Story Zakriih


The Ultimate Enigma

Zakriih is an ancient and powerful act of the inner voice of an Aexon. But very few Aexon can power this act...

Zakriih is when an Aexon mechanism powers it’s core with an electronic musical rhythm. These rhythms come in many tones and can differ the personalities of the Aexon wielding Zakriih. These rhythms (Or tones) include...

Electro - A genre of electronic music that originated in the early 1980s

Electro House - A form of house music

Drumstep - is a combination of drum and bass and dubstep

Darkstep - is characterized by fast drums and a general dark mood

Drum n’ Bass (DnB) - is a type of electronic music which emerged in England in the mid-1990s

Glitch Hop - is a style of electronic music that emerged in the late 1990s, where the deliberate use of glitch-based audio media, and other sonic artifacts, is a central concern

Techno - is a form of electronic dance music that emerged in Detroit, Michigan, in the United States during the mid-to-late 1980s.

And lastly, in which none wield at all...

Dubstep - is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in South London, England. It emerged in the late 1990s as a development within a lineage of related styles such as 2-step garage, broken beat, drum and bass, jungle, dub and reggae.

Powering Zakriih

This process is extremely difficult for an Aexon to act out if it is doing so for the first time. All Aexon have an inner core that regulates the temper, depression, and happiness of the organism. The brain, however, controls that core, making the brain still the supreme organ. The Core, or “Central Voice” is located deep in the chest of the Aexon mechanism, allowing sound waves to channel through special metallic “Gills” and the use of beating plates over the gills. Many plates, gills and paths lead to the surface and outside world of the organism to deliver the sound. But let’s get to the point... In order to power Zakriih, the Aexon must have a starting intro, or rhythm. For instance, in a song it builds up to the point where it goes into an anthem or climax in which the song was named for or what the tone of it is. In the Aexon, this is referred as the “Drop.” If the Aexon does NOT have an intro, and starts off to the hard beating of the Voice, then it is in extremely high chances that the Central Voice will overheat with power and explode. But that will most likely happen when the Aexon is Tempered, Excited, or Scared.

Organs/Types of Plates

Here is where and how the Aexon powers the Central Voice to create tones and Rhythms.

Like stated earlier, the Aexon use metallic plates and gills to channel and manipulate sounds on their chest area and back. Most openings are small areas, the larger ones are located on the breastplates of the mechanism.

Vocal Plates - These plates allow vocal sounds to come through, since they’re right below

the neck area. These plates usually only let out sounds from other known organisms’ vocal sounds. Usually roars in rituals or ceremonies from races that are known to the Aexon. These plates also allow heat to escape. These plates open like a garage, but facing upward toward the sky -- or wherever the Aexon may be...

Breastplates - The breastplates are the largest of all metallic plates that beat and pound to make what it sounds to be the Drums or “Beat”. These plates also control the amount of Bass and other main electronic “Wobbles”, “Buzzs” and other sounds of electronic tones. These plates open up like a door.


Upper Abdomen Plates - These work as the sub-plates for the breastplates. They’re a little smaller than the breastplates, but are just as important as the breastplates. When the breastplates are performing a drum beat, these plates channel out the electronic noise that the breastplates blocked out because of making the beat. It’s just like switching the direction of the train on the train tracks. And when the breastplates lift again, the Upper Abdomen Plates close and make backround noises, or if the “Song” is fast-paced, these plates help out the breastplates. These open up like a garage.


Side Plates - The side plates are located in between the Breastplates and Upper Abdomen Plates, more diagonally off to the side though. These plates make minor noise and channel out excess sounds. Occasionally, it will channel out heat from the Central Voice. They open the same way as the Upper Abdomen Plates.

Upper Scapula Plates - These plates are obviously located on the back, acting as the shoulder blades, though they aren’t connected to any limb. These plates are very important, just as important as the Breastplates. They act the same way as them, as well as the Upper Abdomen Plates; very important plates when it comes to fast paced tones, making beats when it needs too. These open diagonally. Almost like a door facing down diagonally.

Lower Scapula Plates - The Aexon have four arms, and the lower Scapula is also not connected to those arms. The Lower Scapula Plates are smaller in size but mimic the shape of the Upper Scapula Plates. They act as the sub-beat occasionally, but usually makes the snare.

Spinal Plates - There are four, small spinal plates on each side that hug the sides of the spinal cord that lead downward from the Lower Scapula Plates to the Tail. These plates allow heat to escape and are extremely crucial to noises like the snare, trap noises, clap noises, and possibly a “white noise”. The spinal plates open like garage doors.

Zephenn - The Prophet Beast

There is one powerful Prophet Beast named Zepenn. A Prophet Beast is an Aexon that lived long, long before time, predicting the ways of future races. There were three, but were struck down by evil that Zephenn supposively created on "accident". This evil is moving forward unto the Aexon's era. Most Prophet Beasts were seen as Gods, deities that were so powerful that they created the world. But remember, these beasts are the predictors and foreseers of time and space before it was unfolded. But Zephenn, he is an old, and ancient master of Zakriih and uses it for almost anything. Like most Aexon, they can master only one Rhythm. But Zephenn... Zephenn uses all... even the great and mysterious tone of Dubstep. Since Zephenn is an ancient warrior, Dubstep suits him perfectly, that is because dubstep is usually a fast-paced and harder rhythm, granting the ability of adrenaline and powerful blows.


Zakriih can grant abilities if the rhythm is strong and powerful enough. Generally if it is a fast-paced tone. These abilities can be...

Equalizer Shield - when the rhythm is strong enough, and the Zakriih is powerful, the Aexon can have the choice to power up a rhytmetic shield around them. This shield is seen when something makes contact with it, and when something does, dancing energetic filaments show and repel the object away, with a singeing touch to it.

Plasma blades - Under the Aexon’s control, the beast is allowed to summon superheated plasma blades on the upper limbs, including the lower arms.

Central Voice Beam - This weapon is very powerful. The chest opens up at the climax of a rhythm, and fires a deadly beam capable of burning through almost anything.

Enhanced Reflexes - This is noticeable as the underglow of the Aexon brightens, and their movements become as swift and agile as the wind.

But that’s not all, there are many more... But none of which any Aexon has mastered or known of. Not even Zephenn.

Thank you very much for reading my creative ideas for the Aexons' Capabilities! More to come!
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