Yurlocks Quest


Junior Member
Character sheet







*(can use a picture) Appearance:

(optional) Background:

(optional) Other's this Character knows:

* sections are REQUIRED

(NOTE): DO NOT LIE ABOUT ATTACK AND DEFENSE!! ROLL A 20 sided die to get the information. (if your caught in the lie of the stats, you will be banned and kicked from this rp.)


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( Alright, I finally got around to making a character...)

Name: Shayaka

Class: Is this the social ranking?... In that case, a healer by magics, or minor mage of mending/restoration/healing magic.

Sex (Gender): Feminine (Female)

Race: Kitsune (I can explain those to anyone who is curious.)

Attack: Literally 0.

Defense: I dunno... 1-2, probably 1.

Appearance: (Forgive me, I do not draw the best... But, this is a picture I tried to draw of Shayaka.)


(She's wearing a Japanese fox mask. I hear these masks represent an emotion, or feeling; Shayaka's is sorrow, or grief. She has two silvery fox tails, and silvery fox ears that often droop. She can hide her tail and ears using an illusion if she wants to look more human. She probably only stands about 5'0." Shayaka is pretty short, after all. )

Backround: There's not much to Shayaka's past. She was raised at an orphanage until she was 4, and then taken in by a family of minor divine mages/Priests. They raised her well, and taught her some in healing magics, herbs, and a few other divine magics. Seeing you considered an adult in medieval times around the age of 12-13, Shayaka was sent out on her own at the age pf 13. Which, is actually pretty common, concerning her time period. Shayaka is now about 15-16.

This character knows: How to treat wounds well, a few other divine/holy magics, and a few illusion spells that all kitsune seem to have; turning invisible, hiding her fox ears and tails. Oh, and she's able to morph into a silver two-tailed fox, as well as having some small amount of skill in stealth. Er, here's a picture of her fox form. Again, I drew it, but I'm not the best artist...


.: Extra :. (I had a bit more to say about this character, if that's ok?... )

Personality: Shayaka has always been cautious and shy, and rarely approaches anyone on her own. She's not one to take risks, often doing her best to avoid danger as much as she can. A cowardly thing, she'll only... Well, cower, if confronted or cornered in some way she cannot escape. With her lack of courage, she may become petrified upon first sight of sudden immense danger, and can often times faint if terrified enough. Shy, she almost never speaks, and has even been mistaken for a mute before because of it; but if frightened into talking, she'll tell you she isn't mute if you demand such a question. Yet, polite as she often is, she'll speak to say 'thank you,' or other such small words of good-nature. She is very respectful, and because in medieval times men were of a higher social rank than the women, she is likely to show even more respect to men. Not that she won't show respect to women, too. Shayaka seems to simply assume she's the lowest in social rank as things go, but truthfully, she's probably above your average peasant because of her minor skill in magic, and useful talents. As well as the fact that she was raised by priests, who (For what I know) have a relatively high rank. Pessimistic, she always assumes the worst will happen, or that everyone she accidentally bumps into will harshly scold her for it. Or, for another example, that every traveler she passes in the woods could be a bandit. She also never takes off her mask in public, and won't tell anyone why she wears it, for some reason. Probably just a 'kitsune thing'... She's very merciful and sympathetic, though, and has certainly been known to help wounded travelers, or anyone wounded, really... But, after helping them, she'll probably shy away, reluctant and modestly 'anti-social' as she is. She does not hold grudges, and can be very forgiving, but it submissive and does not like to argue or debate.

Romantic Affections For: None (Truth be told, I don't often do romance for my characters, so I'm unlikely -If possible at all.- to have her fall for anyone. Although, I may be coaxed into it if some character comes to like Shayaka in a romantic way, as I have been coaxed into it like that before... Don't expect her to like them back right away, though. More likely, it will cause her to avoid them. )

What this character does NOT know:

-She does not know how to simply say 'hi.'

-She does not know how to swim.

-She does not know any combat of any sort.

( Merp. Hope this is ok? )
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Name: Well, I'm not sure anyone knows, but those who know him just call him Bandit. Which, is a bit strange, seeing he kinda is a bandit...

Class: Rogue haraki, which means he's also a cannibal. Oh, and probably 'wanted' by the authorities for it.

Gender: Male

Race: Haraki (I'll explain these to anyone who is curious.)

Breed: Eura (European badger)

Attack: He has his fangs, his claws, large size, and a mace... Would this add up to 12 attack, possibly? Or am I under-estimating?

Defense: Again, he has his large size, but also his shield and armor. Would this be... 5, maybe? I have no idea of how to rate these things.

