You've inspired me to do a webcomic in your style!


Junior Member
It's true! I've been following Keychain of Creation for a while, and

decided I really wanted to see if I could do something similar, and

it's been turning out very well! I want to continue it, so I was hoping

you might have some advice or something.

Thanks for the time, and sorry to hear about your arm. :(

edit: site's been updated!
"Mortals don't go 'clang'."

Bwahahahahaaah! Seems our pal's found an Alchemical! Time to haul it back to Heaven for an interrogation!
There's a horizontal scrollbar on the whole thing for me. Really annoying to read. Probably because I have a small monitor. Otherwise, I'm really glad there's another exalted comic out there. I'll read it with interest.
Yeah, wikispaces is not the best place to host the comic, but I don't have another place to put it at the moment. Thanks for taking a look! :)
Hmmmm, wikispaces is arguing with me. Since this is the main fan Exalted site, how would I go about applying to host it on patternspider?
you probably need to get up to a certain size first, to show you re dedicated and aren't going to just peter out some time. hosting a comic and then it dying feels like a slap in the face.
You need to work on your art. Yes, I said it. Having received that stinging slap in the face, you may now read why I think you should absolutely NOT give up on this, and DEFINITELY keep working at it.

I read the very first Keychain of Creation strip when Jukashi posted it on the Giant in the Playground forums. You wanna know what I thought then? "Cute; art needs work". Honestly, if I were reading through it for the first time, Mew Cai's appearance would have been the first real saving grace of the artwork (okay, Cluivnarihe is pretty cool too, but still). It's consistent, but it's still rough around the edges for a while.

Over the course of the next few hundred strips, Jukashi proceeded to push the limits of the stick style to the point where they absolutely burst. If I were asked to point out the most artistic strips I've ever read, Keychain would make the top 5. In fact, I can think of only one strip I'd rank above it, and that's Dresden Codak, which updates as frequently in a year as Keychain does in the average week.

So, yes, work on the art. Work on it because you can become amazing, and that's worth every second you spend on a drawing that somebody else wouldn't have. Art is important to comics (it's why they're not writing), so your strip will be funnier, more dramatic, and better in general if you work on it.
Brickwall said:
You need to work on your art. Yes, I said it. Having received that stinging slap in the face, you may now read why I think you should absolutely NOT give up on this, and DEFINITELY keep working at it.
I read the very first Keychain of Creation strip when Jukashi posted it on the Giant in the Playground forums. You wanna know what I thought then? "Cute; art needs work". Honestly, if I were reading through it for the first time, Mew Cai's appearance would have been the first real saving grace of the artwork (okay, Cluivnarihe is pretty cool too, but still). It's consistent, but it's still rough around the edges for a while.

Over the course of the next few hundred strips, Jukashi proceeded to push the limits of the stick style to the point where they absolutely burst. If I were asked to point out the most artistic strips I've ever read, Keychain would make the top 5. In fact, I can think of only one strip I'd rank above it, and that's Dresden Codak, which updates as frequently in a year as Keychain does in the average week.

So, yes, work on the art. Work on it because you can become amazing, and that's worth every second you spend on a drawing that somebody else wouldn't have. Art is important to comics (it's why they're not writing), so your strip will be funnier, more dramatic, and better in general if you work on it.
Haha, will do good sir, thank you! :)

Now, if you want to see a really beautiful webcomic + art stylistic change, head over to
Dragonmystic said:
Now, if you want to see a really beautiful webcomic + art stylistic change, head over to
That's #3 :wink: . It delivers astounding pieces with more frequency, but Jukashi has the merit of beating his own path (starting off from OotS, I suppose, but diverging quickly). That's got a lot of weight when it comes to talking about how artistic something is.
I think some Lunars have been missing their biology class(or botching a lot of Lore rolls to know how panthers look...)

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