You're so cuuute... ARGH MY FACE


Junior Member
Posted on the WW blog thingy.


So what is the official story on non-human Exalts?
I think that's one of the Unconquered Sun's mice-dude heralds (I heard this on a board somewhere, so accuracy isn't a feature).

Basically Sol Invictus has two white mice who are both superpowered and his personal judges. If the mice decide a society is corrupt, then the Sun smites it with his ultimate personal deathplague. So basically, don't screw with those guys.

Edit: Addenum - aren't non-human Exalts Lunars?
Yes, that is a Mouse of the Sun, not a Solar. These were in 1E Creatures of the Wyld (though they're not, in fact, creatures of the Wyld).
Toloran said:
Thanqol said:
Edit: Addenum - aren't non-human Exalts Lunars?
I was mostly thinking of animals, beastmen, Dragon Lords, etc exalting as (for example) A Solar.
In my interpretation of Exalted, Dragon Kings and Beastmen can be Exalted into any flavor. Just happens less often because there are less of them. The Exaltation subsumes natural abilities, though, so a Solar Exalted DK is a Solar, not a Solar+DK. Racial abilities they can represent with mutations and so forth. The shards are equal-opportunity Exalters.

Your mileage may differ.
Dragon Kings can't be Exalted due to how their souls work. At least, they are too different from the human stock to be considered, I think. Beastmen and other such humanoids can be Exalted with a slight penalty, however.
Beastmen who don't have certain mutations (like Creature of Darkness-type ones, etc) can Exalt. However, innately magical beings such as Dragon Kings were never human, and it's explicitly stated that Exaltation was a gift to humanity, which helped them break out of the service of their Dragon King overlords.

He did say:

Thanqol said:
I did tag that as a houserule, but that's a topic for another thread.
He may be going against canon on this, but it is a house rule.

Hell, I allow Tough, Sturdy and Resilient (bigger and better than Sturdy) to be used as Mutations in my games and they were taken out of 2E.
Pretty much. It's a houserule - and because of the vastly lesser numbers of DK's to humans, there's maybe 1d6 active Exalted DK at best at a time. Basically the option is there, but it's not a big change to the setting.

There are interesting side effects when a human Solar starts getting flashbacks from a First Age Dragon King.

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