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Fantasy Zang's Unwanted Children {Still Accepting}


Cool Bat Saves the Ghouls

(physical age if you're from The Tubes)

Gender: (male, female, other (specify))

Origin: (The Tubes or Non-Human? *see Overview page)

Picture (optional): (art or photo)

Appearance/Personality: (at least a paragraph, can be less detailed if there's a pic)

Known History: (can be ignored if you're from The Tubes)

Abilities: (up to three abilities allowed, extra functioning body parts count as one (ex. usable wings for flight, but not something like a cat tail (unless you can whip people with, it I dunno, bro))

3/3 Tubes

3/5 Non-Human

When your app gets a like from moi, it's good to go!
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Age: Looks 24, is actually 2

Origin: The Tubes




Named lovingly after the genus of cattle (Bos taurus) and the species classification of an osprey (Pandion haliaetus) by the scientist who created her, she lives up to her name with her calm and tough, yet sharp personality.

She has light, soft brown hair down to the middle of her back and her wings are of a similar colour with flecks of white throughout, similar to a hawk's wings. She generally has an uninterested look on her face, but quietly listens to what people around her are saying. She has a knack for acquiring information and can make logical decisions, but tends to shut her emotions off.



Has a five-and-a-half-foot wing span coming out near her shoulder blades.


Along with tougher muscle fibers, her brain has a much higher tolerance for and can produce much higher quantities of adrenaline passively. Watch out for her in a crisis, an adrenaline rush for her would kill a normal human, so she'll be pretty scary! Note - her lungs are muscles too, ergo she can hold her breath for a long time.

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Amyst Pyth


Looks 19 truthfully 1 1/2 years



Picture (Not a Girl though His hair may look like it):


Appearance/Personality: (at least a paragraph, can be less detailed if there's a pic)

His hair is quite dark and he seems to hold more of an natural nature. Though his hair is about four inches long and a bit messy looking at times even though it does tend to curve towards the right side of his head. The messiness isn't really more than maybe two pieces of hair popping up. As mentioned later he has gills on the sides of his body aligning his ribs though they are small supporting only about three inches in length across each rib. Due to his somewhat smaller figure being that he is a quite tightly-knit boy with muscles interlaced around it. This giving him a slightly nimble yet strengthened look.

His name comes from the two animals he was clashed together to make The Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and the Indian Python (Python molurus) Though human DNA does come in handy when making something like him as well.

He is usually calm and some will see him as abnormal from how he acts. Since he doesn't exactly know how to use emotion he may use the wrong one in response to something. Which makes him odd, though he is very sensitive to most things including when people talk about his origin. Though usually he doesn't show many out of the way emotions he only shows happiness, sadness, and a very select amount of others... mainly since he hasn't been awoken to some of them.


Water Breathing

He has gills protruding from the sides of his ribs aligning them as though they were natural. This allows him to breath in liquids whenever necessary to do or whenever he truly feel like it. Due to this he's able to not only breath air and water due to the lungs and gills with an odd mixture of the two fibers. But it allows him to do quite a bit more down there too.

Infrared Vision

To see is simply one thing when you have the ability to see more things than normal people is where it becomes interesting. He has a third eyelid like the ones that some creatures use to protect their eyes from water. While his can double as a water shield with it he can see infrared frequencies which allows more detection for things around him than anyone would've guessed.
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Zeus Cutler


Physical Age: 18

Actual Age: 2

Origin: The Tubes

no slide
no slide no slide no slide

(I didn't know whether you wanted animated or RL pics)
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Krystal Sphyrna


Age: 18

Origin: Non-human


Krystal has dirty blonde hair with teal-dyed tips. She has several piercings and one tattoo on her left arm of a dream catcher. Though she likes to express herself through her physical appearance, her clothing is usually fairly simple. She prefers comfort over fashion and is often seen in a simple T-shirt or tank top and jeans.


Krystal is a day-dreamer, and tends to live inside of her head more often than not. She is also fiercely independent, and that combined with her love of the arts has resulted in her love for graffiti. She has spray painted many buildings in Zant, including an attempt to vandalize the governing office before she was stopped by the police. Her friends would probably describe her as fun and adventurous, but also very blunt and sometimes domineering.

