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You want pairings? I totally have some pairings.

Scoutmaster NightMan

Fighter of the Dayman
Ayyy! How are you people? Good? I hope so. I have some pairings that I would like to do, and some plots. First just some things you should know.

- If you could write at least a paragraph that would be awesome.

- No text talk while rping. (Unless they're actually texting someone of course) It can be confusing and I would just rather you use proper grammar, spelling, etc.

- I'll do any gender pairing MxM, FxM, and FxF

- I live in Tokyo and sometimes get busy, so sometimes I only respond once a day. This also means that it's chill if you do the same. I'm not a big fast rp person anyway. I need time to think out my posts and ideas and stuff.

- Last thing, if we're doing a rp and you get bored, tell me. It's likely that I'm bored as well. So we can start something new, or figure out how to make it more interesting. And if you don't want to rp anymore, no worries, just let me know and I wont be mad or anything.

So on to pairings now, I don't normally do fandom stuff, but I'll do things based off of book/ movie plots.

# means I have an idea for a plot.

Supernatural Ideas--

Person with powers x Person with powers #

Ghost x Human #

Mermaid x Pirate

Exiled Angel x Human #

Exiled Angel x Angel

Exiled Angel x Demon

Demon x Human

Guardian Angel x Human #

Werewolf x Human #

Vampire slayer x Vampire (Probably like a Buffy x Spike or Angel style)

Person from the past x Person from modern times

Slightly More Realistic Ideas-- (these are a bit more vague)

Something with cowboys, like Butch Cassidy and Sundance style

Murderer x Detective (this one is a bit of a stretch, but I could probably work it)

Zombie Apocalypse something maybe

Something with crime, like the mafia.

Assassin x Mercenary

So, that's what I've got rn. If anyone had other ideas they would like to try, just ask and I'll see what I can do. Feel free to post here or pm me.

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May I ask what sorta plot you had for Werewolf x Human?

I've had a craving lately for werewoofs.
There's a few possible plots for that one, it really depends on the kind of werewolf you want to rp and if you want it to be darker or lighter.

Like if you want them to just turn into wolves, I had an idea where a human goes into the woods and happens to see a werewolf change. And then they kind of stalk them and confront them about it. Maybe some misadventures ensue.

One that I've done before is, the human has been recently bit by a werewolf and they have to cope with that, and the werewolf character decides to help them.

Another one that's a bit lighter and uses a little bit different lore would be something like, the human character adopts a wolf hybrid from the pound and are very surprised to find out that what they adopted wasn't a dog, but a werewolf. (but that one is just kind of a funny one I was talking about with my friend earlier.

If you wanted to do the more humanoid kind of werewolf I would have to figure out a plot for that one.

And if you don't like any of the ones I have, I'm sure I can come up with some more and, of course, I'm willing to do any kind of plot you have in mind as well.
I personally do like the humanoid werewolves (But I'd definitely be willing to try new things). It could be a combination of the first and second idea you listed? The human sees the werewolf in the forest, they get bitten, add some confrontation and stalking, and finally there's that agreement to help the human out?
Sure, that sounds good to me, and the werewolf can be humanoid if you want to do it that way. I'm guessing you want to be the werewolf, right? (Which is fine with me) Also, would you like to do a pm, or a thread?
That's what I was thinking, though I was about to ask if you had a preference as to who you played, haha!

I prefer PM if that's okay with you.
Exiled Angel x Human

M x F

If your OK with playing male you can be the Exiled angel....I was planning on being a human girl, if you don't mind
OhFallenMars said:
I like
Powers X Powers

Ghost X Human

Exiled Angel X Human
okay, I'll send you a pm.

[QUOTE="Wild Born]Exiled Angel x Human
M x F

If your OK with playing male you can be the Exiled angel....I was planning on being a human girl, if you don't mind

Sure, do you want to do a thread or pm for it?


amybri18 said:
I'd like to do a vampire slayer x vampire, with me being a vampire.
sure, thread or pm?
I am interested in the "person from the past x person from the future" pairings. I have a few ideas for that one off the bat!
amybri18 said:
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Thread

Okay, could you both create a thread and send a link, I'm on my phone right now so it's kind of difficult for me.

RosefromtheRiver said:
I am interested in the "person from the past x person from the future" pairings. I have a few ideas for that one off the bat!
Awesome, do you want me to send you a pm?
[QUOTE="Scoutmaster NightMan]Okay, could you both create a thread and send a link, I'm on my phone right now so it's kind of difficult for me.
Awesome, do you want me to send you a pm?

It's kinda difficult for me as well because I'm on my tablet, and I can't get on my laptop because it broke. I'm not getting a new one till the beginning of October. Sorry!
[QUOTE="Scoutmaster NightMan]Okay, no problem, I'll be at my computer in a little bit so I'll create a thread then and send you the link.

Thanks! :)
[QUOTE="Scoutmaster NightMan]Okay, could you both create a thread and send a link, I'm on my phone right now so it's kind of difficult for me.
Awesome, do you want me to send you a pm?

I'll send you one. Just give me a few.
PastelGalaxyPrincess said:
I would love to do a Vampire slayer x Vampire.
[ I was a massive Angel fan back in the day. ^^ ]
YESS! Angel is my bae!! I mean, I love spike but I love him in a different way. So do you want me to make a thread or do a pm?
Hello there! If you're still looking, I'm interested in some of your pairing ideas up there. Of course we can work to flesh out plots if you've got a particular inkling:

* Ghost x Human

* Werewolf x Human

* Westerns (...for the win! I'd love to do something like this, I'd even be open to crossover with the other pairings as well. ^^)

Have you ever done Vampire x Werewolf? Or rather, would you be interested in something like that? lol

Thanks for considering!

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