Zella's Characters ✿

self titled


Hi! ?

? Please do not post on this thread! It is strictly for my characters! However, if you would like to give feedback go ahead and PM me any time

? All of the CS layouts & characters are made by me! Please do not steal them!

? Some of the information on the CSs may change according to the roleplay.

?=Complete ?=WIP ?=Need to Revise (For characters that I'm not happy with)

Characters {Click picture to go to their CS}:


? Amelia Stratus

? Khalea Reynolds

? Jayne Francis

? Jesse Brooks St. Clair


? Tyler Dixon

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| Sexuality |


| Personality |

Amy is best known by her friends and family for being selfless and helpful to anyone in need. She loves to do volunteer work and often jumps at every opportunity that she gets. Although she spends most of her day socializing, she's sometimes awkward or uncomfortable when it comes to conversations with strangers or people that she doesn't know very well. Despite this, she still loves making new friends and is always open to any social event that she is invited to, as long as she's not busy. This comes into play with her dedication. When she makes plans, she will do everything in her power to make sure that she can carry through. She is often early for events or activities since she leaves early so that she won't be late.

Sometimes, Amy can be slightly oblivious. She has trouble understanding signs when people want her to go away or when she's being annoying, so if you're trying to communicate with her, it's best not to drop subtle hints but to be completely honest. This may be the result of her "air-headedness", as some people have called her. She is averagely intelligent, but sometimes misses obvious clues or has trouble understanding simple equations or problems. Sometimes when people are talking to her, she will maintain a blank look on her face and have to ask them to repeat what they just said.

| History |

Amelia Stratus was born on April 4th in Santa Barbara, California to a middle class family. She lived in a quaint beach house on Rincon Beach all her life with her two parents, an older brother named Oliver, and a younger sister named Macey. She was raised on what some people know as one of the best surfing beaches in the world. Not much happened in her childhood. She was very close with her siblings, sharing a mutual love for surfing, but they did have the occasional sibling bickers.

On her 16th birthday, Oliver--who was 19 at the time--took her out to the best part of the beach where the waves were the highest. She had never been allowed to go there before, but her parents had finally agreed to let her go as long as Oliver kept a close eye on her. That day, Oliver fell off his board and got caught under the water. He hit his head on a group of rocks under the water and drowned. Despite the terrible accident, Amy never stopped surfing and still loves it.


| Likes |

+ Surfing

+ Sweets

+ Theme Parks

+ Disney Movies

+ Big dogs

+ Acoustic Music

| Dislikes |

- Snobbish people

- Spicy foods

- Documentaries/Informational TV

- Dark Colors

- Celebrity gossip

- Boredom

| Hobbies |

x Surfing

x Watching movies

x Relaxing

x Playing guitar

x Jogging/running

x Reading

| Fears |

~ Drowning

~ Being lost at sea

~ Something bad happening to her family

~ Losing all friends

~ Horror movies

~ Airplanes

| Talents |

* Surfing

* Singing

* Acoustic Guitar

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red ;; physical, courage, strength, energy, survival


yellow ;; emotions, optimism, confidence, creativity


pink ;; spiritual, warmth, passion, truth, vision

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The Artist


Outlining the Masterpiece
"Art is like human nature. You start with a rough sketch. It's not the most important part, but it's necessary for the rest."

Name: Jayne Francis

Character Spot: "The Artist"

Age: 17

Gender: Female

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name jesse brooks st. clair

nicknames jess

age 17

gender male

sexuality homosexual (closeted)

ethnicity italian

race caucasian

height 5'11

weight 154lb

build slim, somewhat lean and lanky

hair color golden blonde

eye color brown

hair style messy, curly, medium length (slightly below ears)

clothing jesse's style is usually somewhat casual, often consisting of baggy jeans, a T-shirt or sweater, and converse. example one example two example three

personality jess is a very nice kid. he may not be the kind of person that you want to hang out with... maybe more like the person that your mother would want you to hang out with. he's usually reserved and shy rather than open and outgoing, but despite this, he is simply bursting with personality if you look close enough. people who spend enough time with him to get to know him would know that he has a unique sense of humor. also, if you ever wanted to know anything about comics or anything sci-fi, jess is your guy. he finds it much easier to socialize with people that he shares common interests. this may be part of the reason he's so close to his sister with their common interests in boyish activities.

