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Fandom .| "you think you're winning but check-mate!" | plotted, long-term HP next-gen. [Open/Interest]

c h a n a

Junior Member
Lemme know if you guys are interested in this! It's an idea that just appeared recently and I think it would be super fun if done right.

The plot would follow the events after Cursed Child. Albus and Scorpius enter their 5th year and all seems well. At the Ministry, Hermione, Minister for Magic herself begins to act strangely. She's putting out restrictions on those below her, making ridiculous laws, manipulating those around her, and generally just being a jerk. Of course, this isn't the Hermione we know. Harry and Ron step in and try to figure out what's wrong, hopefully to mediate this difficult personality change (??), while also trying to keep the craziness away from public eye. Eventually ministry employees start quitting. Some even go so far as to threaten to overthrow her position if Hermione doesn't shape up.

By this point much of british wizarding society is aware of what's going on, including the kiddos. This is where the fun begins.

|| Act i . The Search
rose granger-weasley, desperate to find a solution to her mother's predicament, begins research in an unlikely place. after exhausting every book about magical maladies in the Hogwarts library she makes an escape plan with albus and scorpius to find one of the greatest healers of their time. the thing is, the man they're looking for was accused of malpractice half a decade ago after an accident with a patient, and was fired from his position at st. mungo's. now he lives secluded, far from those who'd like to hurt him for what he supposedly did. if you haven't figured it out yet this man is largely considered dangerous, but Rose is convinced he's the one to talk to. she's fairly certain her mother is infected with some sort of virus; a malady of dark origin. possibly even one that's reappeared from centuries ago. it seems only natural that such a talented wizard would not only know about it, but have a cure, too. how their meeting with the mystery individual plays out is up to us as players, as well as how they manage to escape the Hogwarts grounds undetected.

》 each act will focus on one character to move the plot forward. for example, rose is the main for act i. there will be a set main character for each act, but that doesn't mean you can't play a side character, or one of the parents. as-needed charas will also be up for grabs.

.| Act ii . Progression
rose has been succesful in some way regarding her meeting with the healer, but unfortunately scorpius has been injured on the way back to Hogwarts. to make matters worse, they've made a mistake in navigating back to school and it's left them stranded in an unfamiliar and definitely dangerous forest. the trio are losing sight of their main goal and conflict arises. by some stroke of luck they are found and helped by a couple of centaurs. their arrival at hogwarts it met by their parents-- absolutely furious-- and replaced with concern for the injured one. scorp's condition has worsened. a now infected wound has left him bedridden and unable to continue the search with his friends-- but maybe he can help in another way. scorpius is the main character for this act, and he's finally making his mark. because of his father's affiliation with dark magic (previous) he knows a bit about what may be infecting hermione. those old scary stories weren't for nothing. by the way, it's spreading, and scorp is next. before he can pry any more information from his father the boy is overtaken with mood swings, a bad attitude, and becomes a very different scorpius than usual. albus and rose use what they know now to dig deeper. they believe the personality changes are due to a long-dormant virus that exists in the dna of all wizardkind. it activates every thousand years or so, and legends (thanks draco) say that it wiped out half of england's population before being vanquished by a long forgotten magical artifact.

.| Act iii . WIP my brain tired

》 with scorp being down for the count after act ii, there will be a spot opening for not only act iii's main character, but a third member in the trio to replace him. likely candidates are james potter, hugo weasley, or lily potter.

** This is a BIG WIP so development obv will be slow!

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