Other Your quotes.

“Children are dying." Lull nodded. "That's a succinct summary of humankind, I'd say. Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words.”

-Lull, Deadhouse Gates
"Don't put yourself above others when you care more about your image than your future."
Some quotable stuff I say:

"It's only cheating when the birdie gets in the crack." -When my best friend asks me if finding someone other than his partner atractive is cheating.

"Everyone's got a reason to do things. There aren't villains in the real world."
"We humans are the most powerful forces on Earth, how we use it depends on the individual."

"Sometimes we can't become our strongest until we are at our weakest point, when we have lost almost everything and need to find something."

"To change and develop, we must accept the failures we committed, the things left undone, and the burdens created."

"Look into the eyes of a dog and see the person you aspire to be, look into the eyes of a cat and see the person you really are."

"There are many things people doubt on, but doubting who you are should not be one."

"Would it be wrong to say that humans are selfish, social creatures?"

"Even if it may seem like an impossible task, struggle towards you dream. Find another way to achieve it."

"There are nice thoughts, but then there are kind actions. Anyone can be nice, but rather we should be kind."
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

As a student, it is a saying I quote often.
That and "It could've been worse."
"Hatred is only masked fear. Those who hate you are afraid of what you can become"
Sort of a mini-lesson here..

A little mantra-like phrase that I say is what is under my avatar to the left.
"Still a mirror."

I use this phrase throughout the day to recall a simple, yet profound fact about consciousness.
Consciousness (your subjective experience of the world) is like a mirror.
This is especially useful when dealing with emotions. You may be feeling angry, but you are not angry.
In this way, consciousness is like a mirror. A mirror may reflect different things that are put in front of it, but this does not change the fact that it is still a mirror. It is reflecting things, sure, but it's basic nature has not changed.
Realizing this, you can bring a measure of control over yourself and your emotions.
"I like to beat face with obscure decks so people start to realize that i actually know what i am doing"- me to my friend when they ask why i prefer to home brew my Magic the Gathering decks instead of net-deck them.

"I like to send inappropriate and random cards from various TCGs to my boyfriend because that is what love is"- me on why i needed a magic card that looked like a certain part of the male body.

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