Video Games Your Favorite Games Pre-2010


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Alright folks. Some of us are old enough to remember some of the games we played back in what I'm willing to call the industry's golden age. I'll start with a couple of my own favorites.

Halo 2, the OG, not the remaster. I will die on this hill. It's one of my top favorites for a REASON. Peak storytelling, incredible multiplayer for its time, and when put beside Combat Evolved, and later Halo 3? Okay Halo 3 is up there too, but you get my point. Bungie Era Halo. I loved the story, I loved the community, I loved the gameplay, I loved the multiplayer.

And then, you can hate on me for this if you want, Battlefield 2142, scifi, ice age setting, incredibly innovative game mode for its time, and an engaging progression line and gameplay loop. Entirely skill based!!!

These games raised a high bar, and sadly, the studios and publishers behind them have since fallen off and failed to meet that bar regularly. I miss these games.

What about you all though? What were your favorite games before 2010? What were your peak gaming memories?
Final Fantasy, especially 6, 7, 8.
ChronoTrigger, ChronoCross, Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears - best games with best music
Tales of series - it's quite a big one but had a lot of good games in there. I have particularly soft spot for Tales of Phantasia, Eternia and Vesperia
Star Ocean series - like Tales of, but in sci-fi. Also quite memorable games.

All those games are peak gaming memories for me and I wouldn't have become the person I am today without playing them. They left quite a big impression on me.
I'm an original Xbox girl, so: Crimson Skies, Splashdown, Red Dead Revolver, Gun, Star Wars: Battlefront I & II, Need For Speed: Carbon, Sonic Heroes, et cetera.

(Edit: )
Also, I neglected to mention Halo 1& 2, Crash Nitrocart, the 2 Lego Star Wars games, ATV Quad Power Racing 2, and others I can't think of now.

Oh, and on the NES and Sega Genesis:

(NES) Super Mario Bros. 3, Bible Adventures (this is a third party game I believe. It had three separate games in one, and in one of them, you play as Noah and collect all of the animals and bring them to the ark. It was neat. The different animals all act in their own special ways, so some of them are harder to catch), The Legend of Zelda (the golden cartridge version with the save function), Black Bass Fishing (I think that's the correct title), and Duck Hunt (because who doesn't love Duck Hunt. Zap-Zap!)

(Sega) Super Street Fighter 2: Championship Edition, Paper Boy 2, there was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game that I can't recall the title of, Risk, X-Men (though this game is impossibly difficult. My brother and I can't even beat it together, even using the level skipping cheats! It's co-op optional), and poss. a few more.
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Me going back to the good old days...

Ratchet & Clank (Specifically, 3)
Jak & Daxter (Specifically, 1 and 3)
Spy Fox
Putt Putt
The Simpsons Hit and Run
The Simpsons Game
The Sims 2: Castaway
The Nickolodeon Crossover games, the ones with spongebob and jimmy neutron and tak tak and stuff
Fossil Fighters! I still need to get champions for place even though it cost an arm and a leg but as a dino lover kid and still a dino lover I had way too much fun with this game, thanks to Jaiden animation and even and dinosaur people that can turn into Velociraptor for some reason! we don't talk about frontier, just skip that one.
Final Fantasy, especially 6, 7, 8.
ChronoTrigger, ChronoCross, Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears - best games with best music
Tales of series - it's quite a big one but had a lot of good games in there. I have particularly soft spot for Tales of Phantasia, Eternia and Vesperia
Star Ocean series - like Tales of, but in sci-fi. Also quite memorable games.

All those games are peak gaming memories for me and I wouldn't have become the person I am today without playing them. They left quite a big impression on me.
>> Chrono Trigger amd Final Fantasy are 6 are hands down my favorite. 👊
Point Blank, no not point blank from PS1 its a online game from indonesia that basically Second Rate Bootlegged CS 1.6 of FPS.
Devil May Cry games!!!!!!!!

All of the Legend of Spyro games

Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction and a Crack in Time

Lair (the game with the dragons).

Most of these are childhood favorites that are super special to me. However I got into DMC only like a couple years ago or something, but playing that game hHD a nostalgic feeling to it, precisely because it reminded me of Legend of Zelda TP, and because even playing it as an adult, I knew that it would have been so ccool to me as a kid and that it would have been a childhood fave.

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