Yeah. Another school rp . . . I'm sorry. (Interest Check)


Black Market Witch
So . . . yeah. Yet another school themed idea. Not sure if it's any different than the many other school rps here but I'd like to think it is. It's just the beginning of an idea though and I haven't put too much thought into it.

Okay so you know the drill. Boarding school for the gifted. Oh, but here's the twist. "Gifted" actually just means gifted. (heavy sarcasm) So no superpowers. No supernatural creatures. Just normal people with normal talents.

As for the nameless school itself, it's a well known school for so called geniuses set in a secluded location surrounded by like dense forest or something. The school itself is built like a city with shops, restaurants, and whatever else I guess. It's sort of like a paradise for the students that go there. So much so that no one has really stopped to ask . . . why aren't they allowed to leave? That is until now.

So I know I said that these talents are actual talents and not powers but I'd like them to be useful skills. Like a student who's won award for computer programming would be useful for his hacking abilities. Or a genius artist who draws the maps or something. Or maybe even an inventor or whatever.

If people do show interest in this and I have stopped being bored with it as I've gotten by the third paragraph, it'll probably be a roleplay with one centralized "story" plot but people will be allowed to create their own plotlines as long as they run them by me first so we can make sure it fits in with the setting of the rules of this universe. That is all.
I'm interested too, as I don't have any group RPs right now and I'm interested in joining one. Only thing, I notice sometimes with school RPs it takes a long time to get things going and one day can last foreeeever. If all who join are okay communicating with one another to agree on opportune moments to fast-forward through certain chunks of time, I'm totally down.

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