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Realistic or Modern Young, Dumb, and Broke


Junior Member


Young, Dumb, and Broke

Set in the brutal, poverty-stricken world of South Side Chicago, this story centers on the struggles of young adults just trying to get by without guidance from their irresponsible and drunk parents. With help from each other and an array of street smarts, these kids are definitely going places (mostly prison.)

  • So this roleplay is obviously inspired by the television show Shameless, but it's easy to understand the dynamic of without having actually seen any of the show. I'm also aware that there have been a few other Shameless inspired role-plays on the site and I'm not claiming this as an original idea in any way.

Character Submissions
Soon To Come: NPC Info

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Xavier Sullivan



"Let's go, Sullivan."

Xavier had been up the entire night awaiting those words. He had tried to read the last chapters of 'The Bourne Ultimatum' but after staring at the same page for hours, he resolved to staring at the ceiling and listening for guard footsteps, wondering which one was going to announce his freedom. Around ten o'clock, it finally came in the shape of a short but muscular man that went by the name of 'Paco' around the joint. The reason of which Xavier did not know or wonder. A walk down the dingy hallway and a change into street clothes later, he was standing at the entrance of Cook County Jail considering how he was going to get home. No one was around to pick Xavier up and that was half because he hadn't told anyone of his release and half because the only people that would care were probably in school right now.

Paco wished Xavier a happy life and the heavy doors slammed closed behind him, leaving Xavier to take in his surroundings alone. For the first time in a year he was able to walk free yet he had no where to go. If he returned to the Sullivan house during school hours, he'd be alone with Chris and Toya. So instead, he stopped at the closest fill station to buy cigarettes and bum a phone. A cig in one hand and a strangers cell in the other, he called Quintin Washington and asked for a ride, waiting outside until his boss picked him up. Q dropped him off at the Washington residence and had to bounce, so Xavier spent the next several hours smoking weed, watching cartoons, and cleaning out Q's refrigerator while he planned his next move. As much as he wanted to walk back into his house and send Chris to the hospital, he needed a place to stay. Q's house was out of the question because Anthony hated Xavier, so for now it seemed that Xavier would have to tolerate his parents.

When the clock crept closer to the local high schools release time, Xavier abandoned his half-eaten bowl of cereal in the sink and wiped his mouth on his sleeve to leave the Washington residence and head down the street towards his own, this way if a fight did end up breaking out, at least Emilia and Kamron would be there soon to calm things down. The front porch was littered with junk as usual, and the dogs snarling from inside the screen door climbed over each other to get a good look at the intruder, all turning to excitable puppies when Xavier stepped inside and bent down to greet them. A quick glance around the crowded living room told him that not much had changed here, and he patted the dogs on their heads before continuing through the house, and stopping in the bedroom that he shared with Kamron.

Toya was on his twin mattress, spreading a fitted sheet across the edges of it. Xavier cleared his throat and she craned her neck to see him, immediately flopping over and out of the bed when their eyes met. He could have sworn he saw her sunken features fill with sadness as she sobbed and ran into his arms, but Toya was a wonderful actress, he learned that young. He let her snot all over him for a while, standing stiff in the middle of his bedroom with the short woman hanging from his waste slobbering about how much she had missed him. He was certain it was his income she missed, and not her actual son but that was beside the point. "I'm here to see Kam and Em." He said in a deadpan tone, staring at her with a blank expression until she got the point and sauntered out of his room, leaving the bed unmade. When he noticed it was about time for the bus to drop the neighborhood kids off, he left the room as well to wait outside and surprise his siblings, leaning against the chain link fence lining the front yard.

Emilia Sullivan
Tags: Entropy Entropy

Emilia spent the morning with her head buried in her books so she didn't have to speak to anyone. She didn't really even have any work to do as she had finished it all the night before. She was mildly tipsy by lunchtime and her 'water' bottle was just over half full. She was anxious, her hands wouldn't stop shaking unless she clamped them shut tightly. She should put the vodka away before somebody noticed. She got a little more vocal when she was drunk, and so she usually only let her get herself to that stage when she was in a place all by herself. The day couldn't move any slower. Homeroom had just begun and it already felt like she'd been at school for hours. Home wouldn't be much better though. Looking at her father and mother actually made her feel physically ill. They were no longer people to her, just symbols of all of her balled up hatred and anger. She did not think of them like people, she certainly did not think of them like family. Everyday she hoped to see Xavier again at home. She could only imagine the tension it would bring back into the family again though. In all the time he'd been away she'd felt more alone than ever before, despite her natural independence. Her little brother was there, of course. Kim must be feeling the same way. Em predicted that one day her father would probably end up dead at the hands of one of them. Certainly none of the three would ever help them out of poverty once they'd established themselves in this world.

The classes came and went and Emilia kept on sipping away at the liquor in her water bottle. She popped another mint in her mouth whenever she walked into another classroom so that no one could smell it on her breath. Her teachers liked her because she seemed to care about their lessons, and she didn't want to ruin that and lose their respect. You never knew when something like that could benefit you later in life. She was especially hoping one of them would write her a good reference at the end of the school year so that she could get the hell out of there.

Emilia got through about half the day without having to have a conversation with any of her classmates, but alas, ever since people got wind that her brother was in jail, they'd been getting a bit bolder. There were a group of them, all boys, crowding round her in the hallway as she headed for the library as usual. "Hey Emi~" One boy with a stupid look on his chubby face chimed in, matching her walking pace. Em stopped, and looked at him, tilting her head slightly "Yes?" She asked simply. A tall tattooed skinhead appeared on her left flank with a grin "I enjoyed your show last night." Emilia's heart sunk a little in her chest whenever somebody said that to her, but she wasn't exactly a stranger to those words. "Thanks for letting me know." Her words didn't sound sarcastic, just lifeless. "Hows your brother?" Said the third guy - a Latino, quite attractive but he made her skin crawl when he spoke. "Alive." She said simply. "Did you three want something?" She asked them. They all shared a look together, and she had no idea what it meant. Then, without answering her question they began to walk off again. She thought she was free as she turned to go out of her way to walk in the other direction, but the latino's voice met her ear's one last time before they disappeared into the crowd "See you tonight, sugar"

Emilia shuddered and her hands shook so bad that she had to pinch herself as hard as she could to hold in the growing panicked feeling burning up her chest. She couldn't face school, she didn't want to go to the rest of her classes, she wanted to find somewhere secluded and drink herself into a stupor and put it all on the back burner to be dealt with later, but she didn't. The rest of her day was a blur. Her teachers had to say her name multiple times to get her attention, she didn't write anything in her notebooks in any of her classes, and she drank another quarter of her bottle. When Emilia finally boarded the school bus she was swaying as she walked and her head was spinning like a merry-go-round. If Kam noticed, he knew there was no point in mentioning it. He did however take away her water bottle when she wasn't looking. Dick move.

She got off at her stop and nearly fell over when she saw the young man there to greet her. She didn't want to run because she might fall over and she had to hide the fact that she was going on past 'tipsy' now. She walked as straight as she could and eventually got to where he was standing. It still have her a slight panic attack to hug her brothers despite her absolute trust and love for them, but this time she felt none of that at all as she threw her arms around him. She leant on him a little, letting him support her weight. Her head was cloudy and she didn't have any words to say right away, she just wanted to enjoy the moment. She pulled back, wanting to just look at his face, as if checking he was really there "It's about time." She told him, trying damn hard not to slur. "Sam was starting to lose sleep" She let out a chuckle that sounded more like a sob.


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