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Yuuz's Partner Search



I'm Yuuz. I've been roleplaying on-and-off for around eight years now, though I'm new to this site in particular. I'm not super-picky with rules and whatnot, but I do appreciate and expect proper grammar. I know that everyone screws up every once in a while, and I will, too, but for the sake of the roleplay, try and keep text talk out of it. I'm not incredibly picky with length of posts, and generally in roleplays I tend to match what the other person is giving me. I'm probably most comfortable with a solid 2-4 paragraph responses, though with dialogue between characters and whatnot, it's not realistic to expect it to be that long every time.

That being said, I've gotta say, I really do dislike one-liners and if I get too many of them, I'm liable to quit responding. There's just nothing to respond to that that point.

I like to play a male character, primarily, though I'm totally fine with doubling to keep things from growing stale.

What I'm looking for.

I'm looking to do some RPs with darker themes, so if you're one to get easily triggered or bothered by violence, abuse, yadda yadda, this probably isn't the best place to be. I don't really have any hard limits, but any that you might have, feel free to PM me about. Romance doesn't necessarily have to occur, but I'm not opposed to it, either. I'd rather that happen fluidly than trying to force it on the characters.

Anyways, plots/interests (will probably update this later):
Okay, well obviously not literally just a retelling of the book, but it would be a plot borrowing from it. Essentially, the idea is that a woman is introduced to a secret society by her lover. Through some convincing, she agrees to be sent away and trained to be a slave to any and all members of said society, at any hour of the day. As her training continues, the abuse and humiliation she's subjected to become increasingly harsh.

The time period and setting for this is pretty flexible.

There's been a rebellion! An entire revolution has rocked the kingdom following the demise of the greedy king. With the overthrowing of old nobility, the upper class has been rocked, and the royal family, torn asunder. Unfair rule over the poorer classes for decades left the peasants bloodthirsty for retribution. A bloody revolt followed, which did away with the entirety of the old royal family. The entirety, save for the king's daughter. The fair princess had been the only one spared from the bloodshed, though her fate wasn't all too much brighter. The new rulers of the kingdom had her locked away in a dungeon, kept as a tool and used an example for the lower class.

Destined to pay for her father's misdoings, the princess is regularly subjected to public humiliation. She's locked in pillories and whipped raw for the unwashed masses to jeer at. Paraded about in chains in a cruel display of victory over a government she had no control over, but was simply born into. The sole heiress to the kingdom once enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle, but now waits out her days and nights in a constant cycle of imprisonment and punishment.

Time period/setting for this one would most likely be medieval, though I guess fantasy could work as well.

Well this one is also a pretty loose idea for right now. It could be modern, fantasy, medieval, whatever time period or setting, really. The idea behind it is a kidnapping, but this could stem out from plenty of ways. It could be a noblewoman being kidnapped for a ransom, a girl during modern times being taken for ransom, a slaver with a new target in sight, you name it. I'm open to ideas about this one, so just let me know and we can work out a plot.
I'd love to role play the 'Story of O' with you! although I can't say I've read or heard of the book before, I'm also interested in Stolen away :)

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