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KillParis submitted a new role play. @KillParis, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Name: Arist, short for Aristocrat

History: Arist doesn't remember much from when she was a pup but her earliest memory was when she burnt her friends and family on accident. She didn't know how to control her powers as a pup and soon, after a fight with another's sibling, she let loose and created a forest fire. Without much else to do but run from the crime she'd committed Arist did just that, only to find herself in the death-trap most call Sleepy Hollow. She fair well in the world with her newly acquainted friend but how long can they go with this new threat shifting through their nightmares?

Personality: Arist is a little distant and doesn't talk much, only when spoken too, which is more than she would like. She's known to be cold but is an excellent scout for and her friend. She's can sneak up on anyone, or at least almost anyone, and is known to use the mist to her advantage. When you get to know her, she is loyal, but stubborn, and will follow anyone she comes to trust anywhere.

History: No one really knows where Arist came from but they know that before all of this she was a lone wolf, and a sneaky one at that. She would often steal food before she was accompanied by Ace who hunts for her, but she only acknowledges him as a friend.

Crush: She has none, she hasn't seen enough wolfs, barely any at that.

Mate: Passing wolves may think Ace to be her mate but he is nothing more than a friend.

Pups: Arist wouldn't bring little ones into this cruel world.

Age: She is of three years.

Powers: Aristocrat a a pyro, she can summon flames, bend them to her will, and the most noticable feature is her external body heat that fans out where ever she goes. It can be felt within eight feet of her.


Name: Ace

History: Ace was a lone wolf, this was before things went down. To this day he refuses to tell anyone why, however, he too ran into Sleepy

Hollow and without a way out walked for days on end, maybe months. Eventually he met Arist, he found her powers outstanding and he wanted to join her, when she tried to push him away Ace persisted, refusing to leave her side and soon deemed himself her best friend. Rather quickly he warmed up to her, and they turned out to be a rather well equipped pair. With Arist's fighting skills, and Ace's hunting, the duo seemed well set for the journey ahead, until now that is.

Personality: Ace is a ultimate dork, he loves to make lame jokes and do stupid actions that often makes Arist look the other way. However, when it comes to other wolves, Ace can become protective of his only friend and doesn't trust others easily. It's a wonder of why he chose Arist to get so close to.

Crush: Ace is too immature for that.

Mate: Same.

Pups: He wouldn't know what to do with them.

Age: Three years.

Powers: Ace is a necromancer, which surprises many because of his happy attitude. He can summon spirits to assist him, and he can talk to them. This is a dangerous power though, so he doesn't use it often. Instead, he like to use his other power, which consists of using the earth and bending it to his will.
Cooling thanks! :D  

Name: Una

Color of Una.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.0173acc80060a24b64b595d8543fc13f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.0173acc80060a24b64b595d8543fc13f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Female

Family: Sister of Tobias

History: Una and Tobias have always stuck together. Yet one day her father proposed that she would marry a male from a rival pack. She wanted to make her father happy, though as she was beginning to understand the male she would marry she came to realize that he was abusive. He beat her and always picked on her making horrible commits. The day of the marriage Tobias found out, angry as he was Una begged him not to hurt the male. So they left. Growing up together they left there formal pack searching for there own pack. As time grew she came to realize she had powers yet hers were different from her brother. Having the power of nature. And by that I mean she hears plants in her head. There basically apart of her family. They grow to her will and protect her when they think she is in danger. Una and Tobias entered Sleepy Hollow from about a a few weeks now, desperate for a way out. Yet at the same time this might be there new home.

Crush: none, she hasn't really met anyone

Body type of Una:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.1e347dc2fc08b843f68034c875a7a7b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.1e347dc2fc08b843f68034c875a7a7b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> View attachment 44677 View attachment 44678 in a while.

mate: None

Pups: none

Age: 2/1-2

Personality: she is very joyful no matter what happens. Kind, loving, and very caring, also goofy, and clumsy.

Powers: she can make nature grow by her will. She hears them in her head. They take care of her and she does the same to her self, and they protect her when they believe she is in harm.

Name: Tobias

Gender: Male

Family: Brother of Una

Crush: hasn't met any wolves for a while now, and no one internist him from his old pack, I guess he is waiting for the perfect one.

mate: None

Age: 3

History: Tobias has always been the same even as a pup. He is very protective, and with every battle or game that happened he won. Tobias was suppose to be the next alpha yet when he realized his sisters mate was abusive he went on a rampage, almost to the point where he was going to kill the male. Him and Una went off, to find a new pack and home.

Learn his story in the rp.

Personality: Serious, caring, strong, a really tall muscular wolf, huge compared to a normal wolf. Fast. Brave, loyal, kind to the ones he cares for. Sweet to the ones he cares for. Very protective.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.538035d623fe77e914c83c23f7b45546.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.538035d623fe77e914c83c23f7b45546.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> View attachment 44692

Powers: Tobias has the ability to control lightening and thunder. basically a whole storm. He can make it stop or let it rage on, maybe even contribute to it. Normally it acts out on his emotion. When he is happy the sky is calm, when he is sad, a light rain falls, when confused or in thought a summers wind/ when he is in a state of anger or rage a whole storm appears, lightening thunder everything. He can also make it happen at will. Yet thunder always appears when he is near.

all done :D



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Lol aww thanks! It's coolio, I like compliments so I'm all for them, your really nice too! :D

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Hey would you copy and past the link to your rp here please, a friend is trying to find it. Please :)

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Name: Pandora

History: Pandora came to live in sleepy hollow because she was outcasted from her own pack. Thrown into the unknown, no one thought she would survive yet she beat the odds. Pandora was able to get out of many fights using her emotion power. She came across Sleepy Hollow by accident and decided to stay at sleepy hollow.

Personality: Pandora can be calm most of the time. Though sometimes she can get a little wild when provoked.Her emotion power helps keep her emotions in check, but she is completely random at times.

Crush: None as of yet

Mate: None as of yet

Pups: None

Age: 3

Powers: Pandora can influence emotions. She can control how people feel. Thus this comes in handy a lot.
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.u. Lovely, I like Pandora's name! Just don't gt crazy with the controlling emotions power and she's a nice character! Accpeted.

P.S, I like your signature and yes you can edit her history later. 
Good good! We could start now or we could wait for Lyra to get her character up, choice is your guy's! c:
I think we should wait for her and then maybe, what do you all think?

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ThunderDire said:
I think we should wait for her and then maybe, what do you all think?
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If you'll wait I'll wait! I'm nocturnal on breaks so I won't be going anywhere for a while. xD
Name: Aeris



History: I don't have any idea yet, I am very sorry.

Personality: Aeris is a very calm wolf who only fights for what she thinks is good. She will never try to influence others. She knows a lot. When will never back down. She is very protective around younger wolves. She likes to talk with people when they talk to her first.

Crush: None

Mate: None

Pups: None

Age: 2 3/4

Power: Aeris can make snow fall at her own will. She haves a cold body temperature. When she walks ice appears on the ground. Sometimes it just depends of her emotions. If she's angy, be carefull! The snow storm is coming!
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