Yet another boring introductory post I suppose


Homestuck Trash
Hey there, fellow roleplayer who may or may not actually be reading this line. You can call me the Witch of Tape, or whatever permutation of that you'd like. I'm die-hard homestuck trash and a fan of Steven Universe too.

Now, to introduce myself properly, in the way of my people.

*clears throat*

Your name is [REDACTED], and in this circumstance, replaced with "WITCH OF TAPE". You, as you have stated probably WAY TOO MANY TIMES, are a BIG FAN OF THE WEBCOMIC HOMESTUCK. You also read a few other webcomics, such as DOCTOR CAT and ORDER OF THE STICK. Also, you greatly enjoy a cartoon known as STEVEN UNIVERSE.

You enjoy doing various kinds of ART, such as SCULPTING, SEWING, DRAWING, CROCHETING, WRITING, and if it counts, COSPLAYING. You tend to be RATHER ECCENTRIC AT TIMES, and like to talk to not only your CAT, but also your ELECTRONIC DEVICES. You like to play MINECRAFT and have a STEAM ACCOUNT and several GAMES on there, but you really don't play them that often. You are also a huge DORK and play the VIOLIN.

You like all kinds of roleplaying, and especially long-running or long-winded ones that allow you to heavily develop characters.

What will you do?
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I choose to greet in a friendly manner and welcome to RPNation.

Anyways, welcome to RPNation, WitchofTape. Don't worry, I'd dare to say that many people talk to their pets and electronics. I know I do. You have a very interesting list of interests, but what sort of roleplays do you enjoy?
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Thank you!

Yeah, that probably would have been a good bit of information to add, wouldn't it, huh. Wow, good job, me. Past me. Whatever.

I like all kinds of roleplay honestly! I have a past in forum roleplay, and have dabbled in tabletop and server. Minecraft server RP. Good fun.

The roleplays I have been in span from a server-based roleplay set in a medieval fantasy world, a forum roleplay set in minecraft, a forum roleplay set in a slightly-further-advanced modern world with the addition of superpowered people, and currently running in an IM homestuck roleplay. I should add that to my top thingy.

Then go take a shower.

And play violin.

I forgot to add that, too.
I choose to welcome with a smile! :D

Welcome to RpNation, Tape! A wonderful place to continue your writing career/hobby, whichever you consider it! You have an awesome set of hobbies and I wish I had the time to persue more than I currently have time to! Nevertheless, I think its wonderful that you cosplay, and I have always wanted to do so. I actually got this past thursday, my librarian's daughter had a Monster High themed birthday, so me and my friends did her a favor and dressed up the characters.

I've been a casual fan of Steven Universe, but with how it is, I don't disagree with your love of it. It seems like an awesome show that gets the love it deserves. Regardless, I hope you have a great time here, and I wish you the best of luck!

P.S. I love your name :)
Thank you too :D

Cosplay certainly isn't easy, but it definitely is fun. Mostly I collect bits and bobs to eventually put to use and dream of going to a convention someday ;v; oh well, maybe someday I will.

I hope to spend good time here :) , I've been out of forum roleplay for too long.
I'm glad your getting back into it, Tape. I've also wanted to go to a convention here, especially with how a few of the people I've met here talk about them. One day, one day. ^_^
Indeed! And now that my showering and practicing is complete I can start a hunt for a Roleplay. :)

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A Homestuck. I have an odd relationship with Homestuck. I'm not part of the "fandom" in the sense that I post on its forums or go to cons in costume or anything. . .but I love the comic, and have a habit of buying the usually excellent music produced by certain fans. Maybe we can write up some fandom stuff for RPN some time!
Eyyyy yeah! Always good to find a fellow homestuck :D We seem to be few in this place. I might just take you up on that offer :P
Welcome to RP Nation, Witch.

Love the introduction post, hope you find the roleplay you're looking for soon. Maybe we'll run into each other again deeper into the site!
Hi, WitchOfTape it's me Vicky. :) Finally figured out how to communicate with you.
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