Yingko, Illuminated Shadow [A Missing Flame]


New Member
Name: Yingko, Illuminated Shadow

Solar, Night Caste

A former member of the Tepet Legions and a survivor of the House's ruinous campaign against the Icewalkers, this newly exalted Solar was a shell of a man after seeing the waste of life at the hands of the inept leaders. Weary of duty and servitude and tramuatized by war, the Solar deserted and hid himself away in the Threshold, eventually rising to power as Shiwan Khan, a brutal warlord and opium producer in the Scavenger Lands. A crude understanding of his Solar abilities allowed Shiwan to ruthlessly stamp out his rivals. Ironically, much his former Tepet overlords, Shiwan had a disregard for the lives of his solders and followers and led an opulent lifestyle.

Then one night, he was kidnapped out of his own bed by unknown assailants who dragged him to what looked like a barren cliff in the Marukan mountains. Thinking that his kidnappers brought him out to this remote cliff to throw him over, Shiwan instead saw an ancient First Age monastery that shimmered into view.

He was bought before who he thought was an Immaculate Monk, a man shaved and in dressed in simple robes who called himself Illuminated Tuklu. Shiwan threatened the monk, asking him if he had any idea who he just kidnapped. The monk replied back with his true name, Tepet Yingko. Surprised that this stranger knew his real name, he was even more surprised when Illuminated Tuklu revealed that he was not an Immaculate or even a Dragon-Blooded, but answered to a higher power. Illuminated Tuklu said to him, that he knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men, for Yingko had seen that evil in his own heart. Illuminated Tuklu had brought him to be redeemed, to teach him to use his own inner darkness against the rising evil in Creation.

Years passed as Yingko's benefactor taught him to refine his martial and Solar abilities. When his training was complete, he told him to return to the Scavenger Lands to right injustice, and provided him with artifacts, a manse location, and the necessary amount of jade to establish himself. From therein, Yingko headed off on his quest of redemption.

Currently, he is residing in Nexus under an adopted guise as a foppish Realm socialite, and is the scourge of the Underworld in his disguised identity as Illuminated Shadow.

EDIT: At ST's request, removed the bit about the Sidereal and the Cult of the Illuminated

The character's appearance, minus the appropriate firearms.
When are we going to get a character sheet. I am interested in seeing how we Night Castes differ?
I'm gonna wait until I post the "fanfic" story, so I can post the character sheet with all the bonus points factored in.
It is night in the Nighthammer district of Nexus. Three thugs drag a bound man dressed in scholarly robes to the edge of the pier, along with a large rocked tied to the man's legs. Seeing the dark depths of the water below, the man begs his captors one more time.

"Please let me go! I promise, I won't tell anyone what I saw!" The leader of the group, a large, mustached man, gives a friendly pat on the back to his captive.

"Wish I could believe that. But I guess it was just bad luck you looked down that alley and bad luck we caught ya. Well, in ya go!" He gestures to his two thugs and they grab their captive by the shoulders and lift him up. He struggles as best he can and cries out for help.

"Cry all ya want," taunts the thug leader. "There's no one around here this time of night to hear or see ya, so quit making your fuss."

Then a laugh echos around them, sinister and menacing. The thugs look around, but see no one in sight. They drop their captive to the ground and pull out their flame pieces.

"Who's there?!" The mustached thug demands, with only the slightest hint of fear in his voice.

"Did you really think you could get away with it, Ghent?" The voice taunts. "Did you think I wouldn't know?"

His nerves getting the best of him, Ghent fires off his flame piece, aiming in all directions, until he runs out of ammo. The thugs look around, expecting the voice to taunt them again, but only hear silence. One of them gives a nervous smile and looks to Ghent.

"I think you got him, boss." Ghent turns to his two cronies with an assuring smile.

"Of course I got him." Then a fist shimmers into view and connects with Ghent's jaw, shimmering out just as suddenly.

""You committed murder, Ghent. You killed a city guard." The voice taunts again.

Ghent has a moment to make one punch into empty air before he is beset by an onslaught of punches. Blurring in and out of vision is the faint impression of a man fitted with a scarf and a wide-brimmed hat, but that is all the hoodlums are able to make out.

"You committed murder, Ghent. You killed a city guard. You will turn yourself in."

"Like I hell I will!" Shouts back Ghent. Then he is flipped over as a hand grabs his leg and dangles him upside down over the pier's edge. A faint outline of his attacker is visible. Ghent's henchmen raise their flame pieces to fire, but in an instant surge of flash of lightning and flame, their shadowy assailant shoots their weapons out of their hands with his own plasma tongue repeater.

"The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. You will confess Ghent, because if you don't, I'll be there. Around every corner, in every empty room, as inevitable as your guilty conscience." He points his repeater at Ghent and cocks it. The thug waves his hands in protest.

"All right, all right! I'll did it! I killed that guard, I'll turn myself in," cowers Ghent. "Just don't kill me!"

The man flings Ghent at his minions like a ragdoll. As they scramble to their feet, the man shimmers into full view, laughing menacingly as they flee. He approaches their hostage lying on the ground, still bound and tethered to the rock, who cowers in the presence of this mysterious dark stranger. The stranger shatters the rock with an effortless punch, unties the man, and pulls him to his feet.

