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Reigning Monarch

Never give up your crown to anybody.
a royal decree!
  • 01
    about me
    Hello, I'm Reigning Monarch! I don't really have a shortened version of that I like to go by, so feel free to shorten it any way you wish.

    I am a 31-year-old writer who goes by they/them pronouns and have been writing for a decade or so. Started off writing in chat rooms before moving to forums and it's safe to say that I know my way around the written world a bit. I am a casual to an advanced writer, who is capable of writing 400 or more words per post. I don't ask partners to mirror my length but just to give me something to respond to. Please no one-liners.

    I write both male and female characters only and enjoy mxf and mxm pairings the most. While I do enjoy writing male characters, if I find myself writing too many, I will place a cap on writing males. I also don't mind writing canon or original characters either. If we're going to write out character sheets, for one-on-one roleplays, I only do small, basic ones.

    I will only write solely through the threads on RPNation, so please do not ask me to write in private messages or discord because the answer will be an immediate no. Private messages will serve as plotting purposes only. I will not give out my discord until we've been writing for quite some time. Speaking of which, I am seeking long-term partners only.

    I am okay with writing mature themes but keeping it in line with the site rules. With this being said, I will only write with 18+ writers. Sorry, but this is for my own comfort.

    I only write in the following genres: Modern, Medieval, Supernatural, Crime, Drama, Romance, and Fandom. Speaking of Fandoms, look at a later tab for the ones that I am currently invested in.
coded by natasha.
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