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Fandom YouTuber rp


Cookie theif
Someone put together an rp where you role-play as YouTubers. I loved it! But it died too quickly! I search for peeps who would stick to it long term and we can get the fun rolling. Please people! This thing was awesome! Here's a link to the old one. https://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/55670/ I hope to change as little as possible, because I'm lazy. It's good enough anyway! If five people show interest, I'll make the new thread. But the more the better!

(EDIT: also, I claim Gavin Free.)
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pokemariofan64 said:
I wanna be a disgruntled Youtube commenter!
Sorry to burst your bubble but 1: the invitations are only sent to YouTubers. 2: the whole point of the vacation is to avoid commenters. :/

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