it's hard to get him out of the house to do any social activities. he would rather sit in his room watching vintage movies and bidding online for classic batman comics than go to a raging party on a friday night. sometimes, though, you can convince him to go somewhere if you are very strategic with your case. jess's closeted homosexuality can sometimes cause him to be harsh toward those who he's interested in in attempts to hide the fact that he is in deed in love with them. he will either ignore them or act snobbish toward them. though, being quite snobbish is part of his personality. he was raised being taught that his family was better than everyone else's, therefore growing up with that mentality. he is very sensitive and will get very emotional, even at the slightest thing. it is difficult ot cheer him up when he feels down but it is possible if you know him well enough.


- comics

- sci-fi books / shows

- conventions

- post-apocalyptic stories/shows/etc

- the color mahogany

- classical music

- spending time with his sister

- video games

- travelling

- broadway shows

- dancing

- secret guilty pleasure for any audrey hepburn movie



- reality tv

- being ignored

- losing a friend

- being alone

- being rejected

- black coffee

- roller coasters

- cold weather

- exercise

- celebrity gossip/tabloids

relationships t.b.d. (pm me)


- water

- rejection

- being "outted" (someone finding out his secret)


- come out

- find "love"

- be on broadway


- hydrophobia

mental health besides being slightly overemotional, jesse is an average 18 year old boy. he has no mental health disorders.

physical health jesse has no physical health defects and is very healthy.

medication none

languages english, french

grade senior

occupation any theater job he can get a hold of (even if it means being an extra)

other theme song:

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name tyler dixon

nicknames none

age 18

gender male

sexuality heterosexual

ethnicity english

race caucasian

height 5'9"


weight 129lb

build slim, not muscular

hair color light brown

eye color brown

hair style messy, curly

clothing tyler's style mainly consists of something a bit classier than everyone else might be wearing. he frequents sweater-vests, dress pants, and classy shoes, yet he can occasionally be found in a plan T-shirt with an expensive coat.

personality ever since he was young, tyler has always been obsessed with all things film. his favorite movie since his childhood is silence of the lambs and, though he would love to direct any movie, his main goal is to direct a ground-breaking horror movie. if you were to categorize him, he would fall at an even distance somewhere between shy and outgoing. he is neither, though he probably leans more towards introvert. he doesn't have a problem with socialization, though he would rather sit inside on his laptop, researching something or other or blogging. he's always been a creative person, and he loves to blog or post on social media about his ideas for films that he has. he prefers to keep his online life separate from his real life, but if someone were to find his blog he wouldn't be humiliated. there is nothing online that he wouldn't say in real life. he's a very honest person--brutally honest--and will tell you anything you want to hear with no bias or sugarcoating.

sometimes his opinionated voice can get in the way of things or offend someone. he does feel guilty afterward and normally apologizes if he offends someone, but sometimes finds it hard to apologize if he's too embarrassed. he knows that if he ever wants to make in in the film industry, he must be shamelessly critical. most of his friends don't understand that, however, and think of his criticisms as hate. whenever he accidentally offends someone, he always gets very embarrassed. he is very easily embarrassed over anything as little as being late


- old films

- school

- tea

- winter

- the color blue

- directing

- going to movie theaters

- old-fashioned diners

- cats

- technology

- talking

- social media



- being forced to go outside

- bad quality movies

- slow wi-fi

- horses

- spicy foods

- feeling over/
under dressed

- overly-dramatic people

- heat

- meat

- heavy/loud music

relationships t.b.d. (pm me)


- not making it in the film business

- disappointing his parents

- losing his friends


- direct a hit film

- date "the star"

- graduate college


- none

mental health tyler's mental state is very healthy

physical health tyler, although gaining a bit of weight wouldn't hurt him, is moderately healthy when it comes to physical health

medication none

languages english, italian, some french

grade senior

occupation intern for an up-and-coming director

other theme song:


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