not having anything to give to her. I stood up and meekly beckoned for her to follow me, I prayed that wherever I was going, that there would be someplace for her to quench her thirst and quell her hunger.

My footsteps crunched against the plain grass, it was amazingly devoid of any kind of weeds and flowers; just a mass green expanse of grass. I continued to walk along, occasionally glancing back to Miku to see how she was coping. It was strange. She only knew me for a few minutes, and I was helping her. Why was I doing this?

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