Known History

Zang is the city where she was born, and where she spent her entire childhood. She left her parents' home as soon as she could at the age of 17 to roam the streets doing any odd jobs that she could. The steadiest work she has is as a painter for an advertising company. Some of the billboards seen around the city were painted by her. She currently lives in a small apartment complex.


Though she is unaware, the scientists who experimented on her at birth gave her a few unique abilities:


Probably the most commonly known animal that has electroreception is the shark, specifically the hammerhead. Krystal was given this ability at birth, meaning that she can sense electric fields of other animals and people. She senses these fields through pores called ampullae of Lorenzini, which are mistaken by others for freckles on her cheeks and nose. This ability allows her to sense when other beings are near, even if it's too dark to see or they are hidden behind a wall or other obstacle. Since she is unaware of her abilities, she's always assumed that either other people have this same 'sixth sense', or that it's always been coincidence that she sensed someone approaching even before she could see or hear them.


Krystal has always kept a slim figure, but she also has exceptionally large thighs and calves. She was genetically designed to have much more fast-twitch muscles than most people, making her a blindingly fast sprinter. The rest of her body can't keep up with her intense speed, however, so she can only run short distances. Perhaps it was this rare speed and ability to sense others' electric fields that led her to pursuing graffiti, and quite successfully at that. She is essentially built for remaining undetected by others, which she does very well.

(I hope this is all okay. Let me know if I accidentally added something that would impede on your vision of the story. It was really hard thinking of abilities that she'd be 'unaware' of growing up lol)

SeaBreezy said:

Krystal Sphyrna


Age: 18

Origin: Non-human


Krystal has dirty blonde hair with teal-dyed tips. She has several piercings and one tattoo on her left arm of a dream catcher. Though she likes to express herself through her physical appearance, her clothing is usually fairly simple. She prefers comfort over fashion and is often seen in a simple T-shirt or tank top and jeans.


Krystal is a day-dreamer, and tends to live inside of her head more often than not. She is also fiercely independent, and that combined with her love of the arts has resulted in her love for graffiti. She has spray painted many buildings in Zant, including an attempt to vandalize the governing office before she was stopped by the police. Her friends would probably describe her as fun and adventurous, but also very blunt and sometimes domineering.

Known History

Zang is the city where she was born, and where she spent her entire childhood. She left her parents' home as soon as she could at the age of 17 to roam the streets doing any odd jobs that she could. The steadiest work she has is as a painter for an advertising company. Some of the billboards seen around the city were painted by her. She currently lives in a small apartment complex.


Though she is unaware, the scientists who experimented on her at birth gave her a few unique abilities:


Probably the most commonly known animal that has electroreception is the shark, specifically the hammerhead. Krystal was given this ability at birth, meaning that she can sense electric fields of other animals and people. She senses these fields through pores called ampullae of Lorenzini, which are mistaken by others for freckles on her cheeks and nose. This ability allows her to sense when other beings are near, even if it's too dark to see or they are hidden behind a wall or other obstacle. Since she is unaware of her abilities, she's always assumed that either other people have this same 'sixth sense', or that it's always been coincidence that she sensed someone approaching even before she could see or hear them.


Krystal has always kept a slim figure, but she also has exceptionally large thighs and calves. She was genetically designed to have much more fast-twitch muscles than most people, making her a blindingly fast sprinter. The rest of her body can't keep up with her intense speed, however, so she can only run short distances. Perhaps it was this rare speed and ability to sense others' electric fields that led her to pursuing graffiti, and quite successfully at that. She is essentially built for remaining undetected by others, which she does very well.

(I hope this is all okay. Let me know if I accidentally added something that would impede on your vision of the story. It was really hard thinking of abilities that she'd be 'unaware' of growing up lol)

Everything's good! Yeah, I now realize that being unaware of certain abilities would be difficult. I might be able to tweak that slightly ^^

Name: Lana Font

Age: 10

Origin: Non-Human

Personality: Lana doesn't have the voice you think she would have, she actually sounds like a grown woman rather than an adult.(Puberty hit her like a fucking bullet) She also swears sometimes. Besides that, she is mostly friendly to people she likes or meets. She despises the fact that she was crossed with a spider and hates the people who made her like this. Oh btw, don't call her Spider-Girl......just don't.

Known History: Lana has been in the lab all her life, she doesn't remember the test but she doesn't care. She does not know about her powers...yet


Appendage Generation- Lana can generate extra body parts, such as arms, legs, mouths, eyes, etc., on herself at will. The process is painful though.

