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Realistic or Modern You Know Nothing (MxM)


Yiling Patriarch
All characters are (18)+
Tags: Modern, Romance, Assassin’s, Supernatural
Pairings: MxM
I would really like my RP partners to write somewhere between 3-6 paragraphs, or 300+ words. I also prefer writing in 3rd person. No offense to anyone who identifies or enjoys 1st or otherwise, I just get extremely confused when trying to write or read in that POV.


YC was the eldest prodigal son of his family, the Morselli Assassination Organization. He was raised within a family of generations of assassin’s, the most likely to take over as head of the #1 assassin organization. However, one day YC’s Father brought a young man home, declaring him his new Heir and the one who’d take over the family’s assassin group.

This newcomer is MC and he showed a talent for hunting his prey, efficiently killing, and even torturing information out of the enemy from the get-go. He never spoke unless given permission from YC’s Father and there were strict rules given to the rest of the family to not interact with him. It upset the family power balance; with YC’s Mother protesting Heirship being given to a complete stranger and YC lost and angry for being usurped out of nowhere.

All of this began when our character’s were 10-years-old. At 18 MC was sent away for some school or whatever- YC’s Father refuses to give details, but not at 21 MC has returned and one by one challenged and beaten all other Assassin Organizations. YC Father’s then announced him as Head of the Assassin Organization that the family ran before he stepped back.MC promptly demoted all other members and brought in three strangers, who turned out to be very good at killing. He also renamed the Organization to Crimson Council and to everyone’s shock, invited YC to speak with him privately. Why? No one knows, but YC’s Mother is worried about MC killing him to make sure he can’t try to start a rebellion. Either way, YC’s Father told him to go to the meeting.

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