+Year Of The Dragon+ {literate}


New Member
YEAR✖OF✖THE✖DRAGON Event #001 Endangered beyond your wildest expectations, the once fearsome beasts left astray in the urban suburbia of future day, hunted by poachers that relish the dragons scales and pierced by scientists who dreamed to reveal a dragons secrets. Sent of by dragon slayers to create there experiments and evil deeds, the slayers weren't human, but where man-made. Thick puking metal machines, carved into the figure of a human, spilling out fumes and chopping, ticking noises ringing in your ears. Explanation You are a dragon, the only one left of it's kind, penetrated by the savage scars of humanity, the dystopia of violence and endings. You and plenty of other species of dragons have escaped from the science lab, dreams to evade the claws of the slayers. You are the only one of your species, you have already been tested on, revealing a sinister scar under your chest. Every dragon had them. You are in a large, beyond horizon city, choked by pollution and carnage. You wan't to find grassland and forests, but first you need to tackle the fearsome slayers that guard the exit to the city. Will you fight them straight away or will you ponder out a plan? Or you could just hunt a pigeon or savage another dragon. Restrictions and needs at least 5 dragons to start the role-play
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Name: Gender: Species: Advantages: must be equal Disadvantages: must be equal Abilities: up to 2 abilities Other:
Yeah I know.. we hate to read the rules, and it's a total drag reading through when you can be role-playing as penguins, but they have to be there otherwise this role-play will result to mere ships.
✘50 word minimum, but I expect way more words than just 50 every time.
✘Keep grammar and spelling up to a high standard
✘No abuse, arguments, bla bla and bla
✘Mary sues and Powerplayers can get they're asses off this roleplay

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