Supernatural Condition- Being a mixture of a human and spider. She is immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than normal human.(Ok, not smarter but you get what i'm saying right?)

Wallcrawling- Er...Do i really have to explain this one?
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/3d08b0fb522ba3f4ec3086ffcc55b16c.jpg.ec3e5aed8755e20b6af3c7801421f32e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/3d08b0fb522ba3f4ec3086ffcc55b16c.jpg.ec3e5aed8755e20b6af3c7801421f32e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wSHyXS0.jpg.83328d0254afddf871035db9dbc728e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wSHyXS0.jpg.83328d0254afddf871035db9dbc728e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Name: Katie/Kate Johnson

Age: 17

Origin: Non-Human:

Appearance: Short blue black hair, amber eyes, roughly 5'1, average build. Eyebrow bar and an industrial piercing. There a long scar on her back from the bottom of her neck, and stopping on her left hip.

Personality: Kate is a free spirit, she's fun, caring, and intelligent. At least, that's what she thinks she comes off as. People see her as a cold hearted person who doesn't care, which isn't true. She just doesn't let things bother her as much as they do other people. She's a little quick to anger though, so her kuckles are almost always bandaged.

Known History:
Kate's past is kind of a blur, nobody including herself, knows a lot about it. Zang has always been her home, and she thinks she grew up as a street kid. She doesn't remeber the experiments or anything, just knows that there's a reason she can turn into a shadow or turn her skin to metal. So, now she does deliveries for an underground company that pays well enough she can support herself.


Metal Mimicry:

Kate can turn her skin into different types of metal, but prefers iron or steel.

Shadow Mimicry:

She turns into a shadow to zip around. She likes to prank people while doing this.

Super Strength:

.... This one is self explanitory.



  • 3d08b0fb522ba3f4ec3086ffcc55b16c.jpg
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FireMaiden said:

Name: Katie/Kate Johnson

Age: 17

Origin: Non-Human:

Appearance: Short blue black hair, amber eyes, roughly 5'1, average build. Eyebrow bar and an industrial piercing. There a long scar on her back from the bottom of her neck, and stopping on her left hip.

Personality: Kate is a free spirit, she's fun, caring, and intelligent. At least, that's what she thinks she comes off as. People see her as a cold hearted person who doesn't care, which isn't true. She just doesn't let things bother her as much as they do other people. She's a little quick to anger though, so her kuckles are almost always bandaged.

Known History:
Kate's past is kind of a blur, nobody including herself, knows a lot about it. Zang has always been her home, and she thinks she grew up as a street kid. She doesn't remeber the experiments or anything, just knows that there's a reason she can turn into a shadow or turn her skin to metal. So, now she does deliveries for an underground company that pays well enough she can support herself.


Metal Mimicry:

Kate can turn her skin into different types of metal, but prefers iron or steel.

Shadow Mimicry:

She turns into a shadow to zip around. She likes to prank people while doing this.

Super Strength:

.... This one is self explanitory.

Everything here is good, however I'm a little worried that her abilities may be a bit over-powered. Do they have any drawbacks when being used?
Kenzimalija said:
Everything here is good, however I'm a little worried that her abilities may be a bit over-powered. Do they have any drawbacks when being used?
Yeah. She doesn't have a good control over her strength so she has to be very careful with everything. When she's in shadow mode, she can only move in areas where there's already shadow like an ally way or something. And after she turned to a metal, her skin will have a slight coloration as the metal she turned to, like she'll be a little grey.
FireMaiden said:
Yeah. She doesn't have a good control over her strength so she has to be very careful with everything. When she's in shadow mode, she can only move in areas where there's already shadow like an ally way or something. And after she turned to a metal, her skin will have a slight coloration as the metal she turned to, like she'll be a little grey.
Alright, the first two are good, but coupled with her strength, the metal mimicry still sounds like she could break almost anything...
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Kenzimalija said:
Alright, the first two are good, but coupled with her strength, the metal mimicry still sounds like she could break almost anything...
Ok, how about when she's metal her strength is that of a normal humans
FireMaiden said:
Ok, how about when she's metal her strength is that of a normal humans
Like her body converts muscle into metal; sounds awesome! Alright, you're good to go! Sorry for the hassle ^^'

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