Zero Tolerance (I need Rebels and Utonians, cool new idea)


Dragon Knight
This a science fiction RolePlay that takes place in the future, everyone in the world is now part machine wearing CyberSuits with mechanical enhancements in their bodies that allow them to have suped speed, enhanced strength, flamethrowers for hands, flight, magnetic powers. Anything scientifically plausible!

The world is ravaged by a war and thus set in a post apocalyptic world but with one utopian city built by a hero who helped end the war, but now is becoming paranoid and tyrannical.

You can play rebels, Utonians(loyal to the city and the evil lord), civillians or Trojans(people infected by a virus that turned them insane)

There are also robot troopers to serve as cannon fodder for you guys to have fun destroying. It will be fun and I have plenty of ideas and missions.

Join the struggle for the future of mankind!
Hey I'm still looking for some Rebels and Drifters to join in my RP, please feel free to join. Some of the other members have gone quiet...
This seems intresting but does a cyber suit need some reinforced energy or something? Like batteries. Gas? I'm just wondering.

It run's on a human's own natural energy, it taps into a human's own bio-electrical energy thus it's power source lasts as long as the human. That is not say Suits can't come with extra power sources for certain weapons or abilities or using a special jamming device or weapon a person's suit can't be temporarily drained and shut down in effect paralyzing the character.
I'll join as a Utonian Lieutenant later today. This Rp looks great. Science fiction utopian novels are some of my favorite books :D
Pyro, I really suggest you make this a one sided adventure. Inviting people to make Utonians (which are effectively the antagonist of the story) is a good way to stall the RP again. I'm all for showing off the dichotomy between good and evil, but I really suggest you focus on one faction at a time for now. Basically don't let people make Utonians, because unless you plan on ending the RP we overthrow Xi it's a moot point. The only difference between the Rebels and Utonians is that one is led by a mad-man. Once Xi's out of the picture the difference between Utonian and Rebel will disappear. Do you understand what I'm getting at? You're risking stalling the RP again, when all the people from Xi's side are going to be doing very little in actual roleplay.

I repeat, if you want the best chance at allowing this to succeed you're going to need to pick a side to focus on getting players to join.
I do agree one side needs to be focused on as at least the main side, however I don't not having any Utonians is also wrong. I have seen a few RPS where you play both the good sides and bad sides that work very well. I think it must simply be that Rebels outnumbered Utonians so maybe a simple rule that you must have a Rebel character first and you may only have a secondary Utonian character (temporary or not) afterwards.

That is something I have been considering for a while and you seem to add to my decision, but I'm still not sure about removing the chance to play Utonians completely. Not only does it allow for Utonians to become rebels, but as said it will be useful for when Xi does fall which I do have have plans for.

Also the main reason for the stall was not the number of Rebels or Utonians, but rather only one member posting against the main plot of the Behemoth. Tylar, everyone else hasn't done anything regardless of Rebels and Utonians. The people playing Gordon, Gust, Wolf and Drifter just stopped posting, some didn't even start and they were all Rebels, except for one who was nothing but they did not even start to post.. Even Drake who was posting for a while stopped.
I'll only try one more time. It's your RP and you can run it however you want. But those RPs where people played both sides of the coin were much different from what is being built here. The primary flaw in your plan is that you're already setting one side up for a fall, but at the same time making it nearly impossible to accomplish. I can tell you right now that you're not gonna run this effectively from both sides, the populations are too skewed. I have to wonder where you even intend to go with this RP, because these are the simple things that would be just as well left out. It's like you're focused more on trying to get people to make characters for your RP than on where the RP is headed.

IMO, if you MUST allow people to make Utonians, limit them to non-military positions. Because if they have any of the loyalty necessary to work their way to their Utonian positions, they are likely to be publicly executed when he falls. Then all you're doing is killing off PCs because their side lost. They could say that they were pretending the entire time they were under Xi, but that's called Meta-gaming and it's ******* despicable. Setting players against other players WILL end in tragedy.
That is definitely not where I am heading. I do have plans for the future which won't involve people being executed and who says I am setting up only one side to fall. There is lots to happen and the whole point is for people to choose either side and be able to fight with each other, and just because they worked with Xi doesn't mean they were necessarily evil. They simple did what they had to as loyal soldiers or truly do believe the Trojan threat is returning which may very well be the case.

It allows people to play different sides which is fun in an RP, but I am not disagreeing with your other points. I am in agreement the main focus of the RP for now needs to be on the Rebels and if people play Utonians while I say they can play military and fighting roles, these roles should be secondary to the Rebel roles for now. This story still has a lot to develop.

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