Appearance: (I drew it, but only a portrait... Not the most appealing picture, but then, this is Bandit when he's upset, or angered. And people never look their best when infuriated, yeh' know? But besides that, I couldn't draw him perfectly, because I'm pretty bad at art (At least I think. Not like I ever had art classes, after all.), and some of his fangs could stand to be sharper.)


(Yeahhhh... He's baring his teeth. I drew this portrait without his helmet and armor, though. Also note that he stands about 8'3", which is decently average for a Eura. I may draw a picture of him later in his armor, but for now, settle with this description: an ebony mace and one-handed shield, along with a set of steel armor and a helmet specially designed to be compatible with his muzzle.)

Backround: Bandit, as a child, lived with his family in a tribe of Eura, in the Poecatan meadows. (This may not make much sense, unless I've described my lore to you...) Unfortunately, this is also where Poecatan slave-traders look for slaves, in Poecata of course. And haraki, particularly larger badger-like breeds such as Eura, are particularly valued for their stature... I mean, surely a 8-foot-tall slave can do more work than your average 5-6 foot-tall human slave, right? Well, with the Eura being such a peaceful breed in tribes, there was little for them to defend themselves with, and thus they were bound and taken away, Bandit, his family, and his tribe. They were sold off to different masters, and poor Bandit never saw his family nor tribe again, being sent off to work on a farm that mainly focused on cattle, a sort of 'cattle ranch.' Now, cows are nice and docile and all, but... Not bulls. It was Bandit's job to tend to the cows, until he turned 10. Then it was Bandit's job to tend to the bulls, to put them in the barn every night, to saw off their horns (Which, do grow back.), and to retrain them in the stables when medical attention was being given to a cow. Why would they need to be retrained? Because bulls are very protective of cows. In fact, cattle kill more people than any other livestock, particularly bulls attacking those who they think are harming their cows, or cows thinking they're protecting calves. So, Bandit had quite a dangerous job, and even got a few nonfatal gorings before. But, he soon learned a bit on how to handle them, and though his hard life with the incorrect thoughts turned him bitter, it gave him experience, strength, and endurance. He escaped at the age of 15, and now lives in the forests far from Poecata, at 17 years of age. Meaning, he's only really been out on his own in the woods for 2 years. Although, he quickly picked up bad habits of cannibalism from other rogues...

This character knows: How to deal with aggressive and horned herbivorous animals.

.: Extra :. (As usual, I had more... )

Personality: Bandit is often snarky, and seemingly pitiless; but if you get to know him, he's friendly and decent. Also very loyal, but stubborn beyond all measures, and incredibly rebellious. He can occasionally be immature, and will certainly mock enemies, as well as throw very insulting... Insults. Like most masculines of medieval times, he tends to be of lenient with feminines, and surprisingly, won't attack or try to kill them. Unless of course, they try to kill, in which, by then he displays self-defense. He tends to be flirty too, having never been taught to act better, because he hadn't ever been around with his family and tribe for long enough... And, they don't really bother to teach slaves not to be flirty and whatnot. He also tends to be cuddly, but only if you let him. If you point a weapon at him, it's enough to discourage him from cuddling some poor feminine. (Flirty and cuddly is a personality not too new to me, but that still puts me out of my comfort zone, so I'm going to try it. First time I've brought a flirty and cuddly character to RpN, though.) Aggressive and competitive, his attitude towards males it more of an 'attack/eat first, talk/ask later.' He doesn't often smile without corrupt or flirtatious triggering, and has a twisted enjoyment in the pain or terror of others. He doesn't mind trying to make someone submit if he has no intentions of devouring them, and often finds enjoyment in that as well. He is intelligent, but not very witty with his words, and though he may try to argue, he's terrible at debating. Due to lack of social interaction, he's terrible socially awkward and unfriendly. He'll only really bother to greet, and seem 'friendly' in a flirty way, towards feminines he may consider relatively pretty. He may still spare children, though. He certainly has nothing against lying, and this makes him un-trustable. Well, he doesn't mind deceiving in other ways either, making him even more treacherous. Unpredictable and often bipolar, you can only be really certain of few things about him... Such as, he probably wants to eat you. His sanity is actually fine, though, and he's prone to raiding and stealing from houses when he gets the chance. Antagonist? Yes, but I hope he'll get better. He probably just needs a good friend of some sort to help him out...

Romantic Affections for: None (As usual, I'm not too interested in romance. I notice flirty male characters of mines often get irritable amounts of attention from feminine characters, and even though the character might not be displaying any sort of liking towards him, I have a feeling the narrator is seeking the attention for their character... So if Bandit is gonna be liking anyone, it will probably be a character of mine's.)

What Bandit does NOT know:

-How to decently groom and cleanse himself... Or in other words, to bathe.

-How to correctly treat a feminine if he wants their attention

(Ok, think that's it. I may want to change the attack and defense, once I know how to rate them.)
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