"You rescued me from those thugs," the man thanks his new savior, still shaken from the ordeal. "I don't know how to thank you."

"You're Rox Tam, an alchemist from the Realm in the employ of the Guild."

"How did you-"

"I saved your life Rox Tam. It belongs to me now."

"It does?"

"You'll become my agent. Take this." He hands Tam a ruby, studded with a ruby, but otherwise simple in design. "I have dozens of agents in Nexus, this will identify you to them, and them to you. Whenever I need to contact you, one of my men will approach you with the phrase, 'the sun is shining.' You will answer, 'but the ice is slippery."

"The sun is shining," Tam repeats to himself, still stunned from what had just happened, staring at the ring in his hand.

"But the ice is slippery." He puts it on and looks back to the stranger. "You're him. You're the Illuminated Shadow."

No reaction.

"I'll do this, but just one thing. How do you know who I am? How did you know what was happening tonight."

"The Shadow knows." He fades out of view and a laugh echoes all around Tam.
Anima: A screaming skull nestled in a wreath of weedy leaves, aka The Weed of Crime

Motivation: To atone for his past by fighting for justice and the innocent

Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2

Archery 2, Martial Arts 5 (Plasma Tongue Repeater 2), Integrity 3, Presence 5, Investigation 3, Lore 2, Athletics 4, Awareness 5, Dodge 4, Larceny 4, Stealth 5, Linguistics 1, Socialize 3

Linguistics: High Realm (Native), Riverspeak

Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 2

Virtue Flaw - Deliberate Cruelty (Conviction)

Artifact 5,

-Plasma Tongue Repeater x2, four dots

-Orichalcum Hearthstone Amulet, 1 dot

Contacts 2,

-Major Contacts

- Rox Tam, Guild Alchemist

- "Buddy Rickshaw," self-employed rickshaw driver

Manse 2,

-Gemstone of Surface Thoughts

Resources 3

Monkey Leap Technique

Second Larceny Excellency

Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise

Second Presence Excellency

Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Easily Overlooked Presence

Mental Invisibility Technique

Shadow Over Water

Seven Shadow Evasion (Conviction Flaw)

First Martial Arts Excellency

Kiss of the Sun Concentration

Lightning Draw Stance

Blossom of Inevitable Demise

One Eye Follows the Bird

Mother Disobeys Father

Garda Takes Flight

Golden Exhalation Form

Combo: Flittering Flame -First Martial Arts Excellency, Blossom of Inevitable Demise, Lightning Draw Stance, Shadow Over Water, Monkey Leap Technique


Plasma Tongue Repeater - Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 10L, Range 20 yards, Rate 1, Ammo 5, Repair 1

Orichalcum Hearthstone Amulet - Regain one mote per hour and one additional mote if set with a hearthstone and attuned to a Solar

Gemstone of Surface Thoughts - Air Aspected Hearthstone allows wearer to read someone's surface thoughts with a Perception + Awareness roll. If target suspects what is happening, can resist with Wits + Integrity. Target must be within Essence x 10 yards.

Join Battle: 7

Essence: 3

Willpower: 6

Personal Essence: 15

Peripheral Essence: 32 (33)

Committed Essence: 1

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/incap

Dodge DV: 6


Parry DV: 6

[(Dex5+MA5+Punch Defense bonus1)/2]

Parry DV*: 7

[(Dex5+MA5+Specialty2+Weapon Defense Bonus2)/2]

*Golden Exhalation Form active

Mental Dodge DV: 6


Mental Parry DV: 5


Soak: 4B/2L

XP costs: 100/100

16 - Essence 3

15 - Backgrounds, Artifact 5

56 - Charms, Mental Invisibility Technique, Kiss of the Sun Concentration, Lightning Draw Stance, Blossom of Inevitable Demise, Mother Disobeys Father, Garda Takes Flight, Golden Exhalation Form

11 - Combo

2 - Lore 2
I forgot to mention that the above picture is the appearance Yingko adopts in his vigilante persona via Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise. Below is his normal appearance, what he uses for his socialite persona.

You can only do a team up if you guys first misidentify each other as villians and have a fight. Superhero 101, otherwise your destined to be bitter rivals with grudging respect for each other....

Interesting. You chose the terrestrial shoot'em up martial art rather than the celestial. I wonder why? Righteous Devil would suit my character better, but I can see Golden Exhalation being a better fit for you.
I also think Golden Exhalation Form is just mechanically better, aside from those three Righteous Devil charms, replicating a few of the latter's charms, but better, or just being overall more useful, especially the form charm.
Divideby0 said:
I also think Golden Exhalation Form is just mechanically better, aside from those three Righteous Devil charms, replicating a few of the latter's charms, but better, or just being overall more useful, especially the form charm.
Hm. I'll have to give GES another look. I will agree with the form charm's bonus to DV is very nice.
Forgot to include the intimacies, which are his agents (positive), and his past life as Shiwan and House Tepet (